import jQuery from 'jquery' const inkjs = require('inkjs').Story; /** * Path to your game's compiled JSON. * It is relative to index.html file. */ const entryPoint = 'game/'; /** * You can change this function. * It's an easy way to define your own tags and text transformations. */ function transform (text) { text = text.replace('', ''); text = text.replace('', ''); text = text.replace('', '⏸️ '); return text; } /** * You don't need to change anything past this point. */ function saveChoice(index) { window.progress.push(index); return localStorage.setItem("progress", JSON.stringify(window.progress)); }; function displayText(interactive = true) { let block, delay, html, i, paragraphs, results; results = []; while (window.s.canContinue) { paragraphs = window.s.Continue().split("\n"); if (interactive) { delay = 1000; } results.push((function() { let j, len, results1; results1 = []; for (j = 0, len = paragraphs.length; j < len; j++) { i = paragraphs[j]; if (i !== "") { i = transform(i); html = jQuery.parseHTML(i); block = jQuery('

').html(html); if (interactive) { block.hide(); } jQuery("#content").append(block); if (interactive) { block.fadeIn(delay); results1.push(delay += 500); } else { results1.push(void 0); } } else { results1.push(void 0); } } return results1; })()); } return results; }; function continueToNextChoice () { let choice, j, len, ref, scrollTo; displayText(true); scrollTo = jQuery('#options').offset().top; if (s.currentChoices.length > 0) { jQuery("#options").html("").hide(); ref = window.s.currentChoices; for (j = 0, len = ref.length; j < len; j++) { choice = ref[j]; let text = transform(choice.text) jQuery("#options").append(`

  • ${text}
  • `); } jQuery("#options").fadeIn(500); } else { jQuery("#content").append("


    "); jQuery("#options").html(""); } if (window.progress.length > 0) { return jQuery('html, body').animate({ scrollTop: scrollTo }, 800); } }; function loadGame () { let index, j, len, ref, results; document.getElementById("content").innerHTML = "" document.getElementById("options").innerHTML = "" ref = window.progress; results = []; if (ref.length > 0) { for (j = 0, len = ref.length; j < len; j++) { index = ref[j]; displayText(false); results.push(window.s.ChooseChoiceIndex(index)); } } else { continueToNextChoice(window.s); } return results; }; jQuery.ajax({ url: entryPoint, dataType: 'text', success: function(data) { let progress; progress = localStorage.getItem("progress"); if (progress != null) { window.progress = JSON.parse(progress); } else { window.progress = []; } window.s = new inkjs(data) if (window.progress !== []) { loadGame(window.s); } return continueToNextChoice(window.s); } }); jQuery(document).on('click', "#restart", function() { localStorage.setItem("progress", '[]'); window.location.reload(); }); jQuery(document).on('click', "#undo", function() { jQuery("#undo").hide(); window.progress.pop() localStorage.setItem("progress", JSON.stringify(window.progress)); window.location.reload(); }); function choose(index) { window.s.ChooseChoiceIndex(index); jQuery("#undo").show() saveChoice(index); continueToNextChoice(s); } jQuery(document).on('click', "#options li a", function() { choose(jQuery(this).data("index")); return false; }); jQuery(document).on('click', "#options li", function() { choose(jQuery(this).find('a').data("index")); return false; }); jQuery(document).on('keydown', function(key) { key = key.key switch (key) { case '1': case '2': case '3': case '4': case '5': case '6': case '7': case '8': case '9': jQuery(`#options li:nth-child(${key})`).first().trigger("click") break; case '0': jQuery(`#options li:nth-child(10)`).first().trigger("click") break; } return false; });