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mirror of https://github.com/Oreolek/shooter.git synced 2024-06-17 07:10:45 +03:00

Trick shots!

This commit is contained in:
Alexander Yakovlev 2015-12-03 12:06:22 +07:00
parent 8706a57ffb
commit d703f56360
5 changed files with 98 additions and 42 deletions

View file

@ -132,7 +132,7 @@ gulp.task('undum-dist', function () {
gulp.task('html-dist', html('./dist'));
gulp.task('img-dist', img('./dist/img'));
gulp.task('audio-dist', img('./dist/audio'));
gulp.task('audio-dist', audio('./dist/audio'));
gulp.task('less-dist', function () {
return gulp.src('./less/main.less')

View file

@ -10,22 +10,22 @@ module.exports.language =
androidattack: "One of androids is so close he bites me!"
emptyclip: "I get rid of empty cartridge."
player_hit: [
"Android's head explodes like a Christmas fireworks.",
"Android tries to dodge but finds himself right on the bullet's wrong side.
He falls, flooding the floor with oil."
player_finished: [
"I finish the android with a shot to his heart.",
"I finish the android with a precise shot.",
"The bullet pierces android's head and he finally falls on the floor motionless.",
player_nicked: [
"""I shoot the enemy's leg off.
He falls but keeps slowly scratch his way with his hands.""",
"I shoot through the android's arm. He stumbles but keeps going.",
shoot: [
@ -42,7 +42,6 @@ module.exports.language =
"Send a bullet to android",
"Send a bullet with explosion",
"Push the trigger FOR THE HUMANITY",
"Jump to a wall and shoot while flying",
"Sit down and shoot from a hip",
"Take the pistol in both hands and push the trigger",
"Slowly take aim and shoot",
@ -53,7 +52,7 @@ module.exports.language =
I hope it has some ammo.
search: "Search for a clip"
search_response: [
"I hastily search the floor, trying to find at least one cartridge intact.",
"I quickly look around for a clip on the floor.",
@ -92,20 +91,39 @@ module.exports.language =
* watupgroupie - [gunshots.mp3](http://freesound.org/people/watupgroupie/sounds/36815/)
* qubodup - [Bullet silhoettes](https://openclipart.org/detail/29029/bullet-silhouettes)
clips_not_found: [
"No, nothing here.",
"Come on, at least one! No, didn't find any."
"Come on, at least one! No, didn't find any.",
health: 'Health'
enemies: 'Enemies ahead'
clips: 'Cartridges'
bullets: 'Bullets in clip'
"Aha! Got one. I hope it has some ammo.",
clips_found: [
'Aha! Got one. I hope it has some ammo.',
"Eh, here's one. Looks heavy -- I hope it has some ammo.",
player_missed: [
"The bullet flies over android's left arm.",
"Android dodges the shot. It's alright, next time I won't miss.",
"Damn! Missed.",
trick_shot: "Try a trick shot"
player_trickshot: [
I run against a wall and jump, shooting while flying.
The bullet flies through android's head into another one, knocking them both out.
I notice a weak spot in the ceiling.
A single shot there - and a section collapses, taking two enemies out.
trick_shot_discover: (character) ->
I count the clips.
Only four left.
I've killed #{character.sandbox.killed} androids, meaning, there are still... oh.
I gotta conserve the ammo.
I can try trick shots but these are big risk.

View file

@ -40,6 +40,16 @@ Array.prototype.oneOf = () ->
# a) remove bullet counter (you don't know how many bullets left in a clip)
# b) remove canChoose restriction (you can shoot any time you want, but if you have no bullets - nothing comes out and you've lost a turn)
kill_enemy = (character, system) ->
if character.qualities.enemies == 0
character.sandbox.nicked = 0
if character.qualities.enemies >= 1
system.setQuality("enemies", character.qualities.enemies - 1)
if character.qualities.enemies == 0
spend_bullet = (character, system) ->
bullets = character.sandbox.clips[character.sandbox.current_clip]
@ -77,11 +87,6 @@ spend_clip = (character, system) ->
system.setQuality("bullets", bullets)
$("#clip img").attr("src", "img/clip"+bullets+".png")
check_distance = (character, system) ->
if character.sandbox.distance == 0
system.setQuality("health", character.qualities.health - 1)
situation 'start',
content: "intro".l(),
choices: ["#shoot"],
@ -92,18 +97,13 @@ situation "hit",
return response()
choices: ["#shoot"]
before: (character, system, from) ->
character.sandbox.nicked = 0
if character.qualities.enemies > 1
system.setQuality("enemies", character.qualities.enemies - 1)
if character.qualities.enemies == 0
kill_enemy(character, system)
choices: ["#shoot"]
situation "nicked",
content: (character, system, from) ->
if character.sandbox.nicked == 1
system.setQuality("enemies", character.qualities.enemies - 1)
character.sandbox.nicked = 0
kill_enemy(character, system)
response = "player_finished".l().oneOf().randomly(system)
return response()
@ -118,6 +118,15 @@ situation "miss",
return response()
choices: ["#shoot"]
situation "trick",
before: (character, system, from) ->
kill_enemy(character, system)
kill_enemy(character, system)
content: (character, system, from) ->
response = "player_trickshot".l().oneOf().randomly(system)
return response()
choices: ["#shoot"]
situation "shoot",
tags: ["shoot"],
optionText: (character, system, from) ->
@ -126,19 +135,38 @@ situation "shoot",
return character.qualities.bullets > 0
before: (character, system, from) ->
spend_bullet(character, system)
character.sandbox.distance = 3
after: (character, system, from) ->
roll = system.rnd.dice(1,20) # d20 roll
hit_threshold = 15
miss_threshold = 18
if character.qualities.health < 2
hit_threshold = 18
when roll < hit_threshold then system.doLink("hit")
when roll > miss_threshold then system.doLink("miss")
else system.doLink("nicked")
situation "trick_shot",
tags: ["shoot"],
optionText: (character, system, from) ->
return "trick_shot".l()
canView: (character, system) ->
return character.sandbox.trick_shot == 1
canChoose: (character, system) ->
return character.qualities.bullets > 0
before: (character, system, from) ->
spend_bullet(character, system)
after: (character, system, from) ->
roll = system.rnd.dice(1,20) # d20 roll
trick_threshold = 5
hit_threshold = 12
miss_threshold = 16
when roll < trick_threshold then system.doLink("trick")
when roll < hit_threshold then system.doLink("hit")
when roll > miss_threshold then system.doLink("miss")
else system.doLink("nicked")
situation "reload",
tags: ["shoot"],
choices: ["#shoot"],
@ -150,10 +178,12 @@ situation "reload",
before: (character, system) ->
character.sandbox.seen_reload = 1
after: (character, system) ->
spend_clip(character, system)
writemd(system, "reload_response".l())
if character.sandbox.trick_shot == 0 and character.sandbox.clips.length == 4
character.sandbox.trick_shot = 1
writemd(system, "trick_shot_discover".l()(character))
return true
situation "search",
@ -166,16 +196,11 @@ situation "search",
before: (character, system) ->
character.sandbox.seen_search = 1
after: (character, system) ->
response = "search_response".l().oneOf().randomly(system)
writemd(system, response())
roll = system.rnd.dice(1,20) # d20 roll
find_threshold = 10
if character.qualities.health < 2
find_threshold += 2
if character.sandbox.distance < 2
find_threshold += 2
if roll < find_threshold
@ -208,20 +233,19 @@ qualities
bullets: qualities.integer("bullets".l()),
clips: qualities.integer("clips".l()),
enemies: qualities.integer("enemies".l()),
health: qualities.fudgeAdjectives("health".l()),
undum.game.init = (character, system) ->
system.setQuality("bullets", 6)
system.setQuality("clips", 6)
system.setQuality("enemies", 35)
system.setQuality("health", 3)
character.sandbox.clips = [6,6,6,6,6,6]
character.sandbox.current_clip = 0
character.sandbox.nicked = 0
character.sandbox.distance = 3
character.sandbox.seen_reload = 0
character.sandbox.seen_search = 0
character.sandbox.trick_shot = 0
character.sandbox.shots = 0
character.sandbox.killed = 0
$("#title").click(() ->

View file

@ -12,7 +12,6 @@ module.exports.language =
link_not_valid: "Ссылка '{link}' не выглядит правильной."
link_no_action: "Ссылка с ситуацией '.' должна иметь действие."
unknown_situation: "Вы не можете переместиться в неизвестную ситуацию {id}."
erase_message: "Это навсегда удалит вашего персонажа и немедленно вернёт вас к началу игры. Вы уверены?"
no_current_situation: "Я не могу отобразить, потому что у нас нет текущей ситуации."
no_local_storage: "Локальное хранилище недоступно."
random_seed_error: "Вы должны задать верное случайное зерно."
@ -110,7 +109,6 @@ module.exports.language =
"Нет, ничего нет.",
"Ну хотя бы один! Нет, не нашёл."
health: 'Здоровье'
enemies: 'Врагов впереди'
clips: 'Картриджей с патронами'
bullets: 'Патронов в картридже'
@ -123,3 +121,21 @@ module.exports.language =
"Андроид вовремя уворачивается от выстрела. Ничего, в следующий раз я не промахнусь.",
"Чёрт! Промазал."
trick_shot: "Попробовать хитрый выстрел",
trick_shot_discover: (character) ->
Я пересчитываю картриджи.
Осталось всего четыре.
Я убил #{character.sandbox.killed} андроидов, то есть, впереди ещё... ой.
Надо экономить патроны.
Я могу попробовать хитрые выстрелы, но это -- большой риск.
player_trickshot: [
"""Я разбегаюсь к стене и прыгаю, стреляя в полёте.
Пуля пролетает сквозь голову андроида прямо в следующего, вырубая обоих.
"""Я замечаю слабое место в потолке.
Один выстрел туда -- и секция разваливается, убирая под собой двух врагов.

View file

@ -17,7 +17,6 @@
<h1>Thirty five shots</h1>
<h3>An online sci-fi first person cybertext shooter</h3>
<p>by <b><a href="http://en.oreolek.ru/">Oreolek</a></b></p>
<p class="noscript_message">This game requires Javascript.</p>
@ -35,7 +34,6 @@
<div id="legal">
<a rel="license" href="http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-sa/4.0/" class="footright"><img alt="Creative Commons License" style="border-width:0" src="https://i.creativecommons.org/l/by-sa/4.0/88x31.png" /></a>
<p>Approximate play time: five minites.</p>
<p>Made using <a href="http://undum.com">Undum</a> and <a href="http://sequitur.github.io/raconteur/">Raconteur</a>.</p>
<p>Betatesting credit: headless zombie</p>