kbden = { shifted = { ["1"] = "!", ["2"] = "@", ["3"] = "#", ["4"] = "$", ["5"] = "%", ["6"] = "6", ["7"] = "&", ["8"] = "*", ["9"] = "(", ["0"] = ")", ["-"] = "_", ["="] = "+", ["["] = "{", ["]"] = "}", ["\\"] = "|", [";"] = ":", ["'"] = "\"", [","] = "<", ["."] = ">", ["/"] = "?", } } kbdru = { ["q"] = "й", ["w"] = "ц", ["e"] = "у", ["r"] = "к", ["t"] = "е", ["y"] = "н", ["u"] = "г", ["i"] = "ш", ["o"] = "щ", ["p"] = "з", ["["] = "х", ["]"] = "ъ", ["a"] = "ф", ["s"] = "ы", ["d"] = "в", ["f"] = "а", ["g"] = "п", ["h"] = "р", ["j"] = "о", ["k"] = "л", ["l"] = "д", [";"] = "ж", ["'"] = "э", ["z"] = "я", ["x"] = "ч", ["c"] = "с", ["v"] = "м", ["b"] = "и", ["n"] = "т", ["m"] = "ь", [","] = "б", ["."] = "ю", ["`"] = "ё", shifted = { ["q"] = "Й", ["w"] = "Ц", ["e"] = "У", ["r"] = "К", ["t"] = "Е", ["y"] = "Н", ["u"] = "Г", ["i"] = "Ш", ["o"] = "Щ", ["p"] = "З", ["["] = "Х", ["]"] = "Ъ", ["a"] = "Ф", ["s"] = "Ы", ["d"] = "В", ["f"] = "А", ["g"] = "П", ["h"] = "Р", ["j"] = "О", ["k"] = "Л", ["l"] = "Д", [";"] = "Ж", ["'"] = "Э", ["z"] = "Я", ["x"] = "Ч", ["c"] = "С", ["v"] = "М", ["b"] = "И", ["n"] = "Т", ["m"] = "Ь", [","] = "Б", ["."] = "Ю", ["`"] = "Ё", ["1"] = "!", ["2"] = "@", ["3"] = "#", ["4"] = ";", ["5"] = "%", ["6"] = ":", ["7"] = "?", ["8"] = "*", ["9"] = "(", ["0"] = ")", ["-"] = "_", ["="] = "+", } } kbdlower = { ['А'] = 'а', ['Б'] = 'б', ['В'] = 'в', ['Г'] = 'г', ['Д'] = 'д', ['Е'] = 'е', ['Ё'] = 'ё', ['Ж'] = 'ж', ['З'] = 'з', ['И'] = 'и', ['Й'] = 'й', ['К'] = 'к', ['Л'] = 'л', ['М'] = 'м', ['Н'] = 'н', ['О'] = 'о', ['П'] = 'п', ['Р'] = 'р', ['С'] = 'с', ['Т'] = 'т', ['У'] = 'у', ['Ф'] = 'ф', ['Х'] = 'х', ['Ц'] = 'ц', ['Ч'] = 'ч', ['Ш'] = 'ш', ['Щ'] = 'щ', ['Ъ'] = 'ъ', ['Э'] = 'э', ['Ь'] = 'ь', ['Ю'] = 'ю', ['Я'] = 'я', } input.cursor = '_' function tolow(s) if not s then return end s = s:lower(); local xlat = kbdlower if xlat then local k,v for k,v in pairs(xlat) do s = s:gsub(k,v); end end return s; end function kbdxlat(s) local kbd if s == 'space' then return ' ' end if s == 'return' then return '\n' end if s:len() > 1 then return end if input.kbd_alt then kbd = kbden; else kbd = kbdru end if kbd and input.kbd_shift then kbd = kbd.shifted; end if not kbd[s] then if input.kbd_shift then return s:upper(); end return s; end return kbd[s] end game.action = hook(game.action, function (f, s, cmd, ...) if cmd == 'kbd_enter' then return call(here(), 'kbd_enter'); end if f then return f(s, cmd, unpack(args)) end end) input_kbd = function(s, down, key) if not input._txt then return end if key:find("shift") then input.kbd_shift = down elseif key:find("alt") and down then input.kbd_alt = not input.kbd_alt; elseif down then if key == "return" then input.txte = true return "kbd_enter" end if key == "backspace" then if input._txt == '' then return end if input._txt:byte(input._txt:len()) >= 128 then input._txt = input._txt:sub(1, input._txt:len() - 2); else input._txt = input._txt:sub(1, input._txt:len() - 1); end return "look" end local c = kbdxlat(key); if not c then return end input._txt = input._txt..c; return "look" end end input.key = input_kbd; function inp(info, txt) local v = { nam = '', _txt = '', info = info } if txt then v._txt = txt end v.dsc = function(s) if input.txte and s._edit then -- enter!!! input.txte = false s._edit = false s._txt = input._txt input._txt = false end if s._edit then return s.info..input._txt..input.cursor end return s.info..s._txt end v.text = function(s) if s._edit then return input._txt end return s._txt end v.match = function(s, str) local aa = tolow(tostring(str)):gsub("\*",".*"):gsub("[?]",".?"); local bb = tolow(tostring(s:text())); if bb:find("^"..aa.."$") then return true end end v.act = function(s) if input._txt and not s._edit then return true end -- somewhere else s._edit = not s._edit; if s._edit then input._txt = s._txt; else s._txt = input._txt input._txt = false end return true end return obj(v) end