game.action = stead.hook(game.action, function(f, s, cmd, ...) if cmd == 'user_kbd' then local r,v = call(game, 'kbd', input.key_event.down, input.key_event.key); if r == nil and v == nil then return nil, true-- nothing to do end return r,v end return f(cmd, unpack(arg)); end) input.key = stead.hook(input.key, function(f, s, down, key, ...) if input._key_hooks[key] then input.key_event = { key = key, down = down }; return 'user_kbd' end return f(s, down, key, unpack(arg)) end) function hook_keys(...) local i for i = 1, stead.table.maxn(arg) do input._key_hooks[tostring(arg[i])] = true; end end function unhook_keys(...) local i for i = 1, stead.table.maxn(arg) do input._key_hooks[tostring(arg[i])] = nil; end end stead.module_init(function() input._key_hooks = {} end) -- vim:ts=4