format = { nam = 'format'; object_type = true; system_type = true; para = false; para_space = ' '; quotes = false; dash = false; filter = nil; nopara = '_'; save = function(self, name, h, need) local k,v for k,v in pairs(self) do if k == 'para' or k == 'para_space' or k == 'quotes' or k == 'dash' or k == 'nopara' then local s = stead.tostring(v) h:write(stead.string.format("format[%q] = %s;\n", k, s)) end end end; } stead.fmt = stead.hook(stead.fmt, function(f, ...) local utf8 local r = f(unpack(arg)) if game.codepage == 'UTF-8' or game.codepage == 'utf-8' then utf8 = true end if type(r) == 'string' and stead.state then if type(format.filter) == 'function' and stead.state then r = format.filter(r); end if call_bool(format, 'dash') and utf8 then r = r:gsub('([^-])%-%-([^-])', '%1—%2'); r = r:gsub('^%-%-([^-])', '—%1'); end if call_bool(format, 'quotes') and utf8 then r = r:gsub('_"','«'):gsub('"_',"»"); r = r:gsub('"([^"]*)"','«%1»'); r = r:gsub(',,','„'):gsub("''",'”'); end if call_bool(format, 'para') then r = r:gsub('\n([^\n])', '<¶>%1'):gsub('<¶>[ \t]*'..format.nopara,''):gsub('<¶>[ \t]*', '\n'..txtnb(format.para_space)); r = r:gsub('^[ \t]*', '<¶>'):gsub('<¶>[ \t]*'..format.nopara,''):gsub('<¶>[ \t]*', txtnb(format.para_space)); end end return r; end) -- vim:ts=4