prefs = obj { nam = 'preferences', system_type = true, load = function(s) local name = get_savepath() .. '/prefs'; local f, err = loadfile(name); if not f then return nil end f(); end, ini = function(s) return s:load() end, store = function(s) local name = get_savepath() .. '/prefs'; local h =,"w"); if not h then return false end savemembers(h, s, 'prefs', true); h:flush(); h:close(); end, save = function(s) end, purge = function(s) local name = get_savepath() .. '/prefs'; local k,v for k,v in pairs(s) do if type(v) ~= 'function' and k ~= 'nam' and k ~= 'system_type' then s[k] = nil end end return stead.os.remove(name); end }; -- vim:ts=4