go = function (self, where, back, noenter, noexit, nodsc) local was = self.where; local need_scene = false; local ret if not stead.in_goto_call then ret = function(rc) stead.in_goto_call = false return nil end else ret = function(rc) return rc end end stead.in_goto_call = true if where == nil then return nil, ret(false) end if not isRoom(ref(where)) then error ("Trying to go nowhere: "..where); end if not isRoom(ref(self.where)) then error ("Trying to go from nowhere: "..self.where); end if stead.in_entered_call or stead.in_onexit_call then error ("Do not use goto from left/entered action! Use exit/enter action instead:" .. self.where); end local v, r, jump; if not isVroom(ref(where)) and not stead.in_exit_call and not noexit then stead.in_exit_call = true -- to break recurse v,r = call(ref(self.where), 'exit', ref(where)); stead.in_exit_call = nil if r == false or (stead.api_version >= "1.3.0" and v == false and r == nil) then return v, ret(r) end if self.where ~= was then where = deref(self.where) -- jump jump = true end end local res = v; v = nil; if not isVroom(ref(where)) then self.where = deref(where); end if not jump and not noenter then v, r = call(ref(where), 'enter', ref(was)); if r == false or (stead.api_version >= "1.3.0" and v == false and r == nil) then self.where = was; return par('^^', res, v), ret(r) end end need_scene = true; if ref(where) ~= ref(self.where) then -- jump !!! need_scene = false; end res = par('^^',res,v); if not back then ref(where).__from__ = deref(was); end ret() PLAYER_MOVED = true if need_scene and not nodsc then NEED_SCENE = true end if not stead.in_goto_call then local to = self.where if not noexit then self.where = was stead.in_onexit_call = true v = call(ref(was), 'left', ref(to)); stead.in_onexit_call = false res = par('^^',res,v); end self.where = deref(to) if not noenter then stead.in_entered_call = true v = call(ref(to), 'entered', ref(was)); stead.in_entered_call = false res = par('^^',res,v); end if tonumber(ref(to).__visited) then ref(to).__visited = ref(to).__visited + 1; elseif here().__visited == nil then ref(to).__visited = 1 end if isDialog(ref(to)) then dialog_rescan(ref(to)); end end return res; end stead.go = go function player_go(self, where) -- cmd iface local w = ref(self.where).way:srch(where); if not w then return nil,false end return self:goto(w); end function player_goto(self, where, ...) -- real work local v, r = stead.go(self, where, ...); return v, r; end function player_back(self) -- deprecated error ("Do not use me():back(). It's deprecated.", 2) end function back() if isDialog(here()) and not isDialog(from()) then return stead.goout(); end return stead.goback(); end stead.back = back function goback() return me():goto(from(), true); end stead.goback = goback function goto(what, back, noenter, noexit, nodsc, ...) return me():goto(what, back, noenter, noexit, nodsc, ...); end stead.goto = goto function goin(what) return me():goto(what, false, false, true); end stead.goin = goin function goout(what) if isRoom(ref(what)) then return me():goto(what, true, true, false, true); end return me():goto(from(), true, true, false, true); end stead.goout = goout function visited(w) if not w then w = here() end w = ref(w) if w == nil then return nil; end if not isRoom(w) then error ("Wrong parameter to visited.", 2); end return w.__visited end function visits(w) local n = visited(w) if not n then n = 0 end return n end iface.fmt = function(self, cmd, st, moved, r, av, objs, pv) -- st -- changed state (main win), move -- loc changed local l if st then av = txtem(av); pv = txtem(pv); -- if not PLAYER_MOVED then r = txtem(r) -- end if isForcedsc(here()) or NEED_SCENE then l = here():scene(); end end if moved then vv = stead.fmt(stead.cat(stead.par(stead.scene_delim, r, av, l, objs, pv), '^')); else vv = stead.fmt(stead.cat(stead.par(stead.scene_delim, l, r, av, objs, pv), '^')); end return vv end stead.go = stead.hook(stead.go, function(f, ...) local r,v = f(...) if type(r) == 'string' and stead.cctx() then pr (r) end if stead.in_life_call then ACTION_TEXT = nil end if r == nil and v == nil then if stead.cctx() then stead.cctx().action = true else r = true end end return r,v end) iface.cmd = stead.hook(iface.cmd, function(f, ...) NEED_SCENE = nil return f(...) end) player = stead.inherit(player, function(v) v.look = function(s) if not stead.started then game:start() stead.started = true end if game._time == 0 then return stead.goto(here(), false, false, true); end NEED_SCENE = true if stead.api_version >= "1.3.5" then return true -- force action end end return v end) pl = player(pl) -- reinit -- vim:ts=4