xact = function(n, f) -- just simple action! local v = {}; if f == nil and type(n) == 'table' then f = n[2]; n = n[1]; end if type(n) ~= 'string' then error ("Wrong parameter to xact.", 2) end v.xaction_type = true v.nam = n v.act = f; v = obj(v); v.save = function(self, name, h, need) if need then local f = self.act; f = stead.tostring(f); if f == nil then error("Can not save xact: "..name); end h:write(stead.string.format("%s = xact(%q, %s);\n", name, self.nam, f)) end savemembers(h, self, name, false); end return v end __do_xact = function(str, self) local aarg = {} local function parg(v) stead.table.insert(aarg, v); return '' end local xrefrep = function(str) local s = stead.string.gsub(str,'[\001\002]',''); local o,d,a, oo; local delim = ':' if stead.api_version >= "1.2.2" then delim = stead.delim; end s = s:gsub('\\?[\\'..delim..']', { [ delim ] = '\001', [ '\\'..delim ] = delim }); local i = s:find('\001', 1, true); aarg = {} if i then o = s:sub(1, i - 1); d = s:sub(i + 1); i = o:find("(", 1, true); if i then a = o:sub(i); o = o:sub(1, i - 1); a:gsub('[^,()]+', parg); end if o == '' then if isObject(self) then oo = self else error("Empty link: "..s, 3); end else oo = objs():srch(o) if not oo then oo = ref(o, true) end end elseif isObject(self) then oo = self d = s; else error("Wrong link: "..s, 3); end d = d:gsub("\001", delim); return xref(d, ref(oo, true), unpack(aarg)); end if type(str) ~= 'string' then return end local s = stead.string.gsub(str, '\\?[\\{}]', { ['{'] = '\001', ['}'] = '\002' }):gsub('\001([^\002]+)\002', xrefrep); return s; end stead.fmt = stead.hook(stead.fmt, function(f, ...) local i, res, s local a = {...} for i=1,stead.table.maxn(a) do if type(a[i]) == 'string' then s = __do_xact(a[i]); res = stead.par('', res, s):gsub('\\?[\\{}]', { [ '\\{' ] = '{', [ '\\}' ] = '}' }); end end return f(res); end) obj = stead.inherit(obj, function(v) v.xref = function(s, str) return __do_xact(str, s); end return v end) function xdsc(n) local v = {} v.nam = true if n == nil then v.disp = 'xdsc' elseif type(n) == 'string' then v.disp = n; else error("Wrong parameter to xdsc.", 2); end v.dsc = function(s) return call(here(), s.disp); end v.save = function(self, name, h, need) if need then h:write(stead.string.format("%s = xdsc(%q);\n", name, self.disp)) end savemembers(h, self, name, false); end return obj(v) end xroom = stead.inherit(room, function(v) v.look = stead.hook(v.look, function(f, s,...) local xdsc = call(s, 'xdsc'); return par(' ', xdsc, f(s, ...)); end) return v end) -- vim:ts=4