version = "0.9.1"; -- merge strings with "space" as separator function par(space,...) local i, res for i = 1, table.maxn(arg) do if type(arg[i]) == 'string' then if res == nil then res = "" else res =; end res = res..arg[i]; end end return res; end -- add to not nill string any string function cat(v,...) local i, res if not v then return nil end res = v; for i = 1, table.maxn(arg) do if type(arg[i]) == 'string' then res = res..arg[i]; end end return res; end function txtem(v) return iface:em(v) end function txtr(v) return iface:right(v) end function txtl(v) return iface:left(v) end function txtc(v) return iface:center(v) end function txtb(v) return iface:bold(v) end function txtu(v) return iface:under(v) end function fmt(...) local i, res if arg == nil then return false end for i=1,table.maxn(arg) do if type(arg[i]) == 'string' then local s = string.gsub(arg[i],'[\t ]+',' '); s = string.gsub(s, '[\n]+', ' '); s = string.gsub(s,'%^','\n'); res = par('',res,s); end end return res end -- integer lists function inext(t, k) local v k, v = next(t, k); while k and not tonumber(k) do k, v = next(t, k); end if not tonumber(k) then return nil end return k, v end function ilist(s, var) return inext, s, nil; end function ordered_i(t) local ordered = {}; local i,v, max; max = 0; for i,v in ilist(t) do table.insert(ordered, i); max = max + 1; end table.sort(ordered); ordered.i = 1; ordered.max = max; return ordered; end function onext(t, k) local v if not k then k = ordered_i(t); end if k.i > k.max then return nil end v = k[k.i] k.i = k.i + 1 return k, t[v], v; end function opairs(s, var) return onext, s, nil; end function isPlayer(v) return (type(v) == 'table') and (v.player_type) end function isRoom(v) return (type(v) == 'table') and (v.location_type) end function isPhrase(v) return (type(v) == 'table') and (v.phrase_type) end function isDialog(v) return (type(v) == 'table') and (v.dialog_type) end function isDisabled(v) return (type(v) == 'table') and (v._disabled) end function isRemoved(v) return (type(v) == 'table') and (v._disabled == -1) end function isObject(v) return (type(v) == 'table') and (v.object_type) end function obj_xref(self,str) function xrefrep(str) local s = string.gsub(str,'[{}]',''); return xref(s, self); end if not str then return end if not isObject(self) then return str; end local s = string.gsub(str,'{[^}]+}',xrefrep); return s; end function obj_look(self) local i, vv, o if isDisabled(self) then return end local v = call(self,'dsc'); if game.hinting then v = obj_xref(self, v); elseif v then v = string.gsub(v, '[{}]',''); end for i,o in opairs(self.obj) do o = ref(o); if isObject(o) then vv = obj_look(o); v = par(' ',v, vv); end end return v; -- iface:xref(v,self.nam); end function obj_remove(self) self._disabled = -1; return self end function obj_disable(self) self._disabled = true; return self end function obj_enable(self) -- if self._disabled == nil then -- return -- end self._disabled = false; return self end function obj_enable_all(s) local k,v if not isObject(s) then return end for k,v in opairs(objs(s)) do local o = ref(v); if isObject(o) then o:enable() end end end function obj_disable_all(s) local k,v if not isObject(s) then return end for k,v in opairs(objs(s)) do local o = ref(v); if isObject(o) then o:disable() end end end function obj_save(self, name, h, need) local dsc; if need then h:write(name.." = obj {nam = '"..tostring(self.nam).."'}\n"); end savemembers(h, self, name, need); end function obj_str(self) local i, v, vv, o; if not isObject(self) then return end if isDisabled(self) then return end for i,o in opairs(self.obj) do o = ref(o); if o~= nil and not isDisabled(o) then -- isObject is better, but compat layer must be ok vv = call(o, 'nam'); vv = xref(vv, o); -- vv = cat(vv,'(',tostring(ref(self[i]).id),')'); v = par(',', v, vv, obj_str(o)); -- obj_str(o); end end return v; end function obj(v) if v.nam == nil then error ("No object name in constructor."); end if v.look == nil then v.look = obj_look; end v.object_type = true; if v.enable == nil then v.enable = obj_enable; end if v.disable == nil then v.disable = obj_disable; end if v.enable_all == nil then v.enable_all = obj_enable_all; end if v.disable_all == nil then v.disable_all = obj_disable_all; end if v.remove == nil then v.remove = obj_remove; end if v.obj == nil then v.obj = {}; end if v.srch == nil then v.srch = obj_search; end if v.str == nil then v.str = obj_str; end v.obj = list(v.obj); if == nil then = obj_save; end return v end function ref(n) -- ref object by name if type(n) == 'string' then local f = loadstring('return '..n); if f then return ref(f()); end return nil; end if type(n) == 'table' then return n; end if type(n) == 'function' then return ref(n()); end -- error "Ref to unknown object." return nil end function deref(n) if type(n) == 'string' then return n end if type(n) == 'table' and type(n.key_name) == 'string' then return n.key_name end return n end function list_check(self) local i, v, ii; for i,v,ii in opairs(self) do local o = ref(v); if not o then -- isObject(o) then -- compat return false end if deref(v) then self[ii] = deref(v); end end return true; end function list_str(self) local i, v, vv, o; for i,o in opairs(self) do o = ref(o); -- if isObject(o) and not isDisabled(o) then if o~= nil and not isDisabled(o) then vv = call(o, 'nam'); vv = xref(vv, o); -- vv = cat(vv,'(',tostring(ref(self[i]).id),')'); v = par(',', v, vv); end end return v; end function list_add(self, name, pos) local nam -- if type(name) ~= 'string' then -- error "No string adding to list." -- end nam = deref(name); if self:look(nam) then return nil end self.__modifyed__ = true; if tonumber(pos) then table.insert(self, tonumber(pos), nam); self[tonumber(pos)] = nam; -- for spare lists else table.insert(self, nam); end return true end function list_set(self, name, pos) local nam local i = tonumber(pos); if not i then return nil end nam = deref(name); self.__modifyed__ = true; self[i] = nam; -- for spare lists return true end function list_find(self, name) local n, v, ii -- if type(name) ~= 'string' then -- error "No string finding in list." -- end for n,v,ii in opairs(self) do if ref(v) == ref(name) then return ii; end end return nil end function list_save(self, name, h, need) if self.__modifyed__ then h:write(name.." = list({});\n"); need = true; end savemembers(h, self, name, need); end function list_name(self, name) local n, o, ii -- if type(name) ~= 'string' then -- error "No string finding in list." -- end for n,o,ii in opairs(self) do o = ref(o); if isObject(o) then local nam = call(o,'nam') ; if not isDisabled(o) and name == tostring(nam) then return ii; end end end return nil end function list_id(self, id) local n,o,ii for n,o,ii in opairs(self) do o = ref(o); if isObject(o) and not isDisabled(o) and id == then return ii; end end end function list_search(self, n) local i; i = self:look(n); if not i then i = self:name(n); end if not i and tonumber(n) then i = self:byid(tonumber(n)); if not i then return nil end end if isDisabled(self[i]) then return nil; end return self[i], i; end function list_zap(self) local n,o,ii for n,o,ii in opairs(self) do self[ii] = nil; end self.__modifyed__ = true return self end function list_concat(self, other, pos) local n,o,ii for n,o,ii in opairs(other) do o = ref(o); if pos == nil then self:add(deref(o)); else self:add(deref(o), pos); pos = pos + 1; end end end function list_del(self, name) local v,n v, n = self:srch(name); if n == nil then return nil; end self.__modifyed__ = true v = table.remove(self, n); if not v then v = self[n]; self[n] = nil -- for spare lists end return v end function list(v) v.list_type = true; v.add = list_add; v.set = list_set; = list_concat; v.zap = list_zap; v.del = list_del; v.look = list_find; = list_name; v.byid = list_id; v.srch = list_search; v.str = list_str; v.check = list_check; = list_save; return v; end function isList(v) return (type(v) == 'table') and (v.list_type == true) end function call(v, n, ...) if type(v) ~= 'table' then error ("Call on non table object:"..n); end if v[n] == nil then return nil,nil; end if type(v[n]) == 'string' then return v[n],true; end if type(v[n]) == 'function' then return v[n](v, unpack(arg)); end error ("Method not string nor function:"..tostring(n)); end function room_scene(self) local v; v = iface:title(call(self,'nam')); v = par('^^', v, call(self,'dsc')); --obj_look(self)); return cat(v,' '); end function room_look(self) local i, vv, o; for i,o in opairs(self.obj) do o = ref(o); if isObject(o) then vv = par(' ',vv, o:look()); end end return cat(vv,' '); end function obj_search(v, n) local i; local o; if isDisabled(v) then return end o = v.obj:srch(n); if o then return o, v; end for i,o in opairs(v.obj) do o = ref(o); if isObject(o) then local r,rr = obj_search(o, n); if r then return r, rr; end end end return; end function room_save(self, name, h, need) local dsc; if need then h:write(name.." = room {nam = '"..tostring(self.nam).."'}\n"); end savemembers(h, self, name, need); end function room(v) --constructor if v.nam == nil then error "No room name in constructor."; end if v.scene == nil then v.scene = room_scene; end if v.look == nil then v.look = room_look; end if == nil then = room_save; end v.location_type = true; if v.way == nil then v.way = { }; end v.way = list(v.way); v = obj(v); return v; end function dialog_enter(self) -- self._last = nil; if not dialog_rescan(self) then return nil, false end return nil, true end function dialog_scene(self) local v v = iface:title(call(self,'nam')); v = par('^^', v, call(self, 'dsc')); --obj_look(self)); -- if self._last then -- v = par('^^', v, self._last); -- else -- v = par('^^', v, call(self, 'dsc')); -- end return v; end function dialog_look(self) local i,n,v,ph n = 1 for i,ph in opairs(self.obj) do ph = ref(ph); if isPhrase(ph) and not isDisabled(ph) then if game.hinting then v = par('^', v, n..' - '..xref(call(ph,'dsc'),ph)); else v = par('^', v, n..' - '..string.gsub(call(ph,'dsc'),'[{}]','')); end n = n + 1 end end return v; end function dialog_rescan(self) local i,k,ph k = 1 for i,ph in opairs(self.obj) do ph = ref(ph); if isPhrase(ph) and not isDisabled(ph) then ph.nam = tostring(k); k = k + 1; end end if k == 1 then return false end return true -- self._last = call(ph, 'ans'); -- return self._last; end function dialog_phrase(self, num) if not tonumber(num) then return nil end return ref(self.obj[tonumber(num)]); end function ponoff(self, on, ...) local i, ph for i=1,table.maxn(arg) do ph = dialog_phrase(self, arg[i]); if isPhrase(ph) and not isRemoved(ph) then if on then ph:enable(); else ph:disable(); end -- ph.__changed__ = true; end end end function dialog_prem(self, ...) local i, ph for i=1,table.maxn(arg) do ph = dialog_phrase(self, arg[i]); if isPhrase(ph) then ph:remove(); -- ph.__changed__=true end end end function dialog_pon(self,...) return ponoff(self, true, unpack(arg)); end function dialog_poff(self,...) return ponoff(self, false, unpack(arg)); end function dlg(v) --constructor v.dialog_type = true; if v.ini == nil then v.ini = dialog_enter; end if v.enter == nil then v.enter = dialog_enter; end if v.look == nil then v.look = dialog_look; end if v.scene == nil then v.scene = dialog_scene; end if v.pon == nil then v.pon = dialog_pon; end if v.poff == nil then v.poff = dialog_poff; end if v.prem == nil then v.prem = dialog_prem; end v = room(v); return v; end function phrase_action(self) local ph = self; local r = here(); local ret; if isDisabled(ph) then return nil, false end -- here it is ph:disable(); -- /* disable it!!! */ if type(ph.do_act) == 'string' then local f = loadstring(ph.do_act); if f ~= nil then ret = f(); else error ("Error while eval phrase action"); end elseif type(ph.do_act) == 'function' then ret = ph.do_act(self, nam); end local last = call(ph, 'ans'); if isDialog(here()) and not dialog_rescan(here()) then ret = par(' ', ret, me():back()); end return par("^^", last, ret); -- if dialog_getn(self, 1) == nil then -- me():back(); -- end -- self._last = call(ph, 'ans'); -- return self._last; end function phrase_save(self, name, h, need) if need then local m = " = phr('" if isDisabled(self) then m = " = _phr('" end h:write(name..m..tostring(self.dsc).."','"..tostring(self.ans).."','"..tostring(self.do_act).."');\n"); end savemembers(h, self, name, false); end function phrase(o) --constructor local ret = o; -- if not tonumber(num) then -- error "phrase not numbered."; -- end ret.nam = ''; -- for start -- ret.key = tostring(num); ret.phrase_type = true; ret.act = phrase_action; = phrase_save; ret = obj(ret); return ret; end function _phr(ask, answ, act) local p = phrase ( { dsc = ask, ans = answ, do_act = act }); p:disable(); return p; end function phr(ask, answ, act) local p = phrase ( { dsc = ask, ans = answ, do_act = act }); -- p:enable(); return p; end function player_inv(self) return iface:inv(cat(self:str())); end function player_ways(self) return iface:ways(cat(ref(self.where).way:str())); end function player_objs(self) return iface:objs(cat(ref(self.where):str())); end function player_look(self) --return par('',ref(self.where):scene(), ref(self.where):look()); return ref(self.where):scene(); end function obj_tag(self, id) local k,v if isDisabled(self) then return id end for k,v in opairs(self.obj) do v = ref(v); if isObject(v) and not isDisabled(v) then id = id + 1; = id; id = obj_tag(v, id); end end return id; end function player_tagall(self) local id, k, v; id = 0; id = obj_tag(here(), id); id = obj_tag(me(), id); for k,v in opairs(ways()) do v = ref(v); if isRoom(v) and not isDisabled(v) then id = id + 1; = id; end end end --function player_do(self, what, ...) -- local v,r = call(ref(self.where),'act', what, unpack(arg)); -- if v == nil then -- return nil, false -- end -- return v; --end function player_action(self, what, ...) local v,r,obj obj = ref(self.where):srch(what); if not obj then return nil; --player_do(self, what, unpack(arg)); end v, r = player_take(self, what); if not v then v, r = call(ref(obj), 'act', unpack(arg)); if not v and r ~= true then v, r = call(ref(game), 'act', obj, unpack(arg)); end end return v, r; end function player_take(self, what) local v,r,obj,w obj,w = ref(self.where):srch(what); if not obj then return nil, false; end v,r = call(ref(obj), 'tak'); if v and r ~= false then take(obj, w); end return v; -- return cat(v,'^^'); end function player_use(self, what, onwhat) local obj, obj2, v, vv, r; obj = self:srch(what); if not obj then return game.err, false; end if onwhat == nil then v, r = call(ref(obj),'inv'); if not v and r ~= true then v, r = call(game, 'inv', obj); end return v, r; end obj2 = ref(self.where):srch(onwhat); if not obj2 then obj2 = self:srch(onwhat); end if not obj2 or obj2 == obj then return game.err, false; end v, r = call(ref(obj), 'use', obj2); if r ~= false then vv = call(ref(obj2), 'used', obj); end if not v and not vv then v, r = call(game, 'use', obj, obj2); end return par(' ', v, vv); end function player_back(self) local where = ref(self.where); if where == nil then return nil,false end return go(self, where.__from__, true); end function go(self, where, back) local was = self.where; local need_scene = false; if where == nil then return nil,false end if not isRoom(ref(where)) then error ("Trying to go nowhere: "..where); end if not isRoom(ref(self.where)) then error ("Trying to go from nowhere: "..self.where); end local v, r; -- if not isDialog(ref(self.where)) then v,r = call(ref(self.where), 'exit', where); if r == false then return v, r end -- if ref(was) ~= ref(self.where) then -- jump !!! -- where = self.where; -- was = where; -- end -- end local res = v; v = nil; if not back or not isDialog(ref(self.where)) or isDialog(ref(where)) then v, r = call(ref(where), 'enter', self.where); if r == false then return v, r end need_scene = true; if ref(was) ~= ref(self.where) then -- jump !!! where = deref(self.where); need_scene = false; end end res = par('^^',res,v); if not back then ref(where).__from__ = deref(self.where); end if need_scene then self.where = deref(where); return par('^^',res,ref(where):scene()); end self.where = deref(where); return res; end function player_goto(self, where) local v = go(self, where, false); return v; end function player_go(self, where) local w = ref(self.where).way:srch(where); if not w then return nil,false end local v = go(self, w, false); return v; end function player_save(self, name, h) h:write(tostring(name)..'.where = "'..deref(self.where)..'";\n'); savemembers(h, self, name, false); end function player(v) if v.nam == nil then error "No player name in constructor."; end if v.where == nil then v.where = 'main'; end if v.tag == nil then v.tag = player_tagall; end if v.goto == nil then v.goto = player_goto; end if v.go == nil then v.go = player_go; end if v.ways == nil then v.ways = player_ways; end if v.back == nil then v.back = player_back; end if v.look == nil then v.look = player_look; end if v.inv == nil then v.inv = player_inv; end if v.use == nil then v.use = player_use; end if v.action == nil then v.action = player_action; end if == nil then = player_save; end if v.objs == nil then v.objs = player_objs; end v.player_type = true; return obj(v); end function game_life(self) local i,o local av,v for i,o in opairs(self.lifes) do local vv local pre o = ref(o); if not isDisabled(o) then vv,pre = call(o,'life'); if not pre then v = par(' ',v, vv); else av = par(' ', av, vv); end end end return v, av; end check_list = function(k, v) if v.check == nil or not v:check() then error ("error in list: "..k); end end function check_room(k, v) if v.obj == nil then error("no obj in room:"..k); end if v.way == nil then error("no way in room:"..k); end end function check_player(k, v) v.where = deref(v.where); end function check_object(k, v) if not v.nam then error ("No name in "..k); end if isRoom(v) then check_room(k, v); end if isPlayer(v) then check_player(k, v); end for_each(v, k, check_list, isList) end function for_everything(f, ...) local is_ok = function(s) return true end for_each(_G, '_G', f, is_ok, unpack(arg)) end function do_ini(self) local v='',vv local function call_key(k, v) v.key_name = k; end local function call_ini(k, v) -- v.key_name = k; v = call(v, 'ini'); v = cat(v, "^^"); end math.randomseed(tonumber("%m%d%H%M%S"))) rnd(1); rnd(1); rnd(1); -- Lua bug? for_each_object(call_key); for_each_object(check_object); = deref(; game.where = deref(game.where); for_each(game, "game", check_list, isList) for_each_object(call_ini); me():tag(); if not self.showlast then self._lastdisp = nil; end return par('',v, self._lastdisp); --par('^^',v); end function game_ini(self) local v,vv v = do_ini(self); vv = iface:title(call(self,'nam')); vv = par('^^', vv, call(self,'dsc')); return par("^^", vv, v); end function game(v) if v.nam == nil then error "No game name in constructor."; end if == nil then = 'player'; end if v.ini == nil then v.ini = game_ini; end if == nil then = game_save; end if v.load == nil then v.load = game_load; end if == nil then = game_life; end if v.step == nil then v.step = game_step; end if v.lifes == nil then v.lifes = {}; end v.lifes = list(v.lifes); v._time = 0; v._running = true; v.game_type = true; return v; end function for_each(o, n, f, fv, ...) local k,v if type(o) ~= 'table' then return end for k,v in pairs(o) do if type(v) == 'table' and fv(v) then local i = tonumber(k); local nn if i then nn = n.."["..i.."]" else if n == '_G' then nn = k; else nn = n.."."..k; end end f(k, v, unpack(arg)); end end end function for_each_object(f,...) for_each(_G, '_G', f, isObject, unpack(arg)) end function for_each_player(f,...) for_each(_G, '_G', f, isPlayer, unpack(arg)) end function for_each_room(f,...) for_each(_G, '_G', f, isRoom, unpack(arg)) end function for_each_list(f,...) for_each(_G, '_G', f, isList, unpack(arg)) end function clearvar (v) local k,o for k,o in pairs(v) do if type(o) == 'table' and o.__visited__ ~= nil then o.__visited__ = nil clearvar(o) end end end function savemembers(h, self, name, need) local k,v for k,v in pairs(self) do local need2 if k ~= "__visited__" then need2 = false if isForSave(k) then need2 = true; end if type(k) == 'string' then savevar(h, v, name.."."..k, need or need2); else savevar(h, v, name.."["..k.."]", need or need2) end end end end function savevar (h, v, n, need) local r,f if v == nil or type(v)=="userdata" or type(v)=="function" then return end -- if string.find(n, '_') == 1 or string.match(n,'^%u') then -- need = true; -- end if type(v) == "string" then if not need then return end h:write(string.format("%s=%q\n",n,v)) return; end if type(v) == "table" then if v.__visited__ ~= nil then return end v.__visited__ = n; if type( == 'function' then v:save(n, h, need); return; end if need then h:write(n.." = {};\n"); end savemembers(h, v, n, need); return; end if not need then return end h:write(n, " = ",tostring(v)) h:write("\n") end function save_object(key, value, h) savevar(h, value, key, false); return true; end function game_save(self, name, file) local h; if file ~= nil then file:write(name..".pl = '"..deref("'\n"); savemembers(file, self, name, false); return nil, true end if name == nil then return nil, false end h =,"w"); if not h then return nil, false end h:write("-- $Name: ",'nam').."$\n"); -- for_each_room(save_object, h); for_each_object(save_object, h); -- for_each_player(save_object, h); save_object('game', self, h); clearvar(_G); h:flush(); h:close(); return nil; end function game_load(self, name) if name == nil then return nil, false end local f, err = loadfile(name); if f then local i,r = f(); if r then return nil, false end return do_ini(self); end return nil, false end function game_step(self) self._time = self._time + 1; return self:life(self); end game = game { nam = "INSTEAD -- Simple Text Adventure interpreter v"..version.." '2009 by Peter Kosyh", dsc = [[ Commands:^ look(or just enter), act (or just what), use [on what], go ,^ back, inv, way, obj, quit, save , load .]], pl ='pl', showlast = true, }; function strip(s) local s = tostring(s); s = string.gsub(s, '^[ \t]*', ''); s = string.gsub(s, '[ \t]*$', ''); return s; end iface = { em = function(self, str) return str; end, right = function(self, str) return str; end, left = function(self, str) return str; end, center = function(self, str) return str; end, bold = function(self, str) return str; end, under = function(self, str) return str; end, xref = function(self, str, obj) -- return "@"..str.."{"..obj.."}"; local o = ref(here():srch(obj)); if not o then o = ref(ways():srch(obj)); end if not o then o = ref(me():srch(obj)); end if not o or not then return str; -- error ("Xref to nowhere:"..str); end return cat(str,"("..tostring(")"); -- return str; end, title = function(self, str) return "["..str.."]"; end, objs = function(self, str) return str; end, ways = function(self, str) return str; end, inv = function(self, str) return str; end, text = function(self, str) if str then print(str); end end, cmd = function(self, inp) local r, v, vv, i, k, cmd; local scene = false; local st = false; local l; i,k = string.find(inp,'[a-zA-Z0-9_]+', k); if not i or not k then cmd = inp else cmd = string.sub(inp, i, k); end local a = { }; local n = 1; while i do k = k + 1; i,k = string.find(inp,'[^,]+', k); if not i then break end a[n] = strip(string.sub(inp, i, k)); n = n + 1; end v = false -- me():tag(); local oldloc = here(); local look = false; if cmd == 'look' or cmd == '' then r,v = me():look(); st = true; look = true; elseif cmd == 'obj' then r,v = me():objs(); elseif cmd == 'inv' then r,v = me():inv(); elseif cmd == 'way' then r,v = me():ways(); elseif cmd == 'ls' then r = par('^^', me():objs(), me():inv(), me():ways()); v = nil; elseif cmd == 'go' then r,v = me():go(unpack(a)); st = true; elseif cmd == 'back' then r,v = me():go(from()); st = true; elseif cmd == 'act' then r,v = me():action(unpack(a)); st = true; elseif cmd == 'use' then r,v = me():use(unpack(a)); st = true; elseif cmd == 'save' then r, v = game:save(unpack(a)); elseif cmd == 'load' then r, v = game:load(unpack(a)); if v ~= false and game.showlast then return r; end else r,v = me():action(strip(inp)); st = true; end -- here r is action result, v - ret code value -- st -- game state changed if st and r == nil and v == true then -- we do nothing return nil; end ACTION_TEXT = r; -- here, life methods can redefine this if st and v ~= false then local av, pv -- av -- active lifes, pv -- background pv,av = game:step(); vv = par(" ",vv, pv); me():tag(); if oldloc == here() and not look then if here().forcedsc == true then l,v = me():look(); elseif game.forcedsc == true and here().forcedsc ~= false then l,v = me():look(); end ACTION_TEXT = iface:em(ACTION_TEXT); vv = par("^^",iface:em(av), here():look(), iface:em(vv)); else vv = par("^^",av, here():look(), vv); end end if v == false then return fmt(ACTION_TEXT); end vv = fmt(cat(par("^^",l,ACTION_TEXT,vv),'^')); if st then game._lastdisp = vv end if vv == nil then -- nil is error return '' end return vv; end, shell = function(self) local inp, i, k, cmd, a, n; me():tag(); while game._running do inp ="*l"); if inp == 'quit' then break; end self:text(self:cmd(inp)); end end }; pl = player { nam = "Incognito", where = 'main', obj = { } }; function me() return ref(; end function where(s) if isPlayer(ref(s)) then return ref(ref(s).where); end return ref(ref(s).__where__); end function here() return ref(me().where); end function from() return ref(here().__from__); end function time() return game._time; end function inv() return me().obj; end function objs(w) if not w then return here().obj; else return ref(w).obj; end end function ways(w) if not w then return here().way; else return ref(w).way; end end function xref(str, obj) return iface:xref(str, obj); end function pon(...) if not isDialog(here()) then return end dialog_pon(here(), unpack(arg)); end function poff(...) if not isDialog(here()) then return end dialog_poff(here(), unpack(arg)); end function prem(...) if not isDialog(here()) then return end dialog_prem(here(), unpack(arg)); end function lifeon(what) game.lifes:add(what); end function lifeoff(what) game.lifes:del(what); end function vobj_save(self, name, h, need) local dsc; local w if type(self.dsc) ~= 'string' then dsc = 'nil'; else dsc = "[["..self.dsc.."]]"; end if type(deref(self.where)) ~= 'string' then w = 'nil'; else w = "'"..deref(self.where).."'"; end if need then h:write(name.." = vobj("..tostring(self.key)..",[["..self.nam.."]],"..dsc..","..w..");\n"); end savemembers(h, self, name,false); end function vobj_act(self, ...) local o, r = here():srch(self); -- self.nam if ref(o) and ref(o).where then return goto(ref(o).where); end return call(ref(r),'act', self.key, unpack(arg)); end function vobj_used(self, ...) local o, r = here():srch(self.nam); return call(ref(r),'used', self.key, unpack(arg)); end function vobj(key, name, dsc, w) if not tonumber(key) then error ("vobj key must be number!"); end return obj{ key = key, nam = name, dsc = dsc, where = deref(w), act = vobj_act, used = vobj_used, save = vobj_save, obj = list({}) }; end function vway(name, dsc, w) -- o.object_type = true; return obj{ key = -1, nam = name, dsc = dsc, act = vobj_act, where = deref(w), used = vobj_used, save = vobj_save, obj = list({}), }; end function vroom_save(self, name, h, need) if need then h:write(name.." = vroom('"..self.nam.."','"..deref(self.where).."');\n"); end savemembers(h, self, name,false); end function vroom_enter(self, ...) return go(me(), self.where, false); end function vroom(name, w) return room { nam = name, where = deref(w), enter = vroom_enter, save = vroom_save, }; end function goto(what) local v,r=me():goto(what); me():tag(); return v,r; end function back() return me():back(); end function rnd(m) return math.random(m); end function taken(obj) if isObject(ref(obj)) and ref(obj)._taken then return true end return false; end function remove(obj, from) local o,w if from then o,w = ref(from):srch(obj); else o,w = here():srch(obj); end if w then ref(w).obj:del(obj); end o = ref(o); if not isObject(o) then o = ref(obj); end return o end function take(obj, wh) local o = remove(obj, wh); if not isObject(o) then error "Trying to take wrong object."; end inv():add(obj); o._taken = true return o end function putto(obj, w, pos) local o = ref(obj); if not isObject(o) then error "Trying to put wrong object."; end if not w then here().obj:add(obj, pos); o.__where__ = deref(here()); else ref(w).obj:add(obj, pos); o.__where__ = deref(w); end return o; end function put(obj, w) return putto(obj, w); end function putf(obj, w) return putto(obj, w, 1); end function drop(obj, w) local o = put(obj, w); if not isObject(o) then error "Trying to drop wrong object:"; end inv():del(obj); o._taken = false return o; end function dropf(obj) local o = putf(obj); if not isObject(o) then error "Trying to dropf wrong object:"; end inv():del(obj); o._taken = false return o; end function seen(obj, wh) if not wh then wh = here(); else wh = ref(wh); end local o,w = wh.obj:srch(obj); o = ref(o); if isObject(o) then return o,w end return nil end function have(obj) local o = inv():srch(obj); o = ref(o); if isObject(o) then return o end return nil end function moveto(obj, there, from, pos) remove(obj, from); putto(obj, there, pos); return ref(obj); end function move(obj, there, from) return moveto(obj, there, from); end function movef(obj, there, from) return moveto(obj, there, from, 1); end function get_picture() local s = call(here(),'pic'); if not s then s = call(game, 'pic'); end return s; end function get_title() local s = call(here(),'nam'); return s; end function get_music() return game._music; end function get_music_loop() return game._music_loop; end function save_music(s) s.__old_music__ = get_music(); s.__old_loop__ = get_music_loop(); end function restore_music(s) set_music(s.__old_music__, s.__old_loop__); end function dec_music_loop() if game._music_loop == 0 then return 0 end game._music_loop = game._music_loop - 1; if game._music_loop == 0 then game._music_loop = -1; end return game._music_loop; end function set_music(s, count) game._music = s; if not tonumber(count) then game._music_loop = 0; else game._music_loop = tonumber(count); end end function change_pl(p) local o = ref(p); if type(deref(p)) ~= 'string' or not o then error "Wrong player name in change_pl..."; end = deref(p); return goto(o.where); end function disabled(o) return isDisabled(ref(o)) end function isForSave(k) return string.find(k, '_') == 1 or string.match(k,'^%u') end -- here the game begins