#include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include "sdl_iconv.h" #include "internals.h" extern char *curgame; extern char *curgame_dir; static char local_games_path[PATH_MAX]; static char local_themes_path[PATH_MAX]; static char local_stead_path[PATH_MAX]; static char save_path[PATH_MAX]; static char cfg_path[PATH_MAX]; void nsleep(int u) { Sleep(u); } char *game_locale(void) { char buff[64]; buff[0] = 0; if (!GetLocaleInfo(LOCALE_USER_DEFAULT, LOCALE_SISO639LANGNAME, buff,sizeof(buff) - 1)) return NULL; return strdup(buff); } static char *game_codepage = NULL; #ifdef _HAVE_ICONV static char *game_cp(void) { char cpbuff[64]; char buff[64]; buff[0] = 0; if (!GetLocaleInfo(LOCALE_USER_DEFAULT, LOCALE_IDEFAULTANSICODEPAGE, buff,sizeof(buff) - 1)) return NULL; snprintf(cpbuff, sizeof(cpbuff), "WINDOWS-%s", buff); return strdup(cpbuff); } char *mbs2utf8(const char *s) { iconv_t han; char *str; if (!game_codepage) game_codepage = game_cp(); if (!s) return NULL; if (!game_codepage) goto out0; han = iconv_open("UTF-8", game_codepage); if (han == (iconv_t)-1) goto out0; if (!(str = decode(han, s))) goto out1; iconv_close(han); return str; out1: iconv_close(han); out0: return strdup(s); } #else char *mbs2utf8(const char *s) { return strdup(s); } #endif extern void unix_path(char *); char *sdl_path(char *p) { char *r = mbs2utf8(p); if (p) free(p); unix_path(r); return r; } char *app_dir( void ); char *game_tmp_path(void) { DWORD dwRetVal = 0; static TCHAR lpTempPathBuffer[MAX_PATH]; // Gets the temp path env string (no guarantee it's a valid path). dwRetVal = GetTempPath(MAX_PATH, // length of the buffer lpTempPathBuffer); // buffer for path if (dwRetVal > MAX_PATH || (dwRetVal == 0)) { return NULL; } strcat((char*)lpTempPathBuffer, "/instead-games"); if (mkdir((char*)lpTempPathBuffer) && errno != EEXIST) return NULL; unix_path((char*)lpTempPathBuffer); return (char*)lpTempPathBuffer; } char *game_local_games_path(int cr) { char *app = app_dir(); if (!app) return NULL; snprintf(local_games_path, sizeof(local_games_path) - 1 , "%s/", app); if (cr) { if (mkdir(local_games_path) && errno != EEXIST) return NULL; } strcat(local_games_path,"/games"); if (cr) { if (mkdir(local_games_path) && errno != EEXIST) return NULL; } return local_games_path; } char *game_local_themes_path(void) { snprintf(local_themes_path, sizeof(local_themes_path) - 1 , "%s/themes", app_dir()); return local_themes_path; } char *game_local_stead_path(void) { snprintf(local_stead_path, sizeof(local_stead_path) - 1 , "%s/stead", app_dir()); return local_stead_path; } #if 0 char *home_dir( void ) { static char homedir[PATH_MAX]=""; SHGetFolderPath( NULL, CSIDL_FLAG_CREATE | CSIDL_PROFILE, NULL, 0, (LPTSTR)homedir ); unix_path(homedir); return homedir; } #endif char *app_dir( void ) { static char appdir[PATH_MAX]=""; #ifdef _LOCAL_APPDATA if (appdata_sw) strcpy(appdir, appdata_sw); else { strcpy(appdir, game_cwd); strcat(appdir, "/appdata"); } if (!access(appdir, W_OK)) return appdir; #endif SHGetFolderPath( NULL, CSIDL_FLAG_CREATE | CSIDL_LOCAL_APPDATA, NULL, 0, (LPTSTR)appdir ); unix_path(appdir); strcat(appdir, "/instead"); return appdir; } char *game_cfg_path( void ) { char *p = app_dir(); if (!p) return NULL; snprintf(cfg_path, sizeof(cfg_path) - 1 , "%src", p); /* appdir/insteadrc ;) */ if (!access(cfg_path, R_OK)) return cfg_path; /* no at home? Try in dir */ snprintf(cfg_path, sizeof(cfg_path) - 1 , "%s", p); if (mkdir(cfg_path) && errno != EEXIST) { snprintf(cfg_path, sizeof(cfg_path) - 1 , "%src", p); /* appdir/insteadrc ;) */ return cfg_path; } snprintf(cfg_path, sizeof(cfg_path) - 1 , "%s/insteadrc", p); return cfg_path; } char *game_save_path( int cr, int nr ) { char appdir[PATH_MAX]; char *p = app_dir(); if (!curgame_dir) return NULL; if (!access("saves", R_OK)) { if (nr) snprintf(save_path, sizeof(save_path) - 1, "saves/save%d", nr); else snprintf(save_path, sizeof(save_path) - 1, "saves/autosave"); return save_path; } if (!p) return NULL; strcpy( appdir, p ); if (cr && mkdir(appdir) && errno != EEXIST) return NULL; snprintf(save_path, sizeof(save_path) - 1 , "%s/saves", appdir); if (cr && mkdir(save_path) && errno != EEXIST) return NULL; snprintf(save_path, sizeof(save_path) - 1, "%s/saves/%s", appdir, curgame_dir); if (cr && mkdir(save_path) && errno != EEXIST) return NULL; if (nr) snprintf(save_path, sizeof(save_path) - 1, "%s/saves/%s/save%d", appdir, curgame_dir, nr); else snprintf(save_path, sizeof(save_path) - 1, "%s/saves/%s/autosave", appdir, curgame_dir); return save_path; } int debug_init(void) { if (!AllocConsole()) return -1; SetConsoleTitle("Debug"); freopen("CON", "w", stdout); //Map stdout freopen("CON", "w", stderr); //Map stderr return 0; } void debug_done() { FreeConsole(); } #ifdef _USE_BROWSE char *open_file_dialog(void) { OPENFILENAME ofn; static char szFile[MAX_PATH]; static char szOldDir[MAX_PATH]; static int old_dir_set = 0; ZeroMemory( &ofn , sizeof( ofn)); ofn.lStructSize = sizeof ( ofn ); ofn.hwndOwner = NULL ; ofn.lpstrFile = szFile ; ofn.lpstrFile[0] = '\0'; ofn.nMaxFile = sizeof( szFile ); ofn.lpstrFilter = "*.*\0*.*\0main.lua;*.zip;*.idf\0main.lua;*.zip;*.idf\0\0"; ofn.nFilterIndex = 2; ofn.lpstrFileTitle = NULL; ofn.nMaxFileTitle = 0; if (!old_dir_set) ofn.lpstrInitialDir = NULL; else ofn.lpstrInitialDir = szOldDir; ofn.Flags = OFN_PATHMUSTEXIST|OFN_FILEMUSTEXIST|OFN_HIDEREADONLY|OFN_READONLY; if (!GetOpenFileName(&ofn)) return NULL; old_dir_set = 1; strcpy(szOldDir, ofn.lpstrFile); dirname(szOldDir); unix_path(ofn.lpstrFile); return ofn.lpstrFile; } #endif int setdir(const char *path) { return chdir(path); } char *getdir(char *path, size_t size) { return getcwd(path, size); } char *dirpath(const char *path) { return (char*)path; }