use_proxy = function(o) local v = {}; v.proxy_type = true; v.nam = '   ', 'nam'); if inv():srch(ref(o)) then v.nam = txtem(v.nam); end v.pobj = deref(o); = function(self, name, h, need) if need then h:write(stead.string.format(name.." = use_proxy(%q);\n", tostring(self.pobj))); end savemembers(h, self, name,false); end if ref(o).use ~= nil then v.use = function(s, w) if ref(w).proxy_type then local v,r = call(ref(s.pobj), 'use', ref(w.pobj)); -- where(s):gen(); return v,r; end end v.inv = function(s) local v,r = call(ref(s.pobj), 'use', nil); -- where(s):gen(); return v,r; end end if ref(o).used ~= nil then v.used = function(s, w) if ref(w).proxy_type then local v,r = call(ref(s.pobj), 'used', ref(w.pobj)); -- where(s):gen(); return v,r; end end end return obj(v) end act_proxy = function(o, act) local v = {}; v.proxy_type = true; v.nam = '   ', 'nam'); v.pobj = deref(o); v.pact = act; = function(self, name, h, need) if need then h:write(stead.string.format(name.." = act_proxy(%q, %q);\n", self.pobj, self.pact)); end savemembers(h, self, name,false); end if ref(o)[act] ~= nil then v.inv = function(s) local v, r; v,r = call(ref(s.pobj), act); -- where(s):gen(); return v,r; end end return menu(v) end fill_objs = function(s, w, act) local ii,i, o for i,o,ii in opairs(objs(w)) do o = ref(o); if isObject(o) and not isDisabled(o) and o ~= s and not isPhrase(o) then local n = deref(o) if type(n) ~= 'string' then n = deref(w)..".obj["..tonumber(ii).."]"; end if act == "use" then put(use_proxy(n), s); else put(act_proxy(n, act), s); end fill_objs(s, o, act); end end end fill_inv = function(s, w, act) local i, o local rc = false for i,o in opairs(w) do o = ref(o); if isObject(o) and not isDisabled(o) and not o.proxy_type and not isStatus(o) and s ~= o and not o.action_type then local n = deref(o) if type(n) ~= 'string' then n = deref(w)..".obj["..tonumber(ii).."]"; end if act == "use" then put(use_proxy(n), s); else put(act_proxy(n, act), s); end fill_inv(s, o.obj, act); rc = true end end return rc end select_only = function(s) local k, o, i for k,o in opairs(me().obj) do o = ref(o) if o.action_type and o._state and o ~= s then o:inv(); end end obj_tag(me(), MENU_TAG_ID); end actmenu = function(nam, act, _scene, _inv, _ifinvonly) local v = { }; v.action_type = true; v._state = false; v._nam = nam; v.nam = function(s) if s._state then return txtu(s._nam); end return s._nam; end v._scene = _scene; v._inv = _inv; v.gen = function(s) local k,o,i local rc = false s.obj:zap(); if s._inv then rc =fill_inv(s, inv(), act); end if not _ifinvonly or rc then if s._scene then fill_objs(s, here(), act); end end select_only(s); end v.inv = function(s) local i,o local k,v if not s._state then s:gen(); s._state = true; else s._state = false; s.obj:zap(); end return nil, true -- to say instead, do not redraw scene, only inv ;) end return menu(v); end function gen_actions(s) local k, o for k,o in opairs(me().obj) do o = ref(o) if o.action_type and o._state then o:gen(); end end end pocket = function(nam) local v = {} v.action_type = true; v._state = false; v._nam = nam; v.nam = function(s) if s._state then return txtu(s._nam); end return s._nam; end; v.gen = function(s) s.obj:zap(); fill_inv(s, inv(), 'act'); -- put(act_proxy(o, 'inv'), s); -- s.obj:cat(s.robj); select_only(s); end; v.inv = function(s) if not s._state then s:gen(); s._state = true; else s.obj:zap(); s._state = false; end return nil,true end; v.robj = list {}; return menu(v); end menu_init = function(s) pl.inv = function(s) gen_actions(s); return player_inv(s); end end