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// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
// UNDUM game library. This file needs to be supplemented with a game
// file (conventionally called "your-game-name.game.js" which will
// define the content of the game.
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
(function($) {
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------
// Internal Infrastructure Implementations [NB: These have to be
// at the top, because we use them below, but you can safely
// ignore them and skip down to the next section.]
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------
/* Crockford's inherit function */
Function.prototype.inherits = function(Parent) {
var d = {}, p = (this.prototype = new Parent());
this.prototype.uber = function(name) {
if (!(name in d)) d[name] = 0;
var f, r, t = d[name], v = Parent.prototype;
if (t) {
while (t) {
v = v.constructor.prototype;
t -= 1;
f = v[name];
} else {
f = p[name];
if (f == this[name]) {
f = v[name];
d[name] += 1;
r = f.apply(this, Array.prototype.slice.apply(arguments, [1]));
d[name] -= 1;
return r;
return this;
// Feature detection
var hasLocalStorage = function() {
var hasStorage = false;
try {
hasStorage = ('localStorage' in window) &&
window.localStorage !== null &&
window.localStorage !== undefined;
catch (err) {
// Firefox with the "Always Ask" cookie accept setting
// will throw an error when attempting to access localStorage
hasStorage = false;
return hasStorage;
var isMobileDevice = function() {
return (navigator.userAgent.toLowerCase().search(
) >= 0 || $("html").width() <= 640);
// Assertion
var AssertionError = function(message) {
this.message = message;
this.name = AssertionError;
var assert = function(expression, message) {
if (!expression) {
throw new AssertionError(message);
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------
// Types for Author Use
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------
/* The game is split into situations, which respond to user
* choices. Situation is the base type. It has three methods:
* enter, act and exit, which you implement to perform any
* processing and output any content. The default implementations
* do nothing.
* You can either create your own type of Situation, and add
* enter, act and/or exit functions to the prototype (see
* SimpleSituation in this file for an example of that), or you
* can give those functions in the opts parameter. The opts
* parameter is an object. So you could write:
* var situation = Situation({
* enter: function(character, system, from) {
* ... your implementation ...
* }
* });
* If you pass in enter, act and/or exit through these options,
* then they should have the same function signature as the full
* function definitions, below.
* Note that SimpleSituation, a derived type of Situation, calls
* passed in enter, act and exit functions AS WELL AS their normal
* action. This is most often what you want: the normal behavior
* plus a little extra custom behavior. If you want to override
* the behavior of a SimpleSituation, you'll have to create a
* derived type and set the enter, act and/or exit function on
* their prototypes. In most cases, however, if you want to do
* something completely different, it is better to derive your
* type from this type: Situation, rather than one of its
* children.
* In addition to enter, exit and act, the following options
* related to implicit situation selection are available:
* optionText: a string or a function(character, system,
* situation) which should return the label to put in an
* option block where a link to this situation can be
* chosen. The situation passed in is the situation where the
* option block is being displayed.
* canView: a function(character, system, situation) which should
* return true if this situation should be visible in an
* option block in the given situation.
* canChoose: a function(character, system, situation) which should
* return true if this situation should appear clickable in an
* option block. Returning false allows you to present the
* option but prevent it being selected. You may want to
* indicate to the player that they need to collect some
* important object before the option is available, for
* example.
* tags: a list of tags for this situation, which can be used for
* implicit situation selection. The tags can also be given as
* space, tab or comma separated tags in a string. Note that,
* when calling `getSituationIdChoices`, tags are prefixed with
* a hash, but that should not be the case here. Just use the
* plain tag name.
* priority: a numeric priority value (default = 1). When
* selecting situations implicitly, higher priority situations
* are considered first.
* frequency: a numeric relative frequency (default = 1), so 100
* would be 100 times more frequent. When there are more
* options that can be displayed, situations will be selected
* randomly based on their frequency.
* displayOrder: a numeric ordering value (default = 1). When
* situations are selected implicitly, the results are ordered
* by increasing displayOrder.
var Situation = function(opts) {
if (opts) {
if (opts.enter) this._enter = opts.enter;
if (opts.act) this._act = opts.act;
if (opts.exit) this._exit = opts.exit;
// Options related to this situation being automatically
// selected and displayed in a list of options.
this._optionText = opts.optionText;
this._canView = opts.canView || true;
this._canChoose = opts.canChoose || true;
this._priority = (opts.priority !== undefined) ? opts.priority : 1;
this._frequency =
(opts.frequency !== undefined) ? opts.frequency : 1;
this._displayOrder =
(opts.displayOrder !== undefined) ? opts.displayOrder : 1;
// Tag are not stored with an underscore, because they are
// accessed directy. They should not be context sensitive
// (use the canView function to do context sensitive
// manipulation).
if (opts.tags !== undefined) {
if ($.isArray(opts.tags)) {
this.tags = opts.tags;
} else {
this.tags = opts.tags.split(/[ \t,]+/);
} else {
this.tags = [];
} else {
this._canView = true;
this._canChoose = true;
this._priority = 1;
this._frequency = 1;
this._displayOrder = 1;
this.tags = [];
/* A function that takes action when we enter a situation. The
* last parameter indicates the situation we have just left: it
* may be null if this is the starting situation. Unlike the
* exit() method, this method cannot prevent the transition
* happening: its return value is ignored. */
Situation.prototype.enter = function(character, system, from) {
if (this._enter) this._enter(character, system, from);
/* A function that takes action when we carry out some action in a
* situation that isn't intended to lead to a new situation. */
Situation.prototype.act = function(character, system, action) {
if (this._act) this._act(character, system, action);
/* A function that takes action when we exit a situation. The last
* parameter indicates the situation we are going to. */
Situation.prototype.exit = function(character, system, to) {
if (this._exit) this._exit(character, system, to);
/* Determines whether this situation should be contained within a
* list of options generated automatically by the given
* situation. */
Situation.prototype.canView = function(character, system, situation) {
if ($.isFunction(this._canView)) {
return this._canView(character, system, situation);
} else {
return this._canView;
/* Determines whether this situation should be clickable within a
* list of options generated automatically by the given situation. */
Situation.prototype.canChoose = function(character, system, situation) {
if ($.isFunction(this._canChoose)) {
return this._canChoose(character, system, situation);
} else {
return this._canChoose;
/* Returns the text that should be used to display this situation
* in an automatically generated list of choices. */
Situation.prototype.optionText = function(character, system, situation) {
if ($.isFunction(this._optionText)) {
return this._optionText(character, system, situation);
} else {
return this._optionText;
/* Returns the priority, frequency and displayOrder for this situation,
* when being selected using `system.getSituationIdChoices`. */
Situation.prototype.choiceData = function(character, system, situation) {
return {
priority: this._priority,
frequency: this._frequency,
displayOrder: this._displayOrder
/* A simple situation has a block of content that it displays when
* the situation is entered. The content must be valid "Display
* Content" (see `System.prototype.write` for a definition). This
* constructor has options that control its behavior:
* heading: The optional `heading` will be used as a section title
* before the content is displayed. The heading can be any
* HTML string, it doesn't need to be "Display Content". If
* the heading is not given, no heading will be displayed. If
* a heading is given, and no optionText is specified (see
* `Situation` for more information on `optionText`), then the
* heading will also be used for the situation's option text.
* actions: This should be an object mapping action Ids to a
* response. The response should either be "Display Content"
* to display if this action is carried out, or it should be a
* function(character, system, action) that will process the
* action.
* choices: A list of situation ids and tags that, if given, will
* be used to compile an implicit option block using
* `getSituationIdChoices` (see that function for more details
* of how this works). Tags in this list should be prefixed
* with a hash # symbol, to distinguish them from situation
* ids. If just a single tag or id is needed, it can be passed
* in as a string without wrapping into a list.
* minChoices: If `choices` is given, and an implicit choice block
* should be compiled, set this option to require at least
* this number of options to be displayed. See
* `getSituationIdChoices` for a description of the algorithm by
* which this happens. If you do not specify the `choices`
* option, then this option will be ignored.
* maxChoices: If `choices` is given, and an implicit choice block
* should be compiled, set this option to require no more than
* this number of options to be displayed. See
* `getSituationIdChoices` for a description of the algorithm
* by which this happens. If you do not specify the `choices`
* option, then this option will be ignored.
* The remaining options in the `opts` parameter are the same as for
* the base Situation.
var SimpleSituation = function(content, opts) {
Situation.call(this, opts);
this.content = content;
this.heading = opts && opts.heading;
this.actions = opts && opts.actions;
this.choices = opts && opts.choices;
this.minChoices = opts && opts.minChoices;
this.maxChoices = opts && opts.maxChoices;
SimpleSituation.prototype.enter = function(character, system, from) {
if (this.heading) {
if ($.isFunction(this.heading)) {
} else {
if (this.content) {
if ($.isFunction(this.content)) {
} else {
if (this.choices) {
var choices = system.getSituationIdChoices(this.choices,
if (this._enter) this._enter(character, system, from);
SimpleSituation.prototype.act = function(character, system, action) {
var response = this.actions[action];
try {
response(character, system, action);
} catch (err) {
if (response) system.write(response);
if (this._act) this._act(character, system, action);
SimpleSituation.prototype.optionText = function(character, system, sitn) {
var parentResult = Situation.prototype.optionText.call(this, character,
system, sitn);
if (parentResult === undefined) {
return this.heading;
} else {
return parentResult;
/* Instances of this class define the qualities that characters
* may possess. The title should be a string, and can contain
* HTML. Options are passed in in the opts parameter. The
* following options are available.
* priority - A string used to sort qualities within their
* groups. When the system displays a list of qualities they
* will be sorted by this string. If you don't give a
* priority, then the title will be used, so you'll get
* alphabetic order. Normally you either don't give a
* priority, or else use a priority string containing 0-padded
* numbers (e.g. "00001").
* group - The Id of a group in which to display this
* parameter. The corresponding group must be defined in
* your `undum.game.qualityGroups` property.
* extraClasses - These classes will be attached to the <div> tag
* that surrounds the quality when it is displayed. A common
* use for this is to add icons representing the quality. In
* your CSS define a class for each icon, then pass those
* classes into the appropriate quality definitions.
* One key purpose of QualityDefinition is to format the quality
* value for display. Quality values are always stored as numeric
* values, but may be displayed in words or symbols. A number of
* sub-types of QualityDefinition are given that format their
* values in different ways.
var QualityDefinition = function(title, opts) {
var myOpts = $.extend({
priority: title,
group: null,
extraClasses: null
}, opts);
this.title = title;
this.priority = myOpts.priority;
this.group = myOpts.group;
this.extraClasses = myOpts.extraClasses;
/* Formats the value (which is always numeric) into the value to
* be displayed. The result should be HTML (but no tags are
* needed). If null is returned, then the quality definition will
* not be displayed, so if you want an empty value return an empty
* string. */
QualityDefinition.prototype.format = function(character, value) {
return value.toString();
/* A quality that is always displayed as the nearest integer of
* the current value, rounded down. Options (in the opts
* parameter) are the same as for QualityDefinition. */
var IntegerQuality = function(title, opts) {
QualityDefinition.call(this, title, opts);
IntegerQuality.prototype.format = function(character, value) {
return Math.floor(value).toString();
/* A quality that displays as an IntegerQuality, unless it is
* zero, when it is omitted. Options (in the opts * parameter) are
* the same as for QualityDefinition. */
var NonZeroIntegerQuality = function(title, opts) {
IntegerQuality.call(this, title, opts);
NonZeroIntegerQuality.prototype.format = function(character, value) {
if (value === 0) {
return null;
} else {
return IntegerQuality.prototype.format.call(
this, character, value
/* A quality that displays its full numeric value, including
* decimal component. This is actually a trivial wrapper around
* the QualityDefinition class, which formats in the same
* way. Options (in the opts parameter) are the same as for
* QualityDefinition. */
var NumericQuality = function(title, opts) {
QualityDefinition.call(this, title, opts);
/* A quality that displays its values as one of a set of
* words. The quality value is first rounded down to the nearest
* integer, then this value is used to select a word to
* display. The offset parameter (optionally passed in as part of
* the opts object) controls what number maps to what word.
* The following options (in the opts parameter) are available:
* offset - With offset=0 (the default), the quantity value of 0
* will map to the first word, and so on. If offset is
* non-zero then the value given will correspond to the first
* word in the list. So if offset=4, then the first word in
* the list will be used for value=4.
* useBonuses - If this is true (the default), then values outside
* the range of words will be construced from the word and a
* numeric bonus. So with offset=0 and five words, the last of
* which is 'amazing', a score of six would give 'amazing+1'.
* if this is false, then the bonus would be omitted, so
* anything beyond 'amazing' is still 'amazing'.
* Other options are the same as for QualityDefinition.
var WordScaleQuality = function(title, values, opts) {
var myOpts = $.extend({
offset: null,
useBonuses: true
}, opts);
QualityDefinition.call(this, title, opts);
this.values = values;
this.offset = myOpts.offset;
this.useBonuses = myOpts.useBonuses;
WordScaleQuality.prototype.format = function(character, value) {
var val = Math.floor(value - this.offset);
var mod = "";
if (val < 0) {
mod = val.toString();
val = 0;
} else if (val >= this.values.length) {
mod = "+" + (val - this.values.length + 1).toString();
val = this.values.length - 1;
if (!this.useBonuses) mod = "";
return this.values[val] + mod;
/* A specialization of WordScaleQuality that uses the FUDGE RPG's
* adjective scale (from 'terrible' at -3 to 'superb' at +3). The
* options are as for WordScaleQuality. In particular you can use
* the offset option to control where the scale starts. So you
* could model a quality that everyone starts off as 'terrible'
* (such as Nuclear Physics) with an offset of 0, while another that
* is more common (such as Health) could have an offset of -5 so
* everyone starts with 'great'.
var FudgeAdjectivesQuality = function(title, opts) {
WordScaleQuality.call(this, title, [
"terrible".l(), "poor".l(), "mediocre".l(),
"fair".l(), "good".l(), "great".l(), "superb".l()
], opts);
if (!('offset' in opts)) this.offset = -3;
/* An boolean quality that removes itself from the quality list if
* it has a zero value. If it has a non-zero value, its value
* field is usually left empty, but you can specify your own
* string to display as the `onDisplay` parameter of the opts
* object. Other options (in the opts parameter) are the same as
* for QualityDefinition. */
var OnOffQuality = function(title, opts) {
var myOpts = $.extend({
onDisplay: ""
}, opts);
QualityDefinition.call(this, title, opts);
this.onDisplay = myOpts.onDisplay;
OnOffQuality.prototype.format = function(character, value) {
if (value) return this.onDisplay;
else return null;
/* A boolean quality that has different output text for zero or
* non-zero quality values. Unlike OnOffQuality, this definition
* doesn't remove itself from the list when it is 0. The options
* are as for QualityDefinition, with the addition of options
* 'yesDisplay' and 'noDisplay', which contain the HTML fragments
* used to display true and false values. If not given, these
* default to 'yes' and 'no'.
var YesNoQuality = function(title, opts) {
var myOpts = $.extend({
yesDisplay: "yes".l(),
noDisplay: "no".l()
}, opts);
QualityDefinition.call(this, title, opts);
this.yesDisplay = myOpts.yesDisplay;
this.noDisplay = myOpts.noDisplay;
YesNoQuality.prototype.format = function(character, value) {
if (value) return this.yesDisplay;
else return this.noDisplay;
/* Defines a group of qualities that should be displayed together,
* under the given optional title. These should be defined in the
* `undum.game.qualityGroups` parameter. */
var QualityGroup = function(title, opts) {
var myOpts = $.extend({
priority: title,
extraClasses: null
}, opts);
this.title = title;
this.priority = myOpts.priority;
this.extraClasses = myOpts.extraClasses;
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------
// Types Passed to Situations
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------
/* A system object is passed into the enter, act and exit
* functions of each situation. It is used to interact with the
* UI.
var System = function() {
this.rnd = null;
this.time = 0;
/* Removes all content from the page, clearing the main content area.
* If an elementSelector is given, then only that selector will be
* cleared. Note that all content from the cleared element is removed,
* but the element itself remains, ready to be filled again using
* System.write.
System.prototype.clearContent = function(elementSelector) {
var $element;
if (elementSelector) $element = $(elementSelector);
if (!$element) $element = $("#content");
/* Outputs regular content to the page. The content supplied must
* be valid "Display Content".
* "Display Content" is any HTML string that begins with a HTML
* start tag, ends with either an end or a closed tag, and is a
* valid and self-contained snippet of HTML. Note that the string
* doesn't have to consist of only one HTML tag. You could have
* several paragraphs, for example, as long as the content starts
* with the <p> of the first paragraph, and ends with the </p> of
* the last. So "<p>Foo</p><img src='bar'>" is valid, but "foo<img
* src='bar'>" is not.
* The content goes to the end of the page, unless you supply the
* optional selector argument. If you do, the content appears
* after the element that matches that selector.
System.prototype.write = function(content, elementSelector) {
doWrite(content, elementSelector, 'append', 'after');
/* Outputs the given content in a heading on the page. The content
* supplied must be valid "Display Content".
* The content goes to the end of the page, unless you supply the
* optional selector argument. If you do, the content appears
* after the element that matches that selector.
System.prototype.writeHeading = function(headingContent, elementSelector) {
var heading = $("<h1>").html(headingContent);
doWrite(heading, elementSelector, 'append', 'after');
/* Outputs regular content to the page. The content supplied must
* be valid "Display Content".
* The content goes to the beginning of the page, unless you
* supply the optional selector argument. If you do, the content
* appears after the element that matches that selector.
System.prototype.writeBefore = function(content, elementSelector) {
doWrite(content, elementSelector, 'prepend', 'before');
/* Carries out the given situation change or action, as if it were
* in a link that has been clicked. This allows you to do
* procedural transitions. You might have an action that builds up
* the character's strength, and depletes their magic. When the
* magic is all gone, you can force a situation change by calling
* this method. */
System.prototype.doLink = function(code) {
/* Turns any links that target the given href into plain
* text. This can be used to remove action options when an action
* is no longer available. It is used automatically when you give
* a link the 'once' class. */
System.prototype.clearLinks = function(code) {
$("a[href='" + code + "']").each(function(index, element) {
var a = $(element);
/* Given a list of situation ids, this outputs a standard option
* block with the situation choices in the given order.
* The contents of each choice will be a link to the situation,
* the text of the link will be given by the situation's
* outputText property. Note that the canChoose function is
* called, and if it returns false, then the text will appear, but
* the link will not be clickable.
* Although canChoose is honored, canView and displayOrder are
* not. If you need to honor these, you should either do so
* manually, ot else use the `getSituationIdChoices` method to
* return an ordered list of valid viewable situation ids.
System.prototype.writeChoices = function(listOfIds, elementSelector) {
if (listOfIds.length === 0) return;
var currentSituation = getCurrentSituation();
var $options = $("<ul>").addClass("options");
for (var i = 0; i < listOfIds.length; ++i) {
var situationId = listOfIds[i];
var situation = game.situations[situationId];
assert(situation, "unknown_situation".l({id:situationId}));
var optionText = situation.optionText(character, this,
if (!optionText) optionText = "choice".l({number:i+1});
var $option = $("<li>");
var $a;
if (situation.canChoose(character, this, currentSituation)) {
$a = $("<a>").attr({href: situationId});
} else {
$a = $("<span>");
doWrite($options, elementSelector, 'append', 'after');
/* Returns a list of situation ids to choose from, given a set of
* specifications.
* This function is a complex and powerful way of compiling
* implicit situation choices. You give it a list of situation ids
* and situation tags (if a single id or tag is needed just that
* string can be given, it doesn't need to be wrapped in a
* list). Tags should be prefixed with a hash # to differentiate
* them from situation ids. The function then considers all
* matching situations in descending priority order, calling their
* canView functions and filtering out any that should not be
* shown, given the current state. Without additional parameters
* the function returns a list of the situation ids at the highest
* level of priority that has any valid results. So, for example,
* if a tag #places matches three situations, one with priority 2,
* and two with priority 3, and all of them can be viewed in the
* current context, then only the two with priority 3 will be
* returned. This allows you to have high-priority situations that
* trump any lower situations when they are valid, such as
* situations that force the player to go to one destination if
* the player is out of money, for example.
* If a minChoices value is given, then the function will attempt
* to return at least that many results. If not enough results are
* available at the highest priority, then lower priorities will
* be considered in turn, until enough situations are found. In
* the example above, if we had a minChoices of three, then all
* three situations would be returned, even though they have
* different priorities. If you need to return all valid
* situations, regardless of their priorities, set minChoices to a
* large number, such as `Number.MAX_VALUE`, and leave maxChoices
* undefined.
* If a maxChoices value is given, then the function will not
* return any more than the given number of results. If there are
* more than this number of results possible, then the highest
* priority resuls will be guaranteed to be returned, but the
* lowest priority group will have to fight it out for the
* remaining places. In this case, a random sample is chosen,
* taking into account the frequency of each situation. So a
* situation with a frequency of 100 will be chosen 100 times more
* often than a situation with a frequency of 1, if there is one
* space available. Often these frequencies have to be taken as a
* guideline, and the actual probabilities will only be
* approximate. Consider three situations with frequencies of 1,
* 1, 100, competing for two spaces. The 100-frequency situation
* will be chosen almost every time, but for the other space, one
* of the 1-frequency situations must be chosen. So the actual
* probabilities will be roughly 50%, 50%, 100%. When selecting
* more than one result, frequencies can only be a guide.
* Before this function returns its result, it sorts the
* situations in increasing order of their displayOrder values.
System.prototype.getSituationIdChoices = function(listOfOrOneIdsOrTags,
minChoices, maxChoices)
var datum;
var i;
// First check if we have a single string for the id or tag.
if ($.type(listOfOrOneIdsOrTags) == 'string') {
listOfOrOneIdsOrTags = [listOfOrOneIdsOrTags];
// First we build a list of all candidate ids.
var allIds = {};
for (i = 0; i < listOfOrOneIdsOrTags.length; ++i) {
var tagOrId = listOfOrOneIdsOrTags[i];
if (tagOrId.substr(0, 1) == '#') {
var ids = getSituationIdsWithTag(tagOrId.substr(1));
for (var j = 0; j < ids.length; ++j) {
allIds[ids[j]] = true;
} else {
allIds[tagOrId] = true;
// Filter out anything that can't be viewed right now.
var currentSituation = getCurrentSituation();
var viewableSituationData = [];
for (var situationId in allIds) {
var situation = game.situations[situationId];
assert(situation, "unknown_situation".l({id:situationId}));
if (situation.canView(character, system, currentSituation)) {
// While we're here, get the selection data.
var viewableSituationDatum =
situation.choiceData(character, system, currentSituation);
viewableSituationDatum.id = situationId;
// Then we sort in descending priority order.
viewableSituationData.sort(function(a, b) {
return b.priority - a.priority;
var committed = [];
var candidatesAtLastPriority = [];
var lastPriority;
// In descending priority order.
for (i = 0; i < viewableSituationData.length; ++i) {
datum = viewableSituationData[i];
if (datum.priority != lastPriority) {
if (lastPriority !== undefined) {
// We've dropped a priority group, see if we have enough
// situations so far, and stop if we do.
if (minChoices === undefined || i >= minChoices) break;
// Continue to acccumulate more options.
committed.push.apply(committed, candidatesAtLastPriority);
candidatesAtLastPriority = [];
lastPriority = datum.priority;
// So the values in committed we're committed to, because without
// them we wouldn't hit our minimum. But those in
// candidatesAtLastPriority might take us over our maximum, so
// figure out how many we should choose.
var totalChoices = committed.length + candidatesAtLastPriority.length;
if (maxChoices === undefined || maxChoices >= totalChoices) {
// We can use all the choices.
committed.push.apply(committed, candidatesAtLastPriority);
} else if (maxChoices >= committed.length) {
// We can only use the commited ones.
// NO-OP
} else {
// We have to sample the candidates, using their relative frequency.
var candidatesToInclude = maxChoices - committed.length;
for (i = 0; i < candidatesAtLastPriority.length; ++i) {
datum = candidatesAtLastPriority[i];
datum._frequencyValue = this.rnd.random() / datum.frequency;
candidatesToInclude.sort(function(a, b) {
return a._frequencyValue - b._frequencyValue;
var chosen = candidatesToInclude.slice(0, candidatesToInclude);
committed.push.apply(committed, chosen);
// Now sort in ascending display order.
committed.sort(function(a, b) {
return a.displayOrder - b.displayOrder;
// And return as a list of ids only.
var result = [];
for (i = 0; i < committed.length; ++i) {
return result;
/* Call this to change the character text: the text in the right
* toolbar before the qualities list. This text is designed to be
* a short description of the current state of your character. The
* content you give should be "Display Content" (see
* `System.prototype.write` for the definition).
System.prototype.setCharacterText = function(content) {
var block = $("#character_text_content");
var oldContent = block.html();
var newContent = augmentLinks(content);
if (interactive && block.is(':visible')) {
block.fadeOut(250, function() {
} else {
/* Call this to change the value of a character quality. Don't
* directly change quality values, because that will not update
* the UI. (You can change any data in the character's sandbox
* directly, however, since that isn't displayed). */
System.prototype.setQuality = function(quality, newValue) {
var oldValue = character.qualities[quality];
character.qualities[quality] = newValue;
if (!interactive) return;
// Work out how to display the values.
var newDisplay = newValue.toString();
var qualityDefinition = game.qualities[quality];
if (qualityDefinition) {
newDisplay = qualityDefinition.format(character, newValue);
// Add the data block, if we need it.
var qualityBlock = $("#q_"+quality);
if (qualityBlock.size() <= 0) {
if (newDisplay === null) return;
qualityBlock = addQualityBlock(quality);
if (qualityBlock === null) return;
} else {
// Do nothing if there's nothing to do.
if (oldValue == newValue) return;
// Change the value.
if (newDisplay === null) {
// Remove the block, and possibly the whole group, if
// it is the last quality in the group.
var toRemove = null;
var groupBlock = qualityBlock.parents('.quality_group');
if (groupBlock.find('.quality').size() <= 1) {
toRemove = groupBlock;
} else {
toRemove = qualityBlock;
toRemove.fadeOut(1000, function() {
} else {
var valBlock = qualityBlock.find("[data-attr='value']");
valBlock.fadeOut(250, function() {
/* Changes a quality to a new value, but also shows a progress bar
* animation of the change. This probably only makes sense for
* qualities that are numeric, especially ones that the player is
* grinding to increase. The quality and newValue parameters are
* as for setQuality. The progress bar is controlled by the
* following options in the opts parameter:
* from - The proportion along the progress bar where the
* animation starts. Defaults to 0, valid range is 0-1.
* to - The proportion along the progress bar where the
* animation ends. Defaults to 1, valid range is 0-1.
* showValue - If true (the default) then the new value of the
* quality is displayed above the progress bar.
* displayValue - If this is given, and showValue is true, then
* the displayValue is used above the progress bar. If this
* isn't given, and showValue is true, then the display value
* will be calculated from the QualityDefinition, as
* normal. This option is useful for qualities that don't have
* a definition, because they don't normally appear in the UI.
* title - The title of the progress bar. If this is not given,
* then the title of the quality is used. As for displayValue
* this is primarily used when the progress bar doesn't have a
* QualityDefinition, and therefore doesn't have a title.
* leftLabel, rightLabel - Underneath the progress bar you can
* place two labels at the left and right extent of the
* track. These can help to give scale to the bar. So if the
* bar signifies going from 10.2 to 10.5, you might label the
* left and right extents with "10" and "11" respectively. If
* these are not given, then the labels will be omitted.
System.prototype.animateQuality = function(quality, newValue, opts) {
var currentValue = character.qualities[quality];
if (!currentValue) currentValue = 0;
// Change the base UI.
this.setQuality(quality, newValue);
if (!interactive) return;
// Overload default options.
var myOpts = {
from: 0,
to: 1,
title: null,
showValue: true,
displayValue: null,
leftLabel: null,
rightLabel: null
if (newValue < currentValue) {
myOpts.from = 1;
myOpts.to = 0;
$.extend(myOpts, opts);
// Run through the quality definition.
var qualityDefinition = game.qualities[quality];
if (qualityDefinition) {
// Work out how to display the value
if (myOpts.displayValue === null) {
myOpts.displayValue = qualityDefinition.format(
character, newValue
// Use the title.
if (myOpts.title === null) {
myOpts.title = qualityDefinition.title;
// Create the animated bar.
var totalWidth = 496;
var bar = $("#ui_library #progress_bar").clone();
var widthElement = bar.find("[data-attr='width']");
widthElement.css('width', myOpts.from*totalWidth);
// Configure its labels
var titleLabel = bar.find("[data-attr='name']");
var valueLabel = bar.find("[data-attr='value']");
var leftLabel = bar.find("[data-attr='left_label']");
var rightLabel = bar.find("[data-attr='right_label']");
if (myOpts.title) {
} else {
if (myOpts.showValue && myOpts.displayValue !== null) {
} else {
if (myOpts.leftLabel) {
} else {
if (myOpts.rightLabel) {
} else {
// Start the animation
setTimeout(function() {
{'width': myOpts.to*totalWidth}, 1000,
function() {
// After a moment to allow the bar to be read, we can
// remove it.
setTimeout(function() {
if (mobile) {
bar.fadeOut(1500, function() {$(this).remove();});
} else {
bar.animate({opacity: 0}, 1500).
slideUp(500, function() {
}, 2000);
}, 500);
/* The character that is passed into each situation is of this
* form.
* The `qualities` data member maps the Ids of each quality to its
* current value. When implementing enter, act or exit functions,
* you should consider this to be read-only. Make all
* modifications through `System.prototype.setQuality`, or
* `System.prototype.animateQuality`. In your `init` function, you
* can set these values directly.
* The `sandbox` data member is designed to allow your code to
* track any data it needs to. The only proviso is that the data
* structure should be serializable into JSON (this means it must
* only consist of primitive types [objects, arrays, numbers,
* booleans, strings], and it must not contain circular series of
* references). The data in the sandbox is not displayed in the
* UI, although you are free to use it to create suitable output
* for the player..
var Character = function() {
this.qualities = {};
this.sandbox = {};
/* The data structure holding the content for the game. By default
* this holds nothing. It is this data structure that is populated
* in the `.game.js` file. Each element in the structure is
* commented, below.
* This should be static data that never changes through the
* course of the game. It is never saved, so anything that might
* change should be stored in the character.
var game = {
// Situations
/* An object mapping from the unique id of each situation, to
* the situation object itself. This is the heart of the game
* specification. */
situations: {},
/* The unique id of the situation to enter at the start of a
* new game. */
start: "start",
// Quality display definitions
/* An object mapping the unique id of each quality to its
* QualityDefinition. You don't need definitions for every
* quality, but only qualities in this mapping will be
* displayed in the character box of the UI. */
qualities: {},
/* Qualities can have an optional group Id. This maps those
* Ids to the group definitions that says how to format its
* qualities.
qualityGroups: {},
// Hooks
/* This function is called at the start of the game. It is
* normally overridden to provide initial character creation
* (setting initial quality values, setting the
* character-text. This is optional, however, as set-up
* processing could also be done by the first situation's
* enter function. If this function is given it should have
* the signature function(character, system).
init: null,
/* This function is called before entering any new
* situation. It is called before the corresponding situation
* has its `enter` method called. It can be used to implement
* timed triggers, but is totally optional. If this function
* is given it should have the signature:
* function(character, system, oldSituationId, newSituationId);
enter: null,
/* Hook for when the situation has already been carried out
* and printed. The signature is:
* function(character, system, oldSituationId, newSituationId);
afterEnter: null,
/* This function is called before carrying out any action in
* any situation. It is called before the corresponding
* situation has its `act` method called. If this optional
* function is given it should have the signature:
* function(character, system, situationId, actionId);
* If the function returns true, then it is indicating that it
* has consumed the action, and the action will not be passed
* on to the situation. Note that this is the only one of
* these global handlers that can consume the event.
beforeAction: null,
/* This function is called after carrying out any action in
* any situation. It is called after the corresponding
* situation has its `act` method called. If this optional
* function is given it should have the signature:
* function(character, system, situationId, actionId);
afterAction: null,
/* This function is called after leaving any situation. It is
* called after the corresponding situation has its `exit`
* method called. If this optional function is given it should
* have the signature:
* function(character, system, oldSituationId, newSituationId);
exit: null
// =======================================================================
// Code below doesn't form part of the public API for UNDUM, so
// you shouldn't find you need to use it.
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------
// Internal Data
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------
/* The global system object. */
var system = new System();
/* This is the data on the player's progress that gets saved. */
var progress = {
// A random seed string, used internally to make random
// sequences predictable.
seed: null,
// Keeps track of the links clicked, and when.
sequence: [],
// The time when the progress was saved.
saveTime: null
/* The Id of the current situation the player is in. */
var current = null;
/* This is the current character. It should be reconstructable
* from the above progress data. */
var character = null;
/* Tracks whether we're in interactive mode or batch mode. */
var interactive = true;
/* Tracks whether we're mobile or not. */
var mobile = isMobileDevice();
/* The system time when the game was initialized. */
var startTime;
/* The stack of links, resulting from the last action, still be to
* resolved. */
var linkStack = null;
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------
// Utility Functions
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------
var getCurrentSituation = function() {
if (current) {
return game.situations[current];
} else {
return null;
var parse = function(str) {
if (str === undefined) {
return str;
} else {
return parseFloat(str);
var parseList = function(str, canBeUndefined) {
if (str === undefined) {
if (canBeUndefined) {
return undefined;
} else {
return [];
} else {
return str.split(/[ ,\t]+/);
var parseFn = function(str) {
if (str === undefined) {
return str;
} else {
var fstr = "(function(character, system, situation) {\n" +
str + "\n})";
var fn = eval(fstr);
return fn;
var loadHTMLSituations = function() {
var $htmlSituations = $("div.situation");
$htmlSituations.each(function() {
var $situation = $(this);
var id = $situation.attr("id");
assert(game.situations[id] === undefined,
var content = $situation.html();
var opts = {
// Situation content
optionText: $situation.attr("data-option-text"),
canView: parseFn($situation.attr("data-can-view")),
canChoose: parseFn($situation.attr("data-can-choose")),
priority: parse($situation.attr("data-priority")),
frequency: parse($situation.attr("data-frequency")),
displayOrder: parse($situation.attr("data-display-order")),
tags: parseList($situation.attr("data-tags"), false),
// Simple Situation content.
heading: $situation.attr("data-heading"),
choices: parseList($situation.attr("data-choices"), true),
minChoices: parse($situation.attr("data-min-choices")),
maxChoices: parse($situation.attr("data-max-choices"))
game.situations[id] = new SimpleSituation(content, opts);
/* Outputs regular content to the page. Used by write and
* writeBefore, the last two arguments control what jQuery methods
* are used to add the content.
var doWrite = function(content, selector, addMethod, appendMethod) {
var output = augmentLinks(content);
var element;
if (selector) element = $(selector);
if (!element) {
else {
/* We want to scroll this new element to the bottom of the screen.
* while still being visible. The easiest way is to find the
* top edge of the *following* element and move that exactly
* to the bottom (while still ensuring that this element is fully
* visible.) */
var nextel = output.last().next();
var scrollPoint;
if (!nextel.length) {
scrollPoint = $("#content").height() + $("#title").height() + 60;
} else {
scrollPoint = nextel.offset().top - $(window).height();
if (scrollPoint > output.offset().top)
scrollPoint = output.offset().top;
scrollStack[scrollStack.length-1] = scrollPoint;
/* Gets the unique id used to identify saved games. */
var getSaveId = function() {
return 'undum_'+game.id+"_"+game.version;
/* Adds the quality blocks to the character tools. */
var showQualities = function() {
for (var qualityId in character.qualities) {
/* Fades in and out a highlight on the given element. */
var showHighlight = function(domElement) {
var highlight = domElement.find(".highlight");
if (highlight.size() <= 0) {
highlight = $('<div>').addClass('highlight');
setTimeout(function() {
}, 2000);
/* Finds the correct location and inserts a particular DOM element
* fits into an existing list of DOM elements. This is done by
* priority order, so all elements (existing and new) must have
* their data-priority attribute set. */
var insertAtCorrectPosition = function(parent, newItem) {
var newPriority = newItem.attr('data-priority');
var children = parent.children();
for (var i = 0; i < children.size(); i++) {
var child = children.eq(i);
if (newPriority < child.attr('data-priority')) {
/* Adds a new group to the correct location in the quality list. */
var addGroupBlock = function(groupId) {
var groupDefinition = game.qualityGroups[groupId];
// Build the group div with appropriate heading.
var groupBlock = $("#ui_library #quality_group").clone();
groupBlock.attr("id", "g_"+groupId);
groupBlock.attr("data-priority", groupDefinition.priority);
var titleElement = groupBlock.find("[data-attr='title']");
if (groupDefinition.title) {
} else {
if (groupDefinition.extraClasses) {
for (var i = 0; i < groupDefinition.extraClasses.length; i++) {
// Add the block to the correct place.
var qualities = $("#qualities");
insertAtCorrectPosition(qualities, groupBlock);
return groupBlock;
/* Adds a new quality to the correct location in the quality list. */
var addQualityBlock = function(qualityId) {
// Make sure we want to display this quality.
var qualityDefinition = game.qualities[qualityId];
if (!qualityDefinition) return null;
// Work out how the value should be displayed.
var name = qualityDefinition.title;
var val = qualityDefinition.format(
character, character.qualities[qualityId]
if (val === null) return;
// Create the quality output.
var qualityBlock = $("#ui_library #quality").clone();
qualityBlock.attr("id", "q_"+qualityId);
qualityBlock.attr("data-priority", qualityDefinition.priority);
if (qualityDefinition.extraClasses) {
for (var i = 0; i < qualityDefinition.extraClasses.length; i++) {
// Find or create the group block.
var groupBlock;
var groupId = qualityDefinition.group;
if (groupId) {
var group = game.qualityGroups[groupId];
assert(group, "no_group_definition".l({id: groupId}));
groupBlock = $("#g_"+groupId);
if (groupBlock.size() <= 0) {
groupBlock = addGroupBlock(groupId);
// Position it correctly.
var groupQualityList = groupBlock.find(".qualities_in_group");
insertAtCorrectPosition(groupQualityList, qualityBlock);
return qualityBlock;
/* Output events are tracked, so we can make sure we scroll
* correctly. We do this in a stack because one click might cause
* a chain reaction. Of output events, only when we return to the
* top level will we do the scroll.
* However, that leaves the question of where to scroll *to*.
* (Remember that elements could be inserted anywhere in the
* document.) Whenever we do a write(), we'll have to update the
* top (last) stack element to that position.
var scrollStack = [];
var pendingFirstWrite = false;
var startOutputTransaction = function() {
if (scrollStack.length === 0) {
pendingFirstWrite = true;
// The default is "all the way down".
$("#content").height() + $("#title").height() + 60
var continueOutputTransaction = function() {
if (pendingFirstWrite) {
pendingFirstWrite = false;
var separator = $("#ui_library #turn_separator").clone();
var endOutputTransaction = function() {
var scrollPoint = scrollStack.pop();
if (scrollStack.length === 0 && scrollPoint !== null) {
if (interactive && !mobile) {
$("body, html").animate({scrollTop: scrollPoint}, 500);
scrollPoint = null;
/* This gets called when a link needs to be followed, regardless
* of whether it was user action that initiated it. */
var linkRe = /^([-a-z0-9]+|\.)(\/([-0-9a-z]+))?$/;
var processLink = function(code) {
// Check if we should do this now, or if processing is already
// underway.
if (linkStack !== null) {
// Track where we're about to add new content.
// We're processing, so make the stack available.
linkStack = [];
// Handle each link in turn.
while (linkStack.length > 0) {
code = linkStack.shift();
// We're done, so remove the stack to prevent future pushes.
linkStack = null;
// Scroll to the top of the new content.
// We're able to save, if we weren't already.
$("#save").attr('disabled', false);
/* This gets called to actually do the work of processing a code.
* When one doLink is called (or a link is clicked), this may set call
* code that further calls doLink, and so on. This method processes
* each one, and processLink manages this.
var processOneLink = function(code) {
var match = code.match(linkRe);
assert(match, "link_not_valid".l({link:code}));
var situation = match[1];
var action = match[3];
// Change the situation
if (situation !== '.') {
if (situation !== current) {
} else {
// We should have an action if we have no situation change.
assert(action, "link_no_action".l());
// Carry out the action
if (action) {
situation = getCurrentSituation();
if (situation) {
if (game.beforeAction) {
// Try the global act handler, and see if we need
// to notify the situation.
var consumed = game.beforeAction(
character, system, current, action
if (consumed !== true) {
situation.act(character, system, action);
} else {
// We have no global act handler, always notify
// the situation.
situation.act(character, system, action);
if (game.afterAction) {
game.afterAction(character, system, current, action);
/* This gets called when the user clicks a link to carry out an
* action. */
var processClick = function(code) {
var now = (new Date()).getTime() * 0.001;
system.time = now - startTime;
progress.sequence.push({link:code, when:system.time});
/* Transitions between situations. */
var doTransitionTo = function(newSituationId) {
var oldSituationId = current;
var oldSituation = getCurrentSituation();
var newSituation = game.situations[newSituationId];
assert(newSituation, "unknown_situation".l({id:newSituationId}));
// We might not have an old situation if this is the start of
// the game.
if (oldSituation) {
// Notify the exiting situation.
oldSituation.exit(character, system, newSituationId);
if (game.exit) {
game.exit(character, system, oldSituationId, newSituationId);
// Remove links and transient sections.
$('#content a').each(function(index, element) {
var a = $(element);
if (a.hasClass('sticky')) return;
if (interactive) {
if (mobile) {
$('#content .transient, #content ul.options').
} else {
$('#content .transient, #content ul.options').
animate({opacity: 0}, 1500).
slideUp(500, function() {
} else {
$('#content .transient, #content ul.options').remove();
// Move the character.
current = newSituationId;
// Notify the incoming situation.
if (game.enter) {
game.enter(character, system, oldSituationId, newSituationId);
newSituation.enter(character, system, oldSituationId);
// additional hook for when the situation text has already been printed
if (game.afterEnter) {
game.afterEnter(character, system, oldSituationId, newSituationId);
/* Returns HTML from the given content with the non-raw links
* wired up. */
var augmentLinks = function(content) {
var output = $(content);
// Wire up the links for regular <a> tags.
output.find("a").each(function(index, element) {
var a = $(element);
if (!a.hasClass("raw")) {
var href = a.attr('href');
if (href.match(linkRe)) {
a.click(function(event) {
// If we're a once-click, remove all matching
// links.
if (a.hasClass("once")) {
return false;
} else {
return output;
/* Erases the character in local storage. This is permanent! */
var doErase = function(force) {
var saveId = getSaveId();
if (localStorage[saveId]) {
if (force || confirm("erase_message".l())) {
delete localStorage[saveId];
$("#erase").attr('disabled', true);
/* Find and return a list of ids for all situations with the given tag. */
var getSituationIdsWithTag = function(tag) {
var result = [];
for (var situationId in game.situations) {
var situation = game.situations[situationId];
for (var i = 0; i < situation.tags.length; ++i) {
if (situation.tags[i] == tag) {
return result;
/* Set up the screen from scratch to reflect the current game
* state. */
var initGameDisplay = function() {
// Transition into the first situation,
var situation = getCurrentSituation();
assert(situation, "no_current_situation".l());
/* Clear the current game output and start again. */
var startGame = function() {
progress.seed = new Date().toString();
character = new Character();
system.rnd = new Random(progress.seed);
progress.sequence = [{link:game.start, when:0}];
// Empty the display
// Start the game
startTime = new Date().getTime() * 0.001;
system.time = 0;
if (game.init) game.init(character, system);
// Do the first state.
/* Saves the character to local storage. */
var saveGame = function() {
// Store when we're saving the game, to avoid exploits where a
// player loads their file to gain extra time.
var now = (new Date()).getTime() * 0.001;
progress.saveTime = now - startTime;
// Save the game.
localStorage[getSaveId()] = JSON.stringify(progress);
// Switch the button highlights.
$("#erase").attr('disabled', false);
$("#save").attr('disabled', true);
/* Loads the game from the given data */
var loadGame = function(characterData) {
progress = characterData;
character = new Character();
system.rnd = new Random(progress.seed);
// Empty the display
// Now play through the actions so far:
if (game.init) game.init(character, system);
// Run through all the player's history.
interactive = false;
for (var i = 0; i < progress.sequence.length; i++) {
var step = progress.sequence[i];
// The action must be done at the recorded time.
system.time = step.when;
interactive = true;
// Reverse engineer the start time.
var now = new Date().getTime() * 0.001;
startTime = now - progress.saveTime;
// Because we did the run through non-interactively, now we
// need to update the UI.
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------
// Setup
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------
/* Export our API. */
window.undum = {
Situation: Situation,
SimpleSituation: SimpleSituation,
QualityDefinition: QualityDefinition,
IntegerQuality: IntegerQuality,
NonZeroIntegerQuality: NonZeroIntegerQuality,
NumericQuality: NumericQuality,
WordScaleQuality: WordScaleQuality,
FudgeAdjectivesQuality: FudgeAdjectivesQuality,
OnOffQuality: OnOffQuality,
YesNoQuality: YesNoQuality,
QualityGroup: QualityGroup,
game: game,
isInteractive: function() { return interactive; },
// The undum set of translated strings.
language: {}
/* Set up the game when everything is loaded. */
$(function() {
// Compile additional situations from HTML
// Handle storage.
if (hasLocalStorage()) {
var erase = $("#erase").click(function() {
var save = $("#save").click(saveGame);
var storedCharacter = localStorage[getSaveId()];
if (storedCharacter) {
try {
save.attr('disabled', true);
erase.attr("disabled", false);
} catch(err) {
} else {
save.attr('disabled', true);
erase.attr("disabled", true);
} else {
// Display the "click to begin" message. (We do this in code
// so that, if Javascript is off, it doesn't happen.)
// Show the game when we click on the title.
$("#title").one('click', function() {
$("#content_wrapper, #legal").fadeIn(500);
$("#title").css("cursor", "default");
$("#title .click_message").fadeOut(250);
if (mobile) {
// Any point that an option list appears, its options are its
// first links.
$("body").on('click', "ul.options li, #menu li", function(event) {
// Make option clicks pass through to their first link.
var link = $("a", this);
if (link.length > 0) {
// Switch between the two UIs as we resize.
var resize = function() {
// Work out if we're mobile or not.
var wasMobile = mobile;
mobile = isMobileDevice();
if (wasMobile != mobile) {
var showing = !$(".click_message").is(":visible");
if (mobile) {
var menu = $("#menu");
if (showing) {
menu.css('top', -menu.height()-52);
// Go to the story view.
$("#character_panel, #info_panel").hide();
} else {
// Use the full width version
if (showing) {
// Display the side bars
$("#character_panel, #info_panel").show();
if (showing) $("#content_wrapper").show();
$(window).bind('resize', resize);
// Handle display of the menu and resizing: used on mobile
// devices and an small screens.
var initMenu = function() {
var menu = $("#menu");
var menuVisible = false;
var open = function() {
menu.animate({top:48}, 500);
menuVisible = true;
var close = function() {
menu.animate({top:-menu.height()-52}, 250);
menuVisible = false;
menu.css('top', -menu.height()-52);
// Slide up and down on clicks from the main button.
$("#menu-button").click(function(event) {
if (menuVisible) {
} else {
return false;
// Register for clicks on the individual menu items: show the
// relevant item.
$("#menu a").click(function(event) {
var target = $($(this).attr('href'));
if (!target.is(":visible")) {
// Fade out those we don't want.
$("#menu a").each(function() {
var href = $(this).attr('href');
if (href != target) {
// Fade in our target
setTimeout(function() { target.fadeIn(500); }, 250);
return false;
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------
// Contributed Code
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------
// Internationalization support based on the code provided by Oreolek.
(function() {
var codesToTry = {};
/* Compiles a list of fallback languages to try if the given code
* doesn't have the message we need. Caches it for future use. */
var getCodesToTry = function(languageCode) {
var codeArray = codesToTry[languageCode];
if (codeArray) return codeArray;
codeArray = [];
if (languageCode in undum.language) {
var elements = languageCode.split('-');
for (var i = elements.length-2; i > 0; i--) {
var thisCode = elements.slice(0, i).join('-');
if (thisCode in undum.language) {
codesToTry[languageCode] = codeArray;
return codeArray;
var lookup = function(languageCode, message) {
var languageData = undum.language[languageCode];
if (!languageData) return null;
return languageData[message];
var localize = function(languageCode, message) {
var localized, thisCode;
var languageCodes = getCodesToTry(languageCode);
for (var i = 0; i < languageCodes.length; i++) {
thisCode = languageCodes[i];
localized = lookup(thisCode, message);
if (localized) return localized;
return message;
// API
String.prototype.l = function(args) {
// Get lang attribute from html tag.
var lang = $("html").attr("lang") || "";
// Find the localized form.
var localized = localize(lang, this);
// Merge in any replacement content.
if (args) {
for (var name in args) {
localized = localized.replace(
new RegExp("\\{"+name+"\\}"), args[name]
return localized;
// Random Number generation based on seedrandom.js code by David Bau.
// Copyright 2010 David Bau, all rights reserved.
// Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or
// without modification, are permitted provided that the following
// conditions are met:
// 1. Redistributions of source code must retain the above
// copyright notice, this list of conditions and the
// following disclaimer.
// 2. Redistributions in binary form must reproduce the above
// copyright notice, this list of conditions and the
// following disclaimer in the documentation and/or other
// materials provided with the distribution.
// 3. Neither the name of this module nor the names of its
// contributors may be used to endorse or promote products
// derived from this software without specific prior written
// permission.
var Random = (function() {
// Within this closure function the code is basically
// David's. Undum's custom extensions are added to the
// prototype outside of this function.
var width = 256;
var chunks = 6;
var significanceExponent = 52;
var startdenom = Math.pow(width, chunks);
var significance = Math.pow(2, significanceExponent);
var overflow = significance * 2;
var Random = function(seed) {
this.random = null;
if (!seed) throw {
name: "RandomSeedError",
message: "random_seed_error".l()
var key = [];
mixkey(seed, key);
var arc4 = new ARC4(key);
this.random = function() {
var n = arc4.g(chunks);
var d = startdenom;
var x = 0;
while (n < significance) {
n = (n + x) * width;
d *= width;
x = arc4.g(1);
while (n >= overflow) {
n /= 2;
d /= 2;
x >>>= 1;
return (n + x) / d;
// Helper type.
var ARC4 = function(key) {
var t, u, me = this, keylen = key.length;
var i = 0, j = me.i = me.j = me.m = 0;
me.S = [];
me.c = [];
if (!keylen) { key = [keylen++]; }
while (i < width) { me.S[i] = i++; }
for (i = 0; i < width; i++) {
t = me.S[i];
j = lowbits(j + t + key[i % keylen]);
u = me.S[j];
me.S[i] = u;
me.S[j] = t;
me.g = function getnext(count) {
var s = me.S;
var i = lowbits(me.i + 1); var t = s[i];
var j = lowbits(me.j + t); var u = s[j];
s[i] = u;
s[j] = t;
var r = s[lowbits(t + u)];
while (--count) {
i = lowbits(i + 1); t = s[i];
j = lowbits(j + t); u = s[j];
s[i] = u;
s[j] = t;
r = r * width + s[lowbits(t + u)];
me.i = i;
me.j = j;
return r;
// Helper functions.
var mixkey = function(seed, key) {
seed += '';
var smear = 0;
for (var j = 0; j < seed.length; j++) {
var lb = lowbits(j);
smear ^= key[lb];
key[lb] = lowbits(smear*19 + seed.charCodeAt(j));
seed = '';
for (j in key) {
seed += String.fromCharCode(key[j]);
return seed;
var lowbits = function(n) {
return n & (width - 1);
return Random;
/* Returns a random floating point number between zero and
* one. NB: The prototype implementation below just throws an
* error, it will be overridden in each Random object when the
* seed has been correctly configured. */
Random.prototype.random = function() {
throw {
message: "random_error".l()
/* Returns an integer between the given min and max values,
* inclusive. */
Random.prototype.randomInt = function(min, max) {
return min + Math.floor((max-min+1)*this.random());
/* Returns the result of rolling n dice with dx sides, and adding
* plus. */
Random.prototype.dice = function(n, dx, plus) {
var result = 0;
for (var i = 0; i < n; i++) {
result += this.randomInt(1, dx);
if (plus) result += plus;
return result;
/* Returns the result of rolling n averaging dice (i.e. 6 sided dice
* with sides 2,3,3,4,4,5). And adding plus. */
Random.prototype.aveDice = (function() {
var mapping = [2,3,3,4,4,5];
return function(n, plus) {
var result = 0;
for (var i = 0; i < n; i++) {
result += mapping[this.randomInt(0, 5)];
if (plus) result += plus;
return result;
/* Returns a dice-roll result from the given string dice
* specification. The specification should be of the form xdy+z,
* where the x component and z component are optional. This rolls
* x dice of with y sides, and adds z to the result, the z
* component can also be negative: xdy-z. The y component can be
* either a number of sides, or can be the special values 'F', for
* a fudge die (with 3 sides, +,0,-), '%' for a 100 sided die, or
* 'A' for an averaging die (with sides 2,3,3,4,4,5).
Random.prototype.diceString = (function() {
var diceRe = /^([1-9][0-9]*)?d([%FA]|[1-9][0-9]*)([-+][1-9][0-9]*)?$/;
return function(def) {
var match = def.match(diceRe);
if (!match) {
throw new Error(
var num = match[1]?parseInt(match[1], 10):1;
var sides;
var bonus = match[3]?parseInt(match[3], 10):0;
switch (match[2]) {
case 'A':
return this.aveDice(num, bonus);
case 'F':
sides = 3;
bonus -= num*2;
case '%':
sides = 100;
sides = parseInt(match[2], 10);
return this.dice(num, sides, bonus);
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------
// Default Messages
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------
var en = {
terrible: "terrible",
poor: "poor",
mediocre: "mediocre",
fair: "fair",
good: "good",
great: "great",
superb: "superb",
yes: "yes",
no: "no",
choice: "Choice {number}",
no_group_definition: "Couldn't find a group definition for {id}.",
link_not_valid: "The link '{link}' doesn't appear to be valid.",
link_no_action: "A link with a situation of '.', must have an action.",
unknown_situation: "You can't move to an unknown situation: {id}.",
existing_situation: "You can't override situation {id} in HTML.",
erase_message: "This will permanently delete this character and immediately return you to the start of the game. Are you sure?",
no_current_situation: "I can't display, because we don't have a current situation.",
no_local_storage: "No local storage available.",
random_seed_error: "You must provide a valid random seed.",
random_error: "Initialize the Random with a non-empty seed before use.",
dice_string_error: "Couldn't interpret your dice string: '{string}'."
// Set this data as both the default fallback language, and the english
// preferred language.
undum.language[""] = en;
undum.language["en"] = en;