// --------------------------------------------------------------------------- // UNDUM game library. Games and other modules using it should require it: // var undum = require('undum'); // // Version: 3.2.0-oreolek // --------------------------------------------------------------------------- var Random = require('./random.js'); var languages = require('./localize.coffee'); // --------------------------------------------------------------------------- // Infrastructure implementations /* Crockford's inherit function */ /* (Exported globally) */ Function.prototype.inherits = function(Parent) { var d = {}, p = (this.prototype = new Parent()); this.prototype.uber = function(name) { if (!(name in d)) d[name] = 0; var f, r, t = d[name], v = Parent.prototype; if (t) { while (t) { v = v.constructor.prototype; t -= 1; } f = v[name]; } else { f = p[name]; if (f == this[name]) { f = v[name]; } } d[name] += 1; r = f.apply(this, Array.prototype.slice.apply(arguments, [1])); d[name] -= 1; return r; }; return this; }; // Feature detection var hasLocalStorage = function() { var hasStorage = false; try { hasStorage = ('localStorage' in window) && window.localStorage !== null && window.localStorage !== undefined; } catch (err) { // Firefox with the "Always Ask" cookie accept setting // will throw an error when attempting to access localStorage hasStorage = false; } return hasStorage; }; // Assertion var AssertionError = function(message) { this.message = message; this.name = AssertionError; }; AssertionError.inherits(Error); var assert = function(expression, message) { if (!expression) { throw new AssertionError(message); } }; // ----------------------------------------------------------------------- // Types for Author Use // ----------------------------------------------------------------------- /* The game is split into situations, which respond to user * choices. Situation is the base type. It has three methods: * enter, act and exit, which you implement to perform any * processing and output any content. The default implementations * do nothing. * * You can either create your own type of Situation, and add * enter, act and/or exit functions to the prototype (see * SimpleSituation in this file for an example of that), or you * can give those functions in the opts parameter. The opts * parameter is an object. So you could write: * * var situation = Situation({ * entering: function(character, system, from) { * ... your implementation ... * } * }); * * If you pass in enter, act and/or exit through these options, * then they should have the same function signature as the full * function definitions, below. * * Note that SimpleSituation, a derived type of Situation, calls * passed in enter, act and exit functions AS WELL AS their normal * action. This is most often what you want: the normal behavior * plus a little extra custom behavior. If you want to override * the behavior of a SimpleSituation, you'll have to create a * derived type and set the enter, act and/or exit function on * their prototypes. In most cases, however, if you want to do * something completely different, it is better to derive your * type from this type: Situation, rather than one of its * children. * * In addition to enter, exit and act, the following options * related to implicit situation selection are available: * * optionText: a string or a function(character, system, * situation) which should return the label to put in an * option block where a link to this situation can be * chosen. The situation passed in is the situation where the * option block is being displayed. * * canView: a function(character, system, situation) which should * return true if this situation should be visible in an * option block in the given situation. * * canChoose: a function(character, system, situation) which should * return true if this situation should appear clickable in an * option block. Returning false allows you to present the * option but prevent it being selected. You may want to * indicate to the player that they need to collect some * important object before the option is available, for * example. * * tags: a list of tags for this situation, which can be used for * implicit situation selection. The tags can also be given as * space, tab or comma separated tags in a string. Note that, * when calling `getSituationIdChoices`, tags are prefixed with * a hash, but that should not be the case here. Just use the * plain tag name. * * priority: a numeric priority value (default = 1). When * selecting situations implicitly, higher priority situations * are considered first. * * frequency: a numeric relative frequency (default = 1), so 100 * would be 100 times more frequent. When there are more * options that can be displayed, situations will be selected * randomly based on their frequency. * * displayOrder: a numeric ordering value (default = 1). When * situations are selected implicitly, the results are ordered * by increasing displayOrder. */ var Situation = function(opts) { if (opts) { if (opts.entering) this._entering = opts.entering; if (opts.act) this._act = opts.act; // Options related to this situation being automatically // selected and displayed in a list of options. this._optionText = opts.optionText; this._canView = opts.canView || true; this._canChoose = opts.canChoose || true; this._priority = (opts.priority !== undefined) ? opts.priority : 1; this._frequency = (opts.frequency !== undefined) ? opts.frequency : 1; this._displayOrder = (opts.displayOrder !== undefined) ? opts.displayOrder : 1; // Tag are not stored with an underscore, because they are // accessed directy. They should not be context sensitive // (use the canView function to do context sensitive // manipulation). if (opts.tags !== undefined) { if ($.isArray(opts.tags)) { this.tags = opts.tags; } else { this.tags = opts.tags.split(/[ \t,]+/); } } else { this.tags = []; } } else { this._canView = true; this._canChoose = true; this._priority = 1; this._frequency = 1; this._displayOrder = 1; this.tags = []; } }; /* A function that takes action when we enter a situation. The * last parameter indicates the situation we have just left: it * may be null if this is the starting situation. Unlike the * exit() method, this method cannot prevent the transition * happening: its return value is ignored. */ Situation.prototype.entering = function(character, system, from) { if (this._entering) this._entering(character, system, from); }; /* A function that takes action when we carry out some action in a * situation that isn't intended to lead to a new situation. */ Situation.prototype.act = function(character, system, action) { if (this._act) this._act(character, system, action); }; /* Determines whether this situation should be contained within a * list of options generated automatically by the given * situation. */ Situation.prototype.canView = function(character, system, situation) { if ($.isFunction(this._canView)) { return this._canView(character, system, situation); } else { return this._canView; } }; /* Determines whether this situation should be clickable within a * list of options generated automatically by the given situation. */ Situation.prototype.canChoose = function(character, system, situation) { if ($.isFunction(this._canChoose)) { return this._canChoose(character, system, situation); } else { return this._canChoose; } }; /* Returns the text that should be used to display this situation * in an automatically generated list of choices. */ Situation.prototype.optionText = function(character, system, situation) { if ($.isFunction(this._optionText)) { return this._optionText(character, system, situation); } else { return this._optionText; } }; /* Returns the priority, frequency and displayOrder for this situation, * when being selected using `system.getSituationIdChoices`. */ Situation.prototype.choiceData = function(character, system, situation) { return { priority: this._priority, frequency: this._frequency, displayOrder: this._displayOrder }; }; /* Instances of this class define the qualities that characters * may possess. The title should be a string, and can contain * HTML. Options are passed in in the opts parameter. The * following options are available. * * priority - A string used to sort qualities within their * groups. When the system displays a list of qualities they * will be sorted by this string. If you don't give a * priority, then the title will be used, so you'll get * alphabetic order. Normally you either don't give a * priority, or else use a priority string containing 0-padded * numbers (e.g. "00001"). * * group - The Id of a group in which to display this * parameter. The corresponding group must be defined in * your `undum.game.qualityGroups` property. * * extraClasses - These classes will be attached to the
tag * that surrounds the quality when it is displayed. A common * use for this is to add icons representing the quality. In * your CSS define a class for each icon, then pass those * classes into the appropriate quality definitions. * * One key purpose of QualityDefinition is to format the quality * value for display. Quality values are always stored as numeric * values, but may be displayed in words or symbols. A number of * sub-types of QualityDefinition are given that format their * values in different ways. */ var QualityDefinition = function(title, opts) { var myOpts = $.extend({ priority: title, group: null, extraClasses: null }, opts); this.title = title; this.priority = myOpts.priority; this.group = myOpts.group; this.extraClasses = myOpts.extraClasses; }; /* Formats the value (which is always numeric) into the value to * be displayed. The result should be HTML (but no tags are * needed). If null is returned, then the quality definition will * not be displayed, so if you want an empty value return an empty * string. */ QualityDefinition.prototype.format = function(character, value) { return value.toString(); }; /* A quality that is always displayed as the nearest integer of * the current value, rounded down. Options (in the opts * parameter) are the same as for QualityDefinition. */ var IntegerQuality = function(title, opts) { QualityDefinition.call(this, title, opts); }; IntegerQuality.inherits(QualityDefinition); IntegerQuality.prototype.format = function(character, value) { return Math.floor(value).toString(); }; /* A quality that displays as an IntegerQuality, unless it is * zero, when it is omitted. Options (in the opts * parameter) are * the same as for QualityDefinition. */ var NonZeroIntegerQuality = function(title, opts) { IntegerQuality.call(this, title, opts); }; NonZeroIntegerQuality.inherits(IntegerQuality); NonZeroIntegerQuality.prototype.format = function(character, value) { if (value === 0) { return null; } else { return IntegerQuality.prototype.format.call( this, character, value ); } }; /* A quality that displays its full numeric value, including * decimal component. This is actually a trivial wrapper around * the QualityDefinition class, which formats in the same * way. Options (in the opts parameter) are the same as for * QualityDefinition. */ var NumericQuality = function(title, opts) { QualityDefinition.call(this, title, opts); }; NumericQuality.inherits(QualityDefinition); /* A quality that displays its values as one of a set of * words. The quality value is first rounded down to the nearest * integer, then this value is used to select a word to * display. The offset parameter (optionally passed in as part of * the opts object) controls what number maps to what word. * * The following options (in the opts parameter) are available: * * offset - With offset=0 (the default), the quantity value of 0 * will map to the first word, and so on. If offset is * non-zero then the value given will correspond to the first * word in the list. So if offset=4, then the first word in * the list will be used for value=4. * * useBonuses - If this is true (the default), then values outside * the range of words will be construced from the word and a * numeric bonus. So with offset=0 and five words, the last of * which is 'amazing', a score of six would give 'amazing+1'. * if this is false, then the bonus would be omitted, so * anything beyond 'amazing' is still 'amazing'. * * Other options are the same as for QualityDefinition. */ var WordScaleQuality = function(title, values, opts) { var myOpts = $.extend({ offset: null, useBonuses: true }, opts); QualityDefinition.call(this, title, opts); this.values = values; this.offset = myOpts.offset; this.useBonuses = myOpts.useBonuses; }; WordScaleQuality.inherits(QualityDefinition); WordScaleQuality.prototype.format = function(character, value) { var val = Math.floor(value - this.offset); var mod = ""; if (val < 0) { mod = val.toString(); val = 0; } else if (val >= this.values.length) { mod = "+" + (val - this.values.length + 1).toString(); val = this.values.length - 1; } if (!this.useBonuses) mod = ""; if (this.values[val] === null) return null; return this.values[val] + mod; // Type coercion }; /* A specialization of WordScaleQuality that uses the FUDGE RPG's * adjective scale (from 'terrible' at -3 to 'superb' at +3). The * options are as for WordScaleQuality. In particular you can use * the offset option to control where the scale starts. So you * could model a quality that everyone starts off as 'terrible' * (such as Nuclear Physics) with an offset of 0, while another that * is more common (such as Health) could have an offset of -5 so * everyone starts with 'great'. */ var FudgeAdjectivesQuality = function(title, opts) { WordScaleQuality.call(this, title, [ "terrible".l(), "poor".l(), "mediocre".l(), "fair".l(), "good".l(), "great".l(), "superb".l() ], opts); if (!('offset' in opts)) this.offset = -3; }; FudgeAdjectivesQuality.inherits(WordScaleQuality); /* An boolean quality that removes itself from the quality list if * it has a zero value. If it has a non-zero value, its value * field is usually left empty, but you can specify your own * string to display as the `onDisplay` parameter of the opts * object. Other options (in the opts parameter) are the same as * for QualityDefinition. */ var OnOffQuality = function(title, opts) { var myOpts = $.extend({ onDisplay: "" }, opts); QualityDefinition.call(this, title, opts); this.onDisplay = myOpts.onDisplay; }; OnOffQuality.inherits(QualityDefinition); OnOffQuality.prototype.format = function(character, value) { if (value) return this.onDisplay; else return null; }; /* A boolean quality that has different output text for zero or * non-zero quality values. Unlike OnOffQuality, this definition * doesn't remove itself from the list when it is 0. The options * are as for QualityDefinition, with the addition of options * 'yesDisplay' and 'noDisplay', which contain the HTML fragments * used to display true and false values. If not given, these * default to 'yes' and 'no'. */ var YesNoQuality = function(title, opts) { var myOpts = $.extend({ yesDisplay: "yes".l(), noDisplay: "no".l() }, opts); QualityDefinition.call(this, title, opts); this.yesDisplay = myOpts.yesDisplay; this.noDisplay = myOpts.noDisplay; }; YesNoQuality.inherits(QualityDefinition); YesNoQuality.prototype.format = function(character, value) { if (value) return this.yesDisplay; else return this.noDisplay; }; /* Defines a group of qualities that should be displayed together, * under the given optional title. These should be defined in the * `undum.game.qualityGroups` parameter. */ var QualityGroup = function(title, opts) { var myOpts = $.extend({ priority: title, extraClasses: null }, opts); this.title = title; this.priority = myOpts.priority; this.extraClasses = myOpts.extraClasses; }; // ----------------------------------------------------------------------- // Types Passed to Situations // ----------------------------------------------------------------------- /* A system object is passed into the enter, act and exit * functions of each situation. It is used to interact with the * UI. */ var System = function() { this.rnd = null; this.time = 0; }; /* Removes all content from the page, clearing the main content area. * * If an elementSelector is given, then only that selector will be * cleared. Note that all content from the cleared element is removed, * but the element itself remains, ready to be filled again using * System.write. */ System.prototype.clearContent = function(elementSelector) { var $element; if (elementSelector) $element = $(elementSelector); if (!$element) $element = $("#content"); $element.empty(); }; /* Outputs regular content to the page. The content supplied must * be valid "Display Content". * * "Display Content" is any HTML string that begins with a HTML * start tag, ends with either an end or a closed tag, and is a * valid and self-contained snippet of HTML. Note that the string * doesn't have to consist of only one HTML tag. You could have * several paragraphs, for example, as long as the content starts * with the

of the first paragraph, and ends with the

of * the last. So "


" is valid, but "foo" is not. * * The content goes to the end of the page, unless you supply the * optional selector argument. If you do, the content appears * after the element that matches that selector. */ System.prototype.write = function(content, elementSelector) { doWrite(content, elementSelector, 'append', 'after'); }; /* Outputs the given content in a heading on the page. The content * supplied must be valid "Display Content". * * The content goes to the end of the page, unless you supply the * optional selector argument. If you do, the content appears * after the element that matches that selector. */ System.prototype.writeHeading = function(headingContent, elementSelector) { var heading = $("

").html(headingContent); doWrite(heading, elementSelector, 'append', 'after'); }; /* Outputs regular content to the page. The content supplied must * be valid "Display Content". * * The content goes to the beginning of the page, unless you * supply the optional selector argument. If you do, the content * appears after the element that matches that selector. */ System.prototype.writeBefore = function(content, elementSelector) { doWrite(content, elementSelector, 'prepend', 'before'); }; /* Outputs regular content to the page. The content supplied must * be valid "Display Content". * * When a selector is not specified, this behaves identically to * System.prototype.write. If you supply a selector, the content * appears as a child node at the end of the content of the * element that matches that selector. */ System.prototype.writeInto = function(content, elementSelector) { doWrite(content, elementSelector, 'append', 'append'); }; /* Replaces content with the content supplied, which must be valid * "Display Content". * * When a selector is not specified, this replaces the entire * content of the page. Otherwise, it replaces the element matched * with the selector. This replaces the entire element, including * the matched tags, so ideally the content supplied should fit * in its place in the DOM with the same kind of display element. */ System.prototype.replaceWith = function(content, elementSelector) { doWrite(content, elementSelector, 'replaceWith', 'replaceWith'); }; /* Carries out the given situation change or action, as if it were * in a link that has been clicked. This allows you to do * procedural transitions. You might have an action that builds up * the character's strength, and depletes their magic. When the * magic is all gone, you can force a situation change by calling * this method. */ System.prototype.doLink = function(code) { processLink(code); }; /* Turns any links that target the given href into plain * text. This can be used to remove action options when an action * is no longer available. It is used automatically when you give * a link the 'once' class. */ System.prototype.clearLinks = function(code) { $("a[href='" + code + "']").each(function(index, element) { var a = $(element); a.replaceWith($("").addClass("ex_link").html(a.html())); }); }; /* Given a list of situation ids, this outputs a standard option * block with the situation choices in the given order. * * The contents of each choice will be a link to the situation, * the text of the link will be given by the situation's * outputText property. Note that the canChoose function is * called, and if it returns false, then the text will appear, but * the link will not be clickable. * * Although canChoose is honored, canView and displayOrder are * not. If you need to honor these, you should either do so * manually, ot else use the `getSituationIdChoices` method to * return an ordered list of valid viewable situation ids. */ System.prototype.writeChoices = function(listOfIds, elementSelector) { if (listOfIds.length === 0) return; var currentSituation = getCurrentSituation(); var $options = $("