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Wanderson Braganca a9dcb2c50a initial commit
2014-06-04 16:56:14 -03:00

200 lines
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* jquery.fancytree.gridnav.js
* Support keyboard navigation for trees with embedded input controls.
* (Extension module for jquery.fancytree.js:
* Copyright (c) 2014, Martin Wendt (
* Released under the MIT license
* @version 2.1.0
* @date 2014-05-29T16:44
;(function($, window, document, undefined) {
"use strict";
* Private functions and variables
// Allow these navigation keys even when input controls are focused
var KC = $.ui.keyCode,
// which keys are *not* handled by embedded control, but passed to tree
// navigation handler:
"text": [KC.UP, KC.DOWN],
"checkbox": [KC.UP, KC.DOWN, KC.LEFT, KC.RIGHT],
"radiobutton": [KC.UP, KC.DOWN, KC.LEFT, KC.RIGHT],
"select-one": [KC.LEFT, KC.RIGHT],
"select-multiple": [KC.LEFT, KC.RIGHT]
/* Calculate TD column index (considering colspans).*/
function getColIdx($tr, $td) {
var colspan,
td = $td.get(0),
idx = 0;
$tr.children().each(function () {
if( this === td ) {
return false;
colspan = $(this).prop("colspan");
idx += colspan ? colspan : 1;
return idx;
/* Find TD at given column index (considering colspans).*/
function findTdAtColIdx($tr, colIdx) {
var colspan,
res = null,
idx = 0;
$tr.children().each(function () {
if( idx >= colIdx ) {
res = $(this);
return false;
colspan = $(this).prop("colspan");
idx += colspan ? colspan : 1;
return res;
/* Find adjacent cell for a given direction. Skip empty cells and consider merged cells */
function findNeighbourTd($target, keyCode){
var $tr, colIdx,
$td = $target.closest("td"),
$tdNext = null;
switch( keyCode ){
case KC.LEFT:
$tdNext = $td.prev();
case KC.RIGHT:
$tdNext = $;
case KC.UP:
case KC.DOWN:
$tr = $td.parent();
colIdx = getColIdx($tr, $td);
while( true ) {
$tr = (keyCode === KC.UP) ? $tr.prev() : $;
if( !$tr.length ) {
// Skip hidden rows
if( $":hidden") ) {
// Find adjacent cell in the same column
$tdNext = findTdAtColIdx($tr, colIdx);
// Skip cells that don't conatain a focusable element
if( $tdNext && $tdNext.find(":input").length ) {
return $tdNext;
* Extension code
name: "gridnav",
version: "0.0.1",
// Default options for this extension.
options: {
autofocusInput: false, // Focus first embedded input if node gets activated
handleCursorKeys: true // Allow UP/DOWN in inputs to move to prev/next node
treeInit: function(ctx){
// gridnav requires the table extension to be loaded before itself
this._requireExtension("table", true, true);
// Activate node if embedded input gets focus (due to a click)
this.$container.on("focusin", function(event){
var ctx2,
node = $.ui.fancytree.getNode(;
if( node && !node.isActive() ){
// Call node.setActive(), but also pass the event
ctx2 = ctx.tree._makeHookContext(node, event);
ctx.tree._callHook("nodeSetActive", ctx2, true);
nodeSetActive: function(ctx, flag) {
var $outer,
opts = ctx.options.gridnav,
node = ctx.node,
event = ctx.originalEvent || {},
triggeredByInput = $(":input");
flag = (flag !== false);
this._super(ctx, flag);
if( flag ){
if( ctx.options.titlesTabbable ){
if( !triggeredByInput ) {
// If one node is tabbable, the container no longer needs to be
ctx.tree.$container.attr("tabindex", "-1");
// ctx.tree.$container.removeAttr("tabindex");
} else if( opts.autofocusInput && !triggeredByInput ){
// Set focus to input sub input (if node was clicked, but not
// when TAB was pressed )
$outer = $( || node.span);
nodeKeydown: function(ctx) {
var inputType, handleKeys, $td,
opts = ctx.options.gridnav,
event = ctx.originalEvent,
$target = $(;
// jQuery
inputType = $":input:enabled") ? $target.prop("type") : null;
// ctx.tree.debug("ext-gridnav nodeKeydown", event, inputType);
if( inputType && opts.handleCursorKeys ){
handleKeys = NAV_KEYS[inputType];
if( handleKeys && $.inArray(event.which, handleKeys) >= 0 ){
$td = findNeighbourTd($target, event.which);
// ctx.node.debug("ignore keydown in input", event.which, handleKeys);
if( $td && $td.length ) {
// Prevent Fancytree default navigation
return false;
return true;
ctx.tree.debug("ext-gridnav NOT HANDLED", event, inputType);
return this._super(ctx);
}(jQuery, window, document));