*/ class NestedSetsBehavior extends Behavior { const OPERATION_MAKE_ROOT = 'makeRoot'; const OPERATION_PREPEND_TO = 'prependTo'; const OPERATION_APPEND_TO = 'appendTo'; const OPERATION_INSERT_BEFORE = 'insertBefore'; const OPERATION_INSERT_AFTER = 'insertAfter'; const OPERATION_DELETE_WITH_DESCENDANTS = 'deleteWithDescendants'; /** * @var string */ public $leftAttribute = 'lft'; /** * @var string */ public $rightAttribute = 'rgt'; /** * @var string|false */ public $treeAttribute = false; /** * @var string */ public $depthAttribute = 'depth'; /** * @var string|null */ protected $operation; /** * @var \yii\db\ActiveRecord|null */ protected $node; /** * @inheritdoc */ public function events() { return [ ActiveRecord::EVENT_BEFORE_INSERT => 'beforeInsert', ActiveRecord::EVENT_AFTER_INSERT => 'afterInsert', ActiveRecord::EVENT_BEFORE_UPDATE => 'beforeUpdate', ActiveRecord::EVENT_AFTER_UPDATE => 'afterUpdate', ActiveRecord::EVENT_BEFORE_DELETE => 'beforeDelete', ActiveRecord::EVENT_AFTER_DELETE => 'afterDelete', ]; } /** * Creates the root node if the active record is new or moves it * as the root node. * @param boolean $runValidation * @param array $attributes * @return boolean */ public function makeRoot($runValidation = true, $attributes = null) { $this->operation = self::OPERATION_MAKE_ROOT; return $this->owner->save($runValidation, $attributes); } /** * Creates a node as the first child of the target node if the active * record is new or moves it as the first child of the target node. * @param \yii\db\ActiveRecord $node * @param boolean $runValidation * @param array $attributes * @return boolean */ public function prependTo($node, $runValidation = true, $attributes = null) { $this->operation = self::OPERATION_PREPEND_TO; $this->node = $node; return $this->owner->save($runValidation, $attributes); } /** * Creates a node as the last child of the target node if the active * record is new or moves it as the last child of the target node. * @param \yii\db\ActiveRecord $node * @param boolean $runValidation * @param array $attributes * @return boolean */ public function appendTo($node, $runValidation = true, $attributes = null) { $this->operation = self::OPERATION_APPEND_TO; $this->node = $node; return $this->owner->save($runValidation, $attributes); } /** * Creates a node as the previous sibling of the target node if the active * record is new or moves it as the previous sibling of the target node. * @param \yii\db\ActiveRecord $node * @param boolean $runValidation * @param array $attributes * @return boolean */ public function insertBefore($node, $runValidation = true, $attributes = null) { $this->operation = self::OPERATION_INSERT_BEFORE; $this->node = $node; return $this->owner->save($runValidation, $attributes); } /** * Creates a node as the next sibling of the target node if the active * record is new or moves it as the next sibling of the target node. * @param \yii\db\ActiveRecord $node * @param boolean $runValidation * @param array $attributes * @return boolean */ public function insertAfter($node, $runValidation = true, $attributes = null) { $this->operation = self::OPERATION_INSERT_AFTER; $this->node = $node; return $this->owner->save($runValidation, $attributes); } /** * Deletes a node and its descendants. * @return integer|false the number of rows deleted or false if * the deletion is unsuccessful for some reason. * @throws \Exception */ public function deleteWithDescendants() { $this->operation = self::OPERATION_DELETE_WITH_DESCENDANTS; try { if ($this->owner->isTransactional(ActiveRecord::OP_DELETE)) { $transaction = $this->owner->getDb()->beginTransaction(); } if (!$this->owner->beforeDelete()) { if (isset($transaction)) { $transaction->rollBack(); } return false; } $condition = [ 'and', ['>=', $this->leftAttribute, $this->owner->getAttribute($this->leftAttribute)], ['<=', $this->rightAttribute, $this->owner->getAttribute($this->rightAttribute)] ]; if ($this->treeAttribute !== false) { $condition[] = [$this->treeAttribute => $this->owner->getAttribute($this->treeAttribute)]; } $result = $this->owner->deleteAll($condition); $this->owner->setOldAttributes(null); $this->owner->afterDelete(); if (isset($transaction)) { $transaction->commit(); } } catch (\Exception $e) { if (isset($transaction)) { $transaction->rollBack(); } throw $e; } return $result; } /** * Gets the descendants of the node. * @param integer $depth the depth * @return \yii\db\ActiveQuery */ public function descendants($depth = null) { $query = $this->owner->find(); $condition = [ 'and', ['>', $this->leftAttribute, $this->owner->getAttribute($this->leftAttribute)], ['<', $this->rightAttribute, $this->owner->getAttribute($this->rightAttribute)], ]; if ($depth !== null) { $condition[] = ['<=', $this->depthAttribute, $this->owner->getAttribute($this->depthAttribute) + $depth]; } if ($this->treeAttribute !== false) { $condition[] = [$this->treeAttribute => $this->owner->getAttribute($this->treeAttribute)]; } return $query->andWhere($condition)->addOrderBy([$this->leftAttribute => SORT_ASC]); } /** * Gets the children of the node. * @return \yii\db\ActiveQuery */ public function children() { return $this->descendants(1); } /** * Gets the ancestors of the node. * @param integer $depth the depth * @return \yii\db\ActiveQuery */ public function ancestors($depth = null) { $query = $this->owner->find(); $condition = [ 'and', ['<', $this->leftAttribute, $this->owner->getAttribute($this->leftAttribute)], ['>', $this->rightAttribute, $this->owner->getAttribute($this->rightAttribute)], ]; if ($depth !== null) { $condition[] = ['>=', $this->depthAttribute, $this->owner->getAttribute($this->depthAttribute) - $depth]; } if ($this->treeAttribute !== false) { $condition[] = [$this->treeAttribute => $this->owner->getAttribute($this->treeAttribute)]; } return $query->andWhere($condition)->addOrderBy([$this->leftAttribute => SORT_ASC]); } /** * Gets the parent of the node. * @return \yii\db\ActiveQuery */ public function parent() { $query = $this->owner->find(); $condition = [ 'and', ['<', $this->leftAttribute, $this->owner->getAttribute($this->leftAttribute)], ['>', $this->rightAttribute, $this->owner->getAttribute($this->rightAttribute)], ]; if ($this->treeAttribute !== false) { $condition[] = [$this->treeAttribute => $this->owner->getAttribute($this->treeAttribute)]; } return $query->andWhere($condition)->addOrderBy([$this->rightAttribute => SORT_ASC]); } /** * Gets the previous sibling of the node. * @return \yii\db\ActiveQuery */ public function prev() { $query = $this->owner->find(); $condition = [$this->rightAttribute => $this->owner->getAttribute($this->leftAttribute) - 1]; if ($this->treeAttribute !== false) { $condition = ['and', $condition, [$this->treeAttribute => $this->owner->getAttribute($this->treeAttribute)]]; } return $query->andWhere($condition); } /** * Gets the next sibling of the node. * @return \yii\db\ActiveQuery */ public function next() { $query = $this->owner->find(); $condition = [$this->leftAttribute => $this->owner->getAttribute($this->rightAttribute) + 1]; if ($this->treeAttribute !== false) { $condition = ['and', $condition, [$this->treeAttribute => $this->owner->getAttribute($this->treeAttribute)]]; } return $query->andWhere($condition); } /** * Determines whether the node is descendant of the parent node. * @param \yii\db\ActiveRecord $node the parent node * @return boolean whether the node is descendant of the parent node */ public function isDescendantOf($node) { $result = ($this->owner->getAttribute($this->leftAttribute) > $node->getAttribute($this->leftAttribute)) && ($this->owner->getAttribute($this->rightAttribute) < $node->getAttribute($this->rightAttribute)); if ($this->treeAttribute !== false) { $result = $result && ($this->owner->getAttribute($this->treeAttribute) === $node->getAttribute($this->treeAttribute)); } return $result; } /** * Determines whether the node is leaf. * @return boolean whether the node is leaf */ public function isLeaf() { return $this->owner->getAttribute($this->rightAttribute) - $this->owner->getAttribute($this->leftAttribute) === 1; } /** * Determines whether the node is root. * @return boolean whether the node is root */ public function isRoot() { return $this->owner->getAttribute($this->leftAttribute) == 1; } /** * @param integer $value * @param integer $delta */ protected function shiftLeftRightAttribute($value, $delta) { $db = $this->owner->getDb(); foreach ([$this->leftAttribute, $this->rightAttribute] as $attribute) { $condition = ['>=', $attribute, $value]; if ($this->treeAttribute !== false) { $condition = [ 'and', $condition, [$this->treeAttribute => $this->owner->getAttribute($this->treeAttribute)] ]; } $this->owner->updateAll( [$attribute => new Expression($db->quoteColumnName($attribute) . sprintf('%+d', $delta))], $condition ); } } /** * @param \yii\base\ModelEvent $event * @throws Exception * @throws NotSupportedException */ public function beforeInsert($event) { if ($this->node !== null && !$this->node->getIsNewRecord()) { $this->node->refresh(); } switch ($this->operation) { case self::OPERATION_MAKE_ROOT: $this->owner->setAttribute($this->leftAttribute, 1); $this->owner->setAttribute($this->rightAttribute, 2); $this->owner->setAttribute($this->depthAttribute, 0); if ($this->treeAttribute === false && $this->owner->find()->roots()->exists()) { throw new Exception('Can not create more than one root when "treeAttribute" is false.'); } return; case self::OPERATION_PREPEND_TO: $value = $this->node->getAttribute($this->leftAttribute) + 1; $depth = 1; break; case self::OPERATION_APPEND_TO: $value = $this->node->getAttribute($this->rightAttribute); $depth = 1; break; case self::OPERATION_INSERT_BEFORE: $value = $this->node->getAttribute($this->leftAttribute); $depth = 0; break; case self::OPERATION_INSERT_AFTER: $value = $this->node->getAttribute($this->rightAttribute) + 1; $depth = 0; break; default: throw new NotSupportedException('Method "'. get_class($this->owner) . '::insert" is not supported for inserting new nodes.'); } if ($this->node->getIsNewRecord()) { throw new Exception('Can not create a node when the target node is new record.'); } if ($this->owner->equals($this->node)) { throw new Exception('Can not create a node when the target node is same.'); } if ($depth === 0 && $this->node->isRoot()) { throw new Exception('Can not create a node when the target node is root.'); } if ($this->treeAttribute !== false) { $this->owner->setAttribute($this->treeAttribute, $this->node->getAttribute($this->treeAttribute)); } $this->shiftLeftRightAttribute($value, 2); $this->owner->setAttribute($this->leftAttribute, $value); $this->owner->setAttribute($this->rightAttribute, $value + 1); $this->owner->setAttribute($this->depthAttribute, $this->node->getAttribute($this->depthAttribute) + $depth); } /** * @param \yii\db\AfterSaveEvent $event * @throws Exception */ public function afterInsert($event) { if ($this->operation === self::OPERATION_MAKE_ROOT && $this->treeAttribute !== false) { $this->owner->setAttribute($this->treeAttribute, $this->owner->getPrimaryKey()); $primaryKey = $this->owner->primaryKey(); if (!isset($primaryKey[0])) { throw new Exception('"' . get_class($this->owner) . '" must have a primary key.'); } $this->owner->updateAll( [$this->treeAttribute => $this->owner->getAttribute($this->treeAttribute)], [$primaryKey[0] => $this->owner->getAttribute($this->treeAttribute)] ); } $this->operation = null; $this->node = null; } /** * @param \yii\base\ModelEvent $event * @throws Exception */ public function beforeUpdate($event) { if ($this->node !== null && !$this->node->getIsNewRecord()) { $this->node->refresh(); } switch ($this->operation) { case self::OPERATION_MAKE_ROOT: if ($this->treeAttribute === false) { throw new Exception('Can not move a node as the root when "treeAttribute" is false.'); } if ($this->owner->isRoot()) { throw new Exception('Can not move the root node as the root.'); } break; case self::OPERATION_PREPEND_TO: case self::OPERATION_APPEND_TO: case self::OPERATION_INSERT_BEFORE: case self::OPERATION_INSERT_AFTER: if ($this->node->getIsNewRecord()) { throw new Exception('Can not move a node when the target node is new record.'); } if ($this->owner->equals($this->node)) { throw new Exception('Can not move a node when the target node is same.'); } if ($this->node->isDescendantOf($this->owner)) { throw new Exception('Can not move a node when the target node is descendant.'); } } } /** * @param \yii\db\AfterSaveEvent $event * @throws Exception */ public function afterUpdate($event) { $db = $this->owner->getDb(); $leftValue = $this->owner->getAttribute($this->leftAttribute); $rightValue = $this->owner->getAttribute($this->rightAttribute); $depthValue = $this->owner->getAttribute($this->depthAttribute); $treeValue = $this->owner->getAttribute($this->treeAttribute); $leftAttribute = $db->quoteColumnName($this->leftAttribute); $rightAttribute = $db->quoteColumnName($this->rightAttribute); $depthAttribute = $db->quoteColumnName($this->depthAttribute); switch ($this->operation) { case self::OPERATION_MAKE_ROOT: $this->owner->updateAll( [ $this->leftAttribute => new Expression($leftAttribute . sprintf('%+d', 1 - $leftValue)), $this->rightAttribute => new Expression($rightAttribute . sprintf('%+d', 1 - $leftValue)), $this->depthAttribute => new Expression($depthAttribute . sprintf('%+d', 1 - $depthValue)), $this->treeAttribute => $this->owner->getPrimaryKey(), ], [ 'and', ['>=', $this->leftAttribute, $leftValue], ['<=', $this->rightAttribute, $rightValue], [$this->treeAttribute => $treeValue] ] ); $this->shiftLeftRightAttribute($rightValue + 1, $leftValue - $rightValue - 1); $this->operation = null; $this->node = null; return; case self::OPERATION_PREPEND_TO: $value = $this->node->getAttribute($this->leftAttribute) + 1; $depth = 1; break; case self::OPERATION_APPEND_TO: $value = $this->node->getAttribute($this->rightAttribute); $depth = 1; break; case self::OPERATION_INSERT_BEFORE: $value = $this->node->getAttribute($this->leftAttribute); $depth = 0; break; case self::OPERATION_INSERT_AFTER: $value = $this->node->getAttribute($this->rightAttribute) + 1; $depth = 0; break; default: return; } if ($depth === 0 && $this->node->isRoot()) { throw new Exception('Can not move a node when the target node is root.'); } $nodeRootValue = $this->node->getAttribute($this->treeAttribute); $depth = $this->node->getAttribute($this->depthAttribute) - $depthValue + $depth; if ($this->treeAttribute === false || $treeValue === $nodeRootValue) { $delta = $rightValue - $leftValue + 1; $this->shiftLeftRightAttribute($value, $delta); if ($leftValue >= $value) { $leftValue += $delta; $rightValue += $delta; } $condition = ['and', ['>=', $this->leftAttribute, $leftValue], ['<=', $this->rightAttribute, $rightValue]]; if ($this->treeAttribute !== false) { $condition[] = [$this->treeAttribute => $treeValue]; } $this->owner->updateAll( [$this->depthAttribute => new Expression($depthAttribute . sprintf('%+d', $depth))], $condition ); foreach ([$this->leftAttribute, $this->rightAttribute] as $attribute) { $condition = ['and', ['>=', $attribute, $leftValue], ['<=', $attribute, $rightValue]]; if ($this->treeAttribute !== false) { $condition[] = [$this->treeAttribute => $treeValue]; } $this->owner->updateAll( [$attribute => new Expression($db->quoteColumnName($attribute) . sprintf('%+d', $value - $leftValue))], $condition ); } $this->shiftLeftRightAttribute($rightValue + 1, -$delta); } else { foreach ([$this->leftAttribute, $this->rightAttribute] as $attribute) { $this->owner->updateAll( [$attribute => new Expression($db->quoteColumnName($attribute) . sprintf('%+d', $rightValue - $leftValue + 1))], ['and', ['>=', $attribute, $value], [$this->treeAttribute => $nodeRootValue]] ); } $delta = $value - $leftValue; $this->owner->updateAll( [ $this->leftAttribute => new Expression($leftAttribute . sprintf('%+d', $delta)), $this->rightAttribute => new Expression($rightAttribute . sprintf('%+d', $delta)), $this->depthAttribute => new Expression($depthAttribute . sprintf('%+d', $depth)), $this->treeAttribute => $nodeRootValue, ], [ 'and', ['>=', $this->leftAttribute, $leftValue], ['<=', $this->rightAttribute, $rightValue], [$this->treeAttribute => $treeValue], ] ); $this->shiftLeftRightAttribute($rightValue + 1, $leftValue - $rightValue - 1); $this->operation = null; $this->node = null; } } /** * @param \yii\base\ModelEvent $event * @throws Exception * @throws NotSupportedException */ public function beforeDelete($event) { if ($this->owner->getIsNewRecord()) { throw new Exception('Can not delete a node when it is new record.'); } if ($this->owner->isRoot() && $this->operation !== self::OPERATION_DELETE_WITH_DESCENDANTS) { throw new NotSupportedException('Method "'. get_class($this->owner) . '::delete" is not supported for deleting root nodes.'); } $this->owner->refresh(); } /** * @param \yii\base\Event $event * @throws Exception */ public function afterDelete($event) { $leftValue = $this->owner->getAttribute($this->leftAttribute); $rightValue = $this->owner->getAttribute($this->rightAttribute); if ($this->owner->isLeaf() || $this->operation === self::OPERATION_DELETE_WITH_DESCENDANTS) { $this->shiftLeftRightAttribute($rightValue + 1, $leftValue - $rightValue - 1); } else { $condition = [ 'and', ['>=', $this->leftAttribute, $this->owner->getAttribute($this->leftAttribute)], ['<=', $this->rightAttribute, $this->owner->getAttribute($this->rightAttribute)] ]; if ($this->treeAttribute !== false) { $condition[] = [$this->treeAttribute => $this->owner->getAttribute($this->treeAttribute)]; } $db = $this->owner->getDb(); $this->owner->updateAll( [ $this->leftAttribute => new Expression($db->quoteColumnName($this->leftAttribute) . sprintf('%+d', -1)), $this->rightAttribute => new Expression($db->quoteColumnName($this->rightAttribute) . sprintf('%+d', -1)), $this->depthAttribute => new Expression($db->quoteColumnName($this->depthAttribute) . sprintf('%+d', -1)), ], $condition ); $this->shiftLeftRightAttribute($rightValue + 1, -2); } $this->operation = null; $this->node = null; } }