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Denis Shakhov 42321428f8 Компоненты ls-core и ls-vendor
* Перенесены либы из фреймворка
2014-10-24 20:26:11 +07:00

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**1.1.16 (current stable)**
- fixed IE7 bug with checkboxes / radio buttons that were always required.
- html error messages could be used (#220)
- fixed show / remove error with data-remote validator (#200)
- added option to silence errors `data-show-errors="false"`
- added / modified some i18n localizations
- Override value by using data-value attribute
- added americanDate validator in parsley.extend
- **BC Break** removed `.parsley('isFieldValid');` in favor of `.parsley('isValid');`
- added type="phone" validator
- this.constraints is now an object instead of an array. **BC Break** with onFieldError
- removed default 'i' flag with data-regex validator. Added data-regex-flag attribute
- specific behavior when field have required constraint. Do not show required error
along another errors, and reciprocally (#142)
- added luhn validator in parsley.extra (#150)
- added inlist validator in parsley.extra (#153)
- added _messages.en.js template in localization folder
- fixed "Uncaught RangeError: Maximum call stack size exceeded" on jQuery `.off()`
Refs #136
- added $('#form').parsley('isValid') to know if form constraints fails, without
adding DOM errors. Refs #94
- added jquery plugin manifest
- added some more localizations
- `reset()` action now totaly reset field behavior, since never validated before
- added `data-error-container` data-attribute to easily specify where to put errors
- fixed `fadeIn()` undefined function with standalone version. Had to update Zepto
with fx_module and fx loaded (#137)
- fixed bug "Uncaught RangeError: Maximum call stack size exceeded" on
bindEventValidation (#138)
- fixed remote validator method (#130)
- added `change` auto binded event for select inputs to have same behavior w/ fields
- fixed bug on radio buttons and required constraint
- added afterDate and beforeDate validators in parsley.extend
- **BC Break** changed errors.classHandler and errors.container
- animating errors show / hide now
- fixed radio/checkboxes data-trigger behavior (#115)
- added `change` event to quickly remove radio/checkboxes errors (#115)
- added ability to group radio / checkboxes by `data-group` attribute intead of name
- added `addItem` and `removeItem` functions to validate dynamically created fields
- added addConstraint, updateConstraint and removeConstraint API to dynamically
update fields constraints (#52)
- `.delete()` method removes now all parsley related classes (#102)
- added validateIfUnchanged option to force fields validation even if value is
unchanged since last validation (#104)
- fixed equalTo, lessThan and greaterThan validators (#78)
- ParsleyForm.items are now ParsleyField instances!!
- fixed needsValidation function if element is reseted (#77)
- fixed addListener for onFormSubmit (#72)
- fixed focus 'none' bug (#73)
- fixed a lot of typos
- added .parsley( 'destroy' ) method
- fixed custom error message bug (displayed once by validator that failed)
- fixed error messages validators overrinding on multiple forms
- added data-API error message customization
- corrected lot of typo / mistakes on doc
- added data-error-message="message" customization ability
- fixed inheritence problem with ParsleyField and ParsleyFieldMultiple
- passed now ParsleyForm and ParsleyField when appropriated to listeners
- fixed bug on select multiple and required constraint
- fixed bug on onFieldValidate listener that do not reseted Parsley validation
on return = false;
- added html5 types supports for existing validators
- two new parsley.extra validators: greaterthan & lowerthen
- added localization and extra validator configuration in external files.
- added ajax remote validator and go live !
- heavy radio / checkbox refacto. Now dedicated class `ParsleyFieldMultiple`
- added 3 custom checkbox validators: mincheck, maxcheck and rangecheck
- added html5 api required="required" support
- added radio and checkbox required (only) validation support. For now, to display
nice errors, checkbox and radio with same name must be wrapped in a dedicated
DOM parent on which parsley-error class would be binded and ul errors apend
- fixed bug on addListener when added after Parsley initialisation. @gmajoulet
- renamed listeners and added a public API to add / override these listeners