§1. Compilation.

void EmitInterSchemas::emit(inter_tree *I, value_holster *VH, inter_schema *sch, void *opaque_state,
    int to_code, int to_val, inter_symbols_table *first_call, inter_symbols_table *second_call,
    void (*inline_command_handler)(value_holster *VH, inter_schema_token *t, void *opaque_state, int prim_cat),
    void (*i7_source_handler)(value_holster *VH, text_stream *OUT, text_stream *S)) {
    if (sch->mid_case) { Produce::to_last_level(I, 4); }
    int prim_cat = VAL_PRIM_CAT;
    if (to_code) prim_cat = CODE_PRIM_CAT;
    int again = TRUE;
    while (again) {
        again = FALSE;
        for (inter_schema_node *isn = sch->node_tree; isn; isn=isn->next_node)
            if (EmitInterSchemas::process_conditionals(I, isn, first_call, second_call))
                again = TRUE;
    for (inter_schema_node *isn = sch->node_tree; isn; isn=isn->next_node)
        EmitInterSchemas::emit_inner(I, isn, VH, sch, opaque_state, prim_cat, first_call, second_call, inline_command_handler, i7_source_handler);


int EmitInterSchemas::process_conditionals(inter_tree *I, inter_schema_node *isn, inter_symbols_table *first_call, inter_symbols_table *second_call) {
    if (isn == NULL) return FALSE;
    if (isn->blocked_by_conditional) return FALSE;
    if (isn->isn_type == DIRECTIVE_ISNT) Directive2.1;
    for (isn=isn->child_node; isn; isn=isn->next_node)
        if (EmitInterSchemas::process_conditionals(I, isn, first_call, second_call))
            return TRUE;
    return FALSE;

§2.1. Directive2.1 =

    if ((isn->dir_clarifier == IFDEF_I6RW) ||
        (isn->dir_clarifier == IFNDEF_I6RW) ||
        (isn->dir_clarifier == IFTRUE_I6RW) ||
        (isn->dir_clarifier == IFFALSE_I6RW)) {
        LOGIF(SCHEMA_COMPILATION, "Conditional directive in schema!\n");
        inter_schema_node *ifnot_node = NULL, *endif_node = NULL;
        inter_schema_node *at = isn->next_node;
        while (at) {
            if (at->blocked_by_conditional == FALSE) {
                if (at->dir_clarifier == IFDEF_I6RW) { isn = at; ifnot_node = NULL; }
                if (at->dir_clarifier == IFNDEF_I6RW) { isn = at; ifnot_node = NULL; }
                if (at->dir_clarifier == IFTRUE_I6RW) { isn = at; ifnot_node = NULL; }
                if (at->dir_clarifier == IFFALSE_I6RW) { isn = at; ifnot_node = NULL; }
                if (at->dir_clarifier == IFNOT_I6RW) ifnot_node = at;
                if (at->dir_clarifier == ENDIF_I6RW) { endif_node = at; break; }
            at = at->next_node;
        if (endif_node == NULL) internal_error("no matching #endif");

        text_stream *symbol_to_check = NULL;
        text_stream *value_to_check = NULL;
        inter_t operation_to_check = 0;
        if ((isn->dir_clarifier == IFDEF_I6RW) ||
            (isn->dir_clarifier == IFNDEF_I6RW)) {
            symbol_to_check = isn->child_node->expression_tokens->material;
        } else {
            inter_schema_node *to_eval = isn->child_node;
            while ((to_eval) && (to_eval->isn_type == SUBEXPRESSION_ISNT))
                to_eval = to_eval->child_node;
            if ((to_eval == NULL) || (to_eval->child_node->expression_tokens == NULL))
                internal_error("bad iftrue");
            symbol_to_check = to_eval->child_node->expression_tokens->material;
            operation_to_check = to_eval->isn_clarifier;
            value_to_check = to_eval->child_node->next_node->expression_tokens->material;
        LOGIF(SCHEMA_COMPILATION, "Means checking %S\n", symbol_to_check);
        if (value_to_check) LOGIF(SCHEMA_COMPILATION, "Against %S\n", value_to_check);
        int val = -1, def = FALSE;
        if (Str::eq(symbol_to_check, I"#version_number")) { val = 8; def = TRUE; }
        else if (Str::eq(symbol_to_check, I"STRICT_MODE")) { def = TRUE; }
        else {
            inter_symbol *symb = EmitInterSchemas::find_identifier_text(I, symbol_to_check,
            while ((symb) && (symb->equated_to)) symb = symb->equated_to;
            LOGIF(SCHEMA_COMPILATION, "Symb is $3\n", symb);
            if (Inter::Symbols::is_defined(symb)) {
                def = TRUE;
                val = Inter::Symbols::evaluate_to_int(symb);
        LOGIF(SCHEMA_COMPILATION, "Defined: %d, value: %d\n", def, val);

        int decision = TRUE;

        if ((isn->dir_clarifier == IFNDEF_I6RW)
            || (isn->dir_clarifier == IFDEF_I6RW)) decision = def;
        else {
            int h = Str::atoi(value_to_check, 0);
            LOGIF(SCHEMA_COMPILATION, "Want value %d\n", h);
            if (operation_to_check == EQ_BIP) decision = (val == h)?TRUE:FALSE;
            if (operation_to_check == NE_BIP) decision = (val != h)?TRUE:FALSE;
            if (operation_to_check == GE_BIP) decision = (val >= h)?TRUE:FALSE;
            if (operation_to_check == GT_BIP) decision = (val > h)?TRUE:FALSE;
            if (operation_to_check == LE_BIP) decision = (val <= h)?TRUE:FALSE;
            if (operation_to_check == LT_BIP) decision = (val < h)?TRUE:FALSE;

        if (isn->dir_clarifier == IFNDEF_I6RW) decision = decision?FALSE:TRUE;
        if (isn->dir_clarifier == IFFALSE_I6RW) decision = decision?FALSE:TRUE;
        isn->blocked_by_conditional = TRUE;
        endif_node->blocked_by_conditional = TRUE;
        if (ifnot_node) ifnot_node->blocked_by_conditional = TRUE;
        if (decision) {
            inter_schema_node *at = ifnot_node;
            while ((at) && (at != endif_node)) {
                at->blocked_by_conditional = TRUE;
                at = at->next_node;
        } else {
            inter_schema_node *at = isn;
            while ((at) && (at != endif_node) && (at != ifnot_node)) {
                at->blocked_by_conditional = TRUE;
                at = at->next_node;
        if (Log::aspect_switched_on(SCHEMA_COMPILATION_DA)) {
            LOG("--- Resulting in: ---\n");
            for (inter_schema_node *at = isn; at; at = at->next_node)
                InterSchemas::log_just(at, 0);
        return TRUE;


void EmitInterSchemas::emit_inner(inter_tree *I, inter_schema_node *isn, value_holster *VH,
    inter_schema *sch, void *opaque_state, int prim_cat, inter_symbols_table *first_call, inter_symbols_table *second_call,
    void (*inline_command_handler)(value_holster *VH, inter_schema_token *t, void *opaque_state, int prim_cat),
    void (*i7_source_handler)(value_holster *VH, text_stream *OUT, text_stream *S)) {
    if (isn == NULL) return;
    if (isn->blocked_by_conditional) return;
    switch (isn->isn_type) {
        case LABEL_ISNT: Label3.1; break;
        case CODE_ISNT: Code block3.2; break;
        case EVAL_ISNT: Eval block3.7; break;
        case EXPRESSION_ISNT: Expression3.11; break;
        case SUBEXPRESSION_ISNT: Subexpression3.9; break;
        case STATEMENT_ISNT: Statement3.10; break;
        case OPERATION_ISNT: Operation3.8; break;
        case ASSEMBLY_ISNT: Assembly3.3; break;
        case CALL_ISNT: Call3.4; break;
        case MESSAGE_ISNT: Message3.5; break;
        case CALLMESSAGE_ISNT: Call-message3.6; break;
        case DIRECTIVE_ISNT: Non-conditional directive3.12; break;
        default: internal_error("unknown schema node type");

§3.1. Label3.1 =

    if (prim_cat != CODE_PRIM_CAT) internal_error("label outside code");
    WRITE_TO(L, ".");
    for (inter_schema_node *at = isn->child_node; at; at=at->next_node) {
        for (inter_schema_token *t = at->expression_tokens; t; t=t->next) {
            if (t->ist_type == IDENTIFIER_ISTT)
                WRITE_TO(L, "%S", t->material);
            else if ((t->ist_type == INLINE_ISTT) && (t->inline_command == label_ISINC)) {
                #ifdef CORE_MODULE
                JumpLabels::write(L, t->operand);
                #ifndef CORE_MODULE
                internal_error("label namespaces are unavailable in assimilation mode");
            } else if ((t->ist_type == INLINE_ISTT) &&
                ((t->inline_command == counter_up_ISINC) || (t->inline_command == counter_down_ISINC))) {
                value_holster VN = Holsters::new(INTER_DATA_VHMODE);
                if (inline_command_handler)
                    (*inline_command_handler)(&VN, t, opaque_state, VAL_PRIM_CAT);
            } else internal_error("bad label stuff");
    Produce::place_label(I, Produce::reserve_label(I, L));

§3.2. Code block3.2 =

    if (prim_cat != CODE_PRIM_CAT) internal_error("code block in expression");
    if (isn->unopened == FALSE) {
    for (inter_schema_node *at = isn->child_node; at; at=at->next_node)
        EmitInterSchemas::emit_inner(I, at,
            VH, sch, opaque_state, CODE_PRIM_CAT, first_call, second_call,
            inline_command_handler, i7_source_handler);
    if (isn->unclosed == FALSE) {
    if (isn->unopened) Produce::to_last_level(I, 0);

§3.3. Assembly3.3 =

    if (prim_cat != CODE_PRIM_CAT) internal_error("assembly in expression");
    inter_schema_node *at = isn->child_node;
    if (at) {
        text_stream *opcode_text = NULL;
        if (at->isn_type == EXPRESSION_ISNT) {
            inter_schema_token *tok = at->expression_tokens;
            if ((tok->ist_type == OPCODE_ISTT) && (tok->next == NULL))
                opcode_text = tok->material;
        if (opcode_text == NULL) internal_error("assembly malformed");
        Produce::inv_assembly(I, opcode_text);
        for (at = at->next_node; at; at=at->next_node)
            EmitInterSchemas::emit_inner(I, at, VH, sch, opaque_state,
                VAL_PRIM_CAT, first_call, second_call,
                inline_command_handler, i7_source_handler);

§3.4. Call3.4 =

    if (isn->child_node) {
        inter_schema_node *at = isn->child_node;
        inter_symbol *to_call = NULL;
        if (at->isn_type == EXPRESSION_ISNT) {
            inter_schema_token *tok = at->expression_tokens;
            if ((tok->ist_type == IDENTIFIER_ISTT) && (tok->next == NULL)) {
                to_call = EmitInterSchemas::find_identifier(I, tok, first_call, second_call);
                if (Inter::Symbols::is_local(to_call)) to_call = NULL;
        if (to_call) {
            Produce::inv_call(I, to_call);
            at = at->next_node;
        } else {
            int argc = 0;
            for (inter_schema_node *n = isn->child_node; n; n=n->next_node) {
                if ((n->expression_tokens) && (n->expression_tokens->inline_command == combine_ISINC)) argc++;
            switch (argc) {
                case 1: Produce::inv_primitive(I, INDIRECT0_BIP); break;
                case 2: Produce::inv_primitive(I, INDIRECT1_BIP); break;
                case 3: Produce::inv_primitive(I, INDIRECT2_BIP); break;
                case 4: Produce::inv_primitive(I, INDIRECT3_BIP); break;
                case 5: Produce::inv_primitive(I, INDIRECT4_BIP); break;
                default: internal_error("too many args for indirect call"); break;
        for (; at; at=at->next_node)
            EmitInterSchemas::emit_inner(I, at,
                VH, sch, opaque_state, VAL_PRIM_CAT,
                first_call, second_call, inline_command_handler, i7_source_handler);

§3.5. Message3.5 =

    if (isn->child_node) {
        inter_schema_node *at = isn->child_node;
        int argc = 0;
        for (inter_schema_node *n = isn->child_node; n; n=n->next_node) argc++;
        switch (argc) {
            case 2: Produce::inv_primitive(I, MESSAGE0_BIP); break;
            case 3: Produce::inv_primitive(I, MESSAGE1_BIP); break;
            case 4: Produce::inv_primitive(I, MESSAGE2_BIP); break;
            case 5: Produce::inv_primitive(I, MESSAGE3_BIP); break;
            default: internal_error("too many args for message"); break;
        for (; at; at=at->next_node)
            EmitInterSchemas::emit_inner(I, at,
                VH, sch, opaque_state, VAL_PRIM_CAT,
                first_call, second_call, inline_command_handler, i7_source_handler);

§3.6. Call-message3.6 =

    if (isn->child_node) {
        inter_schema_node *at = isn->child_node;
        int argc = 0;
        for (inter_schema_node *n = isn->child_node; n; n=n->next_node) argc++;
        switch (argc) {
            case 1: Produce::inv_primitive(I, CALLMESSAGE0_BIP); break;
            case 2: Produce::inv_primitive(I, CALLMESSAGE1_BIP); break;
            case 3: Produce::inv_primitive(I, CALLMESSAGE2_BIP); break;
            case 4: Produce::inv_primitive(I, CALLMESSAGE3_BIP); break;
            default: internal_error("too many args for call-message"); break;
        for (; at; at=at->next_node)
            EmitInterSchemas::emit_inner(I, at,
                VH, sch, opaque_state, VAL_PRIM_CAT,
                first_call, second_call, inline_command_handler, i7_source_handler);

§3.7. Eval block3.7 =

    if ((prim_cat != CODE_PRIM_CAT) && (prim_cat != VAL_PRIM_CAT))
        internal_error("eval block outside evaluation context");
    if (isn->child_node == NULL) Produce::val(I, K_value, LITERAL_IVAL, 1);
    else {
        int d = 0;
        for (inter_schema_node *at = isn->child_node; at; at=at->next_node) {
            if (at->next_node) {
                Produce::inv_primitive(I, SEQUENTIAL_BIP);
            EmitInterSchemas::emit_inner(I, at,
                VH, sch, opaque_state, VAL_PRIM_CAT,
                first_call, second_call, inline_command_handler, i7_source_handler);
        while (d > 0) { Produce::up(I); d--; }

§3.8. Operation3.8 =

    if (prim_cat == REF_PRIM_CAT) { Produce::reference(I); Produce::down(I); }

    Produce::inv_primitive(I, isn->isn_clarifier);
    int pc = VAL_PRIM_CAT;
    if (InterSchemas::first_operand_ref(isn->isn_clarifier)) pc = REF_PRIM_CAT;
    EmitInterSchemas::emit_inner(I, isn->child_node,
        VH, sch, opaque_state, pc, first_call, second_call,
        inline_command_handler, i7_source_handler);
    if (InterSchemas::arity(isn->isn_clarifier) == 2)
        EmitInterSchemas::emit_inner(I, isn->child_node->next_node,
            VH, sch, opaque_state, VAL_PRIM_CAT,
            first_call, second_call,
            inline_command_handler, i7_source_handler);

    if (prim_cat == REF_PRIM_CAT) { Produce::up(I); }

§3.9. Subexpression3.9 =

    int d = 0;
    for (inter_schema_node *at = isn->child_node; at; at=at->next_node) {
        if (at->next_node) {
            Produce::inv_primitive(I, SEQUENTIAL_BIP);
        EmitInterSchemas::emit_inner(I, at,
            VH, sch, opaque_state, prim_cat, first_call, second_call,
            inline_command_handler, i7_source_handler);
    while (d > 0) { Produce::up(I); d--; }

§3.10. Statement3.10 =

    if (prim_cat != CODE_PRIM_CAT) internal_error("statement in expression");
    if (isn->isn_clarifier == CASE_BIP) Produce::to_last_level(I, 2);
    Produce::inv_primitive(I, isn->isn_clarifier);
    int arity = InterSchemas::ip_arity(isn->isn_clarifier);
    if (arity > 0) {
        if (isn->isn_clarifier == OBJECTLOOP_BIP)
            Add the objectloop range tokens3.10.1;
        inter_schema_node *at = isn->child_node;
        inter_schema_node *last = NULL;
        int actual_arity = 0;
        for (int i = 0; ((at) && (i<arity)); i++) {
            EmitInterSchemas::emit_inner(I, at, VH, sch, opaque_state,
                InterSchemas::ip_prim_cat(isn->isn_clarifier, i),
                first_call, second_call, inline_command_handler, i7_source_handler);
            last = at;
            at = at->next_node;
        if (!((last) && (last->unclosed))) {

§3.10.1. Add the objectloop range tokens3.10.1 =

    inter_schema_node *oc_node = isn->child_node;
    while ((oc_node) &&
        ((oc_node->isn_type != OPERATION_ISNT) ||
        (oc_node->isn_clarifier != OFCLASS_BIP)))
        oc_node = oc_node->child_node;
    if (oc_node) {
        inter_schema_node *var_node = oc_node->child_node;
        inter_schema_node *cl_node = var_node?(var_node->next_node):NULL;
        if ((var_node) && (cl_node)) {
            EmitInterSchemas::emit_inner(I, var_node, VH, sch, opaque_state, REF_PRIM_CAT,
                first_call, second_call, inline_command_handler, i7_source_handler);
            EmitInterSchemas::emit_inner(I, cl_node, VH, sch, opaque_state, VAL_PRIM_CAT,
                first_call, second_call, inline_command_handler, i7_source_handler);
        } else internal_error("malformed OC node");
    } else {
        inter_schema_node *var_node = isn->child_node;
        while ((var_node) && (var_node->isn_type != EXPRESSION_ISNT))
            var_node = var_node->child_node;
        if (var_node) {
            EmitInterSchemas::emit_inner(I, var_node, VH, sch, opaque_state, REF_PRIM_CAT,
                first_call, second_call, inline_command_handler, i7_source_handler);
            #ifdef CORE_MODULE
            Produce::val_iname(I, K_value, Kinds::RunTime::I6_classname(K_object));
            #ifndef CORE_MODULE
            Produce::val_symbol(I, K_value, Site::veneer_symbol(I, OBJECT_VSYMB));
    		inter_symbol *plug = Inter::Connectors::find_plug(I, I"Object");
			if (plug == NULL) plug = Inter::Connectors::plug(I, I"Object");
			Produce::val_symbol(I, K_value, plug);
        } else internal_error("objectloop without visible variable");

§3.11. Expression3.11 =

    int cat_me = FALSE, lab_me = FALSE, print_ret_me = FALSE;
    int tc = 0; for (inter_schema_token *t = isn->expression_tokens; t; t=t->next) tc++;
    if ((tc > 1) && (prim_cat == VAL_PRIM_CAT)) cat_me = TRUE;

    if ((tc == 1) && (prim_cat == CODE_PRIM_CAT) && (isn->expression_tokens->ist_type == DQUOTED_ISTT))
        print_ret_me = TRUE;

    if ((tc == 1) && (prim_cat == LAB_PRIM_CAT)) lab_me = TRUE;

    if (cat_me) { Produce::evaluation(I); Produce::down(I); }
    if (prim_cat == REF_PRIM_CAT) { Produce::reference(I); Produce::down(I); }

    for (inter_schema_token *t = isn->expression_tokens; t; t=t->next) {
        switch (t->ist_type) {
            case IDENTIFIER_ISTT: {
                if (lab_me)
                    Produce::lab(I, Produce::reserve_label(I, t->material));
                else {
                    #ifdef CORE_MODULE
                    local_variable *lvar = LocalVariables::by_name_any(t->material);
                    if (lvar) {
                        inter_symbol *lvar_s = LocalVariables::declare_this(lvar, FALSE, 8);
                        Produce::val_symbol(I, K_value, lvar_s);
                    } else {
                        Produce::val_symbol(I, K_value, EmitInterSchemas::find_identifier(I, t, first_call, second_call));
                    #ifndef CORE_MODULE
                        Produce::val_symbol(I, K_value, EmitInterSchemas::find_identifier(I, t, first_call, second_call));
            case ASM_ARROW_ISTT:
                Produce::val_symbol(I, K_value, Site::veneer_symbol(I, ASM_ARROW_VSYMB));
            case ASM_SP_ISTT:
                Produce::val_symbol(I, K_value, Site::veneer_symbol(I, ASM_SP_VSYMB));
            case ASM_NEGATED_LABEL_ISTT:
                if (Str::eq(t->material, I"rtrue"))
                    Produce::val_symbol(I, K_value, Site::veneer_symbol(I, ASM_NEG_RTRUE_VSYMB));
                else if (Str::eq(t->material, I"rfalse"))
                    Produce::val_symbol(I, K_value, Site::veneer_symbol(I, ASM_NEG_RFALSE_VSYMB));
                else {
                    Produce::val_symbol(I, K_value, Site::veneer_symbol(I, ASM_NEG_VSYMB));
                    Produce::lab(I, Produce::reserve_label(I, t->material));
            case ASM_LABEL_ISTT:
                if (Str::eq(t->material, I"rtrue"))
                    Produce::val_symbol(I, K_value, Site::veneer_symbol(I, ASM_RTRUE_VSYMB));
                else if (Str::eq(t->material, I"rfalse"))
                    Produce::val_symbol(I, K_value, Site::veneer_symbol(I, ASM_RFALSE_VSYMB));
                else Produce::lab(I, Produce::reserve_label(I, t->material));
            case NUMBER_ISTT:
            case BIN_NUMBER_ISTT:
            case HEX_NUMBER_ISTT: {
                inter_t v1 = 0, v2 = 0;
                if (t->constant_number >= 0) { v1 = LITERAL_IVAL; v2 = (inter_t) t->constant_number; }
                else if (Inter::Types::read_I6_decimal(t->material, &v1, &v2) == FALSE)
                    internal_error("bad number");
                Produce::val(I, K_value, v1, v2);
            case REAL_NUMBER_ISTT:
                Produce::val_real_from_text(I, t->material);
            case DQUOTED_ISTT:
                if (print_ret_me) {
                    Produce::inv_primitive(I, PRINTRET_BIP);
                Produce::val_text(I, t->material);
                if (print_ret_me) {
            case SQUOTED_ISTT:
                if (Str::len(t->material) == 1) {
                    Produce::val_char(I, Str::get_at(t->material, 0));
                } else {
                    Produce::val_dword(I, t->material);
            case I7_ISTT:
                (*i7_source_handler)(VH, NULL, t->material);
            case INLINE_ISTT:
                if (inline_command_handler)
                    (*inline_command_handler)(VH, t, opaque_state, prim_cat);
                internal_error("bad expression token");

    if (cat_me) { Produce::up(I); }
    if (prim_cat == REF_PRIM_CAT) { Produce::up(I); }

§3.12. Non-conditional directive3.12 =

    internal_error("unknown directive");


inter_symbol *EmitInterSchemas::find_identifier(inter_tree *I, inter_schema_token *t, inter_symbols_table *first_call, inter_symbols_table *second_call) {
    if (t->as_quoted) return InterNames::to_symbol(t->as_quoted);
    return EmitInterSchemas::find_identifier_text(I, t->material, first_call, second_call);

inter_symbol *EmitInterSchemas::find_identifier_text(inter_tree *I, text_stream *name, inter_symbols_table *first_call, inter_symbols_table *second_call) {
    if (Str::get_at(name, 0) == 0x00A7) {
        Str::copy(SR, name);
        inter_symbol *S = Inter::SymbolsTables::url_name_to_symbol(I, NULL, SR);
        if (S) return S;
    if (first_call) {
        inter_symbol *S = Produce::seek_symbol(first_call, name);
        if (S) return S;
    if (second_call) {
        inter_symbol *S = Produce::seek_symbol(second_call, name);
        if (S) return S;
    inter_symbol *S = Veneer::find(I, name, Produce::kind_to_symbol(NULL));
    if (S) return S;
    S = Produce::seek_symbol(Produce::connectors_scope(I), name);
    if (S) return S;
    S = Produce::seek_symbol(Produce::main_scope(I), name);
    if (S) return S;
    S = InterNames::to_symbol(Produce::find_by_name(I, name));
    if (S) return S;
    LOG("Defeated on %S\n", name);
    internal_error("unable to find identifier");
    return NULL;