Parsing the clauses part of an AP from source text.

§1. For nearly two decades the function below (and its allied code in Action Name Lists) was the most troublesome, and hardest to understand, code in the whole compiler, a simply awful place reminding me somehow of Douglas Adams's Frogstar.1 The AP parser was almost as cranky as the type-checker, but that at least had the excuse of performing a complicated function. Periodic improvements clarified only that the action pattern parser was difficult to predict, and still did odd things in edge cases.

A therapeutic rewrite was finally made in March 2021; the algorithm works entirely differently but appears to match a superset of cases that the old one did, and is much easier to specify.

action_pattern *ParseClauses::ap_seven(wording W) {
    LOGIF(ACTION_PATTERN_PARSING, "Level Seven on: %W\n", W);
    action_name_list *list =
        ActionNameLists::parse(W, ParseActionPatterns::current_tense(), NULL);
    LOGIF(ACTION_PATTERN_PARSING, "Action name list for %W is:\n$L", W, list);
    if (ActionNameLists::length(list) == 0) return NULL;

    Reduce the list to the first viable entry at each word position1.1;
    LOGIF(ACTION_PATTERN_PARSING, "Reduced to viability:\n$L", list);

    Reject the resulting list if two or more entries contain clauses1.2;
    Reject the resulting list if, given the clauses, two actions are immiscible1.3;

    Produce and return an action pattern from what survives of the list1.4;

§1.1. A typical action list might look like the following, which came from the text "looking or taking inventory in the presence of Hans in the Laboratory". There are six different options at word position 2 (i.e., the "taking" part) but only one at position 0 ("looking").

(1). +2 taking inventory [in: the laboratory] [in-presence: hans]
(2). +2 taking inventory [in-presence: hans in the laboratory]
(3). +2 taking [noun: inventory] [in: the laboratory] [in-presence: hans]
(4). +2 taking [noun: inventory] [in-presence: hans in the laboratory]
(5). +2 taking [noun: inventory in the presence of hans] [in: the laboratory]
(6). +2 taking [noun: inventory in the presence of hans in the laboratory]
(7). +0 looking

Note that it is ordered in such a way that actions with more fixed wording occur before actions with fewer (at the same word position); and also that the number of words inside the clauses increases as we go through possibilities for each action. For (3) to (7), the "taking" options, the clause wording runs to successively 4, 5, 8 and 9 words.

We now need to reduce this to a list of just two entries:

(1). +2 taking inventory [in: the laboratory] [in-presence: hans]
(2). +0 looking

An entry is "viable" if we can make sense of the text in all of its clauses. As soon as we find a viable entry at a given word position, we ignore all subsequent possibilities at that position — so the ordering of the ANL is crucial: options near the top of the list are preferred to those lower down.

Reduce the list to the first viable entry at each word position1.1 =

    anl_entry *viable = NULL; int at = -1;
    LOOP_THROUGH_ANL(entry, list) {
        if (ActionNameLists::word_position(entry) != at) {
            if ((at >= 0) && (viable == NULL)) return NULL;
            at = ActionNameLists::word_position(entry);
            viable = NULL;
        } else {
            if (viable) {
        action_name *an = ActionNameLists::action(entry);
        int fail = FALSE, entry_options = 0;
        Parse the clauses1.1.1;
        if (fail) { ActionNameLists::mark_for_deletion(entry); continue; }
        PluginCalls::act_on_ANL_entry_options(entry, entry_options, &fail);
        if (fail) { ActionNameLists::mark_for_deletion(entry); continue; }
        Typecheck or otherwise validate the clauses1.1.3;
        if (fail) { ActionNameLists::mark_for_deletion(entry); continue; }
        viable = entry;
    if (viable == NULL) return NULL;

§1.1.1. Now each clause's text must be evaluated: for example, on the clause [in-presence: hans] we will have to evaluate "Hans".

Note the special case for actions whose second noun has the kind K_understanding, meaning that they hold topics of conversation ("ask Hans about cosmic rays"). There is ordinarily no way in Inform to write a literal of this kind, but here we are allowed to write a text literal instead, and it is automatically converted.

Parse the clauses1.1.1 =

    int saved_pap = pap_failure_reason;
        if (fail) break;
        if (Log::aspect_switched_on(ACTION_PATTERN_PARSING_DA)) {
            LOG("parsing "); ActionNameLists::log_clause(c); LOG(" - ");
        if (Wordings::nonempty(c->clause_text)) {
            int opts = 0; PluginCalls::parse_AP_clause(an, c, &opts);
            if (opts != 0) {
                entry_options |= opts;
            } else if ((c->clause_ID == SECOND_AP_CLAUSE) && (an) && (K_understanding) &&
                (Kinds::eq(ActionSemantics::kind_of_second(an), K_understanding)) &&
                (<understanding-action-irregular-operand>(c->clause_text))) {
                parse_node *val = ParsingPlugin::rvalue_from_command_grammar(NULL);
                Node::set_text(val, c->clause_text);
                c->evaluation = val;
            } else if (<action-operand>(c->clause_text)) {
                if (<<r>>) c->evaluation = <<rp>>;
                else c->evaluation = Specifications::from_kind(K_thing);
            } else {
                fail = TRUE;
            if ((K_understanding) && (Rvalues::is_CONSTANT_of_kind(c->evaluation, K_text)))
                Node::set_kind_of_value(c->evaluation, K_understanding);
        if (Log::aspect_switched_on(ACTION_PATTERN_PARSING_DA)) {
            if (fail) LOG("fail\n");
            else LOG("$P\n", c->evaluation);
    pap_failure_reason = saved_pap;

§1.1.2. The "operands" of an action pattern are the nouns to which it applies: for example, in "Kevin taking or dropping something", the operand is "something". We treat words like "something" specially to avoid them being read as "some thing" and thus forcing the kind of the operand to be "thing".

<action-operand> ::=
    something/anything |       ==> { FALSE, - }
    something/anything else |  ==> { FALSE, - }
    <s-ap-parameter>           ==> { TRUE, RP[1] }

<understanding-action-irregular-operand> ::=
    something/anything |       ==> { TRUE, - }
    it                         ==> { FALSE, - }

§1.1.3. Supposing that we managed to find values for each clause, we might still have impossible ones: "putting 101 on false", say, where the noun seems to be the number 101 and the second noun the truth state "false". So we need to typecheck each clause.

Typecheck or otherwise validate the clauses1.1.3 =

        if (fail) break;
        if (Log::aspect_switched_on(ACTION_PATTERN_PARSING_DA)) {
            LOG("validating "); ActionNameLists::log_clause(c); LOG(" - ");
        kind *check = NULL;
        switch (c->clause_ID) {
            case NOUN_AP_CLAUSE:
                check = K_object;
                if (an) check = ActionSemantics::kind_of_noun(an);
            case SECOND_AP_CLAUSE:
                check = K_object;
                if (an) check = ActionSemantics::kind_of_second(an);
            case IN_AP_CLAUSE:
                check = K_object;
            case IN_THE_PRESENCE_OF_AP_CLAUSE:
                check = K_object;
        if (c->stv_to_match) {
            int rv = FALSE;
            if (PluginCalls::validate_AP_clause(an, c, &rv)) {
                if (Log::aspect_switched_on(ACTION_PATTERN_PARSING_DA))
                    LOG("referred to feature - ");
                if (rv == FALSE) {
                    if (Log::aspect_switched_on(ACTION_PATTERN_PARSING_DA)) {
                        LOG("failed badly with problem\n");
                    return NULL;
            } else {
                check = SharedVariables::get_kind(c->stv_to_match);
        if (Node::is(c->evaluation, UNKNOWN_NT)) fail = TRUE;
        else {
            if (Log::aspect_switched_on(ACTION_PATTERN_PARSING_DA))
                LOG("using Dash with kind %u - ", check);
            if ((check) && (Dash::validate_parameter(c->evaluation, check) == FALSE))
                fail = TRUE;
        if (Log::aspect_switched_on(ACTION_PATTERN_PARSING_DA)) {
            if (fail) LOG("fail\n"); else LOG("pass\n");

§1.2. This is where heterogeneous patterns like "dropping a thing or taking a container" are thrown out: only the last-placed action is allowed to have clauses.

Reject the resulting list if two or more entries contain clauses1.2 =

    int N = 0;
    LOOP_THROUGH_ANL(entry, list)
        if (entry->parsing_data.anl_clauses)
    if (N > 1) {
        pap_failure_reason = MIXEDNOUNS_PAPF;
        LOGIF(ACTION_PATTERN_PARSING, "Rejecting with mixed nouns\n");
        return NULL;

§1.3. And this is where impossible mixtures of actions are thrown out: for example, if there is an action "setting" whose noun is a number, then "taking or setting 50" will be thrown out because the two actions here disagree about the meaning of the noun.

Similarly, "looking or taking a vehicle" is thrown out because looking has no noun.

This is done in the interests of having a type-safe way to compile the pattern check, but really it also avoids allowing action patterns which look like syllepses.

Reject the resulting list if, given the clauses, two actions are immiscible1.3 =

    int immiscible = FALSE, no_oow = 0, no_iw = 0, no_of_pars = 0;

    kind *kinds_observed_in_list[2];
    kinds_observed_in_list[0] = NULL;
    kinds_observed_in_list[1] = NULL;
    LOOP_THROUGH_ANL(entry, list)
        if (ActionNameLists::nap(entry) == NULL) {
            int nouns_in_entry = ActionNameLists::noun_count(entry);
            if (nouns_in_entry > 0) {
                if (no_of_pars > 0) immiscible = TRUE;
                no_of_pars = nouns_in_entry;
            action_name *this = ActionNameLists::action(entry);
            if (this) {
                if (ActionSemantics::is_out_of_world(this)) no_oow++; else no_iw++;

                if (nouns_in_entry >= 1) {
                    kind *K = ActionSemantics::kind_of_noun(this);
                    kind *A = kinds_observed_in_list[0];
                    if ((A) && (K) && (Kinds::eq(A, K) == FALSE))
                        immiscible = TRUE;
                    kinds_observed_in_list[0] = K;
                if (nouns_in_entry >= 2) {
                    kind *K = ActionSemantics::kind_of_second(this);
                    kind *A = kinds_observed_in_list[1];
                    if ((A) && (K) && (Kinds::eq(A, K) == FALSE))
                        immiscible = TRUE;
                    kinds_observed_in_list[1] = K;
    if ((no_oow > 0) && (no_iw > 0)) immiscible = TRUE;

    LOOP_THROUGH_ANL(entry, list) {
        action_name *an = ActionNameLists::action(entry);
        if (an) {
            if ((no_of_pars >= 1) && (ActionSemantics::can_have_noun(an) == FALSE))
                immiscible = TRUE;
            if ((no_of_pars >= 2) && (ActionSemantics::can_have_second(an) == FALSE))
                immiscible = TRUE;

    if (immiscible) {
        pap_failure_reason = IMMISCIBLE_PAPF;
        LOGIF(ACTION_PATTERN_PARSING, "Rejecting with immiscible actions\n");
        return NULL;

§1.4. Fanfares and trumpets voluntary:

Produce and return an action pattern from what survives of the list1.4 =

    action_pattern *ap = ActionPatterns::new(W);
    anl_item *first = ActionNameLists::first_item(list);
    if ((first) && ((first->action_listed) || (first->nap_listed))) ap->action_list = list;
    LOOP_THROUGH_ANL(entry, list)
        LOOP_THROUGH_ANL_CLAUSES(c, entry) {
                "Succeeds with clause %d = '%W'\n", c->clause_ID, c->clause_text);
            if (c->stv_to_match)
                APClauses::set_action_variable_spec(ap, c->stv_to_match, c->evaluation);
                APClauses::set_spec(ap, c->clause_ID, c->evaluation);
    return ap;

§2. Internal test. This is an all-singing, all-dancing way to test Level 7 and, along with it, the action name list parser. In effect, there's a cutesy mini-language for what you can express in the test wording.

void ParseClauses::perform_pattern_internal_test(OUTPUT_STREAM,
    struct internal_test_case *itc) {
    int saved = ParseActionPatterns::enter_mode(PERMIT_TRYING_OMISSION);

§3. The mini-language is interpreted: to parse it is to run it. Notably, it also enables named action patterns to be created, so that we can then parse them back again:

<perform-ap-test> ::=
    list {...} |                  ==> { -, - }; ActionNameLists::test_list(WR[1]);
    <test-ap> |                   ==> Write textual AP test result3.1
    <test-ap> ~~ <test-ap> |      ==> Write comparison AP test result3.2
    ...                           ==> Write failure3.3

<test-ap> ::=
    <test-ap> is {...} |          ==> Make a named action pattern3.4
    <test-register> = <test-ap> | ==> { -, ParseClauses::set_reg(R[1], RP[2]) }
    <action-pattern> |            ==> { pass 1 }
    <test-register> |             ==> { -, ParseClauses::read_reg(R[1]) }
    experimental {...}            ==> { -, ParseClauses::ap_seven(WR[1]) }

<test-register> ::=
    r1 | r2 | r3 | r4 | r5

§3.1. Write textual AP test result3.1 =

    LOG("%W: $A\n", W, RP[1]);

§3.2. Write comparison AP test result3.2 =

    int rv = ActionPatterns::compare_specificity(RP[1], RP[2]);
    int rv_converse = ActionPatterns::compare_specificity(RP[2], RP[1]);
    LOG("%W: ", W);
    if (rv > 0) LOG("left is more specific\n");
    if (rv < 0) LOG("right is more specific\n");
    if (rv == 0) LOG("equally specific\n");
    if (rv_converse != -1*rv) LOG("*** Not antisymmetric ***\n");

§3.3. Write failure3.3 =

    LOG("%W: failed to parse\n", W);

§3.4. Make a named action pattern3.4 =

    wording W = GET_RW(<test-ap>, 1);
    named_action_pattern *nap = NamedActionPatterns::add(RP[1], W);
    action_pattern *new_ap = ActionPatterns::new(W);
    anl_entry *entry = ActionNameLists::new_entry_at(W);
    entry->item.nap_listed = nap;
    new_ap->action_list = ActionNameLists::new_list(entry, ANL_POSITIVE);
    ==> { -, new_ap };

§4. This mini-language has a set of 5 "registers", which are really variables, for stashing test results for use in subsequent tests:

int ap_test_register_initialised = FALSE;
action_pattern *ap_test_register[5];

action_pattern *ParseClauses::read_reg(int r) {
    if ((r < 0) || (r >= 5)) internal_error("bad AP register");
    if (ap_test_register_initialised == FALSE) {
        ap_test_register_initialised = TRUE;
        for (int i=0; i<5; i++) ap_test_register[i] = NULL;
    return ap_test_register[r];

action_pattern *ParseClauses::set_reg(int r, action_pattern *ap) {
    ap_test_register[r] = ap;
    return ParseClauses::read_reg(r);