To fit the map of the rooms in the game into a cubical grid, preserving distances and angles where possible, and so to give each room approximate coordinate locations.

§1. Definitions.

§2. We assign \((x, y, z)\) coordinates to each room, aiming to make the descriptive map connections ("The Ballroom is east of the Old Kitchens") as plausible as possible in coordinate terms. This is potentially a research-level problem in graph theory or aesthetics. A problem like it was recently set in a world programming competition: to turn spatial coordinates into a simplified subway map. This is almost the reverse, but has a certain amount in common with it.

We will partition the set of rooms into "components", which are disjoint nonempty collections of rooms joined together by proximity. This has two forms:

As we will see, we will map rooms using a symmetric form of relationships: if X relates to Y then Y relates to X. This will take some fixing, because map connections in Inform needn't be symmetrical.

We must then solve two different problems. The first is to place rooms at grid positions within each individual component. We assign each possible arrangement a numerical measure of its geometric distortion, and then try to minimise this, but of course any exhaustive search would be prohibitively slow. This problem is quite likely NP-complete, and it looks likely that we can embed notorious problems in complexity theory within it (say, the bandwidth minimization problem). We do have the advantage of experience about what IF maps look like, and of not having to deal well with bizarre maps, but still, we shouldn't expect to achieve a perfect choice. We must be very careful about running time; it's unacceptable for the Inform indexer to take longer to run than Inform itself. The code below is roughly quadratic in the number of rooms, which is a reasonable compromise given how few works of IF have really enormous room counts.

The second problem is to place the components onto a global grid so that they make sensible use of space on the index page, but don't get in each other's way.

§3. A "connected submap" is a map formed from some subset of the rooms in the model world, together with any spatial relationships between them, such that it's possible to go from any X to any Y in the submap using only some sequence of these relationships.

Connected submaps will arise initially because we'll take every component of the map and make it into a connected submap; but then more will exist temporarily as we cut these up. Each room will, at any given time, belong to exactly one submap.

At any given point in our calculations each room has a grid location which is a triple of integers \((x, y, z)\). The position of the origin is undefined, and not relevant, since only the location of one room relative to another is important. We will cache the values of the corner points of the smallest cuboid \((x_0, y_0, z_0)\) to \((x_1, y_1, z_1)\) which contains all of the rooms in our submap. Similarly, we cache the penalty score for the current arrangement of rooms relative to each other within the submap as the "heat", a term to be explained later.

typedef struct connected_submap {
    struct instance *first_room_in_submap;  double-headed linked list of rooms
    struct instance *last_room_in_submap;
    struct cuboid bounds;
    int heat;  current penalty score for bad placement of rooms
    int positioned;  already placed within the global map grid?
    int *incidence_cache;  how many of our rooms occupy each grid position?
    int incidence_cache_size;  how large that cache is
    struct cuboid incidence_cache_bounds;  bounds of the incidence cache array
    int superpositions;  number of pairs of rooms which share the same grid location
} connected_submap;

§4. Just as each submap has a bounding cuboid, so does the whole assemblage:

cuboid Universe;

§5. One special room is the "benchmark", from which the map is arranged. This is usually the room in which the player begins.

instance *benchmark_room = NULL;

§6. We are going to be iterating through the set of rooms often. Looping over all rooms can afford to be fairly slow, but it's essential in order to keep the running time down that we loop through submaps with overhead no worse than the number of rooms in the submap; this is why we keep the linked list.

        if (PL::Spatial::object_is_a_room(R))
define LOOP_OVER_SUBMAP(R, sub)
    for (R = sub->first_room_in_submap; R; R = PF_I(map, R)->next_room_in_submap)

§7. These algorithms are trying to do something computationally expensive, so it's useful to keep track of how much time they cost. The unit of currency here is the "drogna"; 1 drogna is equivalent to a single map or lock lookup, or a single exit heat calculation.

int drognas_spent = 0;  in order to measure roughly how much work we're doing
int cutpoint_spending = 0;
int division_spending = 0;
int slide_spending = 0;
int cooling_spending = 0;
int quenching_spending = 0;
int diffusion_spending = 0;
int radiation_spending = 0;
int explosion_spending = 0;

§8. Grand strategy. Here is the six-stage strategy. I estimate that the running time is as follows, where \(R\) is the number of rooms:

We allow this routine to be called more than once only for the convenience of the unit test below, which makes spatial positioning happen early in order to get the results in time to write them in the story file.

int spatial_coordinates_established = FALSE;
int partitioned_into_components = FALSE;

void PL::SpatialMap::establish_spatial_coordinates(void) {
    if (spatial_coordinates_established) return;
    if (Log::aspect_switched_on(SPATIAL_MAP_DA)) PL::SpatialMap::log_precis_of_map();
    Universe = Geometry::empty_cuboid();
    (1) Create the spatial relationship arrays8.17;
    (2) Partition the set of rooms into component submaps8.24;
    partitioned_into_components = TRUE;
    (3) Position the rooms within each component8.29;
    (4) Position the components in space8.32;
    (5) Find the universal bounding cuboid8.34;
    (6) Remove any blank lateral planes8.35;
    (5) Find the universal bounding cuboid8.34;
    spatial_coordinates_established = TRUE;

§8.1. Mapping data attached to each room. The \((x, y, z)\) position, and the submap, are straightforward enough; during our calculations \((x, y, z)\) are relative coordinates to other rooms in the same submap, but they are ultimately replaced with absolute coordinates, once the submaps have themselves been placed in space.

The colour and mapping parameters are used for plotting purposes, so we won't need them in this section.

void PL::SpatialMap::initialise_mapping_data(map_data *md) {
    md->world_index_colour = NULL;
    md->world_index_text_colour = NULL;
    md->position = Zero_vector;
    md->saved_gridpos = Zero_vector;
    md->submap = NULL;
    md->next_room_in_submap = NULL;
    int i;
    for (i=0; i<MAX_DIRECTIONS; i++) md->lock_exits[i] = NULL;

§8.2. To make the code less cumbersome to read, all access to the position will be using the following:

define Room_position(R) PF_I(map, R)->position
void PL::SpatialMap::set_room_position(instance *R, vector P) {
    vector O = Room_position(R);
    PF_I(map, R)->position = P;
    if (PF_I(map, R)->submap) PL::SpatialMap::move_room_within_submap(PF_I(map, R)->submap, O, P);

void PL::SpatialMap::set_room_position_breaking_cache(instance *R, vector P) {
    PF_I(map, R)->position = P;

§8.3. Locking is a way to influence the algorithm in this section by forcing a given exit to be locked in place, forbidding it to be distorted.

void PL::SpatialMap::lock_exit_in_place(instance *I, int exit, instance *I2) {
    PL::SpatialMap::lock_one_exit(I2, exit, I);
    PL::SpatialMap::lock_one_exit(I, PL::SpatialMap::opposite(exit), I2);

void PL::SpatialMap::lock_one_exit(instance *F, int exit, instance *T) {
    LOGIF(SPATIAL_MAP, "Mapping clue: put $O to the %s of $O\n",
        T, PL::SpatialMap::usual_Inform_direction_name(exit), F);
    PF_I(map, F)->lock_exits[exit] = T;

§8.4. Page directions. These are any of the 12 standard IF directions (N, NE, NW, S, SE, SW, E, W, U, D, IN, OUT), and are indexed with an number between 0 and 11 inclusive. These are so called because they refer to directions on the page on which the map will be plotted — the page direction 6 really means rightwards, not east, but it's still convenient to think of them that way.

For most Inform projects, page directions correspond to directions in the story file. But that needn't be true; some story files create exotic directions like "port" and "starboard". So the following array gives the correspondence of story directions to page directions; if the value is 12 or more, the direction won't be shown on the index at all. The initial setup is for the 12 standard story directions to correspond exactly to the 12 page directions, then, and for any subsequent story directions to be unshown:

int story_dir_to_page_dir[MAX_DIRECTIONS];

void PL::SpatialMap::initialise_page_directions(void) {
    int i;
    for (i=0; i<registered_directions; i++)
        story_dir_to_page_dir[i] = i;

§8.5. If we want to show one of the exotic directions, we can use a sentence like:

Index map with starboard mapped as east.

When we read this, we associate direction object 13, say (the starboard direction) with page direction 6:

void PL::SpatialMap::map_direction_as_if(instance *I, instance *I2) {
    story_dir_to_page_dir[PF_I(map, I)->direction_index] = PF_I(map, I2)->direction_index;

instance *PL::SpatialMap::mapped_as_if(instance *I) {
    int i = PF_I(map, I)->direction_index;
    if (story_dir_to_page_dir[i] == i) return NULL;
    instance *D;
    LOOP_OVER_INSTANCES(D, K_direction)
        if (PF_I(map, D)->direction_index == story_dir_to_page_dir[i])
            return D;
    return NULL;

§8.6. This is therefore how we know whether a given story direction will actually be visible on the map we draw:

int PL::SpatialMap::direction_is_mappable(int story_direction) {
    if ((story_direction < 0) || (story_direction >= MAX_DIRECTIONS)) return FALSE;
    int page_direction = story_dir_to_page_dir[story_direction];
    if (page_direction >= 12) return FALSE;
    return TRUE;

§8.7. Each page direction involves a given offset in lattice coordinates: for example, direction 6 (E) involves an offset of \((1, 0, 0)\), because a move in this map direction increases the \(x\)-coordinate by 1 and leaves \(y\) and \(z\) unchanged.

vector PL::SpatialMap::direction_as_vector(int story_direction) {
    if ((story_direction < 0) || (story_direction >= MAX_DIRECTIONS))
        return Zero_vector;
    int page_direction = story_dir_to_page_dir[story_direction];
    switch(page_direction) {
        case 0: return N_vector;
        case 1: return NE_vector;
        case 2: return NW_vector;
        case 3: return S_vector;
        case 4: return SE_vector;
        case 5: return SW_vector;
        case 6: return E_vector;
        case 7: return W_vector;
        case 8: return U_vector;
        case 9: return D_vector;
    return Zero_vector;

§8.8. Page directions all have opposites:

int PL::SpatialMap::opposite(int story_direction) {
    if ((story_direction < 0) || (story_direction >= MAX_DIRECTIONS)) return 0;
    int page_direction = story_dir_to_page_dir[story_direction];
    switch(page_direction) {
        case 0: return 3;  N — S
        case 1: return 5;  NE — SW
        case 2: return 4;  NW — SE
        case 3: return 0;  S — N
        case 4: return 2;  SE — NW
        case 5: return 1;  SW — NE
        case 6: return 7;  E — W
        case 7: return 6;  W — E
        case 8: return 9;  UP — DOWN
        case 9: return 8;  DOWN — UP
        case 10: return 11;  IN — OUT
        case 11: return 10;  OUT — IN
    return 0;

§8.9. Lateral directions can be rotated clockwise (seen from above), if way is positive; or anticlockwise if it's negative.

int PL::SpatialMap::rotate_direction(int story_direction, int way) {
    if ((story_direction < 0) || (story_direction >= MAX_DIRECTIONS)) return 0;
    int page_direction = story_dir_to_page_dir[story_direction];
    int i, N = 1; if (way < 0) N = 7;
    for (i=1; i<=N; i++) {
        switch(page_direction) {
            case 0: page_direction = 1; break;  N — NE
            case 1: page_direction = 6; break;  NE — E
            case 2: page_direction = 0; break;  NW — N
            case 3: page_direction = 5; break;  S — SW
            case 4: page_direction = 3; break;  SE — S
            case 5: page_direction = 7; break;  SW — W
            case 6: page_direction = 4; break;  E — SE
            case 7: page_direction = 2; break;  W — NW
            default: page_direction = -1; break;
    return page_direction;

§8.10. Lateral directions are the ones which (a) are mappable, and (b) involve movement along the \(x-y\) grid lines.

int PL::SpatialMap::direction_is_lateral(int story_direction) {
    return Geometry::vec_lateral(

§8.11. Along-lattice directions are those which (a) are mappable, and (b) involve movement along grid lines. Clearly lateral directions are along-lattice, but not necessarily vice versa.

int PL::SpatialMap::direction_is_along_lattice(int story_direction) {
    vector D = PL::SpatialMap::direction_as_vector(story_direction);
    if (Geometry::vec_eq(D, Zero_vector)) return FALSE;
    return TRUE;

§8.12. For speed, we don't call these functions when looping through directions; we use these hard-wired macros instead.

    for (i=0; i<12; i++)
    for (i=0; i<registered_directions; i++)
    for (i=0; i<10; i++)
    for (i=10; i<12; i++)

§8.13. Strictly speaking the following is more to do with rendering than calculating, but it seems to belong here. In the HTML map, rooms have a five-by-five cell grid, and exits are plotted at positions on the boundary of that grid; for example, a line running in page direction 6 will be plotted with an icon at cell \((4, 2)\).

void PL::SpatialMap::cell_position_for_direction(int story_direction, int *mx, int *my) {
    *mx = 0; *my = 0;
    if ((story_direction < 0) || (story_direction >= MAX_DIRECTIONS)) return;
    int page_direction = story_dir_to_page_dir[story_direction];
    switch(page_direction) {
        case 0: *mx = 2; *my = 0; break;
        case 1: *mx = 4; *my = 0; break;
        case 2: *mx = 0; *my = 0; break;
        case 3: *mx = 2; *my = 4; break;
        case 4: *mx = 4; *my = 4; break;
        case 5: *mx = 0; *my = 4; break;
        case 6: *mx = 4; *my = 2; break;
        case 7: *mx = 0; *my = 2; break;
        case 8: *mx = 1; *my = 0; break;
        case 9: *mx = 3; *my = 4; break;
        case 10: *mx = 4; *my = 3; break;
        case 11: *mx = 0; *my = 1; break;

§8.14. And similarly:

char *PL::SpatialMap::find_icon_label(int story_direction) {
    if ((story_direction < 0) || (story_direction >= MAX_DIRECTIONS)) return NULL;
    int page_direction = story_dir_to_page_dir[story_direction];
    switch(page_direction) {
        case 0: return "n";
        case 1: return "ne";
        case 2: return "nw";
        case 3: return "s";
        case 4: return "se";
        case 5: return "sw";
        case 6: return "e";
        case 7: return "w";
        case 8: return "u";
        case 9: return "d";
        case 10: return "in";
        case 11: return "out";
    return NULL;

char *PL::SpatialMap::usual_Inform_direction_name(int story_direction) {
    if ((story_direction < 0) || (story_direction >= MAX_DIRECTIONS)) return "<none>";
    int page_direction = story_dir_to_page_dir[story_direction];
    switch(page_direction) {
        case 0: return "north";
        case 1: return "northeast";
        case 2: return "northwest";
        case 3: return "south";
        case 4: return "southeast";
        case 5: return "southwest";
        case 6: return "east";
        case 7: return "west";
        case 8: return "up";
        case 9: return "down";
        case 10: return "inside";
        case 11: return "outside";
    return "<none>";

§8.15. Benchmark room.

void PL::SpatialMap::establish_benchmark_room(void) {
    if (benchmark_room == NULL) {
        benchmark_room = PL::Player::get_start_room();
        if (benchmark_room == NULL) {
            instance *R;
            LOOP_OVER_ROOMS(R) { benchmark_room = R; return; }
            internal_error("no room exists in mapping");

§8.16. Map reading. The map is read in the first instance by the PL::SpatialMap::room_exit routine below, which works out what room the exit leads to, perhaps via a door, which we take a note of if asked to do so.

instance *PL::SpatialMap::room_exit(instance *origin, int dir_num, instance **via) {
    if (via) *via = NULL;
    if ((origin == NULL) || (PL::Spatial::object_is_a_room(origin) == FALSE) ||
        (dir_num < 0) || (dir_num >= MAX_DIRECTIONS)) return NULL;
    instance *ultimate_destination = NULL;
    instance *immediate_destination = MAP_EXIT(origin, dir_num);
    if (immediate_destination) {
        if (PL::Spatial::object_is_a_room(immediate_destination))
            ultimate_destination = immediate_destination;
        if (PL::Map::object_is_a_door(immediate_destination)) {
            if (via) *via = immediate_destination;
            instance *A = NULL, *B = NULL;
            PL::Map::get_door_data(immediate_destination, &A, &B);
            if (A == origin) ultimate_destination = B;
            if (B == origin) ultimate_destination = A;
    return ultimate_destination;

instance *PL::SpatialMap::room_exit_as_indexed(instance *origin, int dir_num, instance **via) {
    int j;
    for (j=0; j<MAX_DIRECTIONS; j++) {
        if (story_dir_to_page_dir[j] == dir_num) {
            instance *I = PL::SpatialMap::room_exit(origin, j, via);
            if (I) return I;
    return NULL;

§8.17. In practice, the map itself isn't the ideal source of data. It's slow to keep checking all of that business with doors, and in any case the map is asymmetrical. Instead, we use the following. The tricky point here is that we want to record a sort of symmetric version of the map, which takes some adjudication.

As can be seen, step (1) runs in \(O(R)\) time, where \(R\) is the number of rooms.

(1) Create the spatial relationship arrays8.17 =

    instance *R;
        int i;
            PF_I(map, R)->spatial_relationship[i] = NULL;
        int i;
            instance *T = PL::SpatialMap::room_exit_as_indexed(R, i, NULL);
            if (T) Consider this Inform map connection for a spatial relationship8.17.1;

§8.17.1. We first find a spread of nearly opposite directions: for instance, if i is northeast, then back is SW, cw is W, cwcw is NW, ccw is S, ccwccw is SE. We also find the backstep, the room you get to if trying to go back from the destination in the back direction; which in a nicely arranged map will be the room you start from, but that can't be assumed.

The cases below don't exhaust the possibilities. We could be left with a 1-way connection blocked at the other end, in cases where no 2-way connection exists between rooms R and T. If so, we shrug and ignore it; this will be a situation where the connection doesn't help us. (It will still be plotted on the index page; we just won't use it in our choice of how to position the rooms.)

Consider this Inform map connection for a spatial relationship8.17.1 =

    int back = PL::SpatialMap::opposite(i);
    int cw = PL::SpatialMap::rotate_direction(back, 1);  clockwise one place
    int cwcw = PL::SpatialMap::rotate_direction(cw, 1);  clockwise twice
    int ccw = PL::SpatialMap::rotate_direction(back, -1);  counterclockwise once
    int ccwccw = PL::SpatialMap::rotate_direction(ccw, -1);  counterclockwise twice

    instance *backstep = PL::SpatialMap::room_exit_as_indexed(T, back, NULL);

    Average out a pair of 2-way connections which each bend8.17.1.1;
    Turn a straightforward 2-way connection into a spatial relationship8.17.1.2;
    Average out a pair of 1-way connections which suggest a deformed 2-way connection8.17.1.3;
    Treat a 1-way connection as 2-way if there are no 2-way connections already8.17.1.4;

§ What we're looking for here is a configuration like:

Alpha is east of Beta. Beta is south of Alpha.

This in fact sets up four connections: A is both S and W of B, and B is both N and E of A. A reasonable interpretation is that A lies SW of B, and so we form a single (symmetric) spatial relationship between them, in this direction. We check first clockwise, then counterclockwise.

Average out a pair of 2-way connections which each bend8.17.1.1 =

    if ((backstep == R) &&
        (cwcw >= 0) &&
        (PL::SpatialMap::room_exit_as_indexed(T, cwcw, NULL) == R) &&
        (PL::SpatialMap::room_exit_as_indexed(T, cw, NULL) == NULL) &&
        (PL::SpatialMap::room_exit_as_indexed(R, PL::SpatialMap::opposite(cwcw), NULL) == T) &&
        (PL::SpatialMap::room_exit_as_indexed(T, PL::SpatialMap::opposite(cw), NULL) == NULL)) {
        PL::SpatialMap::form_spatial_relationship(R, PL::SpatialMap::opposite(cw), T);
    if ((backstep == R) &&
        (ccwccw >= 0) &&
        (PL::SpatialMap::room_exit_as_indexed(T, ccwccw, NULL) == R) &&
        (PL::SpatialMap::room_exit_as_indexed(T, ccw, NULL) == NULL) &&
        (PL::SpatialMap::room_exit_as_indexed(R, PL::SpatialMap::opposite(ccwccw), NULL) == T) &&
        (PL::SpatialMap::room_exit_as_indexed(T, PL::SpatialMap::opposite(ccw), NULL) == NULL)) {
        PL::SpatialMap::form_spatial_relationship(R, PL::SpatialMap::opposite(ccw), T);

§ The easiest case:

Turn a straightforward 2-way connection into a spatial relationship8.17.1.2 =

    if (backstep == R) {
        PL::SpatialMap::form_spatial_relationship(R, i, T);

§ Now perhaps A runs east to B, B runs south to A, but these are both 1-way connections. We'll regard this as being a single passageway running on average northeast from A to B:

Average out a pair of 1-way connections which suggest a deformed 2-way connection8.17.1.3 =

     a deformed 2-way connection made up of 1-way connections
    if ((cwcw >= 0) &&
        (PL::SpatialMap::room_exit_as_indexed(T, cwcw, NULL) == R) &&
        (PL::SpatialMap::room_exit_as_indexed(T, cw, NULL) == NULL) &&
        (PL::SpatialMap::room_exit_as_indexed(R, PL::SpatialMap::opposite(cwcw), NULL) == T) &&
        (PL::SpatialMap::room_exit_as_indexed(T, PL::SpatialMap::opposite(cw), NULL) == NULL)) {
        PL::SpatialMap::form_spatial_relationship(R, PL::SpatialMap::opposite(cw), T);
    if ((ccwccw >= 0) &&
        (PL::SpatialMap::room_exit_as_indexed(T, ccwccw, NULL) == R) &&
        (PL::SpatialMap::room_exit_as_indexed(T, ccw, NULL) == NULL) &&
        (PL::SpatialMap::room_exit_as_indexed(R, PL::SpatialMap::opposite(ccwccw), NULL) == T) &&
        (PL::SpatialMap::room_exit_as_indexed(T, PL::SpatialMap::opposite(ccw), NULL) == NULL)) {
        PL::SpatialMap::form_spatial_relationship(R, PL::SpatialMap::opposite(ccw), T);

§ Most of the time, a 1-way connection is fine for mapping purposes; it establishes as good a spatial relationship as a 2-way one. But we suppress this if either (a) there are already 2-way connections between the rooms in general, or (b) the opposite connection exists but is to a different room (the case where backstep is not null here).

Treat a 1-way connection as 2-way if there are no 2-way connections already8.17.1.4 =

    int j, two_ways = 0;
        if ((PL::SpatialMap::room_exit_as_indexed(T, j, NULL) == R) &&
            (PL::SpatialMap::room_exit_as_indexed(R, PL::SpatialMap::opposite(j), NULL) == T))
    if ((two_ways == 0) && (backstep == NULL))
        PL::SpatialMap::form_spatial_relationship(R, i, T);

§9. The following ensures that SR links are always symmetric, in opposed pairs of directions:

void PL::SpatialMap::form_spatial_relationship(instance *R, int dir, instance *T) {
    PF_I(map, R)->spatial_relationship[dir] = T;
    PF_I(map, T)->spatial_relationship[PL::SpatialMap::opposite(dir)] = R;

§10. The spatial relationships arrays are read only by the following. Note that PL::SpatialMap::read_smap suppresses relationships between different submaps (at least once the initial map components have been set up). This is done to make it easy and quick to cut up a submap into two sub-submaps; effectively severing any links between them. All we need do is move the rooms around from one submap to another.

PL::SpatialMap::read_smap_cross has the ability to read relationships which cross submap boundaries, and will be needed when we place submaps on the global grid.

instance *PL::SpatialMap::read_smap(instance *from, int dir) {
    if (from == NULL) internal_error("tried to read smap at null room");
    instance *to = PF_I(map, from)->spatial_relationship[dir];
    if ((partitioned_into_components) && (to) &&
        (PF_I(map, from)->submap != PF_I(map, to)->submap))
            to = NULL;
    return to;

instance *PL::SpatialMap::read_smap_cross(instance *from, int dir) {
    if (from == NULL) internal_error("tried to read smap at null room");
    instance *to = PL::SpatialMap::room_exit(from, dir, NULL);
    return to;

§11. While we're at it:

instance *PL::SpatialMap::read_slock(instance *from, int dir) {
    if (from == NULL) internal_error("tried to read slock at null room");
    return PF_I(map, from)->lock_exits[dir];

§12. Submap construction. Here's an empty submap, with no rooms.

connected_submap *PL::SpatialMap::new_submap(void) {
    connected_submap *sub = CREATE(connected_submap);
    sub->bounds = Geometry::empty_cuboid();
    sub->first_room_in_submap = NULL;
    sub->last_room_in_submap = NULL;
    sub->incidence_cache = NULL;
    sub->incidence_cache_bounds = Geometry::empty_cuboid();
    sub->superpositions = 0;
    return sub;

§13. Doctrinally, a room is always in just one submap, except at the very beginning when we are forming the original components into submaps, when most of the rooms aren't yet in any submap. Doctrinally, too, if a room is in a submap, any room locked to it must always be in the same submap.

That makes the following routine dangerous to use, since it doesn't guarantee either of those things. Use with care.

Because we keep a double-ended linked list to hold membership, adding a room to a submap takes constant time with respect to the number of rooms \(R\).

void PL::SpatialMap::add_room_to_submap(instance *R, connected_submap *sub) {
    if (sub->last_room_in_submap == NULL) {
        sub->last_room_in_submap = R;
        sub->first_room_in_submap = R;
    } else {
        PF_I(map, sub->last_room_in_submap)->next_room_in_submap = R;
        sub->last_room_in_submap = R;
    PF_I(map, R)->submap = sub;
    PF_I(map, R)->next_room_in_submap = NULL;
    PL::SpatialMap::add_room_to_cache(sub, Room_position(R), 1);

§14. Here is how we read from the incidence cache. Its purpose is to provide a constant running-time way to find out if a given position would collide with that of an existing room in the submap — something we could otherwise find out only by an \(O(R)\) search. If we had to maintain enormous submaps of rooms, we'd probably want a balanced geographical tree structure, of the sort used for collision detection in first-person shooters; but as it is, we have plenty of memory and relatively few possible location coordinate positions. So we simply keep a cubical array; though it may need to be resized as the rooms in the submap move around, which complicates things.

Anyway, this returns the number of rooms at position P within the submap.

int PL::SpatialMap::occupied_in_submap(connected_submap *sub, vector P) {
    int i = Geometry::cuboid_index(P, sub->incidence_cache_bounds);
    if (i < 0) return 0;
    return sub->incidence_cache[i];

§15. The cache will be invalidated by any movement of a room, so the following routine must be notified of any such:

void PL::SpatialMap::move_room_within_submap(connected_submap *sub, vector O, vector P) {
    PL::SpatialMap::add_room_to_cache(sub, O, -1);
    PL::SpatialMap::add_room_to_cache(sub, P, 1);

§16. Here goes, then: the following increments the cached population value at P if m is 1, decrements it if \(-1\).

void PL::SpatialMap::add_room_to_cache(connected_submap *sub, vector P, int m) {
    if (Geometry::within_cuboid(P, sub->incidence_cache_bounds) == FALSE)
        Location P lies outside the current incidence cache16.1;

    int i = Geometry::cuboid_index(P, sub->incidence_cache_bounds);
    int t = sub->incidence_cache[i];
    if (t+m < 0) t = -m;
    sub->incidence_cache[i] = t+m;
    if (m == 1) sub->superpositions += 2*t;
    if (m == -1) sub->superpositions -= 2*(t-1);

§16.1. We make a new incidence cache which is more than large enough to contain both P and the existing one, and then copy the old one's contents into the new one before deallocating the old.

This looks as if it has cubic running time, but isn't really that bad, since the volume of the cuboid is probably about proportional to \(R\) rather than \(R^3\) (assuming rooms are fairly evenly distributed through space). Still, we ought to make sure it happens fairly seldom. We therefore expand the cuboid by a margin giving us always at least 20 more cells than we need horizontally, and 3 vertically. Since movements within submaps are modest and local, this means very few submaps need to expand more than twice at the most.

Location P lies outside the current incidence cache16.1 =

    cuboid old_cuboid = sub->incidence_cache_bounds;
    cuboid new_cuboid = old_cuboid;
    Geometry::thicken_cuboid(&new_cuboid, P, Geometry::vec(20, 20, 3));
    int extent = Geometry::cuboid_volume(new_cuboid);
    int *new_cache = Memory::calloc(extent, sizeof(int), MAP_INDEX_MREASON);
    int x, y, z;
    for (x = new_cuboid.corner0.x; x <= new_cuboid.corner1.x; x++)
        for (y = new_cuboid.corner0.y; y <= new_cuboid.corner1.y; y++)
            for (z = new_cuboid.corner0.z; z <= new_cuboid.corner1.z; z++) {
                int i = Geometry::cuboid_index(Geometry::vec(x,y,z), new_cuboid);
                new_cache[i] = 0;
    int *old_cache = sub->incidence_cache;
    if (old_cache)
        for (x = old_cuboid.corner0.x; x <= old_cuboid.corner1.x; x++)
            for (y = old_cuboid.corner0.y; y <= old_cuboid.corner1.y; y++)
                for (z = old_cuboid.corner0.z; z <= old_cuboid.corner1.z; z++) {
                    int i = Geometry::cuboid_index(Geometry::vec(x,y,z), old_cuboid);
                    int t = old_cache[i];
                    if (t > 0) {
                        int j = Geometry::cuboid_index(Geometry::vec(x,y,z), new_cuboid);
                        new_cache[j] = t;
    sub->incidence_cache = new_cache;
    sub->incidence_cache_size = extent*((int) sizeof(int));
    sub->incidence_cache_bounds = new_cuboid;

§8.18. Here we throw away the cache, something which must otherwise only be done when the submap has no rooms...

void PL::SpatialMap::free_incidence_cache(connected_submap *sub) {
    if (sub->incidence_cache == NULL) return;
    Memory::I7_free(sub->incidence_cache, MAP_INDEX_MREASON, sub->incidence_cache_size);
    sub->incidence_cache_bounds = Geometry::empty_cuboid();
    sub->incidence_cache = NULL;

§8.19. ...such as now:

void PL::SpatialMap::empty_submap(connected_submap *sub) {
    sub->first_room_in_submap = NULL;
    sub->last_room_in_submap = NULL;
    sub->superpositions = 0;

§8.20. And finally:

void PL::SpatialMap::destroy_submap(connected_submap *sub) {
    DESTROY(sub, connected_submap);

§8.21. Suppose we want to move all the rooms in a submap at once, and all by the same vector D. Then we can simply move the cache boundaries, too, and not have to change the contents of the cache at all.

void PL::SpatialMap::move_component(connected_submap *sub, vector D) {
    instance *R;
        PL::SpatialMap::set_room_position_breaking_cache(R, Geometry::vec_plus(Room_position(R), D));
    Geometry::cuboid_translate(&(sub->bounds), D);
    Geometry::cuboid_translate(&(sub->incidence_cache_bounds), D);

§8.22. The following routines will be used in order to divide an existing submap into two new ones, which we'll call Zone 1 and Zone 2, and then to merge them back again.

We start with each room in sub having a value of zone set to either Z1_number or Z2_number, the former meaning it is destined for Zone 1, the latter for Zone 2. It's assumed here that if two rooms are locked together then they have the same value of zone. With that done, we empty sub, since its rooms have all moved out.

void PL::SpatialMap::create_submaps_from_zones(connected_submap *sub,
    int Z1_number, connected_submap *Zone1, int Z2_number, connected_submap *Zone2) {
    instance *R;
        if (PF_I(map, R)->zone == Z1_number)
            PL::SpatialMap::add_room_to_submap(R, Zone1);
        else if (PF_I(map, R)->zone == Z2_number)
            PL::SpatialMap::add_room_to_submap(R, Zone2);
        PF_I(map, R)->zone = 0;

§8.23. Convert membership of Zone 1 or 2 back into value of the zone number: the reverse process exactly.

void PL::SpatialMap::create_zones_from_submaps(connected_submap *sub,
    int Z1_number, connected_submap *Zone1, int Z2_number, connected_submap *Zone2) {
    instance *R;
        if (PF_I(map, R)->submap == Zone1) {
            PL::SpatialMap::add_room_to_submap(R, sub);
            PF_I(map, R)->zone = Z1_number;
        if (PF_I(map, R)->submap == Zone2) {
            PL::SpatialMap::add_room_to_submap(R, sub);
            PF_I(map, R)->zone = Z2_number;

§8.24. Partitioning to component submaps. We can now go back to our strategy. The next task is to partition the map into components, that is, equivalence classes under the closure of the relation \(R\sim S\) if either \(R\) is locked to \(S\) or if there is a spatial relationship between \(R\) and \(S\).

We ensure that the first-created component is the one containing the benchmark room.

(2) Partition the set of rooms into component submaps8.24 =

    instance *R;
        if (PF_I(map, R)->submap == NULL)

§8.25. The following grows a component outwards from at, so that it also includes all rooms locked to at or with a SR to it. If at is currently not in a component, we start a new submap to hold it.

Note that PL::SpatialMap::create_map_component_around has constant running time, i.e., it doesn't depend on \(R\), the number of rooms. It is called exactly once for each room, so phase (2) has running time \(O(R)\).

void PL::SpatialMap::create_map_component_around(instance *at) {
    if (PF_I(map, at)->submap == NULL) PL::SpatialMap::add_room_to_submap(at, PL::SpatialMap::new_submap());

    int i;
        instance *locked_to = PL::SpatialMap::read_slock(at, i);
        if ((locked_to) && (PF_I(map, locked_to)->submap != PF_I(map, at)->submap)) {
            PL::SpatialMap::add_room_to_submap(locked_to, PF_I(map, at)->submap);
        instance *dest = PL::SpatialMap::read_smap(at, i);
        if ((dest) && (PF_I(map, dest)->submap != PF_I(map, at)->submap)) {
            PL::SpatialMap::add_room_to_submap(dest, PF_I(map, at)->submap);

§8.26. Movements of single rooms. Positions are just 3-vectors, so:

void PL::SpatialMap::translate_room(instance *R, vector D) {
    PL::SpatialMap::set_room_position(R, Geometry::vec_plus(Room_position(R), D));

void PL::SpatialMap::move_room_to(instance *R, vector P) {
    PL::SpatialMap::set_room_position(R, P);

§8.27. Synchronising movements of locked rooms. The next preliminary we need is the implementation of locking. As we've seen, the source text can instruct us to lock one room so that it lies perfectly placed with respect to another (in the sense that if there were an exit between them in that direction then it would have heat 0).

The following is for use after room R has been moved to a new grid position; it moves anything locked to R (and anything locked to that, and so on) to corresponding positions.

void PL::SpatialMap::move_anything_locked_to(instance *R) {
    connected_submap *sub = PF_I(map, R)->submap;
    instance *R2;
        PF_I(map, R2)->shifted = FALSE;

void PL::SpatialMap::move_anything_locked_to_r(instance *R) {
    if (PF_I(map, R)->shifted) return;
    PF_I(map, R)->shifted = TRUE;
    int i;
        instance *F = PL::SpatialMap::read_slock(R, i);
        if (F) {
            vector D = PL::SpatialMap::direction_as_vector(i);
            PL::SpatialMap::set_room_position(F, Geometry::vec_plus(Room_position(R), D));

§8.28. That allows us to define the initial state of placements in a submap. All rooms begin at (0,0,0), except that locking may offset a few of them slightly. This runs in \(O(R)\) time.

void PL::SpatialMap::lock_positions_in_submap(connected_submap *sub) {
    instance *R;
        PF_I(map, R)->shifted = FALSE;

§8.29. Positioning within components. This is much more difficult. It's going to be a matter of minimising the badness of the configuration, but to talk about it it's convenient to have a better word than "badness". So the "heat" is a penalty score calculated at each map connection which keeps track of the badness of local geometric distortion; thus, lowering the temperature improves the geometry. We want to reduce the total amount of heat, ideally to absolute zero, but we also to want to avoid hot-spots.

The worst case for running time here is when the entire map is a single component; the loop over submaps doesn't therefore add to the running time.

(3) Position the rooms within each component8.29 =

    connected_submap *sub;
    int total_accuracy = 0;
    LOOP_OVER(sub, connected_submap) {
        LOGIF(SPATIAL_MAP, "Laying out component %d\n", sub->allocation_id);
        PL::SpatialMap::lock_positions_in_submap(sub);  \(O(R)\) running time
        PL::SpatialMap::establish_natural_lengths(sub);  \(O(R)\) running time
        total_accuracy += sub->heat;
        LOGIF(SPATIAL_MAP, "Component %d has final heat %d\n", sub->allocation_id, sub->heat);
    LOGIF(SPATIAL_MAP, "\nAll components laid out: total heat %d\n\n", total_accuracy);

    LOGIF(SPATIAL_MAP, "Cost: cutpoint choosing %d drognas\n", cutpoint_spending);
    LOGIF(SPATIAL_MAP, "Cost: dividing %d drognas\n", division_spending);
    LOGIF(SPATIAL_MAP, "Cost: sliding %d drognas\n", slide_spending);
    LOGIF(SPATIAL_MAP, "Cost: cooling %d drognas\n", cooling_spending);
    LOGIF(SPATIAL_MAP, "Cost: quenching %d drognas\n", quenching_spending);
    LOGIF(SPATIAL_MAP, "Cost: diffusion %d drognas\n", diffusion_spending);
    LOGIF(SPATIAL_MAP, "Cost: radiation %d drognas\n", radiation_spending);
    LOGIF(SPATIAL_MAP, "Cost: explosion %d drognas\n\n", explosion_spending);

§17. Every spatial relationship has a "length", which is a positive integer. This is our preferred amount of stretch when laying out the rooms; a length of 1 means one grid increment, and that's our preference if we can have it. Initially, all SRs have length 1.

void PL::SpatialMap::establish_natural_lengths(connected_submap *sub) {
    instance *R;
    LOOP_OVER_SUBMAP(R, sub) {
        int i;
            if (PL::SpatialMap::read_smap(R, i))
                PF_I(map, R)->exit_lengths[i] = 1;
                PF_I(map, R)->exit_lengths[i] = -1;

§18. Heat. Before we can get any further with (3), we need to be able to measure heat. For a submap, it's the sum of its room heats, plus additional heat (and a lot of it) for each pair of rooms occupying the same grid location. We also refresh the cached value of the smallest squarely oriented cuboid which contains the component.

The mapmaker behaves slowly if the collision heat penalty is low enough that large amounts of heat soaked up from ordinary exits can ever exceed it. On the other hand, for very large maps with horrible tangles the total number of collisions can be enormous, and quite high heats are observed; I've seen temperatures over 165,000,000, so temperatures of 1,000,000,000 are not at all out of the question. So we will be careful, just on the safe side, not to overflow a single int; we'll cap temperatures except to add a tiny extra heat so that there is still a slight incentive to remove collisions even in submaps at this unthinkably hot level.

The FHM magazine website informs me that the current (2010) maximal value of temperature is CHERYL_COLE, but I think I'll call it FUSION_POINT.

define OVERLYING_HEAT       20
define COLLISION_HEAT    50000
define FUSION_POINT 1000000000
int PL::SpatialMap::heat_sum(int h1, int h2) {
    int h = h1+h2;
    if (h > FUSION_POINT) return FUSION_POINT;
    return h;

§19. Finding the heat of a submap runs in \(O(S)\) time, where \(S\) is the number of rooms in the submap; this is the point of having the incidence cache, without which it would be \(O(S^2)\). Even so, we will try to make \(S\) a lot smaller than \(R\).)

int PL::SpatialMap::find_submap_heat(connected_submap *sub) {
    int heat = 0;
    sub->bounds = Geometry::empty_cuboid();
    instance *R;
    LOOP_OVER_SUBMAP(R, sub) {
        heat = PL::SpatialMap::heat_sum(heat, PL::SpatialMap::find_room_heat(R));
        Geometry::adjust_cuboid(&(sub->bounds), Room_position(R));

    int collisions = sub->superpositions;
    while (collisions >= 1000) {
        heat = PL::SpatialMap::heat_sum(heat, 1000*COLLISION_HEAT);
        collisions -= 1000;
    heat = PL::SpatialMap::heat_sum(heat, collisions*COLLISION_HEAT);
    if (heat == FUSION_POINT) heat = FUSION_POINT + sub->superpositions;
    sub->heat = heat;
    return heat;

§20. The total heat for a room is in turn the sum of its exit heats. This runs in constant time.

int PL::SpatialMap::find_room_heat(instance *R) {
    int i, h = 0;
    LOOP_OVER_LATTICE_DIRECTIONS(i) h += PL::SpatialMap::find_exit_heat(R, i);
    return h;

§21. So now we come to it: measuring the heat of an exit, which is a matter of how much geometric distortion it has in the current layout. This is based primarily on the angular divergence in direction between the known exit direction and the grid direction, and only secondarily on distance anomalies, because when the user typed "the Field is east of the River" no particular distance was implied. As with Harry Beck's London Underground map (1931), we may be constrained to use only about eight possible angles but nevertheless care more about angle than length.

Note that an exit in the lattice (i.e., not IN or OUT) which joins two different rooms can only have heat 0 if the destination room lies exactly at the optimal grid offset from the origin room. (In the sense that you'd expect the room north from \((0,0,0)\) to be at \((0,1,0)\), and so on.) A component therefore has a total heat of 0 if and only if it has been aligned perfectly on a grid such that all exits are optimal.

This too runs in constant time.

int PL::SpatialMap::find_exit_heat(instance *from, int exit) {

    instance *to = PL::SpatialMap::read_smap(from, exit);
    if (to == NULL) return 0;  if there's no exit this way, there's no heat

    if (from == to) return 0;  an exit from a room to itself doesn't show on the map

    if (PL::SpatialMap::direction_is_along_lattice(exit) == FALSE) return 0;  IN, OUT generate no heat

    vector D = Geometry::vec_minus(Room_position(to), Room_position(from));

    if (Geometry::vec_eq(D, Zero_vector)) return COLLISION_HEAT;  the two rooms have collided!

    vector E = PL::SpatialMap::direction_as_vector(exit);
    int distance_distortion = Geometry::vec_length_squared(Geometry::vec_minus(E, D));
    if (distance_distortion == 0) return 0;  perfect placement
    int angular_distortion = (int) (ANGULAR_MULTIPLIER*Geometry::vec_angular_separation(E, D));
    int overlying_penalty = 0;
    if ((angular_distortion == 0) && (Geometry::vec_eq(E, Zero_vector) == FALSE)) {
        vector P = Room_position(from);
        int n = 1;
        P = Geometry::vec_plus(P, E);
        while ((n++ < 20) && (Geometry::vec_eq(P, Room_position(to)) == FALSE)) {
            if (PL::SpatialMap::occupied_in_submap(PF_I(map, from)->submap, P) > 0)
                overlying_penalty += OVERLYING_HEAT;
            P = Geometry::vec_plus(P, E);
    return angular_distortion + distance_distortion + overlying_penalty;

§22. The following simply tests whether a link is correctly aligned, in that the destination room lies along a multiple of the exit vector from the origin. In effect, it tests whether angular_distortion is zero.

int PL::SpatialMap::exit_aligned(instance *from, int exit) {

    instance *to = PL::SpatialMap::read_smap(from, exit);
    if (to == NULL) return TRUE;  at any rate, not misaligned
    if (from == to) return TRUE;  ditto
    if (PL::SpatialMap::direction_is_along_lattice(exit) == FALSE) return TRUE;  IN, OUT are always aligned

    vector D = Geometry::vec_minus(Room_position(to), Room_position(from));
    if (Geometry::vec_eq(D, Zero_vector)) return TRUE;  bad, but not for alignment reasons

    vector E = PL::SpatialMap::direction_as_vector(exit);
    int angular_distortion = (int) (ANGULAR_MULTIPLIER*Geometry::vec_angular_separation(E, D));
    if (angular_distortion == 0) return TRUE;
    return FALSE;

§23. Subdividing our submap. Any remotely good algorithm for this task will have a dangerous running time if let loose on the entire map, and in any case, the entirety may have such a complex layout that it defeats our tactics. So we need a divide-and-rule method; one which cuts the map into two pieces, positions each piece, and then glues them back together again.

We will eventually use five tactics: cooling, quenching, diffusion, radiation and explosion. Cooling is quick and useful, so we'll try that first even before looking for subdivisions.

int unique_Z_number = 1;

void PL::SpatialMap::position_submap(connected_submap *sub) {
    int initial_heat = PL::SpatialMap::find_submap_heat(sub), initial_spending = drognas_spent;
    LOGIF(SPATIAL_MAP, "\nPOSITIONING submap %d: initial heat %d",
        sub->allocation_id, sub->heat);
    if (sub->heat == 0) LOGIF(SPATIAL_MAP, ": nothing to do");
    if (Log::aspect_switched_on(SPATIAL_MAP_DA)) {
        instance *R; int n = 0;
        LOOP_OVER_SUBMAP(R, sub) {
            if ((n++) % 8 == 0) LOG("\n    ");
            LOG(" $O", R);
    if (sub->heat > 0) {
        if (sub->heat > 0) {
            Attempt to divide the current submap in two23.1;
        LOGIF(SPATIAL_MAP, "\nPOSITIONING submap %d done: cooled by %d to %d "
            "at cost of %d drognas\n\n",
            sub->allocation_id, initial_heat - sub->heat, sub->heat,
            drognas_spent - initial_spending);

§23.1. We will look for a way to divide the rooms up into two subsets, allocating each subset a unique zone number. (We must remember that all of this code is running recursively.)

There are three cases: sometimes the PL::SpatialMap::work_out_optimal_cutpoint function recommends cutting a single spatial relationship, from div_F1 to div_T1, and sometimes it recommends cutting a pair. Then again, sometimes it finds no good cutpoint.

Attempt to divide the current submap in two23.1 =

    int Z1_number = unique_Z_number++, Z2_number = unique_Z_number++;
    instance *div_F1 = NULL, *div_T1 = NULL; int div_dir1 = -1;
    instance *div_F2 = NULL, *div_T2 = NULL; int div_dir2 = -1;
    int initial_spending = drognas_spent;
    int found = PL::SpatialMap::work_out_optimal_cutpoint(sub, &div_F1, &div_T1, &div_dir1,
        &div_F2, &div_T2, &div_dir2);
    cutpoint_spending += drognas_spent - initial_spending;
    if (found) {
        Set the zone numbers throughout the two soon-to-be zones23.1.2;
        Divide the submap into zones, recurse to position those, then merge back23.1.3;
        Slide the two former zones together along the F1-to-T1 line, minimising heat23.1.4;
        if (PL::SpatialMap::find_submap_heat(sub) > 0) PL::SpatialMap::radiate_submap(sub);
    } else
        Position this indivisible component23.1.1;

§23.1.1. When we can't divide, we use our remaining three tactics, stopping if the submap should reach absolute zero:

Position this indivisible component23.1.1 =

    if (PL::SpatialMap::find_submap_heat(sub) > 0) {
        PL::SpatialMap::quench_submap(sub, NULL, NULL);
        if (PL::SpatialMap::find_submap_heat(sub) > 0) {
            if (PL::SpatialMap::find_submap_heat(sub) > 0) {
                PL::SpatialMap::quench_submap(sub, NULL, NULL);
                if (PL::SpatialMap::find_submap_heat(sub) > 0) {
                    if (PL::SpatialMap::find_submap_heat(sub) >= COLLISION_HEAT)

§23.1.2. Supposing we can divide, though, we need to set zone numbers throughout the submap, and the procedure is different depending on whether we're dividing at one relationship F1-to-T1 or at two, F1-to-T1 and F2-to-T2.

Set the zone numbers throughout the two soon-to-be zones23.1.2 =

    int Z1_count = 0, Z2_count = 0;
    if (div_F2) {
        int predivision_spending = drognas_spent;
        PL::SpatialMap::divide_into_zones_twocut(div_F1, div_T1, div_F2, div_T2, Z1_number, Z2_number);
        instance *R;
        LOOP_OVER_SUBMAP(R, sub) {
            if (PF_I(map, R)->zone == Z1_number) Z1_count++;
            if (PF_I(map, R)->zone == Z2_number) Z2_count++;
        LOGIF(SPATIAL_MAP, "Making a double cut: $O %s to $O and $O %s to $O at cost %d\n",
            div_F1, PL::SpatialMap::usual_Inform_direction_name(div_dir1), div_T1,
            div_F2, PL::SpatialMap::usual_Inform_direction_name(div_dir2), div_T2,
            drognas_spent - predivision_spending);
        division_spending += drognas_spent - predivision_spending;
    } else {
        int predivision_spending = drognas_spent;
        PL::SpatialMap::divide_into_zones_onecut(sub, div_F1, div_T1,
            &Z1_count, &Z2_count, Z1_number, Z2_number);
        LOGIF(SPATIAL_MAP, "Making a single cut: $O %s to $O at cost %d\n",
            div_F1, PL::SpatialMap::usual_Inform_direction_name(div_dir1), div_T1,
            drognas_spent - predivision_spending);
        division_spending += drognas_spent - predivision_spending;
    LOGIF(SPATIAL_MAP, "This produces two zones of sizes %d and %d\n",
        Z1_count, Z2_count);

§23.1.3. Divide the submap into zones, recurse to position those, then merge back23.1.3 =

    connected_submap *Zone1 = PL::SpatialMap::new_submap();
    connected_submap *Zone2 = PL::SpatialMap::new_submap();
    PL::SpatialMap::create_submaps_from_zones(sub, Z1_number, Zone1, Z2_number, Zone2);
    LOGIF(SPATIAL_MAP, "Zone 1 becomes submap %d; zone 2 becomes submap %d\n",
        Zone1->allocation_id, Zone2->allocation_id);
    PL::SpatialMap::create_zones_from_submaps(sub, Z1_number, Zone1, Z2_number, Zone2);
    LOGIF(SPATIAL_MAP, "Destroying submaps %d and %d\n",
        Zone1->allocation_id, Zone2->allocation_id);

§23.1.4. The zone-1 rooms are now correctly placed with respect to each other, and vice versa, but we might have a horrendous breakage where the two sets of rooms meet. We need to rejoin them, and we do this by stretching the F1-to-T1 line segment to that length which minimises the total heat of the submap. For a single cut, this is clearly the smallest length such that there's no collision between old zone-1 and old zone-2 rooms.

The worst case is a configuration like so:

X is west of Y. X1 is northeast of X. X2 is northeast of X. Y1 is northwest of Y. Y2 is northwest of Y1.

We've cut between X and Y. To give clearance so that X2 and Y2 do not collide, the new length X to Y needs to be 5.

However, it's computationally too expensive to check every possible length as high as that: it would run in \(O(S^2)\) time, and we must remember that this is the divide-and-rule code running on even the largest submaps, so that this is effectively an \(O(R^2)\) algorithm. On a 300-room example source text (the entire London Underground map, zones 1 to 7) this results in sliding taking up about 80 percent of our time, which is unacceptable.

We therefore cap the length once we have reduced below the collision penalty.


Slide the two former zones together along the F1-to-T1 line, minimising heat23.1.4 =

    int preslide_spending = drognas_spent;
    vector Axis = PL::SpatialMap::direction_as_vector(div_dir1);

    int worst_case_length = 0;
    instance *R;
    LOOP_OVER_SUBMAP(R, sub) worst_case_length++;

    int L, coolest_L = 1, coolest_temperature = -1;
    for (L = 1; L <= worst_case_length; L++) {
        Displace zone 2 relative to zone;
        int h = PL::SpatialMap::find_submap_heat(sub);
        if ((h < coolest_temperature) || (coolest_temperature == -1)) {
            coolest_temperature = h;
            coolest_L = L;
        if ((coolest_temperature >= 0) && (coolest_temperature < COLLISION_HEAT) &&
            (L == CAP_ON_SLIDE_LENGTHS))
    LOGIF(SPATIAL_MAP, "Optimal axis length for cut-exit is %d (heat %d), found at cost %d.\n",
        coolest_L, coolest_temperature, drognas_spent - preslide_spending);
    slide_spending += drognas_spent - preslide_spending;
    L = coolest_L;
    Displace zone 2 relative to zone;

§ Here we slide rooms which came from Zone 2 so that they retain their positions with respect to each other, and therefore to T1, and so that T1 is placed correctly aligned along the axis from F1 with length L.

Because there can never be locks across zone boundaries, this process can't break a lock between two rooms.

Displace zone 2 relative to zone =

    PF_I(map, div_F1)->exit_lengths[div_dir1] = L;
    vector D = Geometry::vec_plus(
        Geometry::vec_scale(L, Axis),
        Geometry::vec_minus(Room_position(div_F1), Room_position(div_T1)));
    instance *Z2;
        if (PF_I(map, Z2)->zone == Z2_number)
            PL::SpatialMap::translate_room(Z2, D);

§24. Finding how to divide. That completes the logic for how we divide and conquer the submaps, except, of course, that some of the critical steps weren't spelled out. We do that now. First, the code to find good cutpoint(s): map connection(s) which, if removed, would divide the submap efficiently. We prefer single cuts if possible, but can live with double cuts; we want as evenly spread a division as possible. (The "spread" is the difference in room count of the larger zone compared to the smaller zone; we want to minimise this.)

Here is the basic idea. We will recursively spread a generation count out into the submap, with the first room (first below) belonging to generation 1. We'll use the zone field to store this, since it's an integer attached to each room which isn't yet in use. PL::SpatialMap::assign_generation_count is recursively called so that it visits each room exactly once, and increases the generation on each call. Thus a line of rooms from first would have generations 1, 2, 3, ... When PL::SpatialMap::assign_generation_count finds a connection from its current position to a room with a lower generation, we say that there's a "contact".

What makes the routine so effective is that it returns a great deal of data about the high-spots of the history after it was called. The mechanism for this, though, is that the caller has to set up a pile of arrays, and then pass pointers to PL::SpatialMap::assign_generation_count; on its exit, the arrays are then populated with answers.

This calculation runs in \(O(S)\) time, where \(S\) is the number of rooms in the submap. It's guaranteed to find the optimal single cut, if one exists; it's not guaranteed to find the optimal double cut — I suspect this is not possible in \(O(S)\) running time, though possibly in \(O(S\log S)\) — but in any case we have heuristic reasons why we don't always want the optimal double cut. What can be said is that we at least try to find good spreads, usually succeed in practice, and are guaranteed to find at least one double cut if any exists.

The guarantees are void in a small number of cases where locks have been applied: for instance, if the entire submap is locked together, nothing can ever be cut. Should that happen, the user will find that the map-maker may run slowly; it's his own fault.

define EXPLORATION_RECORDS 3  how much we keep track of
define BEST_ONECUT_ER 0  what's the best-known single link to cut?
define BEST_PARALLEL_TWOCUT_ER 1  what's the best-known pair of links equal in direction?
define BEST_TWOCUT_ER 2  and in general?
define CLIPBOARD_SIZE 3  a term to be explained below
int PL::SpatialMap::work_out_optimal_cutpoint(connected_submap *sub,
    instance **from, instance **to, int *way,
    instance **from2, instance **to2, int *way2) {
    instance *first = NULL; int size = 0;

    Find the size of and first room in the submap, and give all rooms generation 024.1;
    PF_I(map, first)->zone = 1;

    int best_spread[EXPLORATION_RECORDS];
    instance *best_from1[EXPLORATION_RECORDS], *best_to1[EXPLORATION_RECORDS];
    int best_dir1[EXPLORATION_RECORDS];
    instance *best_from2[EXPLORATION_RECORDS], *best_to2[EXPLORATION_RECORDS];
    int best_dir2[EXPLORATION_RECORDS];

    int outer_contact_generation[CLIPBOARD_SIZE], outer_contact_dir[CLIPBOARD_SIZE];
    instance *outer_contact_from[CLIPBOARD_SIZE], *outer_contact_to[CLIPBOARD_SIZE];
    Initialise all this cutpoint search workspace24.2;

    PL::SpatialMap::assign_generation_count(first, NULL, size,
        best_from1, best_to1, best_dir1,
        best_from2, best_to2, best_dir2,
        outer_contact_generation, outer_contact_from, outer_contact_to, outer_contact_dir);

    Look at the results and return connections to cut, if any look good enough24.3;
    return FALSE;

§24.1. Find the size of and first room in the submap, and give all rooms generation 024.1 =

    instance *R;
    LOOP_OVER_SUBMAP(R, sub) {
        PF_I(map, R)->zone = 0;  i.e., not yet given a generation
        if (first == NULL) first = R;
    if (size == 0) return FALSE;

§24.2. See below.

Initialise all this cutpoint search workspace24.2 =

    int i;
    for (i = 0; i < CLIPBOARD_SIZE; i++) {
        outer_contact_generation[i] = -1;
        outer_contact_from[i] = NULL; outer_contact_to[i] = NULL; outer_contact_dir[i] = -1;
    for (i = 0; i < EXPLORATION_RECORDS; i++) {
        best_spread[i] = size+1;  an impossibly high value
        best_from1[i] = NULL; best_to1[i] = NULL; best_dir1[i] = -1;
        best_from2[i] = NULL; best_to2[i] = NULL; best_dir2[i] = -1;

§24.3. Suppose the larger and smaller zones have sizes \(X\) and \(Y\). Then clearly \(X+Y = T\), where \(T\) is the total number of rooms (called size below). The spread is by definition \(S = X-Y\). Therefore the size of the smaller zone is given by \(Y = (T-S)/2\). We use this to ensure that the division is worth the time it takes.


Look at the results and return connections to cut, if any look good enough24.3 =

    if ((size - best_spread[BEST_ONECUT_ER])/2 >= MIN_ONECUT_ZONE_SIZE) {
        *from = best_from1[BEST_ONECUT_ER];
        *to = best_to1[BEST_ONECUT_ER];
        *way = best_dir1[BEST_ONECUT_ER];
        return TRUE;
    if ((size - best_spread[BEST_PARALLEL_TWOCUT_ER])/2 >= MIN_TWOCUT_ZONE_SIZE) {
        *from = best_from1[BEST_PARALLEL_TWOCUT_ER];
        *to = best_to1[BEST_PARALLEL_TWOCUT_ER];
        *way = best_dir1[BEST_PARALLEL_TWOCUT_ER];
        *from2 = best_from2[BEST_PARALLEL_TWOCUT_ER];
        *to2 = best_to2[BEST_PARALLEL_TWOCUT_ER];
        *way2 = best_dir2[BEST_PARALLEL_TWOCUT_ER];
        return TRUE;
    if ((size - best_spread[BEST_TWOCUT_ER])/2 >= MIN_TWOCUT_ZONE_SIZE) {
        *from = best_from1[BEST_TWOCUT_ER];
        *to = best_to1[BEST_TWOCUT_ER];
        *way = best_dir1[BEST_TWOCUT_ER];
        *from2 = best_from2[BEST_TWOCUT_ER];
        *to2 = best_to2[BEST_TWOCUT_ER];
        *way2 = best_dir2[BEST_TWOCUT_ER];
        return TRUE;

§25. The return value of PL::SpatialMap::assign_generation_count is the number of rooms which it, and its recursive incarnations, visit in total. But as noted above, it also records data in the arrays it is passed pointers to; that's what the last eleven arguments are for. Otherwise: at is the room we are currently at, and from is the one we've just come from, or NULL if this is the opening call; size is the number of rooms in the submap.

int PL::SpatialMap::assign_generation_count(instance *at, instance *from, int size,
    int *best_spread,
    instance **best_from1, instance **best_to1, int *best_dir1,
    instance **best_from2, instance **best_to2, int *best_dir2,
    int *contact_generation,
    instance **contact_from, instance **contact_to, int *contact_dir) {
    int rooms_visited = 0;
    int generation = PF_I(map, at)->zone, i;
    int locking_to_neighbours = TRUE;
        instance *T = PL::SpatialMap::read_slock(at, i);
        if (T) {
            Exclude generating this way if we don't need to25.1;
            Actually generate this way25.2;
    locking_to_neighbours = FALSE;
        instance *T = PL::SpatialMap::read_smap(at, i);
        if (T) {
            Exclude generating this way if we don't need to25.1;
            Actually generate this way25.2;
    return rooms_visited + 1;

§25.1. We eliminate: routes from the current room to itself, or back the way we just came to get here; routes to rooms with equal or higher generation counts than the current one — those are places already visited; and routes to rooms with lower generations — but those are contacts, so we may need to record them before moving on.

What this leaves is cases where T_generation is zero, that is, where T is a room with no generation count. This ensures PL::SpatialMap::assign_generation_count is called at most once on each room.

Exclude generating this way if we don't need to25.1 =

    if ((T == at) || (T == from)) continue;
    int T_generation = PF_I(map, T)->zone;
    if (T_generation >= generation) continue;
    if ((T_generation > 0) && (T_generation < generation)) {
        int observed_generation = T_generation;
        instance *observed_from = at;
        instance *observed_to = T;
        int observed_dir = i;
        Contact hasss been made25.1.1;

§25.2. At this point, it's as if we have been sent out to explore a labyrinth. One problem we have is that we can't see what lies beyond here, with our own eyes. "The underground rooms I can speak of only from report, because the Egyptians in charge refused to let me see them, as they contain the tombs of the kings who built the labyrinth, and also the tombs of the sacred crocodiles" (Herodotus). So we must send out explorers who will report back, but that costs us resources. "One doctrine called for guarding every intersection such as this one. But I had already used two men to guard our escape hole; if I left 10 per cent of my force at each intersection, mighty soon I would be ten-percented to death" (Heinlein). We must be careful of men, too: we can't afford to send out explorers indefinitely because the running time and stack consumption would then be prohibitive. The traditional approach is to unwind a ball of wool to avoid going around in circles, but we'll instead use the generation counts — we might imagine writing these on the ground everywhere we go.

So let us think of ourselves as dividing the party, and sending out a team of explorers across the bridge from at to T, telling them to explore every possible avenue, and record any contacts they make with the world we already know about. We will wait here until they get back, and ask them how many new places they managed to visit. Maybe there's a whole world over there, maybe just a broom cupboard.

Actually generate this way25.2 =

    int inner_contact_generation[CLIPBOARD_SIZE], inner_contact_dir[CLIPBOARD_SIZE];
    instance *inner_contact_from[CLIPBOARD_SIZE], *inner_contact_to[CLIPBOARD_SIZE];
    Give the new team of explorers a fresh clipboard25.2.1;

    PF_I(map, T)->zone = generation + 1;
    int rooms_explored_in_the_beyond = PL::SpatialMap::assign_generation_count(T, at, size,
        best_from1, best_to1, best_dir1,
        best_from2, best_to2, best_dir2,
        inner_contact_generation, inner_contact_from, inner_contact_to, inner_contact_dir);
    rooms_visited += rooms_explored_in_the_beyond;

    Copy interesting items from the returning team's clipboard to ours25.2.2;
    if (locking_to_neighbours == FALSE)
        Consider this link as a potential cut-position25.2.3;

§25.2.1. Each fresh team of explorers gets a fresh clipboard on which to record what they see — hence the new set of inner_contact_* arrays. (They don't get individual copies of the best_* arrays, though — that's the point of these; they're shared in common among all of the explorers.)

Give the new team of explorers a fresh clipboard25.2.1 =

    int j;
    for (j = 0; j < CLIPBOARD_SIZE; j++) {
        inner_contact_generation[j] = -1;
        inner_contact_from[j] = NULL; inner_contact_to[j] = NULL; inner_contact_dir[j] = -1;

§25.2.2. When the explorers get back, tired but happy, we look at their clipboard, and see if those contacts excite us too — which they may not, because what seemed to them a rediscovery might not seem that way to us; they've seen more of the world than we have. So we copy their contacts onto our own clipboard only if they are contacts to places we know about, too.

Copy interesting items from the returning team's clipboard to ours25.2.2 =

    int j;
    for (j = 0; j < CLIPBOARD_SIZE; j++) {
        int observed_generation = inner_contact_generation[j];
        if ((observed_generation > 0) && (observed_generation < generation)) {
            instance *observed_from = inner_contact_from[j];
            instance *observed_to = inner_contact_to[j];
            int observed_dir = inner_contact_dir[j];
            Contact hasss been made25.1.1;

§25.2.3. Our clipboard contains a short list of observed contacts, sorted with lowest observed generation first. (If more contacts are observed than will fit on the clipboard, they're thrown away.)

Consider this link as a potential cut-position25.2.3 =

    int no_contacts_found = 0;
    int j;
    for (j = 0; j < CLIPBOARD_SIZE; j++)
        if (inner_contact_generation[j] > 0)

    if (no_contacts_found < CLIPBOARD_SIZE) {
        int spread = size - 2*rooms_explored_in_the_beyond;
        if (spread < 0) spread = -spread;
        if (no_contacts_found == 0)
            Cutting on this link would disconnect the submap25.2.3.1
        else if (no_contacts_found == 1)
            Cutting on this link and the contact found would disconnect the submap25.2.3.2;

§ If exploration outward from here never resulted in a contact with known territory, then cutting this link strands the far side as a disconnected zone.

Cutting on this link would disconnect the submap25.2.3.1 =

    if (spread < best_spread[BEST_ONECUT_ER]) {
        best_spread[BEST_ONECUT_ER] = spread;
        best_from1[BEST_ONECUT_ER] = at;
        best_to1[BEST_ONECUT_ER] = T;
        best_dir1[BEST_ONECUT_ER] = i;

§ If exploration found just one contact, then that link, plus this one, would if both removed cut off the far side. We have to be careful that we never cut along locks, only along map connections; we know that the at to T link isn't a lock, because we never come here in locking_to_neighbours mode. But we don't know that for the observed contact, so we check by hand.

The division is "parallel" if the two links are in the same or opposite direction, like the two long tubes of a trombone; this makes it easier to slide the zones to and fro without angular distortion, so we prefer it if we can get it.

Cutting on this link and the contact found would disconnect the submap25.2.3.2 =

    if (PL::SpatialMap::read_slock(inner_contact_from[0], inner_contact_dir[0]) == inner_contact_to[0]) break;
    int r = BEST_TWOCUT_ER;
    if ((inner_contact_dir[0] == i) || (inner_contact_dir[0] == PL::SpatialMap::opposite(i)))
    if (spread < best_spread[r]) {
        best_spread[r] = spread;
        best_from1[r] = at; best_to1[r] = T; best_dir1[r] = i;
        best_from2[r] = inner_contact_from[0];
        best_to2[r] = inner_contact_to[0];
        best_dir2[r] = inner_contact_dir[0];

§25.1.1. This is a piece of code used twice in the above routine: it puts the contact observed_from to observed_to onto our clipboard, provided that there's room and/or it is interesting enough. We use an insertion-sort to keep the clipboard in ascending generation order: this would be slow if the contact arrays were large, but CLIPBOARD_SIZE is tiny.

Contact hasss been made25.1.1 =

    int k;
    for (k = 0; k < CLIPBOARD_SIZE; k++)
        if ((contact_generation[k] == -1) ||
            (observed_generation <= contact_generation[k])) {
            int l;
            for (l = CLIPBOARD_SIZE-1; l > k; l--) {
                contact_generation[l] = contact_generation[l-1];
                contact_from[l] = contact_from[l-1]; contact_to[l] = contact_to[l-1];
                contact_dir[l] = contact_dir[l-1];
            contact_generation[k] = observed_generation;
            contact_from[k] = observed_from; contact_to[k] = observed_to;
            contact_dir[k] = observed_dir;

§26. Zones 1 and 2 for a single cut. Suppose we have decided to cut the submap between rooms R1 and R2, in the belief that this will disconnect the submap into two components. If that in fact proves to be the case (as it always should) then we set the zone field to Z1 for all rooms in the R1 component, and Z2 on the R1 side. We set Z1_count and Z2_count to the sizes of these components, and return TRUE. If, however, cutting does not disconnect the submap, then some mistake has been made; we return FALSE and the rest is undefined.

It is essential for Z1 and Z2 to be different. What we will do is to spread out these zone values from R1 and R2 along all spatial relationships not being cut; if this results in R2 being hit by the flood from R1, or vice versa, then we're in the FALSE case.

int PL::SpatialMap::divide_into_zones_onecut(connected_submap *sub, instance *R1, instance *R2,
    int *Z1_count, int *Z2_count, int Z1, int Z2) {
    if (R1 == R2) internal_error("can't divide");
    instance *R;
    LOOP_OVER_SUBMAP(R, sub) PF_I(map, R)->zone = 0;
    PF_I(map, R1)->zone = Z1; PF_I(map, R2)->zone = Z2;
    *Z1_count = 0; *Z2_count = 0;
    int contacts = 0;
    *Z1_count = PL::SpatialMap::divide_into_zones_onecut_r(R1, NULL, R1, R2, &contacts);
    if (contacts > 0) return FALSE;
    *Z2_count = PL::SpatialMap::divide_into_zones_onecut_r(R2, NULL, R2, R1, &contacts);
        if (PF_I(map, R)->zone == 0)
            PF_I(map, R)->zone = Z1;
    if ((PF_I(map, R1)->zone == Z1) && (PF_I(map, R2)->zone == Z2) &&
        ((*Z1_count) > 1) && ((*Z2_count) > 1)) return TRUE;
    return FALSE;

§27. And this is the recursive flooding routine — essentially it's a much simplified version of the exploration code above. from is the room we're currently at; zone_capital is the one we started from, within our zone; foreign_capital is corresponding room of the other zone, so (a) we mustn't travel on the direct route between the capitals — that's the line which has been cut — and (b) we abandon the moment we find our zone impinging on the foreign zone, because that means there's no way to divide our original component into two disjoint connected zones.

int PL::SpatialMap::divide_into_zones_onecut_r(instance *at, instance *from,
    instance *our_capital, instance *foreign_capital, int *borders) {
    int rooms_visited = 0;
    int our_zone = PF_I(map, at)->zone, i;
        instance *T = PL::SpatialMap::read_slock(at, i);
        if (T) Consider whether to spread the zone to room T27.1;
        instance *T = PL::SpatialMap::read_smap(at, i);
        if (T) Consider whether to spread the zone to room T27.1;
    return rooms_visited + 1;

§27.1. Consider whether to spread the zone to room T27.1 =

    int T_zone = PF_I(map, T)->zone, foreign_zone = PF_I(map, foreign_capital)->zone;
    if (T_zone == our_zone) continue;
    if ((at == our_capital) && (T == foreign_capital)) continue;
    if ((at == foreign_capital) && (T == our_capital)) continue;
    if (T_zone == foreign_zone) { (*borders)++; continue; }
    PF_I(map, T)->zone = our_zone;
    rooms_visited +=
        PL::SpatialMap::divide_into_zones_onecut_r(T, at, our_capital, foreign_capital, borders);

§28. Zones 1 and 2 for a double cut. This is more or less the same, but simpler, since it can't determine whether we've chosen the cuts correctly, so doesn't even try.

void PL::SpatialMap::divide_into_zones_twocut(instance *div_F1, instance *div_T1,
    instance *other_F, instance *div_T2, int Z1, int Z2) {
    connected_submap *sub = PF_I(map, div_F1)->submap;
    instance *R;
    LOOP_OVER_SUBMAP(R, sub) PF_I(map, R)->zone = 0;
    PF_I(map, div_F1)->zone = Z1; PF_I(map, div_T1)->zone = Z2;
    PL::SpatialMap::divide_into_zones_twocut_r(div_F1, div_F1, div_T1, other_F, div_T2);
    PL::SpatialMap::divide_into_zones_twocut_r(div_T1, div_F1, div_T1, other_F, div_T2);


void PL::SpatialMap::divide_into_zones_twocut_r(instance *at, instance *not_X1, instance *not_Y1,
    instance *not_X2, instance *not_Y2) {
    int Z = PF_I(map, at)->zone, i;
        instance *T = PL::SpatialMap::read_slock(at, i);
        if (T) Consider once again whether to spread the zone to room T29.1;
        instance *T = PL::SpatialMap::read_smap(at, i);
        if (T) Consider once again whether to spread the zone to room T29.1;

§29.1. Consider once again whether to spread the zone to room T29.1 =

    if ((T != at) && (PF_I(map, T)->zone == 0)) {
        if (((at == not_X1) && (T == not_Y1)) || ((at == not_Y1) && (T == not_X1)))
        if (((at == not_X2) && (T == not_Y2)) || ((at == not_Y2) && (T == not_X2)))
        PF_I(map, T)->zone = Z;
        PL::SpatialMap::divide_into_zones_twocut_r(T, not_X1, not_Y1, not_X2, not_Y2);

§30. Tactics. At long last we can forget about dividing submaps, and concentrate on the four tactics for improving the layout of a given submap. We're going to do all kinds of heuristic things here, some of them with iffy running times, which is one reason why the above divide-and-conquer tricks were wise (the other that divisions also reduce the complexity of the pieces we need to work on).

We'll often experimentally change something, see what that does, then change our minds. For really large-scale experimental changes to the grid it's convenient to have a sort of global undo. Note that lock positions after restoration must be consistent, since they were consistent at save time.

void PL::SpatialMap::save_component_positions(connected_submap *sub) {
    instance *R;
        PF_I(map, R)->saved_gridpos = Room_position(R);

void PL::SpatialMap::restore_component_positions(connected_submap *sub) {
    instance *R;
        PL::SpatialMap::set_room_position(R, PF_I(map, R)->saved_gridpos);

§31. The cooling tactic. The whole universe was in a hot dense state: as we begin each component, every room is at (0,0,0) unless locking causes it to offset slightly, so that almost every exit is very hot indeed. We now enter the era of cooling, when a great expansion occurs.

This is an iterative process, and if we ran this algorithm indefinitely it would very likely lock up, continually moving rooms back and forth but never solving its underlying geometric problems. So cooling may only continue so long as component heat is strictly reduced on each round.

Cooling has the great virtue that each round runs in \(O(S)\) time, where \(S\) is the number of rooms in the submap. It's quite hard to estimate the total running time, but in practice the number of rounds seldom exceeds 3 or 4, even on quite bad maps, and because cooling is essentially a local process there's no reason to expect the number of rounds to grow much if \(S\) grows. So my guess is that cooling is \(O(S)\) in practice.

Another virtue is that cooling alone works in many easy cases. If there are no locks, and no multiple exits between pairs of rooms A to B, then cooling is guaranteed to find a perfect (heat 0) grid positioning if one exists. There are plenty of Inform projects for which that happens: "Bronze", for instance, has a single component of 55 rooms, and one round of cooling reduces this to absolute zero.

void PL::SpatialMap::cool_submap(connected_submap *sub) {
    int initial_heat = PL::SpatialMap::find_submap_heat(sub), initial_spending = drognas_spent;
    LOGIF(SPATIAL_MAP, "\nTACTIC: Cooling submap %d: initial heat %d\n",
        sub->allocation_id, sub->heat);
    int heat_before_round = initial_heat;
    int rounds = 0;
    while (TRUE) {
        LOGIF(SPATIAL_MAP, "Cooling round %d.\n", ++rounds);
        instance *R;
        LOOP_OVER_SUBMAP(R, sub) PF_I(map, R)->cooled = FALSE;
        LOOP_OVER_SUBMAP(R, sub) PL::SpatialMap::cool_component_from(sub, R);
        if (sub->heat == 0) break;
        if (sub->heat >= heat_before_round) {
            LOGIF(SPATIAL_MAP, "Cooling round %d raised heat, so undone.\n", rounds);
        } else {
            LOGIF(SPATIAL_MAP, "Cooling round %d leaves penalty %d.\n", rounds, sub->heat);
        heat_before_round = sub->heat;
        "Cooling submap %d done (%d round(s)): cooled by %d at cost of %d drognas\n\n",
        sub->allocation_id, rounds,
        initial_heat - sub->heat, drognas_spent - initial_spending);
    cooling_spending += drognas_spent - initial_spending;

§32. Cooling is done room by room within the component, but we get slightly better results if it is allowed to spread through the component along exits as they cool than if it is simply performed on the rooms in creation order. Since the map likely contains circular routes, rooms are flagged so that they can only be cooled once in a given round.

void PL::SpatialMap::cool_component_from(connected_submap *sub, instance *R) {
    if (PF_I(map, R)->cooled) return;
    PF_I(map, R)->cooled = TRUE;

    int exit_heats[MAX_DIRECTIONS];
    instance *exit_rooms[MAX_DIRECTIONS];
    Find the exits from this room and their current heats32.1;
    Iteratively cool as many exits as possible32.2;

§32.1. Find the exits from this room and their current heats32.1 =

    int i;
        exit_heats[i] = PL::SpatialMap::find_exit_heat(R, i);
        exit_rooms[i] = PL::SpatialMap::read_smap(R, i);

§32.2. An important point here is that we don't re-measure the heat of the exits after cooling. If we did, we might find that cooling is having no effect, and then lock up. We're simply trying to deal with the heat as it looked at the start of the process; this means there are at most 12 iterations.

The reason we do this in what looks an indirect way (why iterate at all?) is to cope better with cases where there are two different exits from R to S. This frequently happens in IF maps:

The Exalted Throne is above the Ziggurat. [...] South from the Throne is the Ziggurat.

Now there are two exits from Z to E: up and north. They cannot simultaneously be cooled. The rule we follow is that we never cool an exit if another exit between the two rooms is already cold — this keeps us from endless flipping our choice (up from Z to E on cooling round 1, then north on round 2, then up on round 3, and so on).

However, it makes a big difference to the style of the map we produce which choice we make. Because the code below tries the exits in direction number order, and because lateral directions (N, NE, E, SE, S, SW, W, NW) have lower direction numbers than vertical (U, D), the effect is to prefer lateral choices over vertical ones. This is a good choice for two reasons: (i) given the way we're going to plot the map on a web page, vertical offsets are harder to judge by eye; and (ii) IF authors often use "both N and U"-style connections to convey that the landscape isn't totally flat, but they're still talking about a two-dimensional surface. (Cartographers have always done this. The French map IGN 3535 OT, N\'evache-Mont Thabor, shows the Rois Mages mountains as if you could walk southeast from Modane and take in all three in an afternoon stroll.)

Iteratively cool as many exits as possible32.2 =

    while (TRUE) {
        int i, exits_cooled = 0;
            if (exit_heats[i] > 0) {
                int j;
                    if ((exit_heats[j] == 0) && (exit_rooms[i] == exit_rooms[j])) {
                        exit_heats[i] = 0; exits_cooled++;
                if (exit_heats[i] > 0) {
                    PL::SpatialMap::cool_exit(R, i);
                    exit_heats[i] = 0; exits_cooled++;
                    PL::SpatialMap::cool_component_from(sub, exit_rooms[i]);
                        if ((exit_heats[j] > 0) && (exit_rooms[i] == exit_rooms[j])) {
                            exit_heats[j] = 0; exits_cooled++;
        if (exits_cooled == 0) break;

§33. To cool an exit is to move the destination room into the perfect grid position so that the exit's heat is 0. Note that we must always maintain locking, and that we provide a convenient "undo" mechanism in case the result made matters worse. (Cooling one exit may simply make other exits hotter, since the destination room falls out of alignment with its other neighbours.)

instance *saved_to; vector Saved_position;
void PL::SpatialMap::undo_cool_exit(void) {
    PL::SpatialMap::move_room_to(saved_to, Saved_position);
    LOGIF(SPATIAL_MAP_WORKINGS, "Undoing move of $O\n", saved_to);

void PL::SpatialMap::cool_exit(instance *R, int exit) {
    instance *to = PL::SpatialMap::read_smap(R, exit);
    saved_to = to; Saved_position = Room_position(to);

    vector D = PL::SpatialMap::direction_as_vector(exit);

    int length = PF_I(map, R)->exit_lengths[exit];
    vector N = Geometry::vec_plus(Room_position(R), Geometry::vec_scale(length, D));

    if (Geometry::vec_eq(Room_position(to), N)) return;

    PL::SpatialMap::move_room_to(saved_to, N);
    LOGIF(SPATIAL_MAP_WORKINGS, "Moving $O %s from $O: now at (%d,%d,%d)\n",
        to, PL::SpatialMap::find_icon_label(exit), R, N.x, N.y, N.z);

§34. The quenching tactic. After the age of cooling, we can expect the universe to be mostly cold, but with local hot-spots where the geometry is distorted because the map is simply awkward nearby. Because this tends to be a local problem, we try to find a local solution — it's actually just individualised exit cooling.

This theoretically runs in \(O(S^3)\) time: note that the measurement of submap heat is itself \(O(S)\), and we perform this inside a loop of \(O(S)\), which in turn happens within a repetition which might run for every link in the map, also \(O(S)\). In practice, there are never many quenching rounds, so it's really "only" \(O(S^2)\). Still, this is why we don't want to quench on large connected submaps.

void PL::SpatialMap::quench_submap(connected_submap *sub, instance *avoid1, instance *avoid2) {
    int initial_heat = PL::SpatialMap::find_submap_heat(sub), initial_spending = drognas_spent;
    LOGIF(SPATIAL_MAP, "\nTACTIC: Quenching submap %d: initial heat %d\n",
        sub->allocation_id, sub->heat);
    instance *R;
    int heat = sub->heat, last_heat = sub->heat + 1, rounds = 0;
    while (heat < last_heat) {
        LOGIF(SPATIAL_MAP, "Quenching round %d begins with heat at %d.\n", ++rounds, heat);
        last_heat = heat;
        int successes = 0;
        LOOP_OVER_SUBMAP(R, sub) {
            int i;
                if (PL::SpatialMap::find_exit_heat(R, i) > 0)
                    Attempt to quench this heated link34.1;
        LOGIF(SPATIAL_MAP, "Quenching round %d had %d success(es).\n", rounds, successes);
    LOGIF(SPATIAL_MAP, "Quenching submap %d done: cooled by %d at cost of %d drognas\n",
        sub->allocation_id, initial_heat - sub->heat, drognas_spent - initial_spending);
    quenching_spending += drognas_spent - initial_spending;

§34.1. Attempt to quench this heated link34.1 =

    instance *T = PL::SpatialMap::read_smap(R, i);
    if ((T == avoid1) && (R == avoid2)) continue;
    if ((T == avoid2) && (R == avoid1)) continue;
    LOGIF(SPATIAL_MAP_WORKINGS, "Quenching $O %s to $O.\n",
        R, PL::SpatialMap::find_icon_label(i), T);
    PL::SpatialMap::cool_exit(R, i);
    int h = PL::SpatialMap::find_submap_heat(sub);
    if (h >= heat) {
        LOGIF(SPATIAL_MAP_WORKINGS, "Undoing: would have resulted in heat %d\n", h);
    } else {
        heat = h;
        LOGIF(SPATIAL_MAP_WORKINGS, "Accepting: reduces heat to %d\n", h);

§35. The diffusion tactic. Where quenching fails to help much, this is usually because rooms are packed too tightly together, and need to be eased apart. This makes space for more interesting configurations and makes it easier to get rid of the very large collision heats, though the heat of some individual links actually rises, since there's a penalty for increasing length.

We call this process diffusion, since the heat eddies away into the local neighbourhood as the rooms shimmy apart.

void PL::SpatialMap::diffuse_submap(connected_submap *sub) {
    int initial_heat = PL::SpatialMap::find_submap_heat(sub), initial_spending = drognas_spent;
    LOGIF(SPATIAL_MAP, "\nTACTIC: Diffusing submap %d: initial heat %d\n",
        sub->allocation_id, sub->heat);
    instance *R;
    int heat = sub->heat, last_heat = sub->heat + 1, rounds = 0;
    while (heat < last_heat) {
        LOGIF(SPATIAL_MAP, "Diffusion round %d with heat at %d.\n", ++rounds, heat);
        last_heat = heat;
        LOOP_OVER_SUBMAP(R, sub) {
            int i;
                instance *T = PL::SpatialMap::read_smap(R, i);
                if (T)
                    Try diffusion along this link35.1;
    LOGIF(SPATIAL_MAP, "Diffusing submap %d done after %d round(s): "
        "cooled by %d at cost of %d drognas\n",
        sub->allocation_id, rounds,
        initial_heat - sub->heat, drognas_spent - initial_spending);
    diffusion_spending += drognas_spent - initial_spending;

§35.1. Essentially we try lengthening the link by 1 unit, and see if that makes things better; however, it tends to be useless just moving one room, because that's very likely only moving a collision heat (let's say) one place down the grid. So we move not only the room but also a whole clump of nearby rooms whose exits are cold (or which are locked to each other).

Try diffusion along this link35.1 =

    int L = PF_I(map, R)->exit_lengths[i];
    if (L > -1) {
        LOGIF(SPATIAL_MAP_WORKINGS, "Lengthening $O %s to $O to %d.\n",
            R, PL::SpatialMap::find_icon_label(i), T, L+1);

        vector O = Room_position(R);
        PF_I(map, R)->exit_lengths[i] = L+1;
        PL::SpatialMap::cool_exit(R, i);
        vector D = Geometry::vec_minus(Room_position(R), O);
        instance *S;
        LOOP_OVER_SUBMAP(S, sub) PF_I(map, S)->zone = 1;
        PL::SpatialMap::diffuse_across(R, T);
        LOOP_OVER_SUBMAP(S, sub)
            if ((PF_I(map, S)->zone == 2) && (S != R))
                PL::SpatialMap::translate_room(S, D);

        if (sub->heat >= heat) {
            PF_I(map, R)->exit_lengths[i] = L;
            LOGIF(SPATIAL_MAP_WORKINGS, "Lengthening left heat undecreased at %d.\n", sub->heat);
        } else {
            LOGIF(SPATIAL_MAP_WORKINGS, "Lengthening reduced heat to %d.\n", sub->heat);
            heat = sub->heat;

§36. This recursively expands zone 2 to include rooms connected by cold links, except that it's forbidden to including avoiding (the room we are trying to lengthen away from).

void PL::SpatialMap::diffuse_across(instance *at, instance *avoiding) {
    PF_I(map, at)->zone = 2;
    int i;
        instance *T = PL::SpatialMap::read_slock(at, i);
        if ((T) && (PF_I(map, T)->zone == 1)) PL::SpatialMap::diffuse_across(T, avoiding);
        instance *T = PL::SpatialMap::read_smap(at, i);
        if ((T) && (PF_I(map, T)->zone == 1) && (T != avoiding) &&
            (PL::SpatialMap::find_exit_heat(at, i) == 0))
            PL::SpatialMap::diffuse_across(T, avoiding);

§37. The radiation tactic. Here, we look for misaligned links, because they'll look broken to the eye, and see if it's possible to slide a block of rooms in one of the compass directions so that the link becomes aligned again.

This is such a neat trick, and so (relatively!) fast, that we apply it in two circumstances: not only when tidying up after diffusion, but also after we have rejoined a divided submap. (It's especially good for that because after a two-point cut we often have a situation where one of the cut links is put back tidily but the other is dislocated.)

It's hard to prove that radiation is rapid, because it certainly wouldn't be if used earlier on. What saves us is that by now there are few misaligned links.

void PL::SpatialMap::radiate_submap(connected_submap *sub) {
    int initial_heat = PL::SpatialMap::find_submap_heat(sub), initial_spending = drognas_spent;
    LOGIF(SPATIAL_MAP, "\nTACTIC: Radiating submap %d: initial heat %d\n",
        sub->allocation_id, sub->heat);
    instance *R;
    int heat = sub->heat, last_heat = sub->heat + 1, rounds = 0;
    while (heat < last_heat) {
        LOGIF(SPATIAL_MAP, "Radiation round %d with heat at %d.\n", ++rounds, heat);
        last_heat = heat;
        LOOP_OVER_SUBMAP(R, sub) {
            int i;
                instance *T = PL::SpatialMap::read_smap(R, i);
                if (T) {
                    if (PL::SpatialMap::exit_aligned(R, i) == FALSE)
                        Attempt to radiate from this misaligned link37.1;
    LOGIF(SPATIAL_MAP, "Radiating submap %d done after %d round(s): "
        "cooled by %d at cost of %d drognas\n",
        sub->allocation_id, rounds,
        initial_heat - sub->heat, drognas_spent - initial_spending);
    radiation_spending += drognas_spent - initial_spending;

§37.1. We try some 40 possible translations of the R end of the link, hoping to find that one or more of them will align with the T end. T will stay fixed: note that by symmetry, if this doesn't work, we'll end up testing the same link with the roles of R and T reversed later. Typically, there are only three or four viable new positions for R.


Attempt to radiate from this misaligned link37.1 =

    LOGIF(SPATIAL_MAP_WORKINGS, "Map misaligned on $O %s to $O.\n",
        R, PL::SpatialMap::find_icon_label(i), T);
    int j;
    vector O = Room_position(R);
        vector E = PL::SpatialMap::direction_as_vector(j);
        int L;
        for (L = 1; L <= MAX_RADIATION_DISTANCE; L++) {
            vector D = Geometry::vec_scale(L, E);
            PL::SpatialMap::set_room_position(R, Geometry::vec_plus(O, D));
            if (PL::SpatialMap::exit_aligned(R, i))
                Radiation is geometrically possible here37.1.1;
        PL::SpatialMap::set_room_position(R, O);
    Escape: ;

§37.1.1. At this point setting this up is much the same as for diffusion:

Radiation is geometrically possible here37.1.1 =

    LOGIF(SPATIAL_MAP_WORKINGS, "Aligned at offset %d, %d, %d\n", D.x, D.y, D.z);
    instance *S;
    LOOP_OVER_SUBMAP(S, sub) PF_I(map, S)->zone = 1;
    PL::SpatialMap::radiate_across(R, T, j);
        if ((PF_I(map, S)->zone == 2) && (S != R)) {
            LOGIF(SPATIAL_MAP_WORKINGS, "Comoving $O\n", S);
            PL::SpatialMap::translate_room(S, D);
    if (sub->heat >= heat) {
            "Radiating left heat undecreased at %d.\n", sub->heat);
    } else {
            "Radiating reduced heat to %d.\n", sub->heat);
        heat = sub->heat;
        goto Escape;

§8.30. This is the clever part of radiation, and the reason why we only allow R to radiate outward on cardinal points of the compass. Once again we will move a whole clump of R's neighbours along with it, preserving their positions relative to each other; but this time we define the boundary of the clump by links in the radiation direction, or its opposite. The result is that no exit can ever become misaligned during radiation; the only movements happen parallel to the only links whose endpoints move with respect to each other. (With just one exception, of course: the link between R and T, where by construction the movement will make a previously unaligned link become aligned.)

It follows that radiation can never increase the number of unaligned links.

void PL::SpatialMap::radiate_across(instance *at, instance *avoiding, int not_this_way) {
    PF_I(map, at)->zone = 2;
    int i, not_this_way_either = PL::SpatialMap::opposite(not_this_way);
        instance *T = PL::SpatialMap::read_slock(at, i);
        if ((T) && (PF_I(map, T)->zone == 1))
            PL::SpatialMap::radiate_across(T, avoiding, not_this_way);
        instance *T = PL::SpatialMap::read_smap(at, i);
        if ((T) && (PF_I(map, T)->zone == 1) && (T != avoiding) &&
            (i != not_this_way) && (i != not_this_way_either))
            PL::SpatialMap::radiate_across(T, avoiding, not_this_way);

§8.31. The explosion tactic. Sometimes, in the direst emergency, there's one tried and tested way to get rid of a lot of concentrated heat: to explode. Specifically, we get rid of collisions between rooms (which we absolutely forbid) by moving them apart until there are no further collisions. We do this even if it should increase the heat measure, though in practice the penalty for room collisions is so high that this is unlikely to be an issue.

void PL::SpatialMap::explode_submap(connected_submap *sub) {
    int initial_heat = PL::SpatialMap::find_submap_heat(sub), initial_spending = drognas_spent;
    LOGIF(SPATIAL_MAP, "\nTACTIC: Exploding submap %d: initial heat %d\n",
        sub->allocation_id, sub->heat);
    int keep_trying = TRUE, moves = 0;
    while (keep_trying) {
        keep_trying = FALSE;
        instance *R;
        LOOP_OVER_SUBMAP(R, sub) {
            vector At = Room_position(R);
            if (PL::SpatialMap::occupied_in_submap(sub, At) >= 2) {
                LOGIF(SPATIAL_MAP, "Collision: pushing $O away\n", R);
                int x, y, coldest = FUSION_POINT;
                vector Coldest = Geometry::vec(MAX_EXPLOSION_DISTANCE + 1, 0, 0);
                for (x = -MAX_EXPLOSION_DISTANCE; x<=MAX_EXPLOSION_DISTANCE; x++)
                    for (y = -MAX_EXPLOSION_DISTANCE; y<=MAX_EXPLOSION_DISTANCE; y++)
                        if ((x != 0) || (y != 0)) {
                            vector V = Geometry::vec_plus(At, Geometry::vec(x, y, 0));
                            if (PL::SpatialMap::occupied_in_submap(sub, V) == 0) {
                                PL::SpatialMap::move_room_to(R, V);
                                int h = PL::SpatialMap::find_submap_heat(sub);
                                if (h < coldest) { Coldest = V; coldest = h; }
                PL::SpatialMap::move_room_to(R, Geometry::vec_plus(At, Coldest));
                LOGIF(SPATIAL_MAP, "Moving $O to blank offset (%d,%d,%d) for heat %d\n",
                    R, Coldest.x, Coldest.y, Coldest.z, coldest);
                keep_trying = TRUE;
    LOGIF(SPATIAL_MAP, "Exploding submap %d done after %d move(s): "
        "cooled by %d at cost of %d drognas\n",
        sub->allocation_id, moves,
        initial_heat - sub->heat, drognas_spent - initial_spending);
    explosion_spending += drognas_spent - initial_spending;

§8.32. Stage 3, positioning the components. Having cooled and diffused each component, we now treat them as rigid bodies, but still have to establish their spatial relationship to each other. We ensure that the components do not overlap by the crude method of making their bounding cuboids disjoint, even though this will often mean that there is wasted space on the page. (Thus we do not, for instance, use the trick adopted by the British Ordnance Survey in mapping the outlying island of St Kilda on an inset square of what would otherwise be empty ocean on OS18 "Sound of Harris", despite its being separated by about 60km from the position shown.)

(4) Position the components in space8.32 =

    int ncom = NUMBER_CREATED(connected_submap);
    connected_submap **sorted =
        Memory::calloc(ncom, sizeof(connected_submap *), INDEX_SORTING_MREASON);
    Sort the components into decreasing order of size8.32.2;

    connected_submap *sub, *previous_mc = NULL;
    int i, j;
    vector Drill_square_O = Zero_vector;
    vector Drill_square_At = Zero_vector;
    int drill_square_side = 0;
    cuboid box = Geometry::empty_cuboid();
    for (i=0; i<ncom; i++) {
        sub = sorted[i];
        if (sub->positioned == FALSE) {
            Position this map component in space8.32.1;
            for (j=ncom-1; j>=0; j--) {
                sub = sorted[j];
                if ((sub->positioned == FALSE) &&
                    (PL::SpatialMap::no_links_to_placed_components(sub) == 1)) {
                    Position this map component in space8.32.1;

    Memory::I7_array_free(sorted, INDEX_SORTING_MREASON, ncom, sizeof(connected_submap *));

§8.32.1. Position this map component in space8.32.1 =

    if (previous_mc) {
        int x_max = box.corner1.x - sub->bounds.corner0.x + 1;
        if ((sub->bounds.population == 1) && (PL::SpatialMap::component_is_isolated(sub)))
            Use the drill-square strategy to place this component8.32.1.2
        else if (PL::SpatialMap::component_is_adjoining(sub))
            Use the optimised inset strategy to place this component8.32.1.3
            Use the side-by-side strategy to place this component8.32.1.1;
    Geometry::merge_cuboid(&box, sub->bounds);
    previous_mc = sub;
    sub->positioned = TRUE;

§ Here we simply place the component immediately to the right of its predecessor, with the same baseline, and on the level of the benchmark room.

Use the side-by-side strategy to place this component8.32.1.1 =

    LOGIF(SPATIAL_MAP, "Component %d (size %d): side by side strategy\n",
        sub->allocation_id, sub->bounds.population);
        Geometry::vec(x_max, box.corner0.y - sub->bounds.corner0.y,
            Room_position(benchmark_room).z - sub->bounds.corner0.z));

§ The drill square is a way to place large numbers of single-room components, such as exist in IF works where rooms are being plaited together live during play and have no initial map. Side-by-side placement would be horrible for such rooms. We will form the most nearly square rectangle which can hold them, arranged so that it's slightly wider than it is tall. In effect, this rectangle — the "drill square" — is then placed side-by-side as if it's one big component.

Use the drill-square strategy to place this component8.32.1.2 =

    LOGIF(SPATIAL_MAP, "Component %d (size %d): drill square strategy\n",
        sub->allocation_id, sub->bounds.population);
    if (drill_square_side == 0) {
        Drill_square_O =
            Geometry::vec(box.corner1.x + 1, box.corner0.y, Room_position(benchmark_room).z);
        Drill_square_At = Drill_square_O;
        connected_submap *sing;
        int N = 0;
        LOOP_OVER(sing, connected_submap)
            if ((sing->bounds.population == 1) && (PL::SpatialMap::component_is_isolated(sing)))
        while (drill_square_side*drill_square_side < N) drill_square_side++;
        if (drill_square_side*drill_square_side > N) drill_square_side--;
        LOGIF(SPATIAL_MAP, "Drill square: side %d\n", drill_square_side);
    PL::SpatialMap::move_component(sub, Geometry::vec_minus(Drill_square_At, sub->bounds.corner0));
    Drill_square_At = Geometry::vec_plus(Drill_square_At, Geometry::vec(0, 1, 0));
    if (Drill_square_At.y - Drill_square_O.y == drill_square_side)
        Drill_square_At = Geometry::vec_plus(Drill_square_At,
            Geometry::vec(1, -drill_square_side, 0));

§ Insetting is used if our new component has a map connection in the IN or OUT directions with an already-placed component; if we can, we want to place the new component into the map as close as possible to the room it connects with.

define MAX_OFFSET 1

Use the optimised inset strategy to place this component8.32.1.3 =

    LOGIF(SPATIAL_MAP, "Component %d (size %d): optimised inset strategy\n",
        sub->allocation_id, sub->bounds.population);
    instance *outer = NULL, *inner = NULL;
    PL::SpatialMap::find_link_to_placed_components(sub, &outer, &inner);
    vector Best_offset =
        Geometry::vec(x_max, box.corner0.y - sub->bounds.corner0.y,
            Room_position(benchmark_room).z - sub->bounds.corner0.z);
    if ((outer) && (inner)) {
        int dx = 0, dy = 0, dz = 0, min_s = FUSION_POINT;
        for (dx = -MAX_OFFSET; dx <= MAX_OFFSET; dx++)
            for (dy = -MAX_OFFSET; dy <= MAX_OFFSET; dy++)
                for (dz = -MAX_OFFSET; dz <= MAX_OFFSET; dz++) {
                    if ((dx == 0) && (dy == 0) && (dz == 0)) continue;
                    vector Offset =
                            Geometry::vec_minus(Room_position(outer), Room_position(inner)),
                            Geometry::vec(dx, dy, dz));
                    Try this possible offset component position8.;
    PL::SpatialMap::move_component(sub, Best_offset);

§ Try this possible offset component position8. =

    PL::SpatialMap::move_component(sub, Offset);
    int s = PL::SpatialMap::find_component_placement_heat(sub);
    if (s < min_s) {
        min_s = s; Best_offset = Offset;
    PL::SpatialMap::move_component(sub, Geometry::vec_negate(Offset));

§8.32.2. Sort the components into decreasing order of size8.32.2 =

    connected_submap *sub;
    LOOP_OVER(sub, connected_submap) sub->positioned = FALSE;

    int i = 0;
    LOOP_OVER(sub, connected_submap) sorted[i++] = sub;
    qsort(sorted, (size_t) ncom, sizeof(connected_submap *), PL::SpatialMap::compare_components);

§38. The following means the components are sorted in descending size order, but in order of creation within each size; when we get down to the singletons, we sort by order of creation of the single rooms they contain.

int PL::SpatialMap::compare_components(const void *ent1, const void *ent2) {
    const connected_submap *mc1 = *((const connected_submap **) ent1);
    const connected_submap *mc2 = *((const connected_submap **) ent2);
    int d = mc2->bounds.population - mc1->bounds.population;
    if (d != 0) return d;
    if (mc1->bounds.population == 1) {
        instance *R1 = mc1->first_room_in_submap;
        instance *R2 = mc2->first_room_in_submap;
        if ((R1) && (R2)) {  which should always happen, but just in case of an error
            instance *reg1 = PL::Regions::enclosing(R1);
            instance *reg2 = PL::Regions::enclosing(R2);
            if ((reg1) && (reg2 == NULL)) return -1;
            if ((reg1 == NULL) && (reg2)) return 1;
            if (reg1) {
                d = reg1->allocation_id - reg2->allocation_id;
                if (d != 0) return d;
            d = R1->allocation_id - R2->allocation_id;
            if (d != 0) return d;
    return mc1->allocation_id - mc2->allocation_id;

§39. We should define what we mean by "adjoining" and "isolated". The first means it has a link (which must be IN or OUT) to an already-positioned component; the second means it has no link at all to any other component.

int PL::SpatialMap::component_is_adjoining(connected_submap *sub) {
    if (PL::SpatialMap::no_links_to_placed_components(sub) > 0) return TRUE;
    return FALSE;

int PL::SpatialMap::component_is_isolated(connected_submap *sub) {
    if (PL::SpatialMap::no_links_to_other_components(sub) == 0) return TRUE;
    return FALSE;

§40. In theory this has \(O(R^2)\) running time, but it's very unlikely that there are \(R\) components of size 1, so in practice it's much better than that.

int PL::SpatialMap::find_component_placement_heat(connected_submap *sub) {
    connected_submap *other;
    LOOP_OVER(other, connected_submap)
        if (other->positioned) {
            instance *R;
            LOOP_OVER_SUBMAP(R, sub)
                if (PL::SpatialMap::occupied_in_submap(other, Room_position(R)))
                    return FUSION_POINT;
    int heat = PL::SpatialMap::find_cross_component_heat(sub);
    if (heat >= FUSION_POINT) heat = FUSION_POINT - 1;
    return heat;

§41. Where:

int PL::SpatialMap::find_cross_component_heat(connected_submap *sub) {
    int heat = 0;
    PL::SpatialMap::cross_component_links(sub, NULL, NULL, &heat, TRUE);
    return heat;

void PL::SpatialMap::find_link_to_placed_components(connected_submap *sub,
    instance **outer, instance **inner) {
    PL::SpatialMap::cross_component_links(sub, outer, inner, NULL, TRUE);

int PL::SpatialMap::no_links_to_placed_components(connected_submap *sub) {
    return PL::SpatialMap::cross_component_links(sub, NULL, NULL, NULL, TRUE);

int PL::SpatialMap::no_links_to_other_components(connected_submap *sub) {
    return PL::SpatialMap::cross_component_links(sub, NULL, NULL, NULL, FALSE);

§42. So, now we have to define our Swiss-army-knife routine to cope with all these requirements. We not only count non-lattice connections to other components (IN and OUT links, basically), but also score how bad they are, if requested, and record the first we find, if requested.

There can't be any lattice connections to other components, because two rooms connected that way are by definition in the same component.

int PL::SpatialMap::cross_component_links(connected_submap *sub, instance **outer, instance **inner,
    int *heat, int posnd) {
    int no_links = 0;
    if (heat) *heat = 0;
    instance *R;
    LOOP_OVER_SUBMAP(R, sub) {
        int d;
            instance *R2 = PL::SpatialMap::read_smap_cross(R, d);
            if ((R2) && (PF_I(map, R2)->submap != sub)) {
                if ((posnd == FALSE) || (PF_I(map, R2)->submap->positioned)) {
                    if (inner) *inner = R; if (outer) *outer = R2;
                    if (heat) *heat = PL::SpatialMap::heat_sum(*heat, PL::SpatialMap::find_cross_link_heat(R, R2, d));
        instance *S;
        LOOP_OVER_ROOMS(S) {
            if (PF_I(map, S)->submap == sub) continue;
            if ((posnd) && (PF_I(map, S)->submap->positioned == FALSE)) continue;
            int d;
                instance *R2 = PL::SpatialMap::read_smap_cross(S, d);
                if ((R2) && (PF_I(map, R2)->submap == sub)) {
                    if (outer) *outer = S; if (inner) *inner = R2;
                    if (heat) *heat = PL::SpatialMap::heat_sum(*heat, PL::SpatialMap::find_cross_link_heat(S, R2, d));
    if (no_links == 0) Look for van der Waals forces42.1;
    return no_links;

§42.1. When there are no map connections or locks, there may still be a very weak bond between rooms simply because they belong to the same region. We only look at these weak bonds for singleton regions, for simplicity and to keep running time in check.

Look for van der Waals forces42.1 =

    if (sub->bounds.population == 1) {
        instance *R = sub->first_room_in_submap;
        if (R) {  which should always happen, but just in case of an error
            instance *reg = PL::Regions::enclosing(R);
            if (reg) {
                instance *S, *closest_S = NULL;
                int closest = 0;
                    if ((S != R) && (PL::Regions::enclosing(S) == reg))
                        if ((posnd == FALSE) || (PF_I(map, S)->submap->positioned)) {
                            int diff = 2*(R->allocation_id - S->allocation_id);
                            if (diff < 0) diff = 1-diff;
                            if ((closest_S == NULL) || (diff < closest)) {
                                closest = diff; closest_S = S;
                if (closest_S) {
                    LOGIF(SPATIAL_MAP, "vdW force between $O and $O\n", R, closest_S);
                    if (outer) *outer = closest_S; if (inner) *inner = R;
                    if (heat) *heat = PL::SpatialMap::heat_sum(*heat, PL::SpatialMap::find_cross_link_heat(closest_S, R, 3));

§8.33. "How bad they are" uses another heat-like measure. This one gives an enormous penalty for being wrong vertically; people just don't like reading maps where an inside room is displayed on the floor above or below. It also gives preference to the green jagged arrow directions when placing insets — this makes the map line up elegantly.

int PL::SpatialMap::find_cross_link_heat(instance *R, instance *S, int dir) {
    if ((R == NULL) || (S == NULL)) internal_error("bad room distance");
    return PL::SpatialMap::component_metric(Room_position(R), Room_position(S), dir);

int PL::SpatialMap::component_metric(vector P1, vector P2, int dir) {
    vector D = Geometry::vec_minus(P1, P2);
    int b = 0;
    if ((dir == 10) || (dir == 11)) {  IN and OUT respectively
        if (D.x > 0) b++;
        if (D.x < 0) b--;
        if (D.y > 0) b--;
        if (D.y < 0) b++;
        if (dir == 11) b = -b;
        b += 2;
    if (dir == 3) {  SOUTH, the notional direction for van der Waals forces
        if (D.y > 0) b++;
        if (D.y < 0) b--;
        b += 2;
    return 2*b + D.x*D.x + D.y*D.y + 100*D.z*D.z;

§8.34. Stage 5, bounding the universe. Short and sweet. We make Universe the minimal-sized cuboid containing each room.

(5) Find the universal bounding cuboid8.34 =

    Universe = Geometry::empty_cuboid();
    instance *R;
        Geometry::adjust_cuboid(&Universe, Room_position(R));

§8.35. Stage 6, removing blank planes. We need to avoid what might be an infinite loop in awkward cases where locking means that blank planes are inevitable.

(6) Remove any blank lateral planes8.35 =

    int safety_count = NUMBER_CREATED(instance);
    while (safety_count-- >= 0) {
        int blank_z = 0, blank_plane_found = FALSE;
        int z;
        for (z = Universe.corner1.z - 1; z >= Universe.corner0.z + 1; z--) {
            int occupied = FALSE;
            instance *R;
                if (Room_position(R).z == z) occupied = TRUE;
            if (occupied == FALSE) {
                blank_z = z;
                blank_plane_found = TRUE;
        if (blank_plane_found == FALSE) break;
        instance *R;
            if (Room_position(R).z > blank_z)
                PL::SpatialMap::translate_room(R, D_vector);

§43. Precis. It turns out to be useful to test the above algorithm on maps of actual IF works. But they tend to have large source texts full of irrelevancies to the spatial layout, so in order to extract the arrangement cleanly, we can make use of the following:

void PL::SpatialMap::log_precis_of_map(void) {
    LOG("[Precis of source text giving map layout follows.]\n\n");
    instance *R;
    LOOP_OVER_INSTANCES(R, K_object) PF_I(map, R)->zone = 1;
    LOOP_OVER_INSTANCES(R, K_object) {
        Declare the regions and doors in the precis43.1;
        Declare the rooms in the precis, starting with the start room43.2;
        PF_I(map, R)->zone = 0;
    Declare the map connections in the precis43.3;
    SyntaxTree::traverse(Task::syntax_tree(), PL::SpatialMap::visit_to_transcribe);
    LOG("\n[Precis complete.]\n\n");

§43.1. Declare the regions and doors in the precis43.1 =

    if ((Instances::of_kind(R, K_direction)) &&
        (PF_I(map, R)->direction_index >= 12)) {
        wording W = Instances::get_name(R, FALSE);
        wording OW = Instances::get_name(PL::Map::get_value_of_opposite_property(R), FALSE);
        LOG("%+W is a direction. The opposite of %+W is %+W.\n", W, W, OW);
    if (Instances::of_kind(R, K_region)) {
        wording W = Instances::get_name(R, FALSE);
        LOG("%+W is a region.\n", W);
    if (Instances::of_kind(R, K_door)) {
        wording W = Instances::get_name(R, FALSE);
        LOG("%+W is a door.\n", W);
        parse_node *S = World::Inferences::get_prop_state(
            Instances::as_subject(R), P_other_side);
        instance *X = Rvalues::to_object_instance(S);
        if (X) {
            wording XW = Instances::get_name(X, FALSE);
            LOG("The other side of %+W is %+W.\n", W, XW);

§43.2. Declare the rooms in the precis, starting with the start room43.2 =

    if (Instances::of_kind(R, K_room)) {
        wording RW = Instances::get_name(R, FALSE);
        LOG("%+W is a room.\n", RW);
        instance *reg = PL::Regions::enclosing(R);
        if (reg) {
            wording RGW = Instances::get_name(reg, FALSE);
            if (PF_I(map, reg)->zone == 1) {
                LOG("%+W is a region.\n", RGW);
                PF_I(map, reg)->zone = 0;
            LOG("%+W is in %+W.\n", RW, RGW);
        instance *start = PL::Player::get_start_room();
        if (R == start) {
            LOG("The player is in %+W.\n", RW);

§43.3. Declare the map connections in the precis43.3 =

    instance *R;
        wording RW = Instances::get_name(R, FALSE);
        int i;
            instance *D = NULL;
            instance *S = PL::SpatialMap::room_exit(R, i, &D);
            if ((S) || (D)) {
                wording OW = EMPTY_WORDING;
                if (D) OW = Instances::get_name(D, FALSE);
                else OW = Instances::get_name(S, FALSE);
                if (i < 12) {
                    char *n = PL::SpatialMap::usual_Inform_direction_name(i);
                    int opp = PL::SpatialMap::opposite(i);
                    LOG("%+W is %s of %+W.\n", OW, n, RW);
                    if ((S) && (PL::SpatialMap::room_exit(S, opp, NULL) == NULL))
                        LOG("%s of %+W is nowhere.\n",
                            PL::SpatialMap::usual_Inform_direction_name(opp), OW);
                } else {
                    instance *dir;
                    LOOP_OVER_INSTANCES(dir, K_direction)
                        if (PF_I(map, dir)->direction_index == i) {
                            wording DW = Instances::get_name(dir, FALSE);
                            LOG("%+W is %W of %+W.\n", OW, DW, RW);
                            instance *opp = PL::Map::get_value_of_opposite_property(dir);
                            int od = PF_I(map, opp)->direction_index;
                            if ((S) && (PL::SpatialMap::room_exit(S, od, NULL) == NULL)) {
                                wording OPW = Instances::get_name(dir, FALSE);
                                LOG("%W of %+W is nowhere.\n", OPW, OW);


void PL::SpatialMap::visit_to_transcribe(parse_node *p) {
    if ((Node::get_type(p) == SENTENCE_NT) && (p->down)) {
        Assertions::Traverse::try_special_meaning(TRAVERSE_FOR_MAP_INDEX_SMFT, p->down);

§45. Rather similar code is used for details on the World index.

void PL::SpatialMap::index_room_connections(OUTPUT_STREAM, instance *R) {
    wording RW = Instances::get_name(R, FALSE);  name of the origin room
    instance *dir;
    LOOP_OVER_INSTANCES(dir, K_direction) {
        int i = PF_I(map, dir)->direction_index;
        instance *opp = PL::Map::get_value_of_opposite_property(dir);
        int od = opp?(PF_I(map, opp)->direction_index):(-1);
        instance *D = NULL;
        instance *S = PL::SpatialMap::room_exit(R, i, &D);
        if ((S) || (D)) {
            HTML::open_indented_p(OUT, 1, "tight");
            char *icon = "e_arrow";
            if ((S) && (D)) icon = "e_arrow_door";
            else if (D) icon = "e_arrow_door_blocked";
            HTML_TAG_WITH("img", "border=0 src=inform:/map_icons/%s.png", icon);
            Instances::index_name(OUT, dir);
            WRITE(" to ");
            if (S) {
                Instances::index_name(OUT, S);
                if (D) {
                    WRITE(" via ");
                    Instances::index_name(OUT, D);
            } else {
                Instances::index_name(OUT, D);
                WRITE(" (a door)");
            if (S) {
                instance *B = opp?(PL::SpatialMap::room_exit(S, od, NULL)):NULL;
                if (B == NULL) {
                    WRITE(" (but ");
                    Instances::index_name(OUT, opp);
                    WRITE(" from ");
                    Instances::index_name(OUT, S);
                    WRITE(" is nowhere)");
                } else if (B != R) {
                    WRITE(" (but ");
                    Instances::index_name(OUT, opp);
                    WRITE(" from ");
                    Instances::index_name(OUT, S);
                    WRITE(" is ");
                    Instances::index_name(OUT, B);
            parse_node *at = PF_I(map, R)->exits_set_at[i];
            if (at) Index::link(OUT, Wordings::first_wn(Node::get_text(at)));
    int k = 0;
    LOOP_OVER_INSTANCES(dir, K_direction) {
        int i = PF_I(map, dir)->direction_index;
        if (PL::SpatialMap::room_exit(R, i, NULL)) continue;
        wording DW = Instances::get_name(dir, FALSE);  name of the direction
        if (k == 1) {
            HTML::open_indented_p(OUT, 1, "hanging");
            WRITE("<i>add:</i> ");
        } else {
            WRITE("; ");
        wchar_t *p = Lexer::word_raw_text(Wordings::first_wn(DW));
        for (int j=0; p[j]; j++) {
            if (j==0) PUT_TO(TEMP, Characters::toupper(p[j]));
            else PUT_TO(TEMP, p[j]);
        if (Wordings::length(DW) > 1)
            WRITE_TO(TEMP, " %+W", Wordings::trim_first_word(DW));
        WRITE_TO(TEMP, " from ");
        if (Wordings::nonempty(RW)) WRITE_TO(TEMP, "%+W", RW);
        else WRITE_TO(TEMP, "here");
        WRITE_TO(TEMP, " is .[=0x000A=]");
        PasteButtons::paste_text(OUT, TEMP);
        WRITE("&nbsp;%+W", DW);
    if (k>0) HTML_CLOSE("p");

§46. Unit testing. The internal test case "map" produces a list of spatial coordinates for rooms:

void PL::SpatialMap::log_spatial_layout(void) {
    connected_submap *sub;
    LOOP_OVER(sub, connected_submap) {
        LOG("\nMap component %d: "
            "extent (%d...%d, %d...%d, %d...%d): population %d\n",
            sub->bounds.corner0.x, sub->bounds.corner1.x,
            sub->bounds.corner0.y, sub->bounds.corner1.y,
            sub->bounds.corner0.z, sub->bounds.corner1.z,
        instance *R;
        LOOP_OVER_SUBMAP(R, sub) {
            wording W = Instances::get_name(R, FALSE);
            if (R == benchmark_room) LOG("Benchmark: ");
            LOG("%W: %d, %d, %d\n", W,