Sequences of named code-generation stages are called pipelines.

§1. Stages and descriptions. A processing stage is a step in code generation which acts on a repository of inter in memory. Some stages change, add to or edit down that code, while others leave it untouched but output a file based on it.

Each stage can see an entire repository of inter code at a time, and is not restricted to working through it in sequence.

Stages are named, which are written without spaces, and conventionally use hyphens: for example, resolve-conditional-compilation. Where a filename has to be supplied, it appears after a colon. Thus generate-inter:my.intert is a valid stage description.

A "pipeline" is a list of stage descriptions. If the pipeline is spelled out textually on the command line, then commas are used to divide the stages:

    $ inter/Tangled/inter -pipeline-text 'plugh, xyzzy, plover'

If the pipeline is in an external file, we would instead write:

    $ inter/Tangled/inter -pipeline-file mypl.interpipeline

and the file mypl.interpipeline would have one stage listed on each line, so that the commas are not needed:


§2. A pipeline description can make use of "variables". These hold only text, and generally represent filenames. Variable names begin with a star *. The pipeline cannot create variables: instead, the user of the pipeline has to make them before use. For example,

    $ inter/Tangled/inter -variable '*X=ex/why' -pipeline-file mypl.interpipeline

creates the variable *X with the textual contents ex/why before running the given pipeline. Inside the pipeline, a line such as:

    generate inform6 -> *X

would then be read as:

    generate inform6 -> ex/why

After variable substitution like this, filenames inside the pipeline description are interpreted as follows:

The special variable *log, which always exists, means the debugging log. A command to write a text file to *log is interpreted instead to mean "spool the output you would otherwise write to the debugging log instead". For example,

    generate inventory -> *log

§3. Pipelines run by Inform. As the above implies, Inter pipelines normally begin with a clean slate: no repositories, no variables.

When a pipeline is being run by the main Inform 7 compiler, however, two variables are created in advance. *in is set to the inter code which Inform has generated on the current run, and *out is set to the filename to which final I6 code needs to be written. The practical effect is that any useful pipeline for Inform will begin and end thus:

    read <- *in
    generate inform6 -> *out

In addition, the "domain" is set to the directory containing the *out file.

To Inbuild and Inform, pipelines are resources in their own right, rather like extensions or kits. So, for example, the standard distribution includes


which is the one used for standard compilation runs. A projects Materials folder is free to provide a replacement:


...and then this will be used instead when compiling Strange.inform.

1. This sentence in Inform source text:

Use inter pipeline "NAME".

replaces the pipeline normally used for code generation with the one supplied. (That may very well cause the compiler not to produce viable code, of course.) The default Inter pipeline is called compile, and comes built-in. Named pipelines are stored alongside named extensions and other resources used by Inform; so for example you could write:

Use inter pipeline "mypipeline".

And then store the actual pipeline file as:

    Example Work.materials/Pipelines/mypipeline.interpipeline

2. You don't need the Use... sentence, though, if you're willing to choose on the command line instead:

    $ inform7/Tangled/inform7 ... -pipeline NAME

Or, if you want to name a file explicitly, not have it looked for by name:

    $ inform7/Tangled/inform7 ... -pipeline-file FILE

3. Finally, you can also give Inform 7 an explicit pipeline in textual form:

    $ inform7/Tangled/inform7 ... -pipeline-text 'PIPELINE'

Note that Inbuild and Inform 7 respond to all three of -pipeline, -pipeline-file and -pipeline-text, whereas Inter responds only to the last two. (It can't find pipelines by name because it doesn't contain the complex code for sorting out resources.)

§4. Stage descriptions. There are three sorts of stage description: those involving material coming in, denoted by a left arrow, those involving some external file being written out, denoted by a right arrow, and those which just process what we have. These take the following forms:


In each case the LOCATION is optional. For example:

    read 2 <- *in
    generate binary -> *out
    eliminate-redundant-labels /main/template

In the first line the location is 2. Pipeline descriptios allow us to manage up to 10 different repositories, and these are called 0 to 9. These are all initially empty. Any stage which doesn't specify a repository is considered to apply to 0; plenty of pipelines never mention the digits 0 to 9 at all because they do everything inside 0.

In the second line, there's no location given, so the location is presumed to be 0.

The third line demonstrates that a location can be more specific than just a repository: it can be a specific package in a repository. Here, it's /main/template in repository 0, but we could also write 7:/main/template to mean /main/template in 7, for example. Not all stages allow the location to be narrowed down to a single package (which by definition includes all its subpackages): see below.

§5. Reading and generating. The read stage reads Inter from a file into a repository in memory. (Its previous contents, if any, are discarded.) This then becomes the repository to which subsequent stages apply. The format is:


where REPOSITORY is 0 to 9, and is 0 if not supplied. Note that this fills an entire repository: it's not meaningful to specify a named package as the location.

The FILE can contain either binary or textual Inter, and this is automatically detected.

    generate FORMAT -> FILE

writes the repository out into the given FILE. There are several possible formats: binary and text mean a binary or textual Inter file, inventory means a textual summary of the contents, and inform6 means an Inform 6 program. At present, only inventory can be generated on specific packages in a repository.

The generate stage leaves the repository unchanged, so it's possible to generate multiple representations of the same repository into different files.

§6. The code-generation stages. The following are all experimental, and have probably not yet reached their final form or names.

Although one thinks of code generation as a process of turning inter into Inform 6, in fact it goes both ways, because we also have to read in the "template" of standing Inform 6 code. The early code generation stages convert the template from Inform 6 into inter, merging it with the inter already produced by the front end of the compiler. The later stages then turn this merged repository into Inform 6 code. (Routines in the template, therefore, are converted out of Inform 6 and then back into it again. This sounds inefficient but is surprisingly fast, and enables many optimisations.)

§7. merge-template <- T reads in the I6T template file T, converts it to inter in a very basic way (creating many splats), and merges it with the repository. Splats are the unhappiest of inter statements, simply including verbatim snippets of Inform 6 code.

§8. parse-linked-matter examines the splats produced by merging and annotates them by what they seem to want to do. For example,

    splat &"Global nitwit = 2;\n"

is recognised as an Inform 6 variable declaration, and annotated thus:

    splat GLOBAL &"Global nitwit = 2;\n"

§9. resolve-conditional-compilation looks for splats arising from Inform 6 conditional compilation directives such as #ifdef, #ifndef, #endif; it then detects whether the relevant symbols are defined, or looks at their values, and deletes sections of code not to be compiled. At the end of this stage, there are no conditional compilation splats left in the repository. For example:

    constant MAGIC K_number = 16339
    splat IFTRUE &"#iftrue MAGIC == 16339;\n"
    constant WIZARD K_number = 5
    splat IFNOT &"#ifnot;\n"
    constant MUGGLE K_number = 0
    splat ENDIF &"#endif;\n"

is resolved to:

    constant MAGIC K_number = 16339
    constant WIZARD K_number = 5

§10. assimilate aims to convert all remaining splats in the repository into higher-level inter statements. For example,

    splat STUB &"#Stub Peach 0;\n"
    splat ATTRIBUTE &"Attribute marmorial;\n"


    constant Peach K_unchecked_function = Peach_B __assimilated=1
    property marmorial K_truth_state __assimilated=1 __attribute=1 __either_or=1

At the end of this stage, there should be no splats left in the repository, and the linking process is complete.

§11. make-identifiers-unique looks for symbols marked with the MAKE_NAME_UNIQUE flag (represented in textual form by an asterisk after its name), This flag means that Inform wants the symbol name to be globally unique in the repository. For example, if Inform generates the symbol name fruit*, it's really telling the code generator that it eventually wants this to have a name which won't collide with anything else.

What make-identifiers-unique does is to append _U1, _U2, ... to such names across the repository. Thus fruit* might become fruit_U176, and it is guaranteed that no other symbol has the same name.

This stage is needed because whereas the inter language has namespces, so that the same name can mean different things in different parts of the program, Inform 6 (mostly) does not. There cannot be two functions with the same name in any I6 program, for example.

At the end of this stage, no symbol still has the MAKE_NAME_UNIQUE flag.

§12. reconcile-verbs is a short stage looking for clashes between any verbs (in the parser interactive fiction sense) which have been assimilated from the template, and verbs which have been defined in the main source text. For example, suppose the source creates the command verb "abstract": this would collide with the command meta-verb "abstract", intended for debugging, which appears in the template. What this stage does is to detect such problems, and if it finds one, to prefix the template verb with !. Thus we would end up with two command verbs: abstract, with its source text meaning, and !abstract, with its template meaning.

At the end of this stage, all parser verbs have distinct textual forms.

§13. eliminate-redundant-code deletes all packages which Inter can prove will not be used in the final code generated from the repository. For example, functions never called, or arrays never referred to, are deleted.

§14. eliminate-redundant-labels performs peephole optimisation on all of the functions in the repository to remove all labels which are declared but can never be jumped to.

At the end of this stage, all labels inside functions are targets of some branch, either by inv !jump or in assembly language.

§15. The special stage stop halts processing of the pipeline midway. At present this is only useful for making experimental edits to pipeline descriptions to see what just the first half does, without deleting the second half of the description.