The second of four ways phrases are invoked: as definitions of adjectives which can be used as unary predicates in the calculus. (And we also look after adjectives arising from I6 or I7 conditions, and from I6 routines.)

§1. Definitions.

§2. A typical example would be:

Definition: A container is significant if it contains a clue.

Here the domain of the definition is "container", and the meaning assigned to "significant" is an I7 condition; but we can also make it an I6 condition, or (a tidier way to express the same thing) delegate it to an I6 routine. Phrases enter only when we define an adjective with an explicit, though nameless, I7 rule:

Definition: A container (called the sac) is significant: if the sac contains a clue, decide yes; ...

That makes four distinct kinds of adjective, but all share the following structure to hold details of their specific meanings:

typedef struct definition {
    struct parse_node *definition_node;  current sentence: where the word "Definition" is
    struct parse_node *node;  where the actual definition is
    int format;  +1 to go by condition, -1 to negate it, 0 to use routine
    struct wording condition_to_match;  text of condition to match, if +1 or -1
    struct wording domain_calling;  what if anything the term is called
    struct adjective_meaning *am_of_def;  which adjective meaning
} definition;

§3. The adjectives traverse. The following is used to deal with adjective definitions. In the simple example:

Definition: A container is significant if it contains something.

we recognise this as a definition because its preamble consists just of that one word:

<definition-header> ::=

§4. Having got that far, Inform descends to the body of the definition:

A container is significant if it contains something

and applies the following grammar. This parsing happens very early in Inform's run, before most of the kinds are created; but eventually the text of the domain is expected to match <k-kind>. The text of the condition in productions (a) and (b) in <adjective-definition> can have various different forms. For timing reasons, we don't parse it this way, but it's as if it had to match one of the following list of choices:

At any rate, it will eventually have to make sense, but not yet.

Production (c) here looks useless, but is intended to catch cases like this:

Definition: a container is roomy rather than poky: ...

where the material at ... is a phrase determining the truth of the definition. (This was a very early feature of Inform, and one I think the language could drop without much loss. No comparable feature exists for binary predicates, so it seems odd to have it for unary predicates, and the doubled use of colons is unfortunate.)

<adjective-definition> ::=
    <adjective-domain> is/are <adjective-wording> if ... |      ==> { DEFINED_POSITIVELY, - }
    <adjective-domain> is/are <adjective-wording> unless ... |  ==> { DEFINED_NEGATIVELY, - }
    <adjective-domain> is/are <adjective-wording>               ==> { DEFINED_PHRASALLY, - }

<adjective-domain> ::=
    ... ( called the ... ) |  ==> { 0, -, <<calling>> = TRUE }
    ... ( called ... ) |      ==> { 0, -, <<calling>> = TRUE }
    ...                       ==> { 0, -, <<calling>> = FALSE }

<adjective-wording> ::=
    ... rather than ... |     ==> { 0, -, <<antonym>> = TRUE }
    ...                       ==> { 0, -, <<antonym>> = FALSE }

§5. And here is the supporting code:

void Phrases::Adjectives::traverse(void) {
    SyntaxTree::traverse(Task::syntax_tree(), Phrases::Adjectives::look_for_headers);

void Phrases::Adjectives::look_for_headers(parse_node *p) {
    if (Node::get_type(p) == RULE_NT)
        if (<definition-header>(Node::get_text(p))) {
            compilation_module *cm = Modules::current();
            parse_node *q = (p->down)?(p->down->down):NULL;
            if (q == NULL) Futz with the parse tree, trying right not down5.1;

            wording DNW = EMPTY_WORDING;  domain name
            wording CALLW = EMPTY_WORDING;  calling
            wording AW = EMPTY_WORDING;  adjective name
            wording NW = EMPTY_WORDING;  negation name
            wording CONW = EMPTY_WORDING;  condition text
            int the_format = DEFINED_IN_SOME_WAY_NOT_YET_KNOWN;

            Parse the Q-node as an adjective definition5.2;
            Perform sanity checks on the result5.3;
            Register the resulting adjective5.4;

            if (the_format != DEFINED_PHRASALLY)  p->down = NULL;


§5.1. The tree structure is slightly different according to whether the adjective is defined by routine or not.

Futz with the parse tree, trying right not down5.1 =

    if ((p->next == NULL) ||
        (Node::get_type(p->next) != RULE_NT)) {
        StandardProblems::sentence_problem(Task::syntax_tree(), _p_(BelievedImpossible),
            "don't leave me in suspense",
            "write a definition after 'Definition:'!");
    q = p->next; p->next = q->next; p->down = q->down; q->next = NULL;

§5.2. Parse the Q-node as an adjective definition5.2 =

    if (<adjective-definition>(Node::get_text(q))) {
        the_format = <<r>>;
        DNW = GET_RW(<adjective-domain>, 1);
        if (<<calling>>) CALLW = GET_RW(<adjective-domain>, 2);
        AW = GET_RW(<adjective-wording>, 1);
        if (<<antonym>>) NW = GET_RW(<adjective-wording>, 2);
        if (the_format != DEFINED_PHRASALLY)
            CONW = GET_RW(<adjective-definition>, 1);

§5.3. Perform sanity checks on the result5.3 =

    if ((the_format == DEFINED_IN_SOME_WAY_NOT_YET_KNOWN) ||
        ((the_format == DEFINED_PHRASALLY) && (q->down == NULL))) {
        LOG("Definition tree (%d):\n$T\n", the_format, q);
        StandardProblems::definition_problem(Task::syntax_tree(), _p_(PM_DefinitionWithoutCondition),
            q, "a definition must take the form 'Definition: a ... is ... if/unless "
            "...' or else 'Definition: a ... is ...: ...'",
            "but I can't make this fit either shape.");
    if ((Wordings::mismatched_brackets(AW)) ||
        ((Wordings::nonempty(NW)) && (Wordings::mismatched_brackets(NW)))) {
        LOG("Definition tree:\n$T\n", p);
        StandardProblems::definition_problem(Task::syntax_tree(), _p_(PM_BracketedAdjective),
            q, "this definition seems to involve unexpected brackets in the name of "
            "the adjective being defined",
            "so I think I must be misreading it.");

§5.4. As we've seen, adjectives can take many forms, and what we do here is to offer the new adjective around and see if anybody claims it.

Register the resulting adjective5.4 =

    adjective_meaning *am = Adjectives::Meanings::parse(q, the_format, AW, DNW, CONW, CALLW);
    if (am == NULL) internal_error("unclaimed adjective definition");

    if (Wordings::nonempty(NW)) {
        adjective_meaning *neg = Adjectives::Meanings::negate(am);
        Adjectives::Meanings::declare(neg, NW, 5);


int Phrases::Adjectives::vet_name(wording W) {
    if (<article>(W)) {
        StandardProblems::sentence_problem(Task::syntax_tree(), _p_(PM_ArticleAsAdjective),
            "a defined adjective cannot consist only of an article such as "
            "'a' or 'the'",
            "since this will lead to parsing ambiguities.");
        return FALSE;
    if (<unsuitable-name>(W)) {
        if (problem_count == 0) {
            Problems::quote_source(1, current_sentence);
            Problems::quote_wording(2, W);
            StandardProblems::handmade_problem(Task::syntax_tree(), _p_(PM_AdjectivePunctuated));
                "The sentence %1 seems to create an adjective with the name "
                "'%2', but adjectives have to be contain only unpunctuated "
        return FALSE;
        NTI::mark_word(n, <s-adjective>);
    return TRUE;

§7. Which leaves only:

definition *Phrases::Adjectives::def_new(parse_node *q) {
    definition *def = CREATE(definition);
    def->node = q;
    def->format = 0;
    def->condition_to_match = EMPTY_WORDING;
    def->domain_calling = EMPTY_WORDING;
    def->definition_node = current_sentence;
    return def;