To create, manage, compare the logical specificity of, and assist excerpt parsing concerning, the type of a To phrase.

§1. Introduction. Each imperative definition, regardless of family, has type data attached. Only "To..." phrase definitions make full use of this, which is why we use those as examples throughout, but even rule and adjective definitions set the "manner of return" (see below).

Type data for a "To..." phrase comes from its prototype text. For example:

To sort (T - table name) in (TC - table column) order: ...

Word sequence:             Token sequence:
0  sort                    0  T - table name
1  0                       1  TC - table column
2  in
3  1
4  order

The "word sequence" consists of five integers. Values below MAX_TOKENS_PER_PHRASE mean that a token appears in that position; higher values are word numbers in the lexed source. (So a phrase prototype cannot appear in the first 10 words of the source text. Those words are always used on inclusion sentences anyway.) The "token sequence" lists the flexibly-worded "tokens" in the prototype — the parts in brackets.

define MAX_WORDS_PER_PHRASE 32  the most the excerpt parser can hold anyway
typedef struct id_type_data {
    struct wording registration_text;  words used to register the excerpt meaning
    int word_sequence[MAX_WORDS_PER_PHRASE];  the "word sequence": see above
    int no_words;  length of the word sequence

    struct id_type_token token_sequence[MAX_TOKENS_PER_PHRASE];
    int no_tokens;

    int manner_of_return;  one of the *_MOR values
    struct kind *return_kind;  NULL except in the DECIDES_VALUE_MOR case

    struct id_options_data options_data;

    struct say_details as_say;  used only for "say" phrases, that is, text substitutions
    struct inline_details as_inline;  side effects for phrases like C keywords

    int now_deprecated;  is this a phrase likely to be withdrawn in future?
} id_type_data;


id_type_data IDTypeData::new(void) {
    id_type_data idtd;
    idtd.registration_text = EMPTY_WORDING;
    idtd.manner_of_return = DECIDES_NOTHING_MOR;
    idtd.return_kind = NULL;
    idtd.no_words = 0;
    idtd.no_tokens = 0;
    idtd.as_say = IDTypeData::new_say_details();
    idtd.as_inline = IDTypeData::new_inline_details();
    idtd.now_deprecated = FALSE;
    idtd.options_data = PhraseOptions::new(EMPTY_WORDING);
    return idtd;

§3. The two tokens of our example phrase, then, are each stored in one of the following. Note that a token can match a value1 as well as a kind, or can match an elaborate description. Because it can also stand for special constructs not representable with a parse_node, such as "name of a kind of enumerated value", the construct field is occasionally not STANDARD_IDTC.

define ERRONEOUS_IDTC       0  used only in parsing, never in an IDTT
define STANDARD_IDTC        1  e.g., 12, number, open door
define NEW_LOCAL_IDTC       2  e.g., nonexisting number variable
define OLD_LOCAL_IDTC       3  e.g., existing number variable
define CONDITION_IDTC       4  e.g., a condition
define STORAGE_IDTC         5  e.g., storage
define TABLE_REF_IDTC       6  e.g., table-reference
define KIND_NAME_IDTC       7  e.g., name of kind
define VOID_IDTC            8  e.g., or in fact only, phrase
typedef struct id_type_token {
    int construct;  one of the *_IDTC values above
    struct wording token_name;  name
    struct parse_node *to_match;  what we expect to find here
    struct kind *token_kind;
} id_type_token;

void IDTypeData::set_spec(id_type_token *idtt, parse_node *spec) {
    idtt->to_match = spec;
    idtt->token_kind = Specifications::to_kind(spec);

kind *IDTypeData::token_kind(id_type_data *idtd, int i) {
    return idtd->token_sequence[i].token_kind;

§4. It may seem redundant to store both to_match and token_kind. Surely the latter is always just the reduction to a kind of the former? But in fact not, because of the following function: if it performs a kind substitution of a kind into a kind variable, the two will no longer match exactly. See ParsingIDTypeData::parse for the subtle reason it is needed.

void IDTypeData::substitute_spec(id_type_data *idtd, int i, kind **declarations) {
    int changed = FALSE;
    kind *substituted = Kinds::substitute(
        idtd->token_sequence[i].token_kind, declarations, &changed, TRUE);
    if (changed)
        idtd->token_sequence[i].to_match = Specifications::from_kind(substituted);

§5. Say phrases — text substitutions, that is — need more:

typedef struct say_details {
    int say_phrase;  one of the three *_SAY_PHRASE values
    int say_phrase_running_on;  ignore implied newlines in previous invocation
    int say_phrase_stream_position;  one of the SSP_* values above
    int say_phrase_stream_token_at;  word number of say stream token name
    int say_phrase_stream_closing_token_at;  ditto for choice of ending
    int say_control_structure;  one of the four *_SAY_CS values below
} say_details;

§6. These are for "say control structures", as in "fish [if day is Friday]of course[end if]" — the "[if ...]" and "[end if]" both being say phrases which are control structures.

define NO_SAY_CS 0
define IF_SAY_CS 1
define END_IF_SAY_CS 4

§7. The say stream is the sequence of successive invocations in a single say, or in a piece of text with substitutions. Some say phrases are compound in that they must occur in a given sequence.

The following markers are used to identify such say phrases:

define SSP_NONE 0
define SSP_START 1
define SSP_MIDDLE 2
define SSP_END 3

§8. Inline phrase definitions are used to implement what, in other languages, would be control-structure keywords; so inline phrases sometimes need bells, whistles and doodads which regular phrases don't.

typedef struct inline_details {
    int invoked_inline_not_as_call;  if FALSE, none of the rest applies

    int let_phrase;  one of the *_LET_PHRASE values below
    int assignment_phrase;  TRUE if this has to be typechecked as an assignment
    int arithmetical_operation;  -1, or one of the *_OPERATION constants

    int block_follows;  for inline phrases only: followed by a begin... end block?
    inchar32_t *only_in_loop;  if not null, the phrase can only be used in this block
} inline_details;

§9. Where:

define NOT_A_LET_PHRASE 0  needs to be 0 so that let_phrase can be a C condition
define ASSIGNMENT_LET_PHRASE 1  the regular "let"
define EQUATION_LET_PHRASE 2  "let" inviting Inform to solve an equation

§10. Manner of return. The "manner of return" (MOR) is similar to the type of value returned by a function in a C-like language. Thus DECIDES_NOTHING_MOR is like being a void function in C, and DECIDES_VALUE_MOR like being a non-void one; DECIDES_CONDITION_MOR is like being a function returning a truth state. The joker in the pack is DECIDES_NOTHING_AND_RETURNS_MOR, which has no analogue in C. It means that invoking the phrase we are defining will cause an exit from the phrase which invokes it. If C implemented return as a function rather than an inbuilt keyword, this would be its type.

DECIDES_NOTHING_AND_RETURNS_MOR is possible (and meaningful) only for inline definitions.

define DONT_KNOW_MOR 1                      but ask me later
define DECIDES_NOTHING_MOR 2                e.g., "award 4 points"
define DECIDES_VALUE_MOR 3                  e.g., "square root of 16"
define DECIDES_CONDITION_MOR 4              e.g., "a random chance of 1 in 3 succeeds"
define DECIDES_NOTHING_AND_RETURNS_MOR 5    e.g., "continue the action"
void IDTypeData::set_mor(id_type_data *idtd, int mor, kind *K) {
    idtd->manner_of_return = mor;
    idtd->return_kind = K;

int IDTypeData::get_mor(id_type_data *idtd) {
    return idtd->manner_of_return;

kind *IDTypeData::get_return_kind(id_type_data *idtd) {
    switch (idtd->manner_of_return) {
        case DECIDES_CONDITION_MOR: return K_truth_state;
        case DECIDES_VALUE_MOR: return idtd->return_kind;
    return NULL;


char *IDTypeData::describe_manner_of_return(int mor, id_type_data *idtd, kind **K) {
    switch (mor) {
        case DECIDES_NOTHING_MOR: return "no value resulting";
        case DECIDES_VALUE_MOR:
            if ((idtd) && (idtd->return_kind) && (K)) *K = idtd->return_kind;
            return "a phrase to decide a value";
        case DECIDES_CONDITION_MOR: return "a phrase to make a decision";
            return "a phrase providing an outcome to a rulebook";
    return "some phrase";  should never actually be needed

§12. The kind of a definition. As noted above, phrases can be such that "kind" is meaningless (consider "if", or "now"), but it might be tempting to think that for function-like phrases, at least, the kind tells you everything about when they apply. But this isn't true. Consider:

To barricade (D - a door): ...

To barricade (D - a closed door): ...

These both have the same kind, phrase door -> nothing, and that's reasonable because they're safe to use in the same circumstances. But they will apply in different circumstances at run-time.

A further subtlety comes with phrases like:

To juxtapose (name of kind of value K) with (alpha - K) and (beta - K): ...

What's the kind of this? The eventual result of compiling this will be a function of kind phrase (V, V) -> nothing, where V is the particular kind it is used for. But this is not the kind of the definition itself, which clearly has three parameters. If we give it the kind phrase (K, K) -> nothing then Inform will infer the kind K from the parameters supplied as alpha and beta in any given invocation. For example, "juxtapose numbers with 12 and 31" would then correctly infer that K = number. But in some subtle cases of ambiguity it infers the wrong answer, and anyway, the idea is to take K from the kind explicitly named in the name of kind of value K parameter. So, internally, Inform regards the kind of this definition as phrase (K, K, K) -> nothing.

kind *IDTypeData::kind(id_type_data *idtd) {
    kind *argument_kinds[MAX_TOKENS_PER_PHRASE];
    for (int i=0; i<idtd->no_tokens; i++)
        argument_kinds[i] = IDTypeData::token_kind(idtd, i);
    kind *R = IDTypeData::get_return_kind(idtd);
    return Kinds::function_kind(idtd->no_tokens, argument_kinds, R);

§13. It's useful to test whether the definition in fact involves kind variables:

int IDTypeData::contains_variables(id_type_data *idtd) {
    return Kinds::contains(IDTypeData::kind(idtd), CON_KIND_VARIABLE);

int IDTypeData::token_contains_variable(id_type_data *idtd, int v) {
    for (int i=0; i<idtd->no_tokens; i++)
        if (Kinds::Behaviour::involves_var(IDTypeData::token_kind(idtd, i), v))
            return TRUE;
    return FALSE;

§14. The tokens.

int IDTypeData::get_no_tokens(id_type_data *idtd) {
    return idtd->no_tokens;

int IDTypeData::index_of_token_creating_a_variable(id_type_data *idtd) {
    for (int i=0; i<idtd->no_tokens; i++)
        if (idtd->token_sequence[i].construct == NEW_LOCAL_IDTC)
            return i;
    return -1;

§15. This odd-looking question is asked when handling the ambiguity between the name of a property ("carrying capacity", say) as a value in its own right, and the same name metonymically referring to the value of the property for a given instance ("carrying capacity of the player", say).

int IDTypeData::preamble_requires_property_value(id_type_data *idtd) {
    for (int i=0; i<idtd->no_tokens; i++)
        if (Lvalues::get_storage_form(idtd->token_sequence[i].to_match) == PROPERTY_VALUE_NT)
            return FALSE;
    return TRUE;

§16. Deprecation. Phrases which are "deprecated" are those defined by the Standard Rules, or other extensions in the standard Inform installation, which we now think are redundant or a bad idea: we don't want to withdraw them without warning, so the procedure is to deprecate them in one major build and withdraw them in the next.

int IDTypeData::deprecated(id_type_data *idtd) {
    return idtd->now_deprecated;

void IDTypeData::deprecate_phrase(id_type_data *idtd) {
    idtd->now_deprecated = TRUE;

§17. Comparison of PHTDs. This is used when sorting "To..." phrases in order of logical priority.

int IDTypeData::comparison(id_type_data *phtd1, id_type_data *phtd2) {
    if (phtd1 == phtd2) return EQUAL_PH;

    Loop construct keywords have priority17.1;
    More fixed words beats fewer17.2;
    More tokens beats fewer17.3;
    Next use alphabetical order, counting tokens as after the Zs17.4;
    Finally try comparing the to-match specifications of the tokens17.5;


§17.1. Loop construct keywords have priority17.1 =

    int i = IDTypeData::inline_type_data_comparison(phtd1, phtd2);
    if (i != EQUAL_PH) return i;

§17.2. More fixed words beats fewer17.2 =

    int fw1 = phtd1->no_words - phtd1->no_tokens;
    int fw2 = phtd2->no_words - phtd2->no_tokens;
    if (fw1 > fw2) return BEFORE_PH;
    if (fw1 < fw2) return AFTER_PH;

§17.3. More tokens beats fewer17.3 =

    if (phtd1->no_tokens > phtd2->no_tokens) return BEFORE_PH;
    if (phtd1->no_tokens < phtd2->no_tokens) return AFTER_PH;

§17.4. At this point the two phrases have the same number of words and tokens, but the words may be different and/or the tokens in different places. We might for example be comparing these two:

To grab (the prize - an object) swiftly: ...

To grab at (the rosette - an object): ...

We use alphabetical order, placing "grab ZZZZZZ swiftly" after "grab at ZZZZZZ".

Next use alphabetical order, counting tokens as after the Zs17.4 =

    int i;
    for (i=0; i<phtd1->no_words; i++) {
        if (phtd1->word_sequence[i] < MAX_TOKENS_PER_PHRASE) {
            if (phtd2->word_sequence[i] >= MAX_TOKENS_PER_PHRASE)
                return AFTER_PH;
        } else {
            if (phtd2->word_sequence[i] < MAX_TOKENS_PER_PHRASE) return BEFORE_PH;
            int x = Wide::cmp(
            if (x > 0) return AFTER_PH;
            if (x < 0) return BEFORE_PH;

§17.5. Now our two phrases have identical wording, and tokens in the same positions, but may have different specifications for them. For example:

To grab at (the rosette - an object): ...

To grab at (the rosette - a thing on the table): ...

We give priority to the second of these, because it's more specific. On the other hand these are simply incomparable:

To grab at (the rosette - an object): ...

To grab at (the prime - a number): ...

Finally try comparing the to-match specifications of the tokens17.5 =

    int i, possibly_subschema = TRUE, possibly_superschema = TRUE;
    for (i=0; i<phtd1->no_tokens; i++) {
        parse_node *spec1 = phtd1->token_sequence[i].to_match;
        parse_node *spec2 = phtd2->token_sequence[i].to_match;
        See if the ith token rules out being a sub- or superschema17.5.2;
    if ((possibly_subschema) || (possibly_superschema))
        These are worryingly similar in wording, so check the return kinds17.5.1;
    if (possibly_subschema) return SUBSCHEMA_PH;
    if (possibly_superschema) return SUPERSCHEMA_PH;

§17.5.1. We need to watch out for this sort of thing:

To decide what number is my special value: decide on 4.

To decide what person is my special value: decide on the player.

which makes "my special value" of a kind which can't be decided; but we can't just compare the return kinds, because that might pick up false positives in the case of kind variables, etc.

These are worryingly similar in wording, so check the return kinds17.5.1 =

    if ((phtd1->manner_of_return != phtd2->manner_of_return) ||
        ((Kinds::eq(phtd1->return_kind, phtd2->return_kind) == FALSE) &&
        return CONFLICTED_PH;

§17.5.2. We delegate to Specifications::compare_specificity to decide what's more specific, but note that this routine can return 0 (meaning, equally specific) for two different reasons: because the specifications are basically the same as each other, or because they're completely different but have about the same complexity. The wont_mix flag is set in the latter case.

Because the test is made by seeing if one specification matches another, we also protect it from the special "nonexisting variable" tokens, used only in inline phrase preambles. It would otherwise think "existing variable" is more specific than "new variable", which isn't helpful.

See if the ith token rules out being a sub- or superschema17.5.2 =

    if ((phtd1->token_sequence[i].construct == NEW_LOCAL_IDTC) &&
        (phtd2->token_sequence[i].construct != NEW_LOCAL_IDTC)) {
        possibly_superschema = FALSE;
    } else if ((phtd1->token_sequence[i].construct != NEW_LOCAL_IDTC) &&
        (phtd2->token_sequence[i].construct == NEW_LOCAL_IDTC)) {
        possibly_subschema = FALSE;
    } else {
        int wont_mix = FALSE;
        int r = Specifications::compare_specificity(spec1, spec2, &wont_mix);
        if (wont_mix) { possibly_subschema = FALSE; possibly_superschema = FALSE; }
        else if (r < 0) possibly_subschema = FALSE;
        else if (r > 0) possibly_superschema = FALSE;

§18. Tweaking phrase ordering. Phrases marked for use only within a particular control structure, such as "otherwise" within "if", automatically precede all other phrases. The idea is that these are keywords whose effect is so powerful that we don't want any chance of ambiguities arising due to unwise phrase definitions in the source text.

int IDTypeData::inline_type_data_comparison(id_type_data *phtd1, id_type_data *phtd2) {
    if ((phtd1->as_inline.only_in_loop) && (phtd2->as_inline.only_in_loop == FALSE))
        return BEFORE_PH;
    if ((phtd2->as_inline.only_in_loop) && (phtd1->as_inline.only_in_loop == FALSE))
        return AFTER_PH;

    return EQUAL_PH;

§19. Say phrases.

define NOT_A_SAY_PHRASE 0  needs to be 0 so that sd.say_phrase can be a C condition
say_details IDTypeData::new_say_details(void) {
    say_details sd;
    sd.say_phrase = NOT_A_SAY_PHRASE;
    sd.say_phrase_running_on = FALSE;
    sd.say_control_structure = NO_SAY_CS;
    sd.say_phrase_stream_position = SSP_NONE;
    sd.say_phrase_stream_token_at = -1;
    sd.say_phrase_stream_closing_token_at = -1;
    return sd;

int first_say_made = FALSE;

void IDTypeData::make_sd(say_details *sd, int ro, int cs, int pos, int at, int cat) {
    sd->say_phrase = A_MISCELLANEOUS_SAY_PHRASE;
    if (first_say_made == FALSE) {
        sd->say_phrase = THE_PRIMORDIAL_SAY_PHRASE;
        first_say_made = TRUE;
    sd->say_phrase_running_on = ro;
    if (cs >= 0) sd->say_control_structure = cs;
    if (pos >= 0) sd->say_phrase_stream_position = pos;
    if (at >= 0) sd->say_phrase_stream_token_at = at;
    if (cat >= 0) sd->say_phrase_stream_closing_token_at = cat;

void IDTypeData::log_say_details(say_details sd) {
    switch (sd.say_phrase) {
        case NOT_A_SAY_PHRASE: break;
        default: LOG("  <invalid say phrase status>\n"); break;
    if (sd.say_phrase_running_on)
        LOG("  running on from previous say invocation without implied newline\n");
    switch (sd.say_control_structure) {
        case NO_SAY_CS: break;
        case IF_SAY_CS: LOG("  IF_SAY_CS\n"); break;
        case END_IF_SAY_CS: LOG("  END_IF_SAY_CS\n"); break;
        case OTHERWISE_SAY_CS: LOG("  OTHERWISE_SAY_CS\n"); break;
        case OTHERWISE_IF_SAY_CS: LOG("  OTHERWISE_IF_SAY_CS\n"); break;
        default: LOG("  <invalid say phrase status>\n"); break;

int IDTypeData::is_a_say_phrase(id_body *idb) {
    if ((idb) && (idb->type_data.as_say.say_phrase)) return TRUE;
    return FALSE;

int IDTypeData::is_a_say_X_phrase(id_type_data *idtd) {
    if (idtd->as_say.say_phrase == NOT_A_SAY_PHRASE) return FALSE;
    if ((idtd->no_words == 2) && (idtd->word_sequence[1] < MAX_TOKENS_PER_PHRASE))
        return TRUE;
    return FALSE;

int IDTypeData::is_a_spare_say_X_phrase(id_type_data *idtd) {
    if (idtd->as_say.say_phrase == NOT_A_SAY_PHRASE) return FALSE;
    if ((idtd->no_words == 2) && (idtd->word_sequence[1] < MAX_TOKENS_PER_PHRASE)) {
        kind *K = IDTypeData::token_kind(idtd, 0);
        if ((K) && (Kinds::Behaviour::definite(K) == FALSE)) return FALSE;
        return TRUE;
    return FALSE;

int IDTypeData::is_the_primordial_say(id_type_data *idtd) {
    if (idtd->as_say.say_phrase == THE_PRIMORDIAL_SAY_PHRASE) return TRUE;
    return FALSE;

void IDTypeData::get_say_data(say_details *sd,
    int *say_cs, int *ssp_tok, int *ssp_ctok, int *ssp_pos) {
    *say_cs = sd->say_control_structure;
    *ssp_tok = sd->say_phrase_stream_token_at;
    *ssp_ctok = sd->say_phrase_stream_closing_token_at;
    *ssp_pos = sd->say_phrase_stream_position;

int IDTypeData::preface_for_say_HTML(OUTPUT_STREAM, say_details sd, int paste_format) {
    if (sd.say_phrase) {
        if (sd.say_phrase != THE_PRIMORDIAL_SAY_PHRASE) {
            switch (paste_format) {
                case PASTE_PHRASE_FORMAT: WRITE("["); break;
                case INDEX_PHRASE_FORMAT: WRITE("say \"["); break;
        } else {
            switch (paste_format) {
                case PASTE_PHRASE_FORMAT: WRITE("say \"\""); return NOT_APPLICABLE;
                case INDEX_PHRASE_FORMAT: WRITE("say \""); break;
        return TRUE;
    return FALSE;

void IDTypeData::epilogue_for_say_HTML(OUTPUT_STREAM, say_details sd, int paste_format) {
    if (sd.say_phrase) {
        if (sd.say_phrase != THE_PRIMORDIAL_SAY_PHRASE) {
            if (paste_format == PASTE_PHRASE_FORMAT) WRITE("]");
            else if (paste_format == INDEX_PHRASE_FORMAT) WRITE("]\"");
        } else {
            if (paste_format == INDEX_PHRASE_FORMAT) WRITE("\"");

int IDTypeData::ssp_matches(id_type_data *idtd, int ssp_tok, int list_pos,
    wording *W) {
    int this_tok = idtd->as_say.say_phrase_stream_token_at;
    int this_pos = idtd->as_say.say_phrase_stream_position;
    if (this_tok == -1) return FALSE;
    if (this_pos != list_pos) return FALSE;
    if (compare_words(ssp_tok, this_tok) == FALSE) return FALSE;
    *W = Wordings::trim_first_word(idtd->registration_text);  to remove the word "say"
    return TRUE;

§20. Inline phrases. On some platforms, notably Android, inline is a reserved word in some versions of gcc, so we need to be careful not to call any variables or structure members by than name.

define NO_BLOCK_FOLLOWS 0               this needs to be 0, to make if conditions work
inline_details IDTypeData::new_inline_details(void) {
    inline_details id;
    id.invoked_inline_not_as_call = FALSE;
    id.let_phrase = NOT_A_LET_PHRASE;
    id.block_follows = NO_BLOCK_FOLLOWS;
    id.only_in_loop = NULL;
    id.assignment_phrase = FALSE;
    id.arithmetical_operation = -1;
    return id;


int no_lets_made = 0;

void IDTypeData::make_id(inline_details *id, int op, int assgn, int let, int blk, int only_in) {
    id->arithmetical_operation = op;
    id->assignment_phrase = assgn;
    if ((let == ASSIGNMENT_LET_PHRASE) && (no_lets_made++ >= 3)) let = NOT_A_LET_PHRASE;
    id->let_phrase = let;
    id->block_follows = blk;
    if (only_in == -1) id->only_in_loop = U"loop";
    else if (only_in > 0) id->only_in_loop = Lexer::word_text(only_in);


void IDTypeData::log_inline_details(inline_details id) {
    if (id.block_follows) LOG("  block follows\n");
    if (id.let_phrase != NOT_A_LET_PHRASE) LOG("  let phrase (%d)\n", id.let_phrase);
    if (id.only_in_loop) LOG("  may only be used in a %w body\n", id.only_in_loop);
    switch (id.invoked_inline_not_as_call) {
        case TRUE: LOG("  invoked inline\n"); break;
        case FALSE: LOG("  invoked by I6 function call\n"); break;


void IDTypeData::make_inline(id_type_data *idtd) {
    if (idtd == NULL) internal_error("null idtd");
    idtd->as_inline.invoked_inline_not_as_call = TRUE;

int IDTypeData::invoked_inline(id_body *idb) {
    if (idb == NULL) return FALSE;
    return idb->type_data.as_inline.invoked_inline_not_as_call;


int IDTypeData::is_a_let_assignment(id_body *idb) {
    if (idb == NULL) return FALSE;
    if (idb->type_data.as_inline.let_phrase == ASSIGNMENT_LET_PHRASE) return TRUE;
    return FALSE;

int IDTypeData::is_a_let_equation(id_body *idb) {
    if (idb == NULL) return FALSE;
    if (idb->type_data.as_inline.let_phrase == EQUATION_LET_PHRASE) return TRUE;
    return FALSE;

int IDTypeData::arithmetic_operation(id_body *idb) {
    if (idb == NULL) return -1;
    return idb->type_data.as_inline.arithmetical_operation;

int IDTypeData::is_arithmetic_phrase(id_body *idb) {
    if ((IDTypeData::arithmetic_operation(idb) >= 0) &&
        (IDTypeData::arithmetic_operation(idb) < NO_OPERATIONS)) return TRUE;
    return FALSE;

int IDTypeData::is_assignment_phrase(id_body *idb) {
    if (idb == NULL) return FALSE;
    return idb->type_data.as_inline.assignment_phrase;

inchar32_t *IDTypeData::only_in(id_body *idb) {
    if (idb) return idb->type_data.as_inline.only_in_loop;
    return NULL;

int IDTypeData::block_follows(id_body *idb) {
    if (idb == NULL) return FALSE;
    return idb->type_data.as_inline.block_follows;

§25. Return value polymorphism. Inform has two sorts of polymorphism — that is, there are two ways in which the kinds of phrases can vary. One is by means of kind variables, the other is for arithmetic operations such as "plus" or "times": where the range of kinds which can go in is quite large, and the kind which comes out is then determined on dimensional grounds. (A number times a length is another length, but a number plus a length is an error, and so on.)

int IDTypeData::return_decided_dimensionally(id_type_data *idtd) {
    if ((idtd->manner_of_return == DECIDES_VALUE_MOR) &&
        (idtd->as_inline.arithmetical_operation >= 0)) return TRUE;
    return FALSE;

§26. Logging. The debugging log is simple:

void IDTypeData::log(id_type_data *idtd) {
    LOG("  IDTD: register as <%W>\n  %s\n", idtd->registration_text,
        IDTypeData::describe_manner_of_return(idtd->manner_of_return, idtd, NULL));
    if (idtd->manner_of_return == DECIDES_VALUE_MOR)
        LOG("  decides value of kind %u\n", idtd->return_kind);
    Log the word sequence26.1;
    Log the token sequence26.2;

§26.1. Log the word sequence26.1 =

    LOG("  ");
    for (int i=0; i<idtd->no_words; i++)
        if (idtd->word_sequence[i] < MAX_TOKENS_PER_PHRASE)
            LOG("#%d ", idtd->word_sequence[i]);
            LOG("%N ", idtd->word_sequence[i]);
    LOG("(%d words)\n", idtd->no_words);

§26.2. Log the token sequence26.2 =

    for (int i=0; i<idtd->no_tokens; i++)
        LOG("  #%d: \"%W\" = $P\n", i,
            idtd->token_sequence[i].token_name, idtd->token_sequence[i].to_match);

§27. Abbreviatedly:

void IDTypeData::log_briefly(id_type_data *idtd) {
    if (idtd == NULL) { LOG("<null-IDTD>"); return; }
    LOG("\"%W\"", idtd->registration_text);
    switch(idtd->manner_of_return) {
        case DECIDES_CONDITION_MOR: LOG("(=condition)"); break;
        case DECIDES_VALUE_MOR: LOG("(=%u)", idtd->return_kind); break;

§28. HTML forms. But the debugging log isn't the only place we want to write out the phrase type to: it also gets written to HTML, not just openly but also in the Javascript pasted form. One reason for this is to write entries in the Phrasebook Index, but another is to show what Inform was trying to do when issuing a Problem message: usually it has managed partially to match up the tokens in a phrase, and has a mostly-formed but incorrect invocation as a result. If such an invocation inv is supplied here, than the attempted match is shown.

define PASTE_PHRASE_FORMAT 1  in the insert-to-source text pasted by a button in the Index
define INDEX_PHRASE_FORMAT 2  a simpler version good enough for most purposes
void IDTypeData::write_HTML_representation(OUTPUT_STREAM,
    id_type_data *idtd, int paste_format, parse_node *inv) {

    int seq_from = 0, seq_to = idtd->no_words;

    int writing_a_say = IDTypeData::preface_for_say_HTML(OUT, idtd->as_say, paste_format);
    if (writing_a_say == NOT_APPLICABLE) return;
    if (writing_a_say) seq_from = 1;  skip the first word, which is necessarily "say" in this case

    if (idtd->as_inline.block_follows) seq_to--;  skip the last word, which is a block marker

    if ((paste_format == PASTE_PHRASE_FORMAT) && (writing_a_say == FALSE)) {
        if (idtd->word_sequence[0] < MAX_TOKENS_PER_PHRASE) seq_from++;
        if ((idtd->word_sequence[seq_to-1] < MAX_TOKENS_PER_PHRASE) &&
            (idtd->as_inline.block_follows == NO_BLOCK_FOLLOWS)) seq_to--;
    Describe the word sequence28.1;
    if (idtd->as_inline.block_follows) {
        if (paste_format) WRITE(":\n");
        else {
            HTML::begin_span(OUT, I"phrasetokenvaluetext");

    IDTypeData::epilogue_for_say_HTML(OUT, idtd->as_say, paste_format);

§28.1. Describe the word sequence28.1 =

    for (int j=seq_from; j<seq_to; j++) {
        if (j > seq_from) WRITE(" ");
        int ix = idtd->word_sequence[j];
        if (ix < MAX_TOKENS_PER_PHRASE)
            Describe a token in the word sequence28.1.2
            Describe a fixed word in the word sequence28.1.1;

§28.1.1. Describe a fixed word in the word sequence28.1.1 =

    inchar32_t *p = Lexer::word_raw_text(idtd->word_sequence[j]);
    int tinted = FALSE;
    for (int i=0; p[i]; i++) {
        if ((p[i] == '/') && (tinted == FALSE)) {
            tinted = TRUE;
            if (paste_format == PASTE_PHRASE_FORMAT) break;
            HTML::begin_span(OUT, I"phraseword");
        WRITE("%c", p[i]);
    if ((paste_format != PASTE_PHRASE_FORMAT) && (tinted)) HTML::end_span(OUT);

§28.1.2. Describe a token in the word sequence28.1.2 =

    switch (paste_format) {
            if (writing_a_say == FALSE) WRITE("(");
            if (inv) {
                parse_node *found = Invocations::get_token_as_parsed(inv, ix);
                if (Node::is(found, UNKNOWN_NT)) {
                    HTML::begin_span(OUT, I"indexdullred");
                } else {
                    HTML::begin_span(OUT, I"indexdullgreen");
                WRITE("%W", Node::get_text(found));
                WRITE(" - ");
                    (idtd->token_sequence[ix].construct == NEW_LOCAL_IDTC)?TRUE:FALSE);
            Describe what the token matches28.1.2.1;
            if (writing_a_say == FALSE) WRITE(")");

§ Describe what the token matches28.1.2.1 =

    switch (idtd->token_sequence[ix].construct) {
        case STANDARD_IDTC: {
            parse_node *spec = idtd->token_sequence[ix].to_match;
            if (Specifications::is_kind_like(spec)) {
                HTML::begin_span(OUT, I"phrasetokendesctext");
                Kinds::Textual::write(OUT, Specifications::to_kind(spec));
            } else if ((Node::is(spec, CONSTANT_NT)) ||
                    (Specifications::is_description(spec))) {
                HTML::begin_span(OUT, I"phrasetokendesctext");
                WRITE("%W", Node::get_text(spec));
            } else {
                HTML::begin_span(OUT, I"phrasetokenvaluetext");
                Specifications::write_out_in_English(OUT, spec);
        case NEW_LOCAL_IDTC:
            HTML::begin_span(OUT, I"phrasetokentext");
            WRITE("a new name");
            HTML::end_span(OUT); break;
        case OLD_LOCAL_IDTC:
            HTML::begin_span(OUT, I"phrasetokentext");
            WRITE("a temporary named value");
            if ((IDTypeData::token_kind(idtd, ix)) &&
                (Kinds::eq(IDTypeData::token_kind(idtd, ix), K_value) == FALSE)) {
                WRITE(" holding ");
                Kinds::Textual::write_articled(OUT, IDTypeData::token_kind(idtd, ix));
            HTML::end_span(OUT); break;
        case CONDITION_IDTC:
            HTML::begin_span(OUT, I"phrasetokentext");
            WRITE("a condition");
            HTML::end_span(OUT); break;
        case STORAGE_IDTC:
            HTML::begin_span(OUT, I"phrasetokentext");
            WRITE("a stored value");
            HTML::end_span(OUT); break;
        case TABLE_REF_IDTC:
            HTML::begin_span(OUT, I"phrasetokentext");
            WRITE("a table entry");
            HTML::end_span(OUT); break;
        case KIND_NAME_IDTC:
            HTML::begin_span(OUT, I"phrasetokentext");
            WRITE("name of kind");
            HTML::end_span(OUT); break;
        case VOID_IDTC:
            HTML::begin_span(OUT, I"phrasetokentext");
            WRITE("a phrase");
            HTML::end_span(OUT); break;

§29. Problem messages. Which enables this rather cool depiction used in Problem messages:

void IDTypeData::inv_write_HTML_representation(OUTPUT_STREAM, parse_node *inv) {
    id_body *idb = Node::get_phrase_invoked(inv);
    if (idb) {
        id_type_data *idtd = &(idb->type_data);
        if (Wordings::nonempty(ToPhraseFamily::doc_ref(idb->head_of_defn))) {
            WRITE_TO(pds, "%+W",
            DocReferences::link_to(OUT, pds, -1);
        } else
                Wordings::first_wn(Node::get_text(ImperativeDefinitions::body_at(idb))), FALSE);
        WRITE(" ");
        IDTypeData::write_HTML_representation(OUT, idtd, INDEX_PHRASE_FORMAT, inv);
        WRITE(" ");
        switch (Dash::reading_passed(inv)) {
            case TRUE: HTML_TAG_WITH("img", "border=0 src=inform:/doc_images/tick.png"); break;
            case FALSE: HTML_TAG_WITH("img", "border=0 src=inform:/doc_images/cross.png"); break;
            default: HTML_TAG_WITH("img", "border=0 src=inform:/doc_images/greytick.png"); break;