To write the Tokens element (To) in the index.


void TokensElement::render(OUTPUT_STREAM, localisation_dictionary *LD) {
    WRITE("In addition to the tokens listed below, any description of an object "
        "or value can be used: for example, \"[number]\" matches text like 127 or "
        " SIX, and \"[open door]\" matches the name of any nearby door which is "
        "currently open.");
    WRITE("Names of objects are normally understood only when they are within "
        "sight, but writing 'any' lifts this restriction. So \"[any person]\" allows "
        "every name of a person, wherever they happen to be.");
    inter_tree *I = InterpretIndex::get_tree();
    TokensElement::index_tokens_for(OUT, I, "anybody", NULL, I"someone_token", "same as \"[someone]\"");
    TokensElement::index_tokens_for(OUT, I, "anyone", NULL, I"someone_token", "same as \"[someone]\"");
    TokensElement::index_tokens_for(OUT, I, "anything", NULL, I"things_token", "same as \"[thing]\"");
    TokensElement::index_tokens_for(OUT, I, "other things", NULL, I"things_token", NULL);
    TokensElement::index_tokens_for(OUT, I, "somebody", NULL, I"someone_token", "same as \"[someone]\"");
    TokensElement::index_tokens_for(OUT, I, "someone", NULL, I"someone_token", NULL);
    TokensElement::index_tokens_for(OUT, I, "something", NULL, I"things_token", "same as \"[thing]\"");
    TokensElement::index_tokens_for(OUT, I, "something preferably held", NULL, I"things_token", NULL);
    TokensElement::index_tokens_for(OUT, I, "text", NULL, I"text_token", NULL);
    TokensElement::index_tokens_for(OUT, I, "things", NULL, I"things_token", NULL);
    TokensElement::index_tokens_for(OUT, I, "things inside", NULL, I"things_token", NULL);
    TokensElement::index_tokens_for(OUT, I, "things preferably held", NULL, I"things_token", NULL);
    inter_package *pack = Inter::Packages::by_url(I, I"/main/completion/grammar");
    inter_symbol *wanted = PackageTypes::get(I, I"_command_grammar");
    inter_tree_node *D = Inter::Packages::definition(pack);
        if (C->[ID_IFLD] == PACKAGE_IST) {
            inter_package *entry = Inter::Package::defined_by_frame(C);
            if (Inter::Packages::type(entry) == wanted) {
                if (Metadata::read_optional_numeric(entry, I"^is_token"))
                    TokensElement::index_tokens_for(OUT, I, NULL, entry, NULL, NULL);

void TokensElement::index_tokens_for(OUTPUT_STREAM, inter_tree *I, char *special, inter_package *defns,
    text_stream *help, char *explanation) {
    HTML::open_indented_p(OUT, 1, "tight");
    if (special) WRITE("%s", special);
    else if (defns) WRITE("%S", Metadata::read_optional_textual(defns, I"^name"));
    if (defns) {
        int at = (int) Metadata::read_optional_numeric(defns, I"^at");
        if (at > 0) Index::link(OUT, at);
    if (Str::len(help) > 0) Index::DocReferences::link(OUT, help);
    if (explanation) WRITE(" - %s", explanation);
    if (defns) TokensElement::index_list_for_token(OUT, I, defns);

void TokensElement::index_list_for_token(OUTPUT_STREAM, inter_tree *I, inter_package *cg) {
    inter_symbol *wanted = PackageTypes::get(I, I"_cg_line");
    inter_tree_node *D = Inter::Packages::definition(cg);
    int k = 0;
        if (C->[ID_IFLD] == PACKAGE_IST) {
            inter_package *entry = Inter::Package::defined_by_frame(C);
            if (Inter::Packages::type(entry) == wanted) {
                text_stream *trueverb = Metadata::read_optional_textual(entry, I"^true_verb");
                HTML::open_indented_p(OUT, 2, "hanging");
                if (k++ == 0) WRITE("="); else WRITE("or");
                WRITE(" "");
                    Metadata::read_optional_textual(entry, I"^text"),
                    trueverb, EMPTY_WORDING);
                int at = (int) Metadata::read_optional_numeric(entry, I"^at");
                if (at > 0) Index::link(OUT, at);
                if (Metadata::read_optional_numeric(entry, I"^reversed"))
                    WRITE(" <i>reversed</i>");

void TokensElement::verb_definition(OUTPUT_STREAM, text_stream *T, text_stream *trueverb, wording W) {
    int i = 1;
    if (Str::len(T) < 2) return;
    if (Str::len(trueverb) > 0) {
        if (Str::eq_wide_string(trueverb, L"0") == FALSE) {
            WRITE("%S", trueverb);
            for (i=1; Str::get_at(T, i+1); i++) if (Str::get_at(T, i) == ' ') break;
            for (; Str::get_at(T, i+1); i++) if (Str::get_at(T, i) != ' ') break;
            if (Str::get_at(T, i+1)) WRITE(" ");
    for (; Str::get_at(T, i+1); i++) {
        wchar_t c = Str::get_at(T, i);
        switch(c) {
            case '"': WRITE("&quot;"); break;
            default: PUT_TO(OUT, c); break;