Rulebooks collate rules and provide an organised way for them to collaborate on a larger task.

§1. Introduction. We think of a rulebook as being a list of rules, for which see the code in Booking Lists, but it also has a good deal of metadata. Handling that metadata, and managing the creation of rulebooks, are the tasks here.

The semantics of rulebooks grew from their original mid-00s design of being simple action-focused sets of game rules (for interactive fiction) to a point in 2009 where they could essentially perform anything which a function in a functional programming language such as Haskell could do. Their original game-based purpose nevertheless still shows through in places, as with the quaint idea of having enumerated ways in which they finish (see outcomes).

typedef struct rulebook {
    struct wording primary_name;  name in source text
    struct wording alternative_name;  alternative form of name
    int action_stem_length;  to do with parsing, but 0 for most rulebooks

    struct booking_list *contents;  the actual rules in the rulebook

    struct focus my_focus;  what does the rulebook work on?
    struct outcomes my_outcomes;  how can it end?

    int rules_always_test_actor;  for action-tied check, carry out, report
    int automatically_generated;  rather than by explicit Inform 7 source text
    int runs_during_activities;  allow "while..." clauses to name these
    int used_by_future_action_activity;  like "deciding the scope of something..."

    struct shared_variable_set *my_variables;  rulebook variables owned here
    struct shared_variable_access_list *accessible_variables;  and which can be named here

    struct rulebook_compilation_data compilation_data;
} rulebook;

§2. The following creates one:

rulebook *Rulebooks::new(kind *create_as, wording W, package_request *R) {
    rulebook *B = CREATE(rulebook);

    B->primary_name = GET_RW(<new-rulebook-name>, 1);
    B->alternative_name = EMPTY_WORDING;
    B->action_stem_length = 0;

    B->contents = BookingLists::new();

    B->rules_always_test_actor = FALSE;
    B->automatically_generated = FALSE;
    B->used_by_future_action_activity = FALSE;
    B->runs_during_activities = FALSE;

    Work out the focus and outcome2.1;

    B->compilation_data = RTRulebooks::new_compilation_data(B, R);

    B->my_variables = SharedVariables::new_set(RTRulebooks::id_iname(B));
    B->accessible_variables = SharedVariables::new_access_list();
    SharedVariables::add_set_to_access_list(B->accessible_variables, B->my_variables);

    Make proper nouns so that the rulebook can be a constant value2.6;
    return B;

§3. We must check the supplied (primary) name for sanity:

<new-rulebook-name> ::=
    <definite-article> <new-rulebook-name> |  ==> { pass 2 }
    <new-rulebook-name> rules/rulebook |      ==> { pass 1 }
    at *** |                                  ==> Issue PM_RulebookWithAt problem3.1
    to *** |                                  ==> Issue PM_RulebookWithTo problem3.2
    definition *** |                          ==> Issue PM_RulebookWithDefinition problem3.3
    ...                                       ==> { -, - }

§3.1. Issue PM_RulebookWithAt problem3.1 =

    StandardProblems::sentence_problem(Task::syntax_tree(), _p_(PM_RulebookWithAt),
        "this would create a rulebook whose name begins with 'at'",
        "which is forbidden since it would lead to ambiguities in the way people write "
        "rules. A rule beginning with 'At' is one which happens at a given time, whereas "
        "a rule belonging to a rulebook starts with the name of that rulebook, so a "
        "rulebook named 'at ...' would make such a rule inscrutable.");

§3.2. Issue PM_RulebookWithTo problem3.2 =

    StandardProblems::sentence_problem(Task::syntax_tree(), _p_(PM_RulebookWithTo),
        "this would create a rulebook whose name begins with 'to'",
        "which is forbidden since it would lead to ambiguities in the way people write "
        "rules. A rule beginning with 'To' is one which defines a phrase, whereas a rule "
        "belonging to a rulebook starts with the name of that rulebook, so a rulebook "
        "named 'to ...' would make such a rule inscrutable.");

§3.3. Issue PM_RulebookWithDefinition problem3.3 =

    StandardProblems::sentence_problem(Task::syntax_tree(), _p_(PM_RulebookWithDefinition),
        "this would create a rulebook whose name begins with 'definition'",
        "which is forbidden since it would lead to ambiguities in the way people write "
        "rules. A rule beginning with 'Definition' is one which defines an adjective, "
        "whereas a rule belonging to a rulebook starts with the name of that rulebook, so "
        "a rulebook named 'to ...' would make such a rule inscrutable.");

§2.1. Work out the focus and outcome2.1 =

    kind *parameter_kind = NULL;
    kind *producing_kind = NULL;
    Kinds::binary_construction_material(create_as, &parameter_kind, &producing_kind);

    if (Kinds::Behaviour::definite(parameter_kind) == FALSE) {
        StandardProblems::sentence_problem(Task::syntax_tree(), _p_(PM_RulebookIndefinite),
            "this is a rulebook for values of a kind which isn't definite",
            "and doesn't tell me enough about what sort of value the rulebook should "
            "work on. For example, 'The mystery rules are a number based rulebook' is "
            "fine because 'number' is definite, but 'The mystery rules are a value based "
            "rulebook' is too vague.");
        parameter_kind = K_object;

    FocusAndOutcome::initialise_focus(&(B->my_focus), parameter_kind);

    int def = NO_OUTCOME;
    if (B == Rulebooks::std(INSTEAD_RB)) def = FAILURE_OUTCOME;
    if (B == Rulebooks::std(AFTER_RB)) def = SUCCESS_OUTCOME;
    if (B == Rulebooks::std(UNSUCCESSFUL_ATTEMPT_BY_RB)) def = SUCCESS_OUTCOME;
    FocusAndOutcome::initialise_outcomes(&(B->my_outcomes), producing_kind, def);

§2.2. Focus and outcome are roughly the \(X\) and \(Y\) if we think of a rulebook as being analogous to a function \(X\to Y\).

int Rulebooks::action_focus(rulebook *B) {
    if (B) return FocusAndOutcome::action_focus(&(B->my_focus));
    return FALSE;

kind *Rulebooks::get_focus_kind(rulebook *B) {
    return FocusAndOutcome::get_focus_parameter_kind(&(B->my_focus));

kind *Rulebooks::get_outcome_kind(rulebook *B) {
    return FocusAndOutcome::get_outcome_kind(&(B->my_outcomes));

outcomes *Rulebooks::get_outcomes(rulebook *B) {
    return &(B->my_outcomes);

§2.3. During the period when a phrase from a rule in a rulebook is being compiled, this rather clumsily finds out its return kind. Ideally we would get rid of the need for this.

kind *Rulebooks::kind_from_context(void) {
    id_body *idb = Functions::defn_being_compiled();
    rulebook *B;
    if (idb)
        LOOP_OVER(B, rulebook)
            if (BookingLists::contains_ph(B->contents, idb))
                return Rulebooks::get_outcome_kind(B);
    return NULL;

§2.4. While focus and outcome are each more involved than just being a kind of value, we reduce them to that when working out the kind of a rulebook and of the rules in it:

kind *Rulebooks::to_kind(rulebook *B) {
    return Kinds::binary_con(CON_rulebook,
        Rulebooks::get_focus_kind(B), Rulebooks::get_outcome_kind(B));

kind *Rulebooks::contains_kind(rulebook *B) {
    return Kinds::binary_con(CON_rule,
        Rulebooks::get_focus_kind(B), Rulebooks::get_outcome_kind(B));

§2.5. Unsurprisingly, the (primary) name for a rulebook becomes a noun which can be referred to in Inform 7 source text. In fact two alternative forms of this noun are also created, which are both synonyms for it. Thus if a "coordination" rulebook is created, it can be referred to as any of "coordination", "coordination rules" or "coordination rulebook":

<rulebook-name-construction> ::=
    ... rules |
    ... rulebook

§2.6. Make proper nouns so that the rulebook can be a constant value2.6 =

    Nouns::new_proper_noun(B->primary_name, NEUTER_GENDER, ADD_TO_LEXICON_NTOPT,
        RULEBOOK_MC, Rvalues::from_rulebook(B), Task::language_of_syntax());
    word_assemblage wa =
        PreformUtilities::merge(<rulebook-name-construction>, 0,
    wording AW = WordAssemblages::to_wording(&wa);
    Nouns::new_proper_noun(AW, NEUTER_GENDER, ADD_TO_LEXICON_NTOPT,
        RULEBOOK_MC, Rvalues::from_rulebook(B), Task::language_of_syntax());
    wa = PreformUtilities::merge(<rulebook-name-construction>, 1,
    AW = WordAssemblages::to_wording(&wa);
    Nouns::new_proper_noun(AW, NEUTER_GENDER, ADD_TO_LEXICON_NTOPT,
        RULEBOOK_MC, Rvalues::from_rulebook(B), Task::language_of_syntax());

§4. It can also subsequently be given a further or "alternative" name, and that too becomes a proper noun, but is not run through <rulebook-name-construction> to make still further variants. So the rulebook has at most four different names, one more than cats have.

void Rulebooks::set_alt_name(rulebook *B, wording AW) {
    B->alternative_name = AW;
    Nouns::new_proper_noun(AW, NEUTER_GENDER, ADD_TO_LEXICON_NTOPT,
        RULEBOOK_MC, Rvalues::from_rulebook(B), Task::language_of_syntax());

§5. And these up to four nouns can be matched with the following nonterminal.

The process of noticing rulebook names inside parts of rule names is much more complex — see Rulebooks::rb_match_from_description below.

<rulebook-name> internal {
    W = Articles::remove_the(W);
    parse_node *p = Lexicon::retrieve(RULEBOOK_MC, W);
    if (Rvalues::is_CONSTANT_construction(p, CON_rulebook)) {
        ==> { -, Rvalues::to_rulebook(p) };
        return TRUE;
    ==> { fail nonterminal };

§6. "Automatic" rulebooks sound fancy, but there's very little going on here. These are created as a knock-on effect of something else being created: for example if the source text creates an action, then rulebooks for processing that action are automatically created, and similarly for activities and scenes.

rulebook *Rulebooks::new_automatic(wording W, kind *basis,
    int default_outcome, int always_test_actor, int ubfaa, int for_activities,
    int stem_length, package_request *R) {
    rulebook *B = Rulebooks::new(Kinds::binary_con(CON_rulebook, basis, K_void), W, R);
    FocusAndOutcome::set_default_outcome(&(B->my_outcomes), default_outcome);
    B->rules_always_test_actor = always_test_actor;
    B->automatically_generated = TRUE;
    B->used_by_future_action_activity = ubfaa;
    B->runs_during_activities = for_activities;
    B->action_stem_length = stem_length;
    return B;

§7. Access.

int Rulebooks::used_by_future_actions(rulebook *B) {
    return B->used_by_future_action_activity;

int Rulebooks::requires_specific_action(rulebook *B) {
    if (B == Rulebooks::std(CHECK_RB)) return TRUE;
    if (B == Rulebooks::std(CARRY_OUT_RB)) return TRUE;
    if (B == Rulebooks::std(REPORT_RB)) return TRUE;
    if (B->action_stem_length > 0) return TRUE;
    return FALSE;

int Rulebooks::is_empty(rulebook *B) {
    if (B == NULL) return TRUE;
    return BookingLists::is_empty_of_i7_rules(B->contents);

int Rulebooks::no_rules(rulebook *B) {
    if (B == NULL) return 0;
    return BookingLists::length(B->contents);

int Rulebooks::rule_in_rulebook(rule *R, rulebook *B) {
    if (B == NULL) return FALSE;
    return BookingLists::contains(B->contents, R);

booking *Rulebooks::first_booking(rulebook *B) {
    if (B == NULL) return NULL;
    return BookingLists::first(B->contents);

int Rulebooks::runs_during_activities(rulebook *B) {
    return B->runs_during_activities;

§8. rules_always_test_actor is set (and meaningful) only for action focuses. It marks a rulebook as definitely needing to check the actor.

void Rulebooks::modify_rule_to_suit_focus(rulebook *B, rule *R) {
    if (Rulebooks::action_focus(B)) {
        if (B->rules_always_test_actor) {
                "Setting always test actor for destination rulebook\n");
    } else {
            "Setting never test actor for destination rulebook\n");

§9. Logging. Just to name it, or giving an inventory of the contents.

void Rulebooks::log_name_only(rulebook *B) {
    LOG("Rulebook %d (%W)", B->allocation_id, B->primary_name);

void Rulebooks::log(rulebook *B) {
    LOG(": ");

§10. Rulebook variables. This function is called in response to a sentence like "The consideration rulebook has a D called W":

void Rulebooks::add_variable(rulebook *B, parse_node *cnode) {
    The variable has to have a name10.1;
    wording D = Node::get_text(cnode->down);
    wording W = Node::get_text(cnode->down->next);

    The variable name must be fortunate10.2;

    parse_node *spec = NULL;
    if (<s-type-expression>(D)) spec = <<rp>>;

    Its description cannot be qualified10.3;
    Its description cannot be a constant name10.4;

    kind *K = Specifications::to_kind(spec);
    In fact, its description has to be a kind10.5;
    And a definite one at that10.6;

    int is_actor = FALSE;
    if ((B->allocation_id == ACTION_PROCESSING_RB) &&
        is_actor = TRUE;
    SharedVariables::new(B->my_variables, W, K, is_actor);

§10.1. The variable has to have a name10.1 =

    if (Node::get_type(cnode) != PROPERTYCALLED_NT) {
        Problems::quote_source(1, current_sentence);
            "You wrote %1, which I am reading as a request to make a new named variable "
            "for an rulebook - a value associated with a action and which has a name. "
            "But since you only give a kind, not a name, I'm stuck. ('The every turn "
            "rulebook has a number called importance' is right, 'The every turn rulebook "
            "has a number' is too vague.)");

§10.2. The variable name must be fortunate10.2 =

    if (<unfortunate-name>(W)) {
        Problems::quote_source(1, current_sentence);
        Problems::quote_wording(2, W);
            "You wrote %1, which I am reading as a request to make a new named variable "
            "for a rulebook - a value associated with a rulebook and which has a name. "
            "The request seems to say that the name in question is '%2', but I'd prefer to "
            "avoid punctuation marks, 'and', 'or', 'with', or 'having' in such names, please.");

§10.3. Its description cannot be qualified10.3 =

    if ((Specifications::is_description(spec)) &&
        (Descriptions::is_qualified(spec))) {
        Problems::quote_source(1, current_sentence);
        Problems::quote_wording(2, D);
            "You wrote %1, which I am reading as a request to make a new named variable "
            "for a rulebook - a value associated with a rulebook and which has a name. "
            "The request seems to say that the value in question is '%2', but this is "
            "too specific a description. (Instead, a kind of value (such as 'number') or "
            "a kind of object (such as 'room' or 'thing') should be given. To get a "
            "property whose contents can be any kind of object, use 'object'.)");

§10.4. Its description cannot be a constant name10.4 =

    if (Node::is(spec, CONSTANT_NT)) {
        Problems::quote_source(1, current_sentence);
        Problems::quote_wording(2, D);
            "You wrote %1, but '%2' is not the name of a kind of value which I know "
            "(such as 'number' or 'text').");

§10.5. In fact, its description has to be a kind10.5 =

    if (K == NULL) {
        Problems::quote_source(1, current_sentence);
        Problems::quote_wording(2, D);
            "You wrote %1, but I was expecting to see a kind of value there, and '%2' "
            "isn't something I recognise as a kind.");

§10.6. And a definite one at that10.6 =

    if (Kinds::Behaviour::definite(K) == FALSE) {
        Problems::quote_source(1, current_sentence);
        Problems::quote_wording(2, D);
            "You wrote %1, but saying that a variable is something as vague as this does "
            "not give me a clear enough idea what it will hold. You need to say what kind "
            "of value: for instance, 'A door has a number called street address.' is "
            "allowed because 'number' is specific about the kind of value.");

§11. Rulebooks can also be given access to other sets of variables which are defined somewhere else — but they still don't belong to B, so they do not go into B->my_variables.

void Rulebooks::grant_access_to_variables(rulebook *B, shared_variable_set *set) {
    SharedVariables::add_set_to_access_list(B->accessible_variables, set);

§12. Attaching and detaching rules. The following routine contains a bit of a surprise: that the act of placing a BR within a given rulebook can change it, by altering the way it acts on its applicability test. This is a device needed to manage the parallel rulebooks for action processing for the main player character and for third parties. Though the code below does not make this apparent, the changes propagate down through the BR to the phrase structure itself. This is necessary because they manifest themselves in the compiled code of the phrase, but it is also unfortunate, because it is possible that the same phrase is used by more than one BR. If it should happen that BRs are created to place the same phrase into two different rulebooks, therefore, and which have different actor-testing settings, the outcome would be confusing. (As unlikely as this seems, it did once happen to a user in beta-testing.)

void Rulebooks::attach_rule(rulebook *B, booking *br,
    int placing, int side, rule *ref_rule) {
    LOGIF(RULE_ATTACHMENTS, "Attaching booking $b to rulebook $K", br, B);

    rule *R = RuleBookings::get_rule(br);

    if ((R == ref_rule) && (side != INSTEAD_SIDE)) {
            "a rule can't be before or after itself",
            "so this makes no sense to me.");

    PluginCalls::rule_placement_notify(R, B, side, ref_rule);

    Rules::put_variables_in_scope(R, B->accessible_variables);
    if (side == INSTEAD_SIDE) {
            "Copying former rulebook's variable permissions to displaced rule\n");
        Rules::put_variables_in_scope(ref_rule, B->accessible_variables);


    BookingLists::add(B->contents, br, placing, side, ref_rule);
    LOGIF(RULE_ATTACHMENTS, "Rulebook after attachment: $K", B);

§13. This at least is easy:

void Rulebooks::detach_rule(rulebook *B, rule *R) {
    BookingLists::remove(B->contents, R);

§14. Rule stems. The voracious nonterminal <rulebook-stem> finds the "stem" of a rule, that is, the part which identifies which rulebook it will go into. For example, in;

Before printing the name of the peach: ...

Instead of eating: ...

the stems are "before printing the name" and "instead".

The results are, however, too complicated to return from <rulebook-stem>; since it is not used recursively, we store the results in parsed_rm on success.

typedef struct rulebook_match {
    struct rulebook *matched_rulebook;
    int match_from;  first word of matched text
    int match_length;  number of words in matched text
    int advance_words;  how far the nonterminal should advance
    int tail_words;  for rulebook names split by scene start or end
    struct article *article_used;  or NULL if none was
    int placement_requested;  one of the *_PLACEMENT values
} rulebook_match;

rulebook_match parsed_rm;

rulebook_match *Rulebooks::match(void) {
    return &parsed_rm;

int parsed_scene_stem_len = 0;
rulebook *parsed_scene_stem_B = NULL;


<rulebook-stem> internal ? {
    int initial_w1 = Wordings::first_wn(W);
    parsed_scene_stem_len = 0;
    parsed_scene_stem_B = NULL;
    if (<rulebook-stem-inner>(W)) {
        W = GET_RW(<rulebook-stem-name>, 1);
        int modifier_words = Wordings::first_wn(W) - initial_w1;
        article_usage *au = (article_usage *) <<rp>>;
        int pl = <<r>>;
        rulebook_match rm;
        rm.match_length = 0;
        rm.advance_words = 0;
        rm.tail_words = 0;
        rm.matched_rulebook = NULL;
        if (Rulebooks::rb_match_from_description(W, parsed_scene_stem_B,
            parsed_scene_stem_len, &rm)) {
            parsed_rm = rm;
            parsed_rm.match_length += modifier_words;
            parsed_rm.advance_words += modifier_words;
            parsed_rm.match_from = initial_w1;
            parsed_rm.article_used = (au)?(au->article_used):NULL;
            parsed_rm.placement_requested = pl;
            return initial_w1 + parsed_rm.advance_words - 1;
    ==> { fail nonterminal };

§16. Suppose this is our rule:

The first rule for printing the name of something: ...

the following grammar peels away the easier-to-read indications at the front. It notes the use of "The", and the placement "first"; it throws away other verbiage so that <rulebook-stem-name> matches "printing the name of something".

<rulebook-stem-inner> ::=
    <indefinite-article> <rulebook-stem-inner-unarticled> | ==> { R[2], RP[1] }
    <definite-article> <rulebook-stem-inner-unarticled> |   ==> { R[2], RP[1] }
    <rulebook-stem-inner-unarticled>                        ==> { R[1], NULL }

<rulebook-stem-inner-unarticled> ::=
    rule for/about/on <rulebook-stem-name> | ==> { MIDDLE_PLACEMENT, - }
    rule <rulebook-stem-name> |              ==> { MIDDLE_PLACEMENT, - }
    first rule <rulebook-stem-name> |        ==> { FIRST_PLACEMENT, - }
    first <rulebook-stem-name> |             ==> { FIRST_PLACEMENT, - }
    last rule <rulebook-stem-name> |         ==> { LAST_PLACEMENT, - }
    last <rulebook-stem-name> |              ==> { LAST_PLACEMENT, - }
    <rulebook-stem-name>                     ==> { MIDDLE_PLACEMENT, - }

<rulebook-stem-name> ::=
    {when ... begins} |                      ==> Match the when scene begins exception16.1
    {when ... ends} |                        ==> Match the when scene ends exception16.2
    ...                                      ==> { -, - }

§16.1. Match the when scene begins exception16.1 =

    parsed_scene_stem_B = Rulebooks::std(WHEN_SCENE_BEGINS_RB);
    parsed_scene_stem_len = 2;
    ==> { -, - };

§16.2. Match the when scene ends exception16.2 =

    parsed_scene_stem_B = Rulebooks::std(WHEN_SCENE_ENDS_RB);
    parsed_scene_stem_len = 2;
    ==> { -, - };

§17. In this function, SB will be set for the hacky exceptional case where it's known that the remaining text matches "when ... begins/ends", one of the scenes rulebooks. This is all a bit inelegant, but we manage.

int Rulebooks::rb_match_from_description(wording W, rulebook *SB, int len, rulebook_match *rm) {
    Find the longest-named rulebook whose name appears at the front of W17.1;
    if (rm->matched_rulebook == NULL) return FALSE;

    rm->advance_words = rm->match_length;
    if (rm->matched_rulebook == SB) {
        rm->tail_words = 1;
        rm->match_length = 1;

    If the matched rulebook was derived from an action, match less text17.2;
    return TRUE;

§17.1. Find the longest-named rulebook whose name appears at the front of W17.1 =

    rulebook *B;
    LOOP_OVER(B, rulebook) {
        if (B == SB) {  matches one of the scene begins/ends exceptions
            if (rm->match_length < len) {
                rm->match_length = len;
                rm->matched_rulebook = B;
        } else {  any other rulebook
            if (Wordings::starts_with(W, B->primary_name)) {
                if (rm->match_length < Wordings::length(B->primary_name)) {
                    rm->match_length = Wordings::length(B->primary_name);
                    rm->matched_rulebook = B;
            } else if (Wordings::starts_with(W, B->alternative_name)) {
                if (rm->match_length < Wordings::length(B->alternative_name)) {
                    rm->match_length = Wordings::length(B->alternative_name);
                    rm->matched_rulebook = B;

§17.2. action_stem_length is zero except for rulebooks derived from actions, such as "check taking". It is by definition the difference in length between the rulebook name and the action name — here, therefore, it's 2 - 1 = 1.

If the entire text W is the rulebook name — in this case, "check taking" — we match that as normal. But if there is more text — say, "check taking an open container" — then we retreat slightly and match only the prefix "check". This ensures that something like "check taking or dropping something" is initially, at least, put into the general check rulebook and not the specific one for taking, where the "or dropping" part would never have effect.

If the matched rulebook was derived from an action, match less text17.2 =

    if (rm->matched_rulebook->action_stem_length > 0) {
        int w1a = Wordings::first_wn(W) + rm->match_length - 1;
        if (w1a != Wordings::last_wn(W))
            rm->match_length = rm->matched_rulebook->action_stem_length;

§18. Standard rulebooks. A few rulebooks are special to Inform, in that they have built-in support either from the compiler, or from one of the kits, or both. The list below looks long, but actually most of these are special only in that they are shown in their own part of the Index; it's not that the compiler treats them differently from other rulebooks.

These are recognised by the order in which they are declared, which makes it crucial not to change that order in Miscellaneous Definitions (in basic_inform) and Physical World Model (in standard_rules) without making matching changes both here and in BasicInformKit and WorldModelKit. So: don't casually change the following numbers.

Note that in the world of Basic Inform only, none of these will exist except for the first two.

define STARTUP_RB                     0  Startup rules
define SHUTDOWN_RB                    1  Shutdown rules
define TURN_SEQUENCE_RB              11  Turn sequence rules
define SCENE_CHANGING_RB             12  Scene changing rules
define WHEN_PLAY_BEGINS_RB           13  When play begins
define WHEN_PLAY_ENDS_RB             14  When play ends
define WHEN_SCENE_BEGINS_RB          15  When scene begins
define WHEN_SCENE_ENDS_RB            16  When scene ends
define EVERY_TURN_RB                 17  Every turn
define ACTION_PROCESSING_RB          18  Action-processing rules
define SETTING_ACTION_VARIABLES_RB   19  Setting action variables rules
define SPECIFIC_ACTION_PROCESSING_RB 20  Specific action-processing rules
define PLAYERS_ACTION_AWARENESS_RB   21  Player's action awareness rules
define ACCESSIBILITY_RB              22  Accessibility rules
define REACHING_INSIDE_RB            23  Reaching inside rules
define REACHING_OUTSIDE_RB           24  Reaching outside rules
define VISIBILITY_RB                 25  Visibility rules
define PERSUASION_RB                 26  Persuasion rules
define UNSUCCESSFUL_ATTEMPT_BY_RB    27  Unsuccessful attempt by
define BEFORE_RB                     28  Before rules
define INSTEAD_RB                    29  Instead rules
define CHECK_RB                      30  Check
define CARRY_OUT_RB                  31  Carry out rules
define AFTER_RB                      32  After rules
define REPORT_RB                     33  Report
define DOES_THE_PLAYER_MEAN_RB       34  Does the player mean...? rules
define MULTIPLE_ACTION_PROCESSING_RB 35  For changing or reordering multiple actions

§19. The rest of the compiler should call Rulebooks::std(N) to obtain rulebook N.

int built_in_rulebooks_initialised = FALSE;
rulebook *built_in_rulebooks[MAX_BUILT_IN_RULEBOOKS];

rulebook *Rulebooks::std(int rb) {
    if ((rb < 0) || (rb >= MAX_BUILT_IN_RULEBOOKS)) internal_error("rb out of range");
    if (built_in_rulebooks_initialised == FALSE) {
        built_in_rulebooks_initialised = TRUE;
        for (int i=0; i<MAX_BUILT_IN_RULEBOOKS; i++) built_in_rulebooks[i] = NULL;
    return built_in_rulebooks[rb];

void Rulebooks::set_std(rulebook *B) {
    if (built_in_rulebooks_initialised == FALSE) {
        built_in_rulebooks_initialised = TRUE;
        for (int i=0; i<MAX_BUILT_IN_RULEBOOKS; i++) built_in_rulebooks[i] = NULL;
    if (B->allocation_id < MAX_BUILT_IN_RULEBOOKS)
        built_in_rulebooks[B->allocation_id] = B;