How the vanilla code generation strategy handles constants, including literal texts, lists, and arrays.

§1. During the main Vanilla traverse, this is called on each constant definition in the tree:

void VanillaConstants::constant(code_generation *gen, inter_tree_node *P) {
    inter_symbol *con_name =
        InterSymbolsTable::symbol_from_ID_at_node(P, DEFN_CONST_IFLD);
    if (con_name == NULL) internal_error("no constant");
    if (InterSymbol::is_metadata_key(con_name) == FALSE) {
        text_stream *S = InterSymbol::identifier(con_name);
        if (SymbolAnnotation::get_b(con_name, FAKE_ACTION_IANN)) {
            Declare this constant as a fake action name1.2;
        } else if (Str::prefix_eq(S, I"##", 2))  {
            Declare this constant as an action name1.1;
        } else if (LargeScale::is_veneer_symbol(con_name)) {
            Ignore this constant as part of the veneer1.3;
        } else if (SymbolAnnotation::get_b(con_name, OBJECT_IANN)) {
            Declare this constant as a pseudo-object1.4;
        } else if (Str::eq(InterSymbol::identifier(con_name), I"UUID_ARRAY")) {
            Declare this constant as the special UUID string array1.5;
        } else switch (ConstantInstruction::list_format(P)) {
            case CONST_LIST_FORMAT_NONE: Declare this as an explicit constant1.8; break;
            case CONST_LIST_FORMAT_SUM:
            case CONST_LIST_FORMAT_QUOTIENT: Declare this as a computed constant1.7; break;
                if (ConstantInstruction::is_a_genuine_list_format(
                    ConstantInstruction::list_format(P))) {
                    Declare this as a list constant1.6; break;
                internal_error("ungenerated constant format");

§1.1. Declare this constant as an action name1.1 =

    text_stream *fa = Str::duplicate(InterSymbol::identifier(con_name));
    Generators::new_action(gen, fa, TRUE, gen->true_action_count++);
    ADD_TO_LINKED_LIST(fa, text_stream, gen->actions);

§1.2. Declare this constant as a fake action name1.2 =

    text_stream *fa = Str::duplicate(InterSymbol::identifier(con_name));
    Generators::new_action(gen, fa, FALSE, 4096 + gen->fake_action_count++);

§1.3. Ignore this constant as part of the veneer1.3 =


§1.4. Declare this constant as a pseudo-object1.4 =

    Generators::pseudo_object(gen, InterSymbol::trans(con_name));

§1.5. Declare this constant as the special UUID string array1.5 =

    inter_pair val = ConstantInstruction::constant(P);
    text_stream *S = InterValuePairs::to_text(Inode::tree(P), val);
    segmentation_pos saved;
    WRITE_TO(content, "UUID:");
    for (int i=0, L=Str::len(S); i<L; i++)
        WRITE_TO(content, "%c", Characters::toupper(Str::get_at(S, i)));
    WRITE_TO(content, "//");
    WRITE_TO(length, "%d", (int) Str::len(content));

    Generators::begin_array(gen, I"UUID_ARRAY", NULL, NULL, BYTE_ARRAY_FORMAT, -1, &saved);
    Generators::array_entry(gen, length, BYTE_ARRAY_FORMAT);
    LOOP_THROUGH_TEXT(pos, content) {
        WRITE_TO(ch, "'%c'", Str::get(pos));
        Generators::array_entry(gen, ch, BYTE_ARRAY_FORMAT);
    Generators::end_array(gen, BYTE_ARRAY_FORMAT, -1, &saved);

§1.6. Inter supports four sorts of arrays, with behaviour as laid out in this 2x2 grid:

             | entries count 0, 1, 2,...     | entry 0 is N, then entries count 1, 2, ..., N
byte entries | BYTE_ARRAY_FORMAT             | BUFFER_ARRAY_FORMAT
word entries | WORD_ARRAY_FORMAT             | TABLE_ARRAY_FORMAT

Note that if an array assimilated from a kit has exactly one purported entry, then in fact this should be interpreted as being that many blank entries. This number must however be carefully evaluated, as it may be another constant name rather than a literal, or may even be computed.

Declare this as a list constant1.6 =

    int format;
    if (ConstantInstruction::is_a_byte_format(ConstantInstruction::list_format(P))) {
        if (ConstantInstruction::is_a_bounded_format(ConstantInstruction::list_format(P)))
            format = BUFFER_ARRAY_FORMAT;
            format = BYTE_ARRAY_FORMAT;
    } else {
        if (ConstantInstruction::is_a_bounded_format(ConstantInstruction::list_format(P)))
            format = TABLE_ARRAY_FORMAT;
            format = WORD_ARRAY_FORMAT;

    int zero_count = -1;
    int entry_count = ConstantInstruction::list_len(P);
    if (ConstantInstruction::is_a_by_extent_format(ConstantInstruction::list_format(P))) {
        inter_pair val = ConstantInstruction::list_entry(P, 0);
        zero_count = (int) ConstantInstruction::evaluate(InterPackage::scope_of(P), val);

    segmentation_pos saved;
    if (Generators::begin_array(gen, InterSymbol::trans(con_name), con_name, P,
        format, zero_count, &saved)) {
        if (zero_count == -1) {
            for (int i=0; i<entry_count; i++) {
                CodeGen::select_temporary(gen, entry);
                CodeGen::pair(gen, P, ConstantInstruction::list_entry(P, i));
                Generators::array_entry(gen, entry, format);
        Generators::end_array(gen, format, zero_count, &saved);

§1.7. Declare this as a computed constant1.7 =

    Generators::declare_constant(gen, con_name, COMPUTED_GDCFORM, NULL);

§1.8. Declare this as an explicit constant1.8 =

    inter_pair val = ConstantInstruction::constant(P);
    if (InterValuePairs::is_text(val)) {
        text_stream *S = InterValuePairs::to_text(Inode::tree(P), val);
        VanillaConstants::defer_declaring_literal_text(gen, S, con_name);
    } else {
        Generators::declare_constant(gen, con_name, DATA_GDCFORM, NULL);

§2. When called by Generators::declare_constant, generators may if they choose make use of the following convenient function for generating the value to which a constant name is given.

Note that this assumes that the usual arithmetic operators and brackets can be used in the syntax for literal quantities: e.g., it may produce (A + (3 * B)) for constants A, B. If the generator is for a language which doesn't allow that, it will have to make other arrangements.

void VanillaConstants::definition_value(code_generation *gen, int form,
    inter_symbol *con_name, text_stream *val) {
    inter_tree_node *P = con_name->definition;
    text_stream *OUT = CodeGen::current(gen);
    switch (form) {
        case RAW_GDCFORM:
            if (Str::len(val) > 0) {
                WRITE("%S", val);
            } else {
                Generators::compile_literal_number(gen, 1, FALSE);
        case MANGLED_GDCFORM:
            if (Str::len(val) > 0) {
                Generators::mangle(gen, OUT, val);
            } else {
                Generators::compile_literal_number(gen, 1, FALSE);
        case DATA_GDCFORM:
            CodeGen::pair(gen, P, ConstantInstruction::constant(P));
        case COMPUTED_GDCFORM: {
            for (int i=0; i<ConstantInstruction::list_len(P); i++) {
                if (i>0) {
                    switch (ConstantInstruction::list_format(P)) {
                        case CONST_LIST_FORMAT_SUM:        WRITE(" + "); break;
                        case CONST_LIST_FORMAT_PRODUCT:    WRITE(" * "); break;
                        case CONST_LIST_FORMAT_DIFFERENCE: WRITE(" - "); break;
                        case CONST_LIST_FORMAT_QUOTIENT:   WRITE(" / "); break;
                int bracket = TRUE;
                inter_pair operand = ConstantInstruction::list_entry(P, i);
                if ((InterValuePairs::is_number(operand)) ||
                    (InterValuePairs::is_symbolic(operand))) bracket = FALSE;
                if (bracket) WRITE("(");
                CodeGen::pair(gen, P, operand);
                if (bracket) WRITE(")");
            Generators::compile_literal_text(gen, val, FALSE);

§3. During the above process, a constant set equal to a text literal is not immediately declared: instead, the following mechanism is used to stash it for later.

typedef struct text_literal_holder {
    struct text_stream *literal_content;
    struct inter_symbol *con_name;
} text_literal_holder;

void VanillaConstants::defer_declaring_literal_text(code_generation *gen, text_stream *S,
    inter_symbol *con_name) {
    text_literal_holder *tlh = CREATE(text_literal_holder);
    tlh->literal_content = S;
    tlh->con_name = con_name;
    ADD_TO_LINKED_LIST(tlh, text_literal_holder, gen->text_literals);

§4. And now it's later. We go through all of the stashed text literals, and sort them into alphabetical order; and then declare them. What this whole business achieves, then, is to declare text constants in alphabetical order rather than in tree order.

void VanillaConstants::declare_text_literals(code_generation *gen) {
    int no_tlh = LinkedLists::len(gen->text_literals);
    if (no_tlh > 0) {
        text_literal_holder **sorted = (text_literal_holder **)
            (Memory::calloc(no_tlh, sizeof(text_literal_holder *), CODE_GENERATION_MREASON));
        int i = 0;
        text_literal_holder *tlh;
        LOOP_OVER_LINKED_LIST(tlh, text_literal_holder, gen->text_literals)
            sorted[i++] = tlh;
        qsort(sorted, (size_t) no_tlh, sizeof(text_literal_holder *),
        for (int i=0; i<no_tlh; i++) {
            text_literal_holder *tlh = sorted[i];
            Generators::declare_constant(gen, tlh->con_name, LITERAL_TEXT_GDCFORM,

§5. Note that Str::cmp is a case-sensitive comparison, so Zebra will come before armadillo, for example, Z being before a in Unicode.

int VanillaConstants::compare_tlh(const void *elem1, const void *elem2) {
    const text_literal_holder **e1 = (const text_literal_holder **) elem1;
    const text_literal_holder **e2 = (const text_literal_holder **) elem2;
    if ((*e1 == NULL) || (*e2 == NULL))
        internal_error("Disaster while sorting text literals");
    text_stream *s1 = (*e1)->literal_content;
    text_stream *s2 = (*e2)->literal_content;
    return Str::cmp(s1, s2);

§6. The remainder of this section is given over to a utility function which generators may want to use: it turns an Inter-notation text for a real number into an unsigned 32-bit integer which can represent that number at runtime (provided we are on a 32-bit computer: the Z-machine need not apply).

No error messages should be printed, of course, because the syntax should have been checked before the text here entered the Inter hierarchy.

The code below is adapted from additions made by Andrew Plotkin to the Inform 6 compiler to accommodate floating-point arithmetic.

uint32_t VanillaConstants::textual_real_to_uint32(text_stream *T) {
    int at = 0;
    wchar_t lookahead = Str::get_at(T, at++);
    int expo=0; double intv=0, fracv=0;
    int expocount=0, intcount=0, fraccount=0, signbit=0;
    if (lookahead == '-') {
        signbit = 1;
        lookahead = Str::get_at(T, at++);
    } else if (lookahead == '+') {
        signbit = 0;
        lookahead = Str::get_at(T, at++);
    while (VanillaConstants::character_digit_value(lookahead) < 10) {
        intv = 10.0*intv + VanillaConstants::character_digit_value(lookahead);
        lookahead = Str::get_at(T, at++);
    if (lookahead == '.') {
        double fracpow = 1.0;
        lookahead = Str::get_at(T, at++);
        while (VanillaConstants::character_digit_value(lookahead) < 10) {
            fracpow *= 0.1;
            fracv = fracv + fracpow*VanillaConstants::character_digit_value(lookahead);
            lookahead = Str::get_at(T, at++);
    if (lookahead == 'e' || lookahead == 'E') {
        int exposign = 0;
        lookahead = Str::get_at(T, at++);
        if (lookahead == '+' || lookahead == '-') {
            exposign = (lookahead == '-');
            lookahead = Str::get_at(T, at++);
        while (VanillaConstants::character_digit_value(lookahead) < 10) {
            expo = 10*expo + VanillaConstants::character_digit_value(lookahead);
            lookahead = Str::get_at(T, at++);
        if (expocount == 0) {
            WRITE_TO(STDERR, "Floating-point literal '%S' must have digits after the 'e'", T);
            internal_error("bad floating-point literal");
        if (exposign) { expo = -expo; }
    if (intcount + fraccount == 0) {
        WRITE_TO(STDERR, "Floating-point literal '%S' must have digits", T);
        internal_error("bad floating-point literal");
    return VanillaConstants::real_components_to_uint32(signbit, intv, fracv, expo);

int VanillaConstants::character_digit_value(wchar_t c) {
    if ((c >= '0') && (c <= '9')) return c - '0';
    return 10;

§7. And this returns 10 raised to the power expo, which is an integer. Andrew Plotkin refers to this as "cheap" because it avoids the C library pow10, which is awkward on some platforms.

#ifndef POW10_RANGE
#define POW10_RANGE (8)

double VanillaConstants::pow10_cheap(int expo) {
    static double powers[POW10_RANGE*2+1] = {
        0.00000001, 0.0000001, 0.000001, 0.00001, 0.0001, 0.001, 0.01, 0.1,
        10.0, 100.0, 1000.0, 10000.0, 100000.0, 1000000.0, 10000000.0, 100000000.0
    double res = 1.0;
    if (expo < 0) {
        for (; expo < -POW10_RANGE; expo += POW10_RANGE) res *= powers[0];
        return res * powers[POW10_RANGE+expo];
    } else {
        for (; expo > POW10_RANGE; expo -= POW10_RANGE) res *= powers[POW10_RANGE*2];
        return res * powers[POW10_RANGE+expo];

§8. Finally, this function returns the IEEE-754 single-precision encoding of a floating-point number from its various components.

See for an explanation.

If the magnitude is too large (beyond about 3.4e+38), this returns an infinite value (0x7f800000 or 0xff800000). If the magnitude is too small (below about 1e-45), this returns a zero value (0x00000000 or 0x80000000). If any of the inputs are NaN, this returns NaN.

uint32_t VanillaConstants::real_components_to_uint32(int signbit, double intv,
    double fracv, int expo) {

    double absval = (intv + fracv) * VanillaConstants::pow10_cheap(expo);

    uint32_t sign = (signbit ? 0x80000000 : 0x0);

    if (isinf(absval)) return sign | 0x7f800000;  infinity
    if (isnan(absval)) return sign | 0x7fc00000;  NaN

   double mant = frexp(absval, &expo);

     Normalize mantissa to be in the range [1.0, 2.0)
    if (0.5 <= mant && mant < 1.0) {
        mant *= 2.0;
    } else if (mant == 0.0) {
        expo = 0;
    } else {
        return sign | 0x7f800000;  infinity

    if (expo >= 128) {
        return sign | 0x7f800000;  infinity
    } else if (expo < -126) {
         Denormalized (very small) number
        mant = ldexp(mant, 126 + expo);
        expo = 0;
    } else if (!(expo == 0 && mant == 0.0)) {
        expo += 127;
        mant -= 1.0;  Get rid of leading 1

    mant *= 8388608.0;  2^23
    uint32_t fbits = (uint32_t)(mant + 0.5);  round mant to nearest int
    if (fbits >> 23) {
         The carry propagated out of a string of 23 1 bits.
        fbits = 0;
        if (expo >= 255) return sign | 0x7f800000;  infinity

    return (sign) | ((uint32_t)(expo << 23)) | (fbits);