Pattern-matches on individual nouns in an action are called clauses.

§1. Clause IDs. Clauses come in types, each with their own ID. Some are hard-wired into the compiler: IN_THE_PRESENCE_OF_AP_CLAUSE, for example. Others arise from Inform source text adding optional clauses to actions which are based on matching action variables: see Action Variables.

The set of clauses in an action_pattern is stored as a linked list of ap_clause objects. Clauses must be listed in increasing ID order, and cannot contain two clauses with the same ID. The ID numbers will either be one of the *_AP_CLAUSE enumerated values, which are clauses where the Inform compiler has to do something special involving them, or else will be determined by APClauses::clause_ID_for_action_variable for matching action variable clauses.


§2. There is no significance to the IDs returned by this function except that they must all be different from each other and from all of the *_AP_CLAUSE values.

int APClauses::clause_ID_for_action_variable(shared_variable *stv) {
    int D = -1;
    PluginCalls::divert_AP_clause_ID(stv, &D); if (D >= 0) return D;
    int oid = 1 + stv->owner->allocation_id;
    int off = SharedVariables::get_index(stv);
    return 1000*oid + off;

void APClauses::write_clause_ID(OUTPUT_STREAM, int C, shared_variable *stv) {
    switch (C) {
        case PARAMETRIC_AP_CLAUSE:         WRITE("parameter"); break;
        case ACTOR_AP_CLAUSE:              WRITE("actor"); break;
        case NOUN_AP_CLAUSE:               WRITE("noun"); break;
        case SECOND_AP_CLAUSE:             WRITE("second"); break;
        case IN_AP_CLAUSE:                 WRITE("in"); break;
        case IN_THE_PRESENCE_OF_AP_CLAUSE: WRITE("in-presence"); break;
        case WHEN_AP_CLAUSE:               WRITE("when"); break;
        case TAIL_AP_CLAUSE:               WRITE("tail"); break;
    PluginCalls::write_AP_clause_ID(OUT, C);
    if (stv) {
        NonlocalVariables::write(OUT, SharedVariables::get_variable(stv));

§3. Clauses and their ordering. A single clause is an instance of:

typedef struct ap_clause {
    int clause_ID;
    struct shared_variable *stv_to_match;  can be NULL for some built-in clause IDs
    struct parse_node *clause_spec;  what the pattern says about this value
    int clause_options;  a bitmap of flags: see below
    struct ap_clause *next;  in the linked list of clauses for an action pattern
} ap_clause;

§4. This loop conveniently runs through the clauses for ap:

define LOOP_OVER_AP_CLAUSES(var, ap)
    for (ap_clause *var = (ap)?(ap->ap_clauses):NULL; var; var = var->next)

§5. The list is stored in increasing order of clause ID. The only way to add new clauses is with the following, which finds clause C if it exists, and if not either returns NULL or creates clause C (inserting at the correct list position), depending on whether make is set.

ap_clause *APClauses::find_clause(action_pattern *ap, int C, int make) {
    if (ap) {
        ap_clause *last = NULL;
        LOOP_OVER_AP_CLAUSES(apoc, ap) {
            if (apoc->clause_ID == C) return apoc;
            if (apoc->clause_ID > C) {
                if (make) Make a new clause5.1
                else return NULL;
            last = apoc;
        if (make) {
            ap_clause *apoc = NULL;
            Make a new clause5.1;
    } else {
        if (make) internal_error("cannot make clause in null AP");
    return NULL;

§5.1. Make a new clause5.1 =

    ap_clause *new_apoc = CREATE(ap_clause);
    new_apoc->clause_ID = C;
    new_apoc->stv_to_match = NULL;
    new_apoc->clause_spec = NULL;
    new_apoc->clause_options = 0;
    if (last == NULL) ap->ap_clauses = new_apoc; else last->next = new_apoc;
    new_apoc->next = apoc;
    return new_apoc;

§6. A more descriptive way to call this function:

ap_clause *APClauses::clause(action_pattern *ap, int C) {
    return APClauses::find_clause(ap, C, FALSE);

ap_clause *APClauses::ensure_clause(action_pattern *ap, int C) {
    return APClauses::find_clause(ap, C, TRUE);

§7. Each clause contains a specification. Note that not providing a clause is almost the same thing as providing one with specification NULL. But only almost, because there could also be options set on it.

parse_node *APClauses::spec(action_pattern *ap, int C) {
    ap_clause *apoc = APClauses::clause(ap, C);
    return (apoc)?(apoc->clause_spec):NULL;

void APClauses::set_spec(action_pattern *ap, int C, parse_node *val) {
    if (val == NULL) {
        ap_clause *apoc = APClauses::clause(ap, C);
        if (apoc) apoc->clause_spec = val;
    } else {
        ap_clause *apoc = APClauses::ensure_clause(ap, C);
        apoc->clause_spec = val;

§8. And this uses the Dash (in values) typechecker to validate that a specification makes sense in a given clause:

int APClauses::validate(ap_clause *apoc, kind *K) {
    if ((apoc) && (Dash::validate_parameter(apoc->clause_spec, K) == FALSE))
        return FALSE;
    return TRUE;

§9. Clause options. The clause options are a bitmap. Some are meaningful only for one or two clauses.

define REQUEST_APCOPT              4


int APClauses::opt(ap_clause *apoc, int opt) {
    if (apoc == NULL) return FALSE;
    if ((apoc->clause_options & opt) != 0) return TRUE;
    return FALSE;

void APClauses::set_opt(ap_clause *apoc, int opt) {
    if (apoc == NULL) internal_error("no such apoc");
    if ((apoc->clause_options & opt) == 0) apoc->clause_options += opt;

void APClauses::clear_opt(ap_clause *apoc, int opt) {
    if (apoc == NULL) internal_error("no such apoc");
    if (apoc->clause_options & opt) apoc->clause_options -= opt;

§11. We can now write:

void APClauses::write(OUTPUT_STREAM, action_pattern *ap) {
    int c = 0;
    LOOP_OVER_AP_CLAUSES(apoc, ap) {
        if (c++ > 0) WRITE(" ");
        APClauses::write_clause_ID(OUT, apoc->clause_ID, apoc->stv_to_match);
        WRITE(": ");
        instance *I = Specifications::object_exactly_described_if_any(apoc->clause_spec);
        if (I) {
            Instances::write(OUT, I);
        } else if (Specifications::is_description(apoc->clause_spec)) {
            pcalc_prop *prop = Specifications::to_proposition(apoc->clause_spec);
            Propositions::write(OUT, prop);
        } else {
            WRITE("%P", apoc->clause_spec);
        if (APClauses::opt(apoc, ALLOW_REGION_AS_ROOM_APCOPT)) WRITE("[allow-region]");
        if (APClauses::opt(apoc, ACTOR_IS_NOT_PLAYER_APCOPT)) WRITE("[not-player]");
        if (APClauses::opt(apoc, REQUEST_APCOPT)) WRITE("[request]");

§12. Actor options. Two options are used with the actor clause (only), reflecting the unusual ways it can be used.

First, the following is for action patterns like "an actor taking the medallion". Here the requirement on the actor is not \({\it person}(c_a)\) but instead forces \(c_a\) not to be the player. The principled thing might be to set the clause_spec to the proposition \({\it person}(c_a)\land c_a\neq {\it player}\), but that would be annoying to test for. So we give it an option flag instead:

void APClauses::make_actor_anyone_except_player(action_pattern *ap) {
    ap_clause *apoc = APClauses::ensure_clause(ap, ACTOR_AP_CLAUSE);
    APClauses::set_opt(apoc, ACTOR_IS_NOT_PLAYER_APCOPT);

int APClauses::actor_is_anyone_except_player(action_pattern *ap) {
    ap_clause *apoc = APClauses::clause(ap, ACTOR_AP_CLAUSE);
    if (APClauses::opt(apoc, ACTOR_IS_NOT_PLAYER_APCOPT)) return TRUE;
    return FALSE;

§13. Secondly, when the following is set, the action is a request. Thus "asking Matilda to try taking the medallion" would have this option set, but "Matilda taking the medallion" would not.

void APClauses::set_request(action_pattern *ap) {
    ap_clause *apoc = APClauses::ensure_clause(ap, ACTOR_AP_CLAUSE);
    APClauses::set_opt(apoc, REQUEST_APCOPT);

void APClauses::clear_request(action_pattern *ap) {
    ap_clause *apoc = APClauses::ensure_clause(ap, ACTOR_AP_CLAUSE);
    APClauses::clear_opt(apoc, REQUEST_APCOPT);

int APClauses::is_request(action_pattern *ap) {
    ap_clause *apoc = APClauses::clause(ap, ACTOR_AP_CLAUSE);
    if (APClauses::opt(apoc, REQUEST_APCOPT)) return TRUE;
    return FALSE;

§14. Action variable clauses. The following functions deal only with clauses which are attached to action variables:

void APClauses::set_action_variable_spec(action_pattern *ap, shared_variable *stv,
    parse_node *spec) {
    if (stv == NULL) internal_error("no shared variable for apoc");
    int C = APClauses::clause_ID_for_action_variable(stv);
    ap_clause *apoc = APClauses::ensure_clause(ap, C);
    apoc->stv_to_match = stv;
    apoc->clause_spec = spec;
    PluginCalls::new_action_variable_clause(ap, apoc);

ap_clause *APClauses::advance_to_next_av_clause(ap_clause *apoc) {
    while ((apoc) && (apoc->stv_to_match == NULL)) apoc = apoc->next;
    return apoc;

int APClauses::has_action_variable_clauses(action_pattern *ap) {
    if ((ap) && (APClauses::advance_to_next_av_clause(ap->ap_clauses))) return TRUE;
    return FALSE;

int APClauses::count_action_variable_clauses(action_pattern *ap) {
    int n = 0;
    if (ap)
        for (ap_clause *apoc = APClauses::advance_to_next_av_clause(ap->ap_clauses); apoc;
            apoc = APClauses::advance_to_next_av_clause(apoc->next))
    return n;

int APClauses::compare_specificity_of_av_clauses(action_pattern *ap1, action_pattern *ap2) {
    int rct1 = APClauses::count_action_variable_clauses(ap1);
    int rct2 = APClauses::count_action_variable_clauses(ap2);

    if (rct1 > rct2) return 1;
    if (rct1 < rct2) return -1;
    if (rct1 == 0) return 0;

    ap_clause *apoc1 = APClauses::advance_to_next_av_clause(ap1->ap_clauses),
        *apoc2 = APClauses::advance_to_next_av_clause(ap2->ap_clauses);
    while ((apoc1) && (apoc2)) {
        int off1 = SharedVariables::get_index(apoc1->stv_to_match);
        int off2 = SharedVariables::get_index(apoc2->stv_to_match);
        if (off1 == off2) {
            int rv = Specifications::compare_specificity(
                apoc1->clause_spec, apoc2->clause_spec, NULL);
            if (rv != 0) return rv;
            apoc1 = APClauses::advance_to_next_av_clause(apoc1->next);
            apoc2 = APClauses::advance_to_next_av_clause(apoc2->next);
        if (off1 < off2) apoc1 = APClauses::advance_to_next_av_clause(apoc1->next);
        if (off1 > off2) apoc2 = APClauses::advance_to_next_av_clause(apoc2->next);
    return 0;

§15. Aspects. Clauses are divided into groups called "aspects", each of which has an ID in the *_APCA enumeration.

enum IN_APCA
int APClauses::aspect(ap_clause *apoc) {
    switch (apoc->clause_ID) {
        case PARAMETRIC_AP_CLAUSE:         return PARAMETRIC_APCA;
        case ACTOR_AP_CLAUSE:              return PRIMARY_APCA;
        case NOUN_AP_CLAUSE:               return PRIMARY_APCA;
        case SECOND_AP_CLAUSE:             return PRIMARY_APCA;
        case IN_AP_CLAUSE:                 return IN_APCA;
        case WHEN_AP_CLAUSE:               return WHEN_APCA;
        case TAIL_AP_CLAUSE:               return TAIL_APCA;
    int rv = -1;
    PluginCalls::aspect_of_AP_clause_ID(apoc->clause_ID, &rv);
    if (rv >= 0) return rv;
    return MISC_APCA;

§16. How many clauses with aspect A does the pattern have?

int APClauses::number_with_aspect(action_pattern *ap, int A) {
    int c = 0;
    LOOP_OVER_AP_CLAUSES(apoc, ap)
        if (APClauses::aspect(apoc) == A)
    return c;

§17. How many different aspects can be found among the pattern's clauses?

int APClauses::count_aspects(action_pattern *ap) {
    for (int a=0; a<NO_DEFINED_APCA_VALUES; a++) asps[a] = FALSE;
    LOOP_OVER_AP_CLAUSES(apoc, ap) asps[APClauses::aspect(apoc)] = TRUE;
    if ((ap) && (ap->duration)) asps[WHEN_APCA] = TRUE;
    int c = 0;
    for (int a=0; a<NO_DEFINED_APCA_VALUES; a++) if (asps[a]) c++;
    return c;

§18. There are major limitations on which action patterns can be tested in the past tense. They can only specify primary clauses, and then only with definite values or descriptions of specific objects.

int APClauses::viable_in_past_tense(action_pattern *ap) {
    if (ExplicitActions::ap_overspecific(ap)) return FALSE;
    LOOP_OVER_AP_CLAUSES(apoc, ap)
        if (APClauses::aspect(apoc) == PRIMARY_APCA)
            if (APClauses::pta_acceptable(apoc->clause_spec) == FALSE)
                return FALSE;
    return TRUE;

int APClauses::pta_acceptable(parse_node *spec) {
    if (spec == NULL) return TRUE;
    if (Specifications::is_description(spec) == FALSE) return TRUE;
    if (Specifications::object_exactly_described_if_any(spec)) return TRUE;
    return FALSE;

§19. Specificity. See ActionPatterns::compare_specificity, which calls this to look at clauses. The code here looks innocent enough but has significant implications for rule sorting.

int APClauses::compare_specificity(action_pattern *ap1, action_pattern *ap2) {
    Specifications::law(I"III.1 - Object To Which Rule Applies");
    int rv = APClauses::cmp_clause(PARAMETRIC_AP_CLAUSE, ap1, ap2); if (rv) return rv;

    int ignore_in = FALSE;
    rv = 0; PluginCalls::compare_AP_specificity(ap1, ap2, &rv, &ignore_in);
    if (rv != 0) return rv;

    if (ignore_in == FALSE) {
        Specifications::law(I"III.2.2 - Action/Where/Room Where Action Takes Place");
        rv = APClauses::cmp_clause(IN_AP_CLAUSE, ap1, ap2); if (rv) return rv;

    Specifications::law(I"III.2.3 - Action/Where/In The Presence Of");

    rv = APClauses::cmp_clause(IN_THE_PRESENCE_OF_AP_CLAUSE, ap1, ap2); if (rv) return rv;

    rv = APClauses::compare_specificity_of_av_clauses(ap1, ap2);
    if (rv != 0) return rv;

    Specifications::law(I"III.3.1 - Action/What/Second Thing Acted On");
    rv = APClauses::cmp_clause(SECOND_AP_CLAUSE, ap1, ap2); if (rv) return rv;

    Specifications::law(I"III.3.2 - Action/What/Thing Acted On");
    rv = APClauses::cmp_clause(NOUN_AP_CLAUSE, ap1, ap2); if (rv) return rv;

    Specifications::law(I"III.3.3 - Action/What/Actor Performing Action");
    rv = APClauses::cmp_clause(ACTOR_AP_CLAUSE, ap1, ap2); if (rv) return rv;

    return 0;

int APClauses::cmp_clause(int C, action_pattern *ap1, action_pattern *ap2) {
    return APClauses::cmp_clauses(C, ap1, C, ap2);

int APClauses::cmp_clauses(int C1, action_pattern *ap1, int C2, action_pattern *ap2) {
    return Specifications::compare_specificity(
        APClauses::spec(ap1, C1), APClauses::spec(ap2, C2), NULL);