Properties which hold one of an enumerated set of named states of something.

§1. Condition here is meant in the sense of "What condition is this in?", not the usual computer-science sense of "Is this true or false?". Here a subject is in one of a finite number of possible states, as declared by a sentence like:

The cask can be wedged open, bolted closed or stoved in.

A property called the "cask condition" is created, whose value must be one of these three named possibilities; and this is also the name of a new kind, which is an enumeration of which these are the only three legal values.


typedef struct condition_of_subject {
    struct inference_subject *condition_of;  is it a condition of an object?
    int condition_anonymously_named;  if so, is it named just "... condition"?
} condition_of_subject;

condition_of_subject *ConditionsOfSubjects::new(inference_subject *subj, int anon) {
    condition_of_subject *cos = CREATE(condition_of_subject);
    cos->condition_of = subj;
    cos->condition_anonymously_named = anon;
    return cos;

§3. And here we parse sentences like the example above. Despite the use of the word "or", the set of option names is a little AND_NT subtree, of which set is the head node. subj is the owner-to-be: in this example, the cask. If the condition is one which already exists, having been created similarly for something else, the wording of its name should be supplied in cond_W: this should otherwise be the empty wording.

On exit, already should be set to TRUE if the enumerative values existed already, i.e., if it was indeed a condition used before.

property *ConditionsOfSubjects::parse(inference_subject *infs, wording cond_W,
    parse_node *set, int *already) {
    int anon = FALSE;
    *already = FALSE;
    if (Wordings::empty(cond_W)) {
        kind *common_kind = NULL;
        wording common_kind_setting_opt_W = EMPTY_WORDING,
            wrong_kind_opt_W = EMPTY_WORDING;
        See if the options are all already values for some common kind3.1;
        if (common_kind) Apparently so3.2;
        Devise a name to give to this currently nameless condition3.3;
        anon = TRUE;
    Make a new kind and a new property with a coinciding name3.4;

§3.1. If one of the options is a value for an existing kind, then they all have to be, and of the same kind. Any option which is not has its wording put into wrong_kind_opt_W.

See if the options are all already values for some common kind3.1 =

    for (parse_node *option = set; option;
        option = (option->down)?(option->down->next):NULL) {
        wording opt_W = EMPTY_WORDING;
        if (Node::get_type(option) == AND_NT)
            opt_W = Node::get_text(option->down);
            opt_W = Node::get_text(option);
        adjective *adj = Adjectives::parse(opt_W);
        if (adj) {
            instance *I = AdjectiveAmbiguity::has_enumerative_meaning(adj);
            kind *K = (I)?Instances::to_kind(I):NULL;
            if (common_kind == NULL) {
                common_kind = K;
                common_kind_setting_opt_W = opt_W;
            } else if (Kinds::eq(K, common_kind) == FALSE) {
                wrong_kind_opt_W = opt_W;
        } else {
            wrong_kind_opt_W = opt_W;

§3.2. Apparently so3.2 =

    property *prn = Properties::property_with_same_name_as(common_kind);
    if (Wordings::nonempty(wrong_kind_opt_W)) {
        Problems::quote_source(1, current_sentence);
        Problems::quote_kind(2, common_kind);
        Problems::quote_wording(3, common_kind_setting_opt_W);
        Problems::quote_wording(4, wrong_kind_opt_W);
            "In %1, one of the values you supply as a possibility is '%3', "
            "but this already has a meaning (as %2). This might be okay if "
            "every other possibility was also %2, but '%4' isn't.");
    } else if (prn == NULL) {
        Problems::quote_source(1, current_sentence);
        Problems::quote_kind(2, common_kind);
            _p_(BelievedImpossible));  because it won't parse
            "In %1, every value you supply as a possibility is %2. "
            "That would be okay if it were a property which is a condition "
            "of something, but it isn't.");
    } else {
        *already = TRUE;
        return prn;

§3.3. The name is ideally the subject's name plus "condition": for instance, "lounge table condition". But we need to be careful in case there are multiple such conditions, because we don't want to duplicate the name. So we begin by counting how many such already exist, and then append a number: thus "lounge table condition", then "lounge table condition 2", and so on.

We could be more fanatical about this, if we wanted. The code here doesn't guarantee uniqueness of the resulting name in all cases, because it's possible for two subjects to have identical names. (But when that happens, it's unlikely that different condition properties are given to them.) We won't obsess over this because the point is only to help the user by minimising namespace clashes; it isn't essential to Inform's running.

Devise a name to give to this currently nameless condition3.3 =

    int ct = 0;
    condition_of_subject *cos;
    LOOP_OVER(cos, condition_of_subject)
        if ((cos->condition_of == infs) && (cos->condition_anonymously_named))
    feed_t id = Feeds::begin();
    wording W2 = InferenceSubjects::get_name_text(infs);
    if (Wordings::nonempty(W2)) Feeds::feed_wording(W2);
    else Feeds::feed_C_string(L" nameless ");
    Feeds::feed_C_string(L" condition ");
    if (ct > 0) {
        WRITE_TO(numb, " %d ", ct+1);
    cond_W = Feeds::end(id);

§3.4. Make a new kind and a new property with a coinciding name3.4 =

    pcalc_prop *prop = Propositions::Abstract::to_create_something(NULL, cond_W);
    prop = Propositions::concatenate(prop,
    Assert::true(prop, prevailing_mood);

    property *prn = ValueProperties::obtain(cond_W);
    prn->value_data->as_condition_of_subject = ConditionsOfSubjects::new(infs, anon);
    return prn;


inference_subject *ConditionsOfSubjects::of_what(property *prn) {
    if ((prn == NULL) || (prn->either_or_data)) return NULL;
    if (prn->value_data->as_condition_of_subject == NULL) return NULL;
    return prn->value_data->as_condition_of_subject->condition_of;