Inform has a thicket of properties to do with names: not just the name itself, but whether it is a plural, a proper name, and so on. Here we look after these properties, and give them their initial states.

§1. As a plugin. This section of code is used even in Basic Inform, but it is structured as a plugin called "naming", even though it is permanently active, as a way to contain its complexity.

void Naming::start(void) {
    PluginManager::plug(PRODUCTION_LINE_PLUG, Naming::production_line);
    PluginManager::plug(NEW_PROPERTY_NOTIFY_PLUG, Naming::naming_new_property_notify);
    PluginManager::plug(COMPLETE_MODEL_PLUG, Naming::naming_complete_model);

int Naming::production_line(int stage, int debugging, stopwatch_timer *sequence_timer) {
    if (stage == INTER5_CSEQ) {
    return FALSE;

§2. So, then, here is the promised thicket of nine naming properties:

property *P_article = NULL;
property *P_plural_named = NULL;
property *P_proper_named = NULL;
property *P_printed_name = NULL;
property *P_printed_plural_name = NULL;
property *P_privately_named = NULL;
property *P_adaptive_text_viewpoint = NULL;
property *P_neuter = NULL;
property *P_female = NULL;

§3. These properties are recognised as they are created with this nonterminal:

<notable-naming-properties> ::=
    indefinite article |
    plural-named |
    proper-named |
    printed name |
    printed plural name |
    publicly-named |
    privately-named |
    adaptive text viewpoint |
    neuter |

§4. "Publicly-named" is the antonym of "privately-named", so we don't need to catch that other than to hide it in the index.

int Naming::naming_new_property_notify(property *prn) {
    if (<notable-naming-properties>(prn->name)) {
        switch (<<r>>) {
            case 0: P_article = prn; break;
            case 1: P_plural_named = prn; break;
            case 2: P_proper_named = prn; break;
            case 3: P_printed_name = prn; break;
            case 4: P_printed_plural_name = prn; break;
            case 5: RTProperties::dont_show_in_index(prn); break;
            case 6: P_privately_named = prn;
                RTProperties::dont_show_in_index(prn); break;
            case 7: P_adaptive_text_viewpoint = prn;
                RTProperties::dont_show_in_index(prn); break;
            case 8: P_neuter = prn; break;
            case 9: P_female = prn; break;
    return FALSE;

§5. Proper named, plural named, definite article. Only objects can be proper-named or plural-named, so we do nothing if told by the Creator to make something else have a proper name.

void Naming::now_has_proper_name(inference_subject *infs) {
    instance *wto = InstanceSubjects::to_object_instance(infs);
    if (wto) Naming::object_now_has_proper_name(wto);

void Naming::object_now_has_proper_name(instance *I) {
    if (P_proper_named)
            Instances::as_subject(I), TRUE, LIKELY_CE);

void Naming::object_now_has_plural_name(instance *I) {
    if (P_plural_named)
            Instances::as_subject(I), TRUE, LIKELY_CE);

§6. It's a traditional feature of Inform 6 that we indicate something is unique, yet not proper-named, by giving it the indefinite article "the"; thus the following function is called for creations of directions ("the north") and where "called..." absolutely requires the definite article ("There is a room called the Counting House").

We cache the text literal "the" rather than create it over and over.

parse_node *text_of_word_the = NULL;
void Naming::object_takes_definite_article(inference_subject *subj) {
    if (text_of_word_the == NULL)
        text_of_word_the = Rvalues::from_wording(Feeds::feed_C_string(L"\"the\""));
    ValueProperties::assert(P_article, subj, text_of_word_the, LIKELY_CE);

§7. Transferring name details. This is needed when assemblies name one new creation after another; for instance, "Cleopatra's nose" must be proper-named because "Cleopatra" is.

void Naming::transfer_details(inference_subject *from, inference_subject *to) {
    instance *wto = InstanceSubjects::to_object_instance(to);
    if (wto) {
        if (PropertyInferences::either_or_state(from, P_proper_named) > 0)
        parse_node *art = PropertyInferences::value_of(from, P_article);
        if (art) ValueProperties::assert(P_article, to, art, LIKELY_CE);

instance *Naming::object_this_is_named_after(instance *I) {
    return InstanceSubjects::to_object_instance(

§8. Private naming. "Privately named" is a property which affects the parsing of commands; all we do here is provide its state on request.

int Naming::object_is_privately_named(instance *I) {
    int certainty = PropertyInferences::either_or_state(
        Instances::as_subject(I), P_privately_named);
    if (certainty > 0) return TRUE;
    if (certainty < 0) return FALSE;
    return NOT_APPLICABLE;

§9. Model completion. Quite a lot of work is entailed in producing all of the necessary properties to fill in the naming details for objects, so here goes.

int Naming::naming_complete_model(int stage) {
    if (stage == WORLD_STAGE_III) Add naming properties implicit from context9.1;
    return FALSE;

§9.1. Stage III of world model completion is adding properties not inferred directly from sentences, and this can include Inter-level properties with no I7 analogue.

Add naming properties implicit from context9.1 =

    kind *K;
        if (Kinds::Behaviour::is_subkind_of_object(K)) {
            wording W = Kinds::Behaviour::get_name_in_play(K, FALSE,
            wording PW = Kinds::Behaviour::get_name_in_play(K, TRUE,
            inference_subject *subj = KindSubjects::from_kind(K);
            Issue problem message if the name contains a comma9.1.1;
            Assert the printed plural name property for kinds other than thing or kinds of room9.1.3;
    instance *I;
    LOOP_OVER_INSTANCES(I, K_object) {
        wording W = Instances::get_name_in_play(I, FALSE);
        inference_subject *subj = Instances::as_subject(I);
        int this_is_a_room = Spatial::object_is_a_room(I);
        int this_has_a_printed_name = Naming::look_for_printed_name(subj);
        int this_is_named_for_something_with_a_printed_name = FALSE;
        if (Naming::object_this_is_named_after(I))
            if (Naming::look_for_printed_name(
                this_is_named_for_something_with_a_printed_name = TRUE;
        Issue problem message if the name contains a comma9.1.1;
        if (this_has_a_printed_name == FALSE) Assert the printed name property9.1.2;
        if (Projects::get_language_of_play(Task::project()) != DefaultLanguage::get(NULL))
            Assert male, female, neuter adjectives from grammatical gender9.1.4;

§9.1.1. This was added in beta-testing when it turned out that mistakes in coding sometimes created unlikely objects: for example, "In the Building is a person called Wallace, Gromit Too." creates a single object. Its name contains a comma, and that's caught here:

Issue problem message if the name contains a comma9.1.1 =

        if (Lexer::word(j) == COMMA_V) {
                "has a comma in its name",
                "which is forbidden. Perhaps you used a comma in "
                "punctuating a sentence? Inform generally doesn't "
                "like this because it reserves commas for specific "
                "purposes such as dividing rules or 'if' phrases.");
        if (Vocabulary::test_flags(j, TEXT_MC+TEXTWITHSUBS_MC)) {
                "has some double-quoted text in its name",
                "which is forbidden. Perhaps something odd happened "
                "to do with punctuation between sentences? Or perhaps "
                "you really do need the item to be described with "
                "literal quotation marks on screen when the player "
                "sees it. If so, try giving it a printed name: perhaps "
                "'The printed name of Moby Dick is \"'Moby Dick'\".'");

§9.1.2. Assert the printed name property9.1.2 =

    if (this_has_a_printed_name == FALSE) {
        wording W = Instances::get_name_in_play(I, FALSE);
        if (Wordings::empty(W)) {
            kind *k = Instances::to_kind(I);
            W = Kinds::Behaviour::get_name_in_play(k, FALSE,
        int begins_with_lower_case = FALSE;
        if (Wordings::nonempty(W)) {
            wchar_t *p = Lexer::word_raw_text(Wordings::first_wn(W));
            if (Characters::islower(p[0])) begins_with_lower_case = TRUE;
        Assert the I6 short-name property9.1.2.1;
        Assert the I6 cap-short-name property9.1.2.2;

§ The I7 property "printed name" translates to Inter short_name.

Assert the I6 short-name property9.1.2.1 =

    inter_name *faux = NULL;
    text_stream *textual_value = Str::new();

    if (this_is_named_for_something_with_a_printed_name)
        Compose the I6 short-name as a routine dynamically using its owner's short-name9.
    else Compose the I6 short-name as a piece of text9.;

    if (faux)
        ValueProperties::assert(P_printed_name, subj,
            Rvalues::from_iname(faux), CERTAIN_CE);
        ValueProperties::assert(P_printed_name, subj,
            Rvalues::from_unescaped_wording(Feeds::feed_text(textual_value)), CERTAIN_CE);

§ The I6 cap_short_name has no corresponding property in I7. Note that it's only needed if the object is named after something else which might need it, or if it's a proper-named object which begins with a lower-case letter. (This actually means it's rarely needed.)

Assert the I6 cap-short-name property9.1.2.2 =

    inter_name *faux = NULL;
    int set_csn = TRUE;
    text_stream *textual_value = Str::new();
    if (this_is_named_for_something_with_a_printed_name) {
        Compose the I6 cap-short-name as a routine dynamically using its owner's cap-short-name9.
    } else {
        if ((PropertyInferences::either_or_state(subj, P_proper_named) > 0)
            && (begins_with_lower_case))
            Compose the I6 cap-short-name as a piece of text9.
        else set_csn = FALSE;
    if (set_csn) {
        property *prn = ShortNames::cap_short_name_property();
        if (faux)
            ValueProperties::assert(prn, subj,
                Rvalues::from_iname(faux), CERTAIN_CE);
            ValueProperties::assert(prn, subj,
                Rvalues::from_unescaped_wording(Feeds::feed_text(textual_value)), CERTAIN_CE);

§ Note that it is important here to preserve the cases of the original source text description, so that "Mr Beebe" will not be flattened to "mr beebe"; but that we take care to reduce the case of "Your nose" (etc.) to "your nose", unless it occurs in the name of a room, like "Your Bedroom".

If the "spatial" plugin is inactive, this_is_a_room is always FALSE.

Compose the I6 short-name as a piece of text9. =

    Naming::compose_words_to_I6_naming_text(textual_value, W, FALSE,

§ Compose the I6 cap-short-name as a piece of text9. =

    Naming::compose_words_to_I6_naming_text(textual_value, W, TRUE,

§ The following need to be functions so that the printed name will dynamically change if the owner changes its own printed name during play: e.g. if the "masked maiden" changes to "Cleopatra", then "masked maiden's nose" must become "Cleopatra's nose", or at least several bug-reporters thought so. These routines allow that to happen.

Compose the I6 short-name as a routine dynamically using its owner's short-name9. =

    faux = ShortNames::iname_for_short_name_fn(I, subj, FALSE);

§ Compose the I6 cap-short-name as a routine dynamically using its owner's cap-short-name9. =

    faux = ShortNames::iname_for_short_name_fn(I, subj, TRUE);

§9.1.3. Lastly, then. We don't give this to kinds of room, because it's never necessary to pluralise them at run-time in practice, so it would carry an unnecessary cost in runtime memory. We don't give it to "thing" because this would be too vague, and might cause Inform at run-time to spuriously group unrelated things together in lists.

Assert the printed plural name property for kinds other than thing or kinds of room9.1.3 =

    if ((Kinds::Behaviour::is_object_of_kind(K, K_room) == FALSE) &&
        (Kinds::eq(K, K_thing) == FALSE) &&
            subj, P_printed_plural_name, NULL) == NULL)) {
        if (Wordings::nonempty(PW)) {
            text_stream *textual_value = Str::new();
            Naming::compose_words_to_I6_naming_text(textual_value, PW, FALSE, TRUE);
            ValueProperties::assert(P_printed_plural_name, subj,
                Rvalues::from_unescaped_wording(Feeds::feed_text(textual_value)), CERTAIN_CE);

§9.1.4. The following isn't done in English.

Assert male, female, neuter adjectives from grammatical gender9.1.4 =

    parse_node *spec = PropertyInferences::value_of(subj, P_grammatical_gender);
    if (spec) {
        int g = Annotations::read_int(spec, constant_enumeration_ANNOT);
        switch (g) {
            case NEUTER_GENDER:
                if (PropertyPermissions::grant(subj, P_neuter, TRUE))
                    EitherOrProperties::assert(P_neuter, subj, TRUE, LIKELY_CE);
            case MASCULINE_GENDER:
                if (PropertyPermissions::grant(subj, P_female, TRUE))
                    EitherOrProperties::assert(P_female, subj, FALSE, LIKELY_CE);
            case FEMININE_GENDER:
                if (PropertyPermissions::grant(subj, P_female, TRUE))
                    EitherOrProperties::assert(P_female, subj, TRUE, LIKELY_CE);

§10. We needed the following utility above. Note that only printed names inferred from sentences matter here — not printed names added in model completion. (This is important because we might be working on these objects in any order, and might have completed X but not Y where either X is named after Y or vice versa.)

int Naming::look_for_printed_name(inference_subject *subj) {
    inference_subject *check;
    for (check = subj; check; check = InferenceSubjects::narrowest_broader_subject(check)) {
        inference *inf;
        POSITIVE_KNOWLEDGE_LOOP(inf, check, property_inf)
            if (Inferences::during_stage(inf) == 0)
                if (PropertyInferences::get_property(inf) == P_printed_name)
                    return TRUE;
    return FALSE;

§11. And here we transcribe a word range to text suitable for an Inter property, capitalising and fixing "your" as needed.

void Naming::compose_words_to_I6_naming_text(OUTPUT_STREAM, wording W, int cap,
    int your_flag) {
    if (Wordings::nonempty(W)) {
            int your_here = <possessive-second-person>(Wordings::one_word(j));
            wchar_t *p = Lexer::word_raw_text(j);
            if (cap) {
                if ((j==Wordings::first_wn(W)) && (your_here) && (your_flag)) {
                    TranscodeText::from_wide_string(OUT, p+1, CT_RAW);
                } else if (j==Wordings::first_wn(W)) {
                    TranscodeText::from_wide_string(OUT, p, CT_RAW + CT_CAPITALISE);
                } else {
                    TranscodeText::from_wide_string(OUT, p, CT_RAW);
            } else {
                if ((j==Wordings::first_wn(W)) && (your_here) && (your_flag)) {
                    TranscodeText::from_wide_string(OUT, p+1, CT_RAW);
                } else TranscodeText::from_wide_string(OUT, p, CT_RAW);
            if (j<Wordings::last_wn(W)) WRITE(" ");
    } else {
        if (cap) WRITE("Object"); else WRITE("object");

§12. The adaptive person. The following is only relevant for the language of play, whose extension will always be read in. That in turn is expected to contain a declaration like this one:

The adaptive text viewpoint of the French language is second person singular.

The following routine picks up on the result of this declaration. (We cache this because we need access to it very quickly when parsing text substitutions.)

int Naming::adaptive_person(inform_language *L) {
    int C = Naming::adaptive_combination(L);
    if (C < 0) return -1;
    return C % NO_KNOWN_PERSONS;

int Naming::adaptive_number(inform_language *L) {
    int C = Naming::adaptive_combination(L);
    if (C < 0) return -1;
    return C / NO_KNOWN_PERSONS;

int Naming::adaptive_combination(inform_language *L) {
    if (L->adaptive_person >= 0) return L->adaptive_person;
    if ((L->adaptive_person == -1) && (P_adaptive_text_viewpoint)) {
        instance *I = L->nl_instance;
        parse_node *val = PropertyInferences::value_of(
            Instances::as_subject(I), P_adaptive_text_viewpoint);
        if (Node::is(val, CONSTANT_NT)) {
            instance *V = Node::get_constant_instance(val);
            L->adaptive_person = Instances::get_numerical_value(V)-1;
    return L->adaptive_person;