To define how to compile a comparison of two values.

§1. For most word-value kinds, it's easy to compare two values to see if they are equal: all we need is the == operator. But for pointer-value kinds, that would simply tell us whether they point to the same block of data on the heap, whereas we need in fact to compare the blocks they point to. So the kind system makes it possible for each individual kind to decide how values should be compared, returning an I6 schema prototype to compare *1 and *2.

What happens at run-time when we test to see if value V equals value W, or change storage object S so that it now contains value T, depends on the kind of values we are discussing. If there were only word-based values in Inform (as was the case until September 2007), there would be little to do here, as the comparison would simply compile to V == W, while the storage would be a matter of either S = W; or some more exotic case along the lines of StorageRoutineWrite(S, W);.

But once pointers to blocks are allowed, this becomes more interesting. Now the comparison needs to be a deep one, that is, we want to test whether two texts (say) have the same textual content — not whether we are holding two pointers to the same blocks in memory, which is what a simple comparison would achieve. Such a test is called "deep comparison", and similarly, we must assign by transferring the contents of the blocks of data, not merely the pointer to them, which is a "deep copy".

text_stream *EqualitySchemas::interpret_equality(kind *left, kind *right) {
    LOGIF(KIND_CHECKING, "Interpreting equality test of kinds %u, %u\n", left, right);

    if ((Kinds::eq(left, K_truth_state)) || (Kinds::eq(right, K_truth_state)))
        return I"(*1 && true) == (*2 && true)";

    kind_constructor *L = NULL, *R = NULL;
    if ((left) && (right)) { L = left->construct; R = right->construct; }

    kind_constructor_comparison_schema *dtcs;
    for (dtcs = L->first_comparison_schema; dtcs; dtcs = dtcs->next_comparison_schema) {
        if (Str::len(dtcs->comparator_unparsed) > 0) {
            dtcs->comparator = KindConstructors::parse(dtcs->comparator_unparsed);
        if (R == dtcs->comparator) return dtcs->comparison_schema;

    if (KindConstructors::uses_block_values(L)) {
        if (KindConstructors::allow_word_as_pointer(L, R)) {
            local_block_value *pall =
            text_stream *promotion = Str::new();
            WRITE_TO(promotion, "*=-BlkValueCompare(*1, BlkValueCast(%S, *#2, *2))==0",
            return promotion;

    text_stream *cr = Kinds::Behaviour::get_comparison_routine(left);
    if ((Str::len(cr) == 0) ||
        (Str::eq_wide_string(cr, L"signed")) ||
        (Str::eq_wide_string(cr, L"UnsignedCompare"))) return I"*=-*1 == *2";
    return I"*=- *_1(*1, *2) == 0";