Though a plugin, for convenience of implementation, this code is always active and provides for efficient loops through instances at runtime.

§1. Plugin startup. Being a plugin, this needs a startup function, and here it is. It is in fact called on every run: see Core Module (in core).

void InstanceCounting::start(void) {
    PluginManager::plug(NEW_SUBJECT_NOTIFY_PLUG, InstanceCounting::counting_new_subject_notify);
    PluginManager::plug(COMPLETE_MODEL_PLUG, InstanceCounting::counting_complete_model);
    PluginManager::plug(PRODUCTION_LINE_PLUG, InstanceCounting::production_line);

int InstanceCounting::production_line(int stage, int debugging, stopwatch_timer *sequence_timer) {
    if (stage == INTER1_CSEQ) {
    return FALSE;

§2. Being a plugin, this code can provide extra data on inference subjects. It will in practice use that only for subjects representing kinds:

define COUNTING_DATA(subj) PLUGIN_DATA_ON_SUBJECT(counting, subj)
typedef struct counting_data {
    int has_instances;  are there any instances of this kind?
    struct property *IK_count_prop;
    struct property *next_in_IK_sequence_prop;  the IK-Link property for this kind
} counting_data;


int InstanceCounting::counting_new_subject_notify(inference_subject *subj) {
    ATTACH_PLUGIN_DATA_TO_SUBJECT(counting, subj, InstanceCounting::new_data(subj));
    return FALSE;

counting_data *InstanceCounting::new_data(inference_subject *subj) {
    counting_data *cd = CREATE(counting_data);
    cd->IK_count_prop = NULL;
    cd->next_in_IK_sequence_prop = NULL;
    cd->has_instances = FALSE;
    return cd;


inter_name *InstanceCounting::IK_count_property(kind *K) {
    if (Kinds::Behaviour::is_subkind_of_object(K)) {
        inference_subject *subj = KindSubjects::from_kind(K);
        property *P = COUNTING_DATA(subj)->IK_count_prop;
        if (P) return RTProperties::iname(P);
    return NULL;

§5. The IK-count. The IK-count for an instance I of kind K is the result of numbering instances of that kind upwards from 0. This depends on both I and K, hence the name: for example, a red car might be thing number 17 but vehicle number 2. Within each kind, instances are numbered in creation order by the source text.

Before we can store this, we must calculate it, which we do with this less than elegant two-dimensional array:

    kind_instance_counts[(I)->allocation_id*max_kind_instance_count +
int *kind_instance_counts = NULL;
int max_kind_instance_count = 0;

void InstanceCounting::calculate_IK_counts(void) {
    Allocate the instance count array in memory5.1;
    Compute the instance count array5.2;

§5.1. Allocate the instance count array in memory5.1 =

    max_kind_instance_count = NUMBER_CREATED(inference_subject);
    kind_instance_counts =
        Memory::calloc(max_kind_instance_count*max_kind_instance_count, sizeof(int),

§5.2. The following is quadratic in the number of objects, but this has never been a problem in practice; the number seldom exceeds a few hundred.

Compute the instance count array5.2 =

    instance *I;
    kind *K;
        if (Kinds::Behaviour::is_subkind_of_object(K))
            LOOP_OVER_INSTANCES(I, K_object)
                INSTANCE_COUNT(I, K) = -1;

        if (Kinds::Behaviour::is_subkind_of_object(K)) {
            int ix_count = 0;
                INSTANCE_COUNT(I, K) = ix_count++;

§6. Instance counts are actually useful to several other plugins, so we provide the following. Note that if I is not in fact an instance of K then its IK-count is by definition -1.

int InstanceCounting::IK_count(instance *I, kind *K) {
    if (kind_instance_counts == NULL) internal_error("instance counts not available");
    if (K == NULL) internal_error("instance counts available only for objects");
    return INSTANCE_COUNT(I, K);

§7. The IK-sequence. Within each kind K, we form the instances in a linked list called the "IK-sequence". Again, the list position of I depends on K: the red car might be in one position in the list of things, and another in the list of vehicles.

This sequence will be in "declaration order", that is, it will match the order in which instances are declared in Inter. This is not the same as their creation order in Inform 7 source text, though it tends to be roughly similar.1

The following function abstracts the list, returning the first instance if I is NULL, and otherwise the next after I. Note that it excludes instances which have been "diverted".2

instance *InstanceCounting::next_in_IK_sequence(instance *I, kind *k) {
    if (k == NULL) return NULL;
    int resuming = TRUE;
    if (I == NULL) { I = FIRST_IN_INSTANCE_ORDERING; resuming = FALSE; }
    while (I) {
        if (resuming) I = NEXT_IN_INSTANCE_ORDERING(I);
        resuming = TRUE;
        if (I == NULL) break;
        if (InferenceSubjects::aliased_but_diverted(Instances::as_subject(I)))
            continue;  selfobj may not count
        if (Instances::of_kind(I, k)) return I;
    return NULL;

§8. At runtime, we will store the IK sequences by defining their first entries as constants,3 and their subsequent entries as property values of instances. The constants are declared here, and see InstanceCounting::counting_complete_model below for the properties.

void InstanceCounting::define_IK_sequence_start_constants(void) {
    kind *K;
        if (Kinds::Behaviour::is_subkind_of_object(K)) {
            inter_name *iname = RTKindConstructors::first_instance_iname(K);
            instance *next = InstanceCounting::next_in_IK_sequence(NULL, K);
            if (next) {
                Emit::iname_constant(iname, K_object, RTInstances::value_iname(next));
            } else {
                Emit::iname_constant(iname, K_object, NULL);

§9. The KD-count. This section is supposedly for instance-counting, but it also does a little kind-counting: specifically we number the subkinds of object. The KD-count of a kind is this number.4

int InstanceCounting::KD_count(kind *K) {
    int c = 0;
    if (K == NULL) return 0;
    kind *IK;
        if (Kinds::Behaviour::is_subkind_of_object(IK)) {
            if (Kinds::eq(IK, K)) return c;
    return 0;

§10. Properties of instances. At model completion time, then, we assign a set of low-level properties to all the object instances. These consume memory without even being visible in Inform 7 source text: they are all basically optimisations, and are a classic trade-off of memory for speed. For the most part we care more about memory in the Inform runtime (one of our target VMs has a very low memory ceiling), but search loops must run as fast as they possibly can.

int InstanceCounting::counting_complete_model(int stage) {
    if (stage == WORLD_STAGE_I) {
        Create and assert zero values of the vector property10.1;
    if (stage == WORLD_STAGE_V) {
        property *P_KD_Count = ValueProperties::new_nameless(I"KD_Count", K_number);
        Create the two instance properties for each kind of object10.2;
        instance *I;
        LOOP_OVER_INSTANCES(I, K_object) {
            Assert the KD count property for I10.3;
            Assert values of the two instance properties for I10.4;
    return FALSE;

§10.1. The vector property provides workspace for the relation-route-finding code at runtime: it doesn't actually have anything to do with instance counting as such, but then again it doesn't deserve its own section of code.

Create and assert zero values of the vector property10.1 =

    property *P_vector = ValueProperties::new_nameless(I"vector", K_number);
    parse_node *zero = Rvalues::from_int(0, EMPTY_WORDING);
    instance *I;
            Instances::as_subject(I), zero, CERTAIN_CE);

§10.2. For each subkind of object K to which an instance I belongs, we will store the IK-count in a numerical property. So the red car, for example, would be given two property values: one for (red car, thing), one for (red car, vehicle). The properties in question are the IK_count_prop for thing and vehicle.

Similarly for the next terms in the IK-sequences, where the properties are the

Create the two instance properties for each kind of object10.2 =

    kind *K;
        if (Kinds::Behaviour::is_subkind_of_object(K)) {
            inference_subject *subj = KindSubjects::from_kind(K);
            inter_name *count_iname = RTKindConstructors::instance_count_iname(K);

            COUNTING_DATA(subj)->IK_count_prop =
                    RTKindConstructors::kind_package(K), count_iname);

            inter_name *next_iname = RTKindConstructors::next_instance_iname(K);
            COUNTING_DATA(subj)->next_in_IK_sequence_prop =
                    RTKindConstructors::kind_package(K), next_iname);

§10.3. For any object instance, the property KD_Count holds the KD-count for its immediate kind. For a red car which was both vehicle and thing, therefore, this would be the number for "vehicle", not for "thing".

Assert the KD count property for I10.3 =

    int ic = InstanceCounting::KD_count(Instances::to_kind(I));
    parse_node *the_count = Rvalues::from_int(ic, EMPTY_WORDING);
        P_KD_Count, Instances::as_subject(I), the_count, CERTAIN_CE);

§10.4. Assert values of the two instance properties for I10.4 =

    inference_subject *infs;
    for (infs = KindSubjects::from_kind(Instances::to_kind(I));
        infs; infs = InferenceSubjects::narrowest_broader_subject(infs)) {
        kind *K = KindSubjects::to_kind(infs);
        if (Kinds::Behaviour::is_subkind_of_object(K)) {
            inference_subject *subj = KindSubjects::from_kind(K);
            COUNTING_DATA(subj)->has_instances = TRUE;
            Fill in this IK-count property10.4.1;
            Fill in this IK-sequence property10.4.2;

§10.4.1. And otherwise, for every kind that the instance belongs to (directly or indirectly) it gets the relevant instance count as a property value. For example, the red door might have IK4_Count set to 3 — it's door number 3, let's suppose — and IK2_Count set to 19 — it's thing number 19. It doesn't have an IK7_Count property at all, since it isn't a backdrop (kind number 7), and so on for all other kinds.

Fill in this IK-count property10.4.1 =

    int ic = INSTANCE_COUNT(I, K);
    parse_node *the_count = Rvalues::from_int(ic, EMPTY_WORDING);
        Instances::as_subject(I), the_count, CERTAIN_CE);

§10.4.2. The IK-Link property is never set for kind 0, so there's no special case. It records the next instance in compilation order:

Fill in this IK-sequence property10.4.2 =

    instance *next = InstanceCounting::next_in_IK_sequence(I, K);
    parse_node *val = (next)?
        Instances::as_subject(I), val, CERTAIN_CE);

§11. Loop optimisation. Lastly, then, the coup de grace: here's where we define loop schemas to perform loops through kinds quickly at run-time. We start from the First constants, and use the Next constants to progress; and we stop at nothing.

There is no actual need to compile the schema differently in the case of an empty loop, where there are no instances of the kind K to loop over: the regular schema would work fine. But it would make the code somehow misleading to a human reader.

int InstanceCounting::optimise_loop(i6_schema *sch, kind *K) {
    if (PluginManager::active(counting_plugin) == FALSE) return FALSE;
    inference_subject *subj = KindSubjects::from_kind(K);
    if (COUNTING_DATA(subj)->has_instances == FALSE) {
            "for (*1=nothing: false: )");
    } else {
        inter_name *first_iname = RTKindConstructors::first_instance_iname(K);
        inter_name *next_iname = RTKindConstructors::next_instance_iname(K);
        Calculus::Schemas::modify(sch, "for (*1=%n: *1: *1=*1.%n)", first_iname, next_iname);
    return TRUE;