To compile the equations submodule for a compilation unit, which contains _equation packages.

§1. IDs. Sometimes a kind has to be stored as an I6 integer value at run-time. I6 is typeless, so some of the routines and data structures in the I6 template need these integer values to tell them what they are looking at. For instance, the ActionData table records the kinds of the noun and second noun to which an action applies.

We have two forms of description: strong and weak. Strong IDs really do uniquely identify kinds, and thus distinguish "list of lists of texts" from "list of numbers". Weak IDs are defined by:

Dogma. If a value \(v\) has kind \(K\), and we want to use it as a value of kind \(W\), then

For instance, all objects have the same weak ID, but we can distinguish kinds like "vehicle" by a test like (v ofclass K27_vehicle); all lists have the same weak ID, but the block of data for a list on the heap contains the strong ID for the kind of list entries, so we can always find out dynamically what sort of list it is.

(Intermediate kinds do not conform to Dogma, but this does not matter, because they are made to order and are never assigned to storage objects like variables. That's what makes them intermediate.)

Weak IDs have already appeared:

text_stream *RTKindIDs::identifier_for_weak_ID(kind_constructor *kc) {
    if (Str::len(kc->explicit_identifier) > 0)
        return kc->explicit_identifier;
    text_stream *invented = Str::new();
    WRITE_TO(invented, "WEAK_ID_%d", kc->allocation_id);
    return invented;

inter_name *RTKindIDs::weak_iname(kind *K) {
    if (K == NULL) { return RTKindConstructors::UNKNOWN_iname(); }
    if (Kinds::Behaviour::is_subkind_of_object(K)) K = K_object;
    kind_constructor *con = Kinds::get_construct(K);
    inter_name *iname = RTKindConstructors::weak_ID_iname(con);
    if (iname) return iname;
    LOG("%u has no weak ID iname\n", K);
    internal_error("kind has no weak ID iname");
    return NULL;

inter_name *RTKindIDs::weak_iname_of_constructor(kind_constructor *kc) {
    if (kc == NULL) return RTKindConstructors::UNKNOWN_iname();
    if (Kinds::Behaviour::is_subkind_of_object(Kinds::base_construction(kc)))
        return RTKindIDs::weak_iname(K_object);
    return RTKindConstructors::weak_ID_iname(kc);

§2. And the following compiles an easier-on-the-eye form of the weak ID, but which might occupy up to 31 characters, the maximum length of an I6 identifier:

void RTKindIDs::write_weak_identifier(OUTPUT_STREAM, kind *K) {
    WRITE("%n", RTKindIDs::weak_iname(K));

void RTKindIDs::emit_weak_ID_as_val(kind *K) {
    EmitCode::val_iname(K_value, RTKindIDs::weak_iname(K));

§3. The strong ID is a faithful representation of the kind structure, so we don't need access to its value for comparison purposes; we just need to be able to compile it.

Clearly a single 16-bit integer isn't enough to represent the full range of kinds. We could get closer to this if we used a trick like the one attributed to Ritchie and Johnson in chapter 6.3 of the Dragon book (Aho, Sethi and Ullman, "Compilers", 1986), where lower bits of a word store the base kind for the underlying data and upper bits record constructors applied to this.

But instead we exploit the fact that integers and addresses are interchangeable in I6. If a strong ID value t is in the range \(1\leq t<H\), where \(H\) is the constant BASE_KIND_HWM, then it's an ID number in its own right. If not, it's a pointer to a small array in memory: t-->0 is the weak ID; t-->1 is the arity of the construction, which must be greater than 0 since otherwise we wouldn't need the pointer; and t-->2 and subsequent represent strong IDs for the kinds constructed on. A simplification is that tuples are converted out of their binary-tree structure into a flat list, which means that the arity can be arbitrarily large and is not always 1 or 2.

For example, for a base kind like "number", the strong ID is the same as the weak ID; both in this case will be equal to the compiled I6 constant NUMBER_TY. But for a construction like "list of texts", the strong ID is a pointer to the array LIST_OF_TY 1 TEXT_TY.

§4. Strong IDs are a superset of weak IDs for base kinds like "number", but not for constructions like "list of numbers", where the strong and weak IDs are different values at run-time. The following general code is sufficient to turn a strong ID into a weak one:

    if ((strong >= 0) && (strong < BASE_KIND_HWM)) weak = strong;
    else weak = strong-->0;

We must be careful with comparisons because a strong ID may be numerically negative if it's a pointer into the upper half of virtual machine memory.

§5. In order to be able to give a reasonably complete description of a kind of value at run-time, we need to store small data structures describing them, and the following keeps track of which ones we need to make:

typedef struct runtime_kind_structure {
    struct kind *kind_described;
    struct parse_node *default_requested_here;
    int make_default;
    struct package_request *rks_package;
    struct inter_name *rks_iname;
    int default_created;
    struct inter_name *rks_dv_iname;
} runtime_kind_structure;

§6. In order to make sure each distinct kind has a unique strong ID, we must ensure that we always point to the same array every time the same construction turns up. This means remembering everything we've seen, using a new structure:

void RTKindIDs::strong_ID_array_entry(kind *K) {
    runtime_kind_structure *rks = RTKindIDs::get_rks(K);
    if (rks) {
    } else {

void RTKindIDs::emit_strong_ID_as_val(kind *K) {
    runtime_kind_structure *rks = RTKindIDs::get_rks(K);
    if (rks) {
        EmitCode::val_iname(K_value, rks->rks_iname);
    } else {

void RTKindIDs::define_constant_as_strong_id(inter_name *iname, kind *K) {
    runtime_kind_structure *rks = RTKindIDs::get_rks(K);
    if (rks) {
        Emit::iname_constant(iname, K_value, rks->rks_iname);
    Emit::iname_constant(iname, K_value, RTKindIDs::weak_iname(K));

§7. Thus the following routine must return NULL if \(K\) is a kind whose weak ID is the same as its strong ID — if it's a base kind, in other words — and otherwise return a pointer to a unique runtime_kind_structure for \(K\).

Note that a CON_TUPLE_ENTRY node is recursed downwards through, to ensure that its leaves are passed through RTKindIDs::get_rks, but no RKS structure is made for it — this is because none is needed, since we're going to roll up tuple subtrees into flat arrays. Recall that CON_TUPLE_ENTRY nodes are "punctuation", not base kinds in their own right. We can never see them here except as a result of recursion.

runtime_kind_structure *RTKindIDs::get_rks(kind *K) {
    runtime_kind_structure *rks = NULL;
    if (K) {
        int arity = Kinds::arity_of_constructor(K);
        if (arity > 0) {
            if (Kinds::get_construct(K) != CON_TUPLE_ENTRY)
                Find or make a runtime kind structure for the kind7.1;
            switch (arity) {
                case 1: {
                    kind *k = Kinds::unary_construction_material(K);
                case 2: {
                    kind *k = NULL, *l = NULL;
                    Kinds::binary_construction_material(K, &k, &l);
    return rks;

§7.1. The following implies a quadratic running time in the number of distinct constructed kinds of value seen across the source text, which may become a performance problem later on. But at present this number is surprisingly small — often less than 10. On the principle that premature optimisation is the root of all evil, I'm leaving it quadratic.

Find or make a runtime kind structure for the kind7.1 =

    LOOP_OVER(rks, runtime_kind_structure)
        if (Kinds::eq(K, rks->kind_described))
    if (rks == NULL) Create a new runtime kind ID structure7.1.1;

§7.1.1. The following aims to provide helpful identifiers such as KD7_list_of_texts. Sometime it succeeds. At all events it must provide unique ones which will compile under Inform 6.

Create a new runtime kind ID structure7.1.1 =

    rks = CREATE(runtime_kind_structure);
    rks->kind_described = K;
    rks->make_default = FALSE;
    rks->default_requested_here = NULL;
    rks->rks_package = Hierarchy::local_package(DERIVED_KIND_HAP);
    Kinds::Textual::write(TEMP, K);
    wording W = Feeds::feed_text(TEMP);
    rks->rks_iname = Hierarchy::make_iname_with_memo(DK_KIND_HL, rks->rks_package, W);
    rks->default_created = FALSE;
    rks->rks_dv_iname = NULL;

§8. It's convenient to combine this system with one which constructs default values for kinds, since both involve tracking constructions uniquely.

inter_name *RTKindIDs::default_value_from_rks(runtime_kind_structure *rks) {
    if (rks) {
        rks->make_default = TRUE;
        if (rks->default_requested_here == NULL)
            rks->default_requested_here = current_sentence;
        if (rks->rks_dv_iname == NULL)
            rks->rks_dv_iname =
                Hierarchy::make_iname_in(DK_DEFAULT_VALUE_HL, rks->rks_package);
        return rks->rks_dv_iname;
    return NULL;

§9. At the end of Inform's run, then, we have seen various interesting kinds of value and compiled pointers to arrays representing them. But we haven't compiled the arrays themselves; so we do that now.

Because these are recursive structures — the array for a strong ID often contains references to other strong ID arrays — it may look as if there's a risk of further RKS structures being generated, which might make the loop behave oddly. But this doesn't happen because RTKindIDs::get_rks has already recursively scanned through for us, so that if we have seen a construction \(K\), we have also seen its bases.

void RTKindIDs::compile_structures(void) {
    runtime_kind_structure *rks;
    LOOP_OVER(rks, runtime_kind_structure) {
        kind *K = rks->kind_described;
        Compile the runtime ID structure for this kind9.1;
    Annotate rks package9.2;

§9.1. Compile the runtime ID structure for this kind9.1 =

    packaging_state save = EmitArrays::begin_word(rks->rks_iname, K_value);
    Compile the list of strong IDs for the bases9.1.1;

§9.1.1. Compile the list of strong IDs for the bases9.1.1 =

    int arity = Kinds::arity_of_constructor(K);
    if (Kinds::get_construct(K) == CON_phrase) {
        kind *X = NULL, *result = NULL;
        Kinds::binary_construction_material(K, &X, &result);
        Expand out a tuple subtree into a simple array9.1.1.2;
    } else if (Kinds::get_construct(K) == CON_combination) {
        kind *X = Kinds::unary_construction_material(K);
        Expand out a tuple subtree into a simple array9.1.1.2;
    } else {
        Expand out regular bases9.1.1.1;

§ Expand out regular bases9.1.1.1 =

    EmitArrays::numeric_entry((inter_ti) arity);
    switch (arity) {
        case 1: {
            kind *X = Kinds::unary_construction_material(K);
        case 2: {
            kind *X = NULL, *Y = NULL;
            Kinds::binary_construction_material(K, &X, &Y);

§ Expand out a tuple subtree into a simple array9.1.1.2 =

    while (Kinds::get_construct(X) == CON_TUPLE_ENTRY) {
        Kinds::binary_construction_material(X, NULL, &X);
    EmitArrays::numeric_entry((inter_ti) arity);
    X = Kinds::unary_construction_material(K);
    while (Kinds::get_construct(X) == CON_TUPLE_ENTRY) {
        kind *term = NULL;
        Kinds::binary_construction_material(X, &term, &X);

§9.2. Annotate rks package9.2 =

    runtime_kind_structure *rks;
    LOOP_OVER(rks, runtime_kind_structure) {
        inter_name *md_iname = Hierarchy::make_iname_in(DK_NEEDED_MD_HL,
        if (rks->make_default) {
            Emit::numeric_constant(md_iname, (inter_ti) 1);
        } else {
            Emit::numeric_constant(md_iname, (inter_ti) 0);
            rks->rks_package), K_value, rks->rks_iname);

§10. Introspection. Our runtime code is only capable of very limited introspection: given a value known to be some kind of object, it can test what kind that is. This is done with Inter's OFCLASS_BIP primitive, and note that this refers to the kind the way that Inter does — i.e., by means of the symbol used as an identifier in the declaration of that kind.

Testing X ofclass ID, where ID is either the strong or the weak ID, does not work, and in fact there is in general no way to take a value at runtime and produce its strong or weak ID. In other words, this works only for objects. But it is also only needed for objects.

This function, then, would have subj equal to the subject for the kind "container" in order to test the condition \({\it container}(x)\). It returns TRUE if code was required to perform that test, FALSE if the test was already true and required no code. That will in fact happen if subj is not a kind of object, because then the typechecker will have proved already that the value \(x\) has this kind — in other words, the checking will have been done at compile time.

int RTKindIDs::emit_element_of_condition(inference_subject_family *family,
    inference_subject *subj, inter_symbol *t0_s) {
    kind *K = KindSubjects::to_kind(subj);
    if (Kinds::Behaviour::is_subkind_of_object(K)) {
            EmitCode::val_symbol(K_value, t0_s);
            EmitCode::val_iname(K_value, RTKindDeclarations::iname(K));
        return TRUE;
    if (Kinds::eq(K, K_object)) {
        EmitCode::val_symbol(K_value, t0_s);
        return TRUE;
    return FALSE;