To change the escape-character conventions used in text streams.

§1. The functions in this section — which perhaps doesn't belong in the values module any better than anywhere else — all work on text to change its encoding. This is not encoding in the sense of ASCII vs UTF-8, though it can have a bearing on whether the text can now be written as plain ASCII or not. Rather, it has to do with whether certain "difficult" characters are expressed as their literal character codes, or with a sequence of "escape characters".

For example, in some situations can[']t means "can't"; and sometimes "[unicode 65]mazonia" means "Amazonia". The functions here allow the escaping conventions to be applied or removed.

§2. First off, we take a wide Unicode string and convert it to a text stream using an encoding scheme to mask characters we don't want to appear. The scheme is expressed as a bitmap of features, each o which can be off or on.

define CT_CAPITALISE 1  capitalise first letter of text
define CT_EXPAND_APOSTROPHES 2  sometimes regard ' as "
define CT_RECOGNISE_APOSTROPHE_SUBSTITUTION 4  recognise ['] as a literal '
define CT_RECOGNISE_UNICODE_SUBSTITUTION 8  recognise [unicode N] as a literal char
define CT_DEQUOTE 16  ignore initial and terminal " pair, e.g., render "fish" as fish
define CT_FOR_ARRAY 32  force use of @{xx} form not @@ddd
define CT_BOX_QUOTATION 64  format line breaks into text for an I6 box statement
define CT_RAW 128  ignore everything except capitalisation and dequoting
define CT_I6 256  ignore everything except capitalisation and dequoting
define CT_EXPAND_APOSTROPHES_RAWLY 512  sometimes regard ' as "
void TranscodeText::from_wide_string(OUTPUT_STREAM, wchar_t *p, int options) {
    int i, from = 0, to = Wide::len(p), esc_digit = FALSE;
    if ((options & CT_DEQUOTE) && (p[0] == '"') && (p[to-1] == '"')) {
        from++; to--;
    if (options & CT_RAW) {
        for (i=from; i<to; i++) {
            if ((i == from) && (options & CT_CAPITALISE))
    } else {
        for (i=from; i<to; i++) {
            switch(p[i]) {
                case '\n':
                    if (options & CT_BOX_QUOTATION) WRITE("\n");
                    else WRITE(" ");
                case '\t':
                    if (options & CT_BOX_QUOTATION) WRITE("\n");
                    else WRITE(" ");
                case NEWLINE_IN_STRING:
                    if (options & CT_BOX_QUOTATION) WRITE("\n");
                    else WRITE("^"); break;
                case '"': WRITE("~"); break;
                case '@':
                    if (options & CT_FOR_ARRAY) WRITE("@{40}");
                    else { WRITE("@@64"); esc_digit = TRUE; continue; }
                case '^':
                    if (options & CT_BOX_QUOTATION) WRITE("^");
                    else if (options & CT_FOR_ARRAY) WRITE("@{5E}");
                    else { WRITE("@@94"); esc_digit = TRUE; continue; }
                case '~':
                    if (options & CT_FOR_ARRAY) WRITE("@{7E}");
                    else { WRITE("@@126"); esc_digit = TRUE; continue; }
                case '\\': WRITE("@{5C}"); break;
                case '\'':
                    if (options & CT_EXPAND_APOSTROPHES)
                        Apply Inform 7's convention on single quotation marks2.3
                    else WRITE("'");
                case '[':
                    if ((options & CT_RECOGNISE_APOSTROPHE_SUBSTITUTION) &&
                        (p[i+1] == '\'') && (p[i+2] == ']')) { i += 2; WRITE("'"); }
                    else if (options & CT_RECOGNISE_UNICODE_SUBSTITUTION) {
                        int n = TranscodeText::expand_unisub(OUT, p, i);
                        if (n == -1) WRITE("["); else i = n;
                    } else WRITE("[");
                    if ((i==from) && (options & CT_CAPITALISE))
                        WRITE("%c", Characters::toupper(p[i]));
                    else if ((esc_digit) && (Characters::isdigit(p[i])))
                        WRITE("@{%02x}", p[i]);
                        WRITE("%c", p[i]);
            esc_digit = FALSE;

§2.1. This much simpler encoder is used when emitting text in a say "Whatever" phrase invocation:

void TranscodeText::from_wide_string_for_emission(OUTPUT_STREAM, wchar_t *p) {
    int i, from = 0, to = Wide::len(p);
    if ((p[0] == '"') && (p[to-1] == '"')) {
        from++; to--;
    for (i=from; i<to; i++) {
        switch(p[i]) {
            case '\n':
                WRITE(" ");
            case '\t':
                WRITE(" ");
            case NEWLINE_IN_STRING:
            case '\'':
                Rawly apply Inform 7's convention on single quotation marks2.1.1
                WRITE("%c", p[i]);

§2.2. And this one for the special conventions applying to box quotations:

void TranscodeText::bq_from_wide_string(OUTPUT_STREAM, wchar_t *p) {
    int i, from = 0, to = Wide::len(p), esc_digit = FALSE;
    if ((p[0] == '"') && (p[to-1] == '"')) {
        from++; to--;
    for (i=from; i<to; i++) {
        switch(p[i]) {
            case '[': {
                int n = TranscodeText::expand_unisub(OUT, p, i);
                if (n == -1) WRITE("["); else i = n;
                if ((esc_digit) && (Characters::isdigit(p[i])))
                    WRITE("@{%02x}", p[i]);
                    WRITE("%c", p[i]);
        esc_digit = FALSE;

§2.3. This is where Inform's convention on expanding single quotation marks to double, provided they appear to be quoting text rather than used as apostrophes in contractions such as "don't", is implemented. Note the exceptional case.

Apply Inform 7's convention on single quotation marks2.3 =

    if ((i==from) && (p[i+1] == 's') && ((to == 3) || (p[i+2] == ' ')))
        WRITE("'");  allow apostrophe if appending e.g. "'s nose" to "Jane"
    else if ((i>0) && (p[i+1]) &&
        (Characters::isalphabetic(p[i-1])) &&
        WRITE("'");  allow apostrophe sandwiched between two letters
    else {
        WRITE("~");  and otherwise convert to double-quote

§2.1.1. Rawly apply Inform 7's convention on single quotation marks2.1.1 =

    if ((i==from) && (p[i+1] == 's') && ((to == 3) || (p[i+2] == ' ')))
        WRITE("'");  allow apostrophe if appending e.g. "'s nose" to "Jane"
    else if ((i>0) && (p[i+1]) &&
        (Characters::isalphabetic(p[i-1])) &&
        WRITE("'");  allow apostrophe sandwiched between two letters
    else {
        WRITE("\"");  and otherwise convert to double-quote

§3. This stream version is essentially the same as TranscodeText::from_wide_string, but with a different input:

void TranscodeText::from_stream(OUTPUT_STREAM, text_stream *p, int options) {
    int i, from = 0, to = Str::len(p), esc_digit = FALSE;
    if ((options & CT_DEQUOTE) && (Str::get_at(p, from) == '"') && (Str::get_at(p, to-1) == '"')) {
        from++; to--;
    if (options & CT_RAW) {
        for (i=from; i<to; i++) {
            wchar_t c = Str::get_at(p, i);
            if ((i == from) && (options & CT_CAPITALISE))
                WRITE("%c", (int) Characters::toupper(c));
                WRITE("%c", (int) c);
    } else {
        for (i=from; i<to; i++) {
            wchar_t c = Str::get_at(p, i);
            switch(c) {
                case '\n':
                    if (options & CT_BOX_QUOTATION) WRITE("\"\n\"");
                    else WRITE(" ");
                case '\t':
                    if (options & CT_BOX_QUOTATION) WRITE("\"\n\"");
                    else WRITE(" ");
                case NEWLINE_IN_STRING:
                    if (options & CT_BOX_QUOTATION) WRITE("\"\n\"");
                    else WRITE("^"); break;
                case '"':
                    if (options & CT_I6) WRITE("~");
                    else WRITE("%c", (int) c);
                case '@':
                    if (options & CT_I6) {
                        if (options & CT_FOR_ARRAY) WRITE("@{40}");
                        else { WRITE("@@64"); esc_digit = TRUE; continue; }
                    } else WRITE("%c", (int) c);
                case '^':
                    if (options & CT_I6) {
                        if (options & CT_BOX_QUOTATION) WRITE("\"\n\"");
                        else if (options & CT_FOR_ARRAY) WRITE("@{5E}");
                        else { WRITE("@@94"); esc_digit = TRUE; continue; }
                    } else WRITE("%c", (int) c);
                case '~':
                    if (options & CT_I6) {
                        if (options & CT_FOR_ARRAY) WRITE("@{7E}");
                        else { WRITE("@@126"); esc_digit = TRUE; continue; }
                    } else WRITE("%c", (int) c);
                case '\\':
                    if (options & CT_I6) {
                    } else WRITE("%c", (int) c);
                case '\'':
                    if (options & CT_EXPAND_APOSTROPHES)
                        Apply Inform 7's convention on single quotation marks, stream version3.1
                    else WRITE("'");
                case '[':
                    if ((options & CT_RECOGNISE_APOSTROPHE_SUBSTITUTION) &&
                        (Str::get_at(p, i+1) == '\'') && (Str::get_at(p, i+2) == ']')) {
                            i += 2; WRITE("'");
                    } else if (options & CT_RECOGNISE_UNICODE_SUBSTITUTION) {
                        int n = TranscodeText::expand_unisub_S(OUT, p, i);
                        if (n == -1) WRITE("["); else i = n;
                    } else WRITE("[");
                    if ((i==from) && (options & CT_CAPITALISE))
                        WRITE("%c", (int) Characters::toupper(c));
                    else if ((esc_digit) && (Characters::isdigit(c)))
                        WRITE("@{%02x}", (int) c);
                        WRITE("%c", (int) c);
            esc_digit = FALSE;

§3.1. This is where Inform's convention on expanding single quotation marks to double, provided they appear to be quoting text rather than used as apostrophes in contractions such as "don't", is implemented. Note the exceptional case.

Apply Inform 7's convention on single quotation marks, stream version3.1 =

    if ((i==from) && (Str::get_at(p, i+1) == 's') &&
        ((to == 3) || (Str::get_at(p, i+2) == ' ')))
        WRITE("'");  allow apostrophe if appending e.g. "'s nose" to "Jane"
    else if ((i>0) && (Str::get_at(p, i+1)) &&
        (Characters::isalphabetic(Str::get_at(p, i-1))) &&
        (Characters::isalphabetic(Str::get_at(p, i+1))))
        WRITE("'");  allow apostrophe sandwiched between two letters
    else {
        if (options & CT_I6) WRITE("~");  and otherwise convert to double-quote
        else WRITE("\"");

§4. This looks for "[unicode 8212]" and turns it into an em-dash, for example.

int TranscodeText::expand_unisub(OUTPUT_STREAM, wchar_t *p, int i) {
    if ((p[i+1] == 'u') && (p[i+2] == 'n') && (p[i+3] == 'i') && (p[i+4] == 'c')
        && (p[i+5] == 'o') && (p[i+6] == 'd') && (p[i+7] == 'e') && (p[i+8] == ' ')) {
        int j = i+9;
        while (p[j] == ' ') j++;
        while ((p[j]) && (p[j] != ']'))
            PUT_TO(substitution_buffer, p[j++]);
        if (p[j] == ']') {
            wording XW = Feeds::feed_text(substitution_buffer);
            if (<s-unicode-character>(XW) == FALSE) return -1;
            return j;
        } else return -1;
    } else return -1;

int TranscodeText::expand_unisub_S(OUTPUT_STREAM, text_stream *p, int i) {
    if (Str::includes_wide_string_at(p, L"unicode ", i+1)) {
        int j = i+9;
        while (Str::get_at(p, j) == ' ') j++;
        while ((Str::get_at(p, j)) && (Str::get_at(p, j) != ']'))
            PUT_TO(substitution_buffer, Str::get_at(p, j++));
        if (Str::get_at(p, j) == ']') {
            wording XW = Feeds::feed_text(substitution_buffer);
            if (<s-unicode-character>(XW) == FALSE) return -1;
            return j;
        } else return -1;
    } else return -1;

§5. A convenient package for the above:

void TranscodeText::from_text_with_options(OUTPUT_STREAM, wording W, int opts, int raw) {
        wchar_t *p;
        if (raw) p = Lexer::word_raw_text(j); else p = Lexer::word_text(j);
        TranscodeText::from_wide_string(OUT, p, opts);
        if (j<Wordings::last_wn(W)) WRITE(" ");

§6. With the options all off:

void TranscodeText::comment(OUTPUT_STREAM, wording W) {
    TranscodeText::from_text_with_options(OUT, W, 0, FALSE);

void TranscodeText::from_text(OUTPUT_STREAM, wording W) {
    TranscodeText::from_text_with_options(OUT, W, 0, TRUE);