To parse noun phrases in constant contexts, which specify values either explicitly or by describing them more or less vaguely.

§1. Constant values. As we've seen, not all of the names Inform knows are literals. The following nonterminal covers constants in general, a wider category.

The word "nothing" needs special treatment later on. Sometimes it means the dummy value "not an object", and is genuinely a constant value; but at other times it behaves more like a determiner, as in "if nothing is on the table". For now, though, we treat it as a noun.

<s-constant-value> ::=
    <s-literal> |                                 ==> { pass 1 }
    nothing |                                     ==> { -, Rvalues::new_nothing_object_constant() }
    <s-miscellaneous-proper-noun> |               ==> { pass 1 }
    <s-rulebook-outcome-name> outcome |           ==> { pass 1 }
    <s-use-option-name> option |                  ==> { pass 1 }
    verb <instance-of-verb> |                     ==> Compose verb ML1.1
    <s-rule-name> response ( <response-letter> )  ==> Compose response ML1.2

§1.1. Compose verb ML1.1 =

    verb_form *vf = (verb_form *) (RP[1]);
    parse_node *spec = Rvalues::from_verb_form(vf);
    Node::set_text(spec, W);
    ==> { -, spec };

§1.2. Compose response ML1.2 =

    parse_node *spec = RP[1];
    Node::set_kind_of_value(spec, K_response);
    Annotations::write_int(spec, response_code_ANNOT, R[2]);
    ==> { -, spec };

§2. Screening for this saves time.


§3. To be a little less vague, the "miscellaneous proper nouns" are: rule and rulebook names; action names, as nouns; relation names; instances of kinds; activity names; table names; equation names; and names of phrases being used as nouns for functional-programming purposes.

<s-miscellaneous-proper-noun> internal {
    parse_node *p = Lexicon::retrieve(MISCELLANEOUS_MC, W);
    if (p) {
        if ((Rvalues::is_CONSTANT_of_kind(p, K_action_name)) ||
            (Rvalues::is_CONSTANT_construction(p, CON_relation)) ||
            (Rvalues::is_CONSTANT_construction(p, CON_rule))) {
            ==> { -, p };
            return TRUE;
    p = Lexicon::retrieve(VARIABLE_MC, W);
    if (p) {
        nonlocal_variable *nlv = Lvalues::get_nonlocal_variable_if_any(p);
        if (NonlocalVariables::is_constant(nlv)) {
            ==> { -, p };
            return TRUE;

    if ((Vocabulary::disjunction_of_flags(W)) & CONSTANT_VAL_BITMAP) {
        p = Lexicon::retrieve(CONSTANT_VAL_BITMAP, W);
        if (p) {
            ==> { -, p };
            return TRUE;
    ==> { fail nonterminal };

§4. Named constants are handled separately.

<s-named-constant> internal {
    parse_node *p = Lexicon::retrieve(VARIABLE_MC, W);
    if (p) {
        nonlocal_variable *nlv = Lvalues::get_nonlocal_variable_if_any(p);
        if (NonlocalVariables::is_constant(nlv)) {
            ==> { -, p };
            return TRUE;
    ==> { fail nonterminal };

§5. There's actually nothing special about rulebook outcome names or use option names; but because they are stored internally without the compulsory words "outcome" and "option", they need nonterminals of their own.

<s-rulebook-outcome-name> internal {
    parse_node *p = Lexicon::retrieve(MISCELLANEOUS_MC, W);
    if (Rvalues::is_CONSTANT_of_kind(p, K_rulebook_outcome)) {
        ==> { -, p };
        return TRUE;
    ==> { fail nonterminal };

<s-use-option-name> internal {
    parse_node *p = Lexicon::retrieve(MISCELLANEOUS_MC, W);
    if (Rvalues::is_CONSTANT_of_kind(p, K_use_option)) {
        ==> { -, p };
        return TRUE;
    ==> { fail nonterminal };

<s-rule-name> internal {
    parse_node *p = Lexicon::retrieve(MISCELLANEOUS_MC, W);
    if (Rvalues::is_CONSTANT_construction(p, CON_rule)) {
        ==> { -, p };
        return TRUE;
    ==> { fail nonterminal };

§6. We will also sometimes need a nonterminal which can only produce table column names, and similarly for property names. These don't fall under "miscellaneous proper nouns" above, and they aren't in general valid as constants.

<s-table-column-name> internal {
    parse_node *p = Lexicon::retrieve(TABLE_COLUMN_MC, W);
    if (p) {
        ==> { -, p };
        return TRUE;
    ==> { fail nonterminal };

§7. In order to resolve a subtle distinction of usage later on, we want not only to parse a property name but also to record whether it was used in the explicit syntax ("the property open" rather than "open", say). The internal <s-property-name> uses <property-name-as-noun-phrase> to do this.

<property-name-as-noun-phrase> ::=
    <definite-article> <property-name-construction> |

<s-property-name> internal {
    parse_node *p = Lexicon::retrieve(PROPERTY_MC, W);
    if (p) {
        if (<property-name-as-noun-phrase>(W))
            Annotations::write_int(p, property_name_used_as_noun_ANNOT, TRUE);
            Annotations::write_int(p, property_name_used_as_noun_ANNOT, FALSE);
        ==> { -, p };
        return TRUE;
    ==> { fail nonterminal };

§8. Adjective lists. "I first tried to write a story when I was about seven. It was about a dragon. I remember nothing about it except a philological fact. My mother said nothing about the dragon, but pointed out that one could not say "a green great dragon", but had to say "a great green dragon". I wondered why, and still do" (Tolkien to Auden, 1955). We are going to allow lists of adjectives such as "green great" or "great green" in any order: although some have suggested conceptual hierarchies for adjectives (e.g., that size always precedes material) these are too tendentious to enforce.

The first nonterminal looks quite unnecessary; but it takes the result of parsing an adjective list and transforms the result to make it a description (even though there is no actual noun). Inform has to work hard at this sort of thing, mostly because of deficiencies in English to do with words like "scenery" and "clothing" which can't be used as count nouns even though, logically, they should be. Inform implements them adjectivally, but this means that "scenery" — an adjective list with one entry — is sometimes a description on a par with "door" — a common noun. In effect, "scenery" is read as if it were "scenery thing".

<s-adjective-list-as-desc> ::=
    <s-adjective-list>  ==> { -, SPDesc::add_adjlist(Descriptions::from_proposition(NULL, W), RP[1]) }

§9. So now we test whether an excerpt is a list of adjectives; for example, this matches

exciting transparent green fixed in place

as a list of four adjectives.

Perhaps surprisingly, the word "not" is allowed in such lists. Since this looks as if it negates the verb, it ought to belong to the verb phrase, and surely doesn't belong to the grammar of nouns and their adjectives. But there are several problems with that analysis. Firstly, English does strange things with the placing of "not":

The blue door is open and not transparent.

A door is usually not open.

Note that neither of these sentences places "not" adjacent to the verb, so if we're going to say it's part of the verb phrase then this has to be a non-contiguous sequence of words able to grab material from possibly distant NPs. This isn't easy to go along with. Secondly, we also want to provide a way to write the negation of an adjective. For instance,

exciting not transparent fixed in place

is valid. Though in this case it would be equivalent to write "opaque" in place of "not transparent", some adjectives do not have named negations.

The grammar for adjective lists also allows the presence of an indefinite article, less controversially, but that then leads to an interesting and very arcane de Morgan-law-like point, affecting only a tiny number of assertion sentences. If we write:

a not great green dragon

Inform considers that "not" applies only to "great"; the dragon is still to be green. But if we write

not a great green dragon

then Inform requires it to be neither great nor green. It's terrible style to write this sort of thing as a description outside of a condition like the following:

if Smaug is not a great green dragon, ...

and conditions like this are parsed with "is not" as the verb and "great green dragon" as the description, with the adjective list being just "great green". So this awkward point about "not a..." only comes in when writing assertion sentences like:

A hairless chimp is not a hairy animal.

(This was submitted as a bug report.) In assertions, Inform has to know for definite what the truth is, so it can't afford to read this as saying that the chimp is either not hairy or not an animal.

<s-adjective-list> ::=
    not <indefinite-article> <s-adjective-list-unarticled> |  ==> { 0, SPDesc::make_adjlist(SPDesc::negate_adjlist(RP[2]), W) }
    <indefinite-article> <s-adjective-list-unarticled> |      ==> { 0, SPDesc::make_adjlist(RP[2], W) }
    <s-adjective-list-unarticled>                             ==> { 0, SPDesc::make_adjlist(RP[1], W) }

<s-adjective-list-unarticled> ::=
    not <s-adjective> |                                       ==> { 0, SPDesc::negate_adjlist(RP[1]) }
    <s-adjective> |                                           ==> { 0, RP[1] }
    not <s-adjective> <s-adjective-list-unarticled> |         ==> { 0, SPDesc::join_adjlist(SPDesc::negate_adjlist(RP[1]), RP[2]) }
    <s-adjective> <s-adjective-list-unarticled>               ==> { 0, SPDesc::join_adjlist(RP[1], RP[2]) }

§10. That reduces us to an internal nonterminal, which matches the longest possible adjective name it can see.

<s-adjective> internal ? {
    parse_node *p = Lexicon::retrieve_longest_initial_segment(ADJECTIVE_MC, W);
    if (p) {
        parse_node *a = Descriptions::from_proposition(NULL, W);
        unary_predicate *ale = AdjectivalPredicates::new_up(
        Descriptions::add_to_adjective_list(ale, a);
        int sc = Node::get_score(p);
        if (sc == 0) internal_error("Length-scored maximal parse with length 0");
        ==> { -, a };
        return Wordings::first_wn(W) + sc - 1;
    ==> { fail nonterminal };


parse_node *SPDesc::join_adjlist(parse_node *A, parse_node *B) {
    unary_predicate *au;
    pcalc_prop *au_prop = NULL;
        Descriptions::add_to_adjective_list(UnaryPredicates::copy(au), A);
    return A;

parse_node *SPDesc::join_adjlist_w(parse_node *A, parse_node *B) {
    unary_predicate *au;
    pcalc_prop *au_prop = NULL;
        Descriptions::add_to_adjective_list_w(UnaryPredicates::copy(au), A);
    return A;

parse_node *SPDesc::make_adjlist(parse_node *A, wording W) {
    Node::set_text(A, W);
    return A;

parse_node *SPDesc::negate_adjlist(parse_node *A) {
    unary_predicate *au;
    pcalc_prop *au_prop = NULL;
    return A;


parse_node *SPDesc::add_adjlist(parse_node *spec, parse_node *adjlist) {
    if (adjlist) {
        instance *I = Rvalues::to_object_instance(spec);
        if (I) spec = Descriptions::from_instance(I, Node::get_text(spec));
        SPDesc::join_adjlist(spec, adjlist);
    return spec;

parse_node *SPDesc::add_adjlist_w(parse_node *spec, parse_node *adjlist) {
    if (adjlist) {
        instance *I = Rvalues::to_object_instance(spec);
        if (I) spec = Descriptions::from_instance(I, Node::get_text(spec));
        SPDesc::join_adjlist_w(spec, adjlist);
    return spec;

§13. And this makes a more semantic check:

int SPDesc::adjlist_applies_to_kind(parse_node *A, kind *K) {
    unary_predicate *au;
    pcalc_prop *au_prop = NULL;
        adjective *aph = AdjectivalPredicates::to_adjective(au);
        if (AdjectiveAmbiguity::can_be_applied_to(aph, K) == FALSE) return FALSE;
    return TRUE;

§14. The following global is needed only to pass a parameter from one Preform token to another one parsed immediately after it has been matched; it has no significance the rest of the time.

kind *s_adj_domain = NULL;

§15. This prevents doubled issue of the same problem message.

parse_node *PM_DefiniteCommonNoun_issued_at = NULL;
parse_node *PM_SpecificCalling_issued_at = NULL;
parse_node *PM_PastSubordinate_issued_at = NULL;

§16. When they appear in descriptions, these adjectives serve as "qualifiers": they qualify their nouns. For example, "open door" consists of "open", a qualifier, followed by "door", a noun.

Not every value known to Inform can be qualified as a noun: in fact, very few can be. This prevents us from writing "even 3", that is, the number 3 as a noun qualified by the adjective "even"; doctrinally, Inform takes the line that adjectives applied to values like 3 will never vary in their applicability — 3 is always odd — so that it makes no sense to test for them with conditions like

if N is an even 3, ...

<s-qualifiable-noun> ::=
    <k-kind> |           ==> { -, Specifications::from_kind(RP[1]) }; s_adj_domain = RP[1];
    <s-object-instance>  ==> { -, RP[1] }; s_adj_domain = NULL;

<s-qualifiable-common-noun> ::=
    <k-kind>             ==> { -, Specifications::from_kind(RP[1]) }; s_adj_domain = RP[1];

<s-qualifiable-proper-noun> ::=
    <s-object-instance>  ==> { -, RP[1] }; s_adj_domain = NULL;

§17. The following is used only in combination with a qualifiable noun: it simply provides a filter on <s-adjective-list> to require that each adjective listed must be one which applies to the noun. For example, "empty room" won't be parsed as "empty" qualifying "room" because (perhaps curiously) the Standard Rules don't define "empty" for rooms; whereas "empty rulebook" will work.

<s-applicable-adjective-list> ::=
    <s-adjective-list>  ==> { -, RP[1] }; Require adjective to be applicable17.1;

§17.1. Require adjective to be applicable17.1 =

    if ((s_adj_domain) &&
        (SPDesc::adjlist_applies_to_kind(RP[1], s_adj_domain) == FALSE))
            return FALSE;

§18. Descriptions. Grammatically, a description is a sequence of the following five elements, some of which are optional:

For the most part the sequence must be (a), (b), (c), (d), as in:

six of the / open / containers / in the Attic

but the composite words made up from quantifiers and kinds — something, anywhere, everybody, and such — force us to make an exception to this:

something / open / in the Attic

which takes the sequence (a) and (c), (b), (d). We will call words like "something" and "everywhere" specifying nouns, since they are both noun and specifier in one.

Simpler readings beat more complicated ones. Thus we won't match a subordinate clause if there's a way to read the text which doesn't need to; and similarly for specifiers.

In cases of ambiguity, the earliest split wins: that is, the one maximising the length of the noun. This means that if the source text actually created something called "dark room", then the text "dark room" will not be confused with "dark (i.e., the property) room (i.e, the kind)", since that splits later.

In the grammar for <s-description>, the noun is compulsory.

<s-description> ::=
    <s-desc-uncomposite-inner> |                              ==> { pass 1 }
    <s-np-with-relative-clause>                               ==> { pass 1 }

<s-desc-uncomposite> ::=
    <s-desc-uncomposite-inner>                                ==> { pass 1 }

<s-desc-uncomposite-inner> ::=
    <s-desc-uncalled> ( called <s-calling-name> ) |           ==> Glue on the calling ML18.4
    <s-desc-uncalled>                                         ==> { pass 1 }

<s-desc-uncalled> ::=
    <s-specifier> <s-desc-unspecified> |                      ==> Glue on the quantification ML18.5
    <s-specifying-noun> |                                     ==> { pass 1 }
    <s-specifying-noun> <s-adjective-list> |                  ==> Glue on trailing adjectives18.2
    <if-can-omit-trying> <definite-article> <s-common-desc-unspecified> |  ==> { pass 3 }
    ^<if-can-omit-trying> ^<if-multiplicitous> <definite-article> <s-common-desc-unspecified> |  ==> Issue PM_DefiniteCommonNoun problem18.6
    <definite-article> <s-proper-desc-unspecified> |          ==> { pass 2 }
    <indefinite-article> <s-desc-unspecified> |               ==> { pass 2 }
    <s-desc-unspecified>                                      ==> { pass 1 }

<s-desc-unspecified> ::=
    <s-qualifiable-noun> |                                    ==> { pass 1 }
    <s-applicable-adjective-list> <s-qualifiable-noun>        ==> Glue on leading adjectives18.3

<s-common-desc-unspecified> ::=
    <s-qualifiable-common-noun> |                             ==> { pass 1 }
    <s-applicable-adjective-list> <s-qualifiable-common-noun> ==> Glue on leading adjectives18.3

<s-proper-desc-unspecified> ::=
    <s-qualifiable-proper-noun> |                             ==> { pass 1 }
    <s-applicable-adjective-list> <s-qualifiable-proper-noun> ==> Glue on leading adjectives18.3

<if-multiplicitous> internal 0 {
    if (<s-value-uncached>->multiplicitous) return TRUE;
    ==> { fail nonterminal };

§18.1. The grammar for <s-desc-nounless> is almost exactly the same except that the noun is optional. The only difference is right at the bottom.

<s-desc-nounless> ::=
    <s-desc-nounless-uncomposite> |                           ==> { pass 1 }
    <s-np-with-relative-clause>                               ==> { pass 1 }

<s-desc-nounless-uncomposite> ::=
    <s-desc-nounless-uncalled> ( called <s-calling-name> ) |  ==> Glue on the calling ML18.4
    <s-desc-nounless-uncalled>                                ==> { pass 1 }

<s-desc-nounless-uncalled> ::=
    <s-specifier> <s-desc-nounless-unspecified> |             ==> Glue on the quantification ML18.5
    <s-specifying-noun> |                                     ==> { pass 1 }
    <s-specifying-noun> <s-adjective-list> |                  ==> Glue on trailing adjectives18.2
    <if-can-omit-trying> <definite-article> <s-common-desc-unspecified> |  ==> { pass 3 }
    ^<if-can-omit-trying> ^<if-multiplicitous> <definite-article> <s-common-desc-unspecified> |  ==> Issue PM_DefiniteCommonNoun problem18.6
    <indefinite-article> <s-desc-nounless-unspecified> |      ==> { pass 2 }
    <definite-article> <s-proper-desc-unspecified> |          ==> { pass 2 }
    <s-desc-nounless-unspecified>                             ==> { pass 1 }

<s-desc-nounless-unspecified> ::=
    <s-qualifiable-noun> |                                    ==> { pass 1 }
    <s-applicable-adjective-list> <s-qualifiable-noun> |      ==> Glue on leading adjectives18.3
    <s-adjective-list>                                        ==> Describe with adjectives alone18.1.1

§18.2. Glue on trailing adjectives18.2 =

    ==> { -, SPDesc::add_adjlist_w(RP[1], RP[2]) };

§18.3. Glue on leading adjectives18.3 =

    ==> { -, SPDesc::add_adjlist(RP[2], RP[1]) };

§18.1.1. Describe with adjectives alone18.1.1 =

    ==> { -, SPDesc::add_adjlist(Descriptions::from_proposition(NULL, W), RP[1]) };

§18.4. Glue on the calling ML18.4 =

    parse_node *p = RP[1];
    parse_node *c = RP[2];

    if (Node::is(p, CONSTANT_NT)) {
        if (PM_SpecificCalling_issued_at != current_sentence) {
            PM_SpecificCalling_issued_at = current_sentence;
            StandardProblems::sentence_problem(Task::syntax_tree(), _p_(PM_SpecificCalling),
                "a 'called' name can only be given to something "
                "which is described vaguely",
                "and can't be given to a definite object or value. "
                "So 'if a thing (called the gadget) is carried' is "
                "allowed, but 'if the X-Ray Zapper (called the gadget) "
                "is carried' isn't allowed - if it's the X-Ray Zapper, "
                "then call it that.");
    } else if (Specifications::is_description(p)) {
        if (Frames::current_stack_frame()) {
            wording C = Node::get_text(c);
            Descriptions::attach_calling(p, C);
            kind *K = Specifications::to_kind(p);
            LocalVariables::ensure_calling(C, K);
    } else {
        ==> { fail };
    ==> { -, p };

§18.5. Determiners make sense in the context of a common noun, e.g., "three doors", but not usually for proper nouns ("all 5"). But we allow existence in the context of a proper noun, as in "some tea", because it may be confusion of "some" the determiner with "some" the indefinite article.

Glue on the quantification ML18.5 =

    parse_node *p = RP[2];
    parse_node *annotation = RP[1];
    quantifier *quant = Node::get_quant(annotation);
    if (quant) {
        if (Specifications::is_description(p)) {
                quant, Annotations::read_int(annotation, quantification_parameter_ANNOT));
        } else if (!((quant == exists_quantifier) && (Node::is(p, CONSTANT_NT)))) {
            ==> { fail };
    ==> { -, p };

§18.6. Issue PM_DefiniteCommonNoun problem18.6 =

    if ((PM_DefiniteCommonNoun_issued_at != current_sentence) ||
        (PM_DefiniteCommonNoun_issued_at == NULL)) {
        PM_DefiniteCommonNoun_issued_at = current_sentence;
        Problems::quote_source(1, current_sentence);
        Problems::quote_wording(2, W);
        StandardProblems::handmade_problem(Task::syntax_tree(), _p_(PM_DefiniteCommonNoun));
            "In %1, I'm not able to understand what specific thing is meant "
            "by the phrase '%2'. You use the definite article 'the', which "
            "suggests you have a particular thing in mind, but then you go "
            "on to refer to a kind rather than something definite. Quite "
            "likely a human reading this sentence would find it obvious what "
            "you mean, but I don't. %P"
            "This often arises when writing something like: 'Instead of "
            "opening a door when the door is closed' - where clearly a human "
            "would understand that 'the door' refers to the same one in 'a "
            "door' earlier. I can make sense of this only if you help: for "
            "example, 'Instead of opening a door (called the portal) when "
            "the portal is closed' would work. So would 'Instead of opening "
            "a closed door'; or 'Instead of opening a door which is closed'. "
            "All of these alternatives help me by making clear that only one "
            "door is being talked about.");
    ==> { -, RP[4] };

§19. This simply wraps up a calling name into S-grammar form.

<s-calling-name> ::=
    <article> ... |  ==> { -, Node::new_with_words(UNKNOWN_NT, WR[1]) }
    ...              ==> { -, Node::new_with_words(UNKNOWN_NT, WR[1]) }

§20. The following is written as an internal, voracious nonterminal for speed. It matches text like "all", "six of the" and "most".

Note that an article can follow a determiner, as in "six of the people", where "six of" is a determiner. At this point we don't need to notice whether the article is definite or not, and we're similarly turning a blind eye to singular vs plural.

<s-specifier> internal ? {
    int which_N = -1; quantifier *quantifier_used = NULL;
    int x1 = Quantifiers::parse_against_text(W, &which_N, &quantifier_used);
    if (x1 >= 0) {
        if ((x1<Wordings::last_wn(W)) && (NTI::test_word(x1, <article>))) x1++;
        parse_node *qp = Specifications::new_UNKNOWN(Wordings::up_to(W, x1-1));
        Node::set_quant(qp, quantifier_used);
        Annotations::write_int(qp, quantification_parameter_ANNOT, which_N);
        ==> { -, qp };
        return x1-1;
    return 0;

§21. Similarly, this nonterminal matches specifying nouns like "somebody" or "everywhere". Doctrinally, "something" is not taken to refer explicitly to the kind "thing", whereas "somebody" does refer to people and "everywhere" to places: English is slippery on this.

<s-specifying-noun> internal ? {
    wording DW = Wordings::first_word(W);
    quantifier *quantifier_used = NULL; kind *some_kind = NULL;
    PluginCalls::parse_composite_NQs(&W, &DW, &quantifier_used, &some_kind);
    if (some_kind) {
        parse_node *p = Descriptions::from_kind(some_kind, TRUE);
        if (quantifier_used) Descriptions::quantify(p, quantifier_used, -1);
        ==> { -, p };
        return Wordings::first_wn(W) - 1;
    return 0;