This is where source text is read in, whether from extension files or from the main source text file, and fed into the lexer.

§1. Source files. Each separate file of text read into the lexer has its identity docketed in a source_file structure, as follows.

typedef struct source_file {
    struct filename *name;
    int words_of_source;  word count, omitting comments and verbatim matter
    struct wording text_read;
    int words_of_quoted_text;  word count for text in double-quotes
    FILE *handle;  file handle while open
    general_pointer your_ref;  for the client to attach some meaning
    struct text_stream *body_text;
    struct text_stream *torn_off_documentation;
} source_file;

§2. Feeding whole files into the lexer. This is one of the two feeder routines for the lexer, the other being in Lexical Writing Back.w: see Lexer.w for its obligations.

We feed characters from an open file into the lexer, and continue until there is nothing left in it. Inform is used on operating systems which between them use all four of the sequences 0a, 0d, 0a0d and 0d0a to divide lines in text files, so each of these is converted to a single '\n'. Tabs are treated as if spaces in most contexts, but not when parsing formatted tables, for instance, so they are not similarly converted.

We also want to look out for the tear-off documentation line, if there is one.

source_file *TextFromFiles::feed_open_file_into_lexer(filename *F, FILE *handle,
    text_stream *leaf, int documentation_only, general_pointer ref, int mode) {
    source_file *sf = CREATE(source_file);
    sf->words_of_source = 0;
    sf->words_of_quoted_text = 0;
    sf->your_ref = ref;
    sf->name = F;
    sf->handle = handle;
    sf->body_text = Str::new();
    sf->torn_off_documentation = Str::new();
    source_location top_of_file;
    int cr, last_cr, next_cr, read_cr, newline_char = 0, torn_off = FALSE;

    unicode_file_buffer ufb = TextFiles::create_filtered_ufb(mode);

    top_of_file.file_of_origin = sf;
    top_of_file.line_number = 1;

    if (documentation_only) lexer_wait_for_dashes = TRUE;

    last_cr = ' '; cr = ' '; next_cr = TextFiles::utf8_fgetc(sf->handle, NULL, &ufb);
    if (next_cr == 0xFEFF) next_cr = TextFiles::utf8_fgetc(sf->handle, NULL, &ufb);  Unicode BOM code
    if (next_cr != EOF)
        while (((read_cr = TextFiles::utf8_fgetc(sf->handle, NULL, &ufb)), next_cr) != EOF) {
            last_cr = cr; cr = next_cr; next_cr = read_cr;
            switch(cr) {
                case '\x0a':
                    if (newline_char == '\x0d') {
                        newline_char = 0; continue;  suppress 0x000A when it follows 0x000D
                    newline_char = cr; cr = '\n';  and otherwise convert to '\n'
                case '\x0d':
                    if (newline_char == '\x0a') {
                        newline_char = 0; continue;  suppress 0x000D when it follows 0x000A
                    newline_char = cr; cr = '\n';  and otherwise convert to '\n'
                    newline_char = 0;
            if (torn_off) {
                PUT_TO(sf->torn_off_documentation, cr);
            } else {
                PUT_TO(sf->body_text, cr);
                Lexer::feed_triplet(last_cr, cr, next_cr);
                torn_off = Lexer::detect_tear_off();

    sf->text_read = Lexer::feed_ends(TRUE, leaf);

    Word count the new material2.1;
    if (torn_off) Trim the edges of the tear tidily2.2;
    return sf;

§2.1. We word count all source files, both as to their source text and their quoted text (i.e., their text within double-quotes).

Word count the new material2.1 =

    LOOP_THROUGH_WORDING(wc, sf->text_read)
        sf->words_of_source += TextFromFiles::word_count(wc);

§2.2. Trim the edges of the tear tidily2.2 =

    if (Str::get_first_char(sf->torn_off_documentation) == '\n')
    PUT_TO(sf->torn_off_documentation, '\n');
    int quads = 0, i = Str::len(sf->body_text)-1;
    for (; i >= 0; i--) {
        if ((Str::get_at(sf->body_text, i) == '-') &&
            (Str::get_at(sf->body_text, i+1) == '-') &&
            (Str::get_at(sf->body_text, i+2) == '-') &&
            (Str::get_at(sf->body_text, i+3) == '-')) {
            i--; quads++;
    for (; i >= 0; i--) {
        if ((Str::get_at(sf->body_text, i) == '-') &&
            (Str::get_at(sf->body_text, i+1) == '-') &&
            (Str::get_at(sf->body_text, i+2) == '-') &&
            (Str::get_at(sf->body_text, i+3) == '-')) {
            i--; quads++;
    if (quads == 2) Str::truncate(sf->body_text, i);

§3. A much simpler version:

source_file *TextFromFiles::feed_into_lexer(filename *F, general_pointer ref) {
    FILE *handle = Filenames::fopen(F, "r");
    if (handle == NULL) return NULL;
    source_file *sf = TextFromFiles::feed_open_file_into_lexer(F, handle,
        Filenames::get_leafname(F), FALSE, ref, UNICODE_UFBHM);
    return sf;


int TextFromFiles::word_count(int wc) {
    int N = 0;
    wchar_t *p = Lexer::word_text(wc);
    if (*p == '"') {
         inside quoted text, each run of non-whitespace counts as 1 word
        p++;  skip opening quotation mark
        while (*p != 0) {
            while ((*p == ' ') || (*p == NEWLINE_IN_STRING)) p++;  move past white space
            if ((*p == '"') || (*p == 0)) break;  stop if this reaches the end
            N++;  otherwise we have a word
            while ((*p != ' ') && (*p != NEWLINE_IN_STRING)
                && (*p != '"') && (*p != 0)) p++;  move to white space or end
    } else {
         outside quoted text, each lexer word not wholly composed of punctuation scores 1
        if (Lexer::word(wc) != PARBREAK_V)
            for (; *p != 0; p++)
                if ((Lexer::is_punctuation(*p) == FALSE) && (*p != '|')) {
    return N;

§5. At present, though, the only use made of these two word counts is via the following routine, which combines them into one.

int TextFromFiles::total_word_count(source_file *sf) {
    if (sf == NULL) return 0;
    return sf->words_of_source + sf->words_of_quoted_text;

int TextFromFiles::last_lexed_word(source_file *sf) {
    return Wordings::last_wn(sf->text_read);

text_stream *TextFromFiles::torn_off_documentation(source_file *sf) {
    return sf->torn_off_documentation;

§6. Finally, we translate between the tiresomely many representations of files we seem to be stuck with. The method used by TextFromFiles::filename_to_source_file looks vulnerable to case-insensitive filename issues, but isn't, because each filename is present in Inform in only one form.

filename *TextFromFiles::get_filename(source_file *sf) {
    if (sf == NULL) internal_error("tried to read filename of null source file");
    return sf->name;

source_file *TextFromFiles::filename_to_source_file(text_stream *name2) {
    int l2 = Str::len(name2);
    source_file *sf;
    LOOP_OVER(sf, source_file) {
        WRITE_TO(name1, "%f", sf->name);
        int l1 = Str::len(name1);
        int minl = (l1<l2)?l1:l2;
        if (Str::suffix_eq(name1, name2, minl)) return sf;
    return NULL;