To construct the Lexicon portion of the Phrasebook page of the Index, which gives brief definitions and references for nouns, adjectives and verbs used in source text for the current project.

§1. The lexicon is the part of the Index which gives an alphabetised list of adjectives, nouns, verbs and other words which can be used in descriptions of things: it's the nearest thing to an index of the meanings inside Inform. This is in one sense quite an elaborate indexing mechanism, since it brings together meanings relating to various different Inform structures under a single umbrella, the "lexicon entry" structure:

define NOUN_LEXE 1  a kind
define PROPER_NOUN_LEXE 2  an instance of "object"
define ADJECTIVAL_PHRASE_LEXE 3  the subject of a "Definition:"
define ENUMERATED_CONSTANT_LEXE 4  e.g., "green" if colour is a kind of value and green a colour
define VERB_LEXE 5  an ordinary verb
define ABLE_VERB_LEXE 6  a "to be able to..." verb
define PREP_LEXE 7  a "to be upon..." sort of verb
define AVERB_LEXE 8  an auxiliary verb
define MVERB_LEXE 9  a meaningless verb
define MISCELLANEOUS_LEXE 10  a connective, article or determiner

§2. We can set entries either to excerpts of words from the source, or to any collation of up to 5 vocabulary entries.

typedef struct index_lexicon_entry {
    struct wording wording_of_entry;  either the text of the entry, or empty, in which case...
    struct word_assemblage text_of_entry;

    int part_of_speech;  one of those above
    char *category;  textual description of said, e.g., "adjective"
    struct general_pointer entry_refers_to;  depending on which part of speech
    struct parse_node *verb_defined_at;  sentence where defined (verbs only)
    char *gloss_note;  gloss on the definition, or NULL if none is provided

    struct text_stream *reduced_to_lower_case;  text converted to lower case for sorting
    struct index_lexicon_entry *sorted_next;  next in lexicographic order
} index_lexicon_entry;


index_lexicon_entry *sorted_lexicon = NULL;  head of list in lexicographic order
index_lexicon_entry *current_main_verb = NULL;  when parsing verb declarations

§4. Lexicon entries are created by the following routine:

index_lexicon_entry *IndexLexicon::lexicon_new_entry(wording W) {
    index_lexicon_entry *lex = CREATE(index_lexicon_entry);
    lex->wording_of_entry = W;
    lex->text_of_entry = WordAssemblages::lit_0();
    lex->part_of_speech = MISCELLANEOUS_LEXE;
    lex->entry_refers_to = NULL_GENERAL_POINTER;
    lex->category = NULL; lex->gloss_note = NULL; lex->verb_defined_at = NULL;
    lex->reduced_to_lower_case = Str::new();
    return lex;

§5. The next two routines provide higher-level creators for lexicon entries. The current_main_verb setting is used to ensure that inflected forms of the same verb are grouped together in the verbs table.

index_lexicon_entry *IndexLexicon::new_entry_with_details(wording W, int pos,
    word_assemblage wa, char *category, char *gloss) {
    index_lexicon_entry *lex = IndexLexicon::lexicon_new_entry(W);
    lex->part_of_speech = pos;
    lex->text_of_entry = wa;
    lex->category = category; lex->gloss_note = gloss;
    return lex;

index_lexicon_entry *IndexLexicon::new_main_verb(word_assemblage infinitive, int part) {
    index_lexicon_entry *lex = IndexLexicon::lexicon_new_entry(EMPTY_WORDING);
    lex->text_of_entry = infinitive;
    lex->part_of_speech = part;
    lex->category = "verb";
    lex->verb_defined_at = current_sentence;
    current_main_verb = lex;
    return lex;

§6. As we've seen, a lexicon entry's text can be either a word range or a collection of vocabulary words, and it's therefore convenient to have a utility routine which extracts the name in plain text from either source.

void IndexLexicon::lexicon_copy_to_stream(index_lexicon_entry *lex, text_stream *text) {
    if (Wordings::nonempty(lex->wording_of_entry))
        WRITE_TO(text, "%+W", lex->wording_of_entry);
        WRITE_TO(text, "%A", &(lex->text_of_entry));

§7. Producing the lexicon. The lexicon is by no means empty when the following routine is called: lexicon entries have already been created for verbs and determiners. But it doesn't yet contain nouns or adjectives.

void IndexLexicon::index(OUTPUT_STREAM) {
    Stock the lexicon with nouns from names of objects7.2;
    Stock the lexicon with nouns from kinds of object7.3;
    Stock the lexicon with adjectives from names of adjectival phrases7.4;
    Stock the lexicon with nouns from named values7.5;
    Stock the lexicon with meaningless verbs7.6;
    Stock the lexicon with miscellaneous bits and pieces7.7;

    Create lower-case forms of all lexicon entries7.8;
    Sort the lexicon into alphabetical order7.9;

    int common_nouns_only = FALSE;
    Index::anchor(OUT, I"LEXICON");
    Explanatory head-note at the top of the lexicon7.10;
    Main body of the lexicon7.11;

§7.1. And here is a cut-down version which prints a lexicon of common nouns only, for the foot of the World index.

void IndexLexicon::index_common_nouns(OUTPUT_STREAM) {
    int common_nouns_only = TRUE;
    Main body of the lexicon7.11;

§7.2. Stocking the lexicon. Stock the lexicon with nouns from names of objects7.2 =

    instance *I;
    LOOP_OVER_INSTANCES(I, K_object) {
        wording W = Instances::get_name(I, FALSE);
        if (Wordings::nonempty(W)) {
            index_lexicon_entry *lex = IndexLexicon::lexicon_new_entry(W);
            lex->part_of_speech = PROPER_NOUN_LEXE;
            lex->category = "noun";
            lex->entry_refers_to = STORE_POINTER_instance(I);

§7.3. Despite the implication of the over-cautious code below, kinds of object do always have creation nodes — i.e., their names always derive from the source text.

Stock the lexicon with nouns from kinds of object7.3 =

    kind *K;
        if (Kinds::Behaviour::is_subkind_of_object(K)) {
            wording W = Kinds::Behaviour::get_name(K, FALSE);
            if (Wordings::nonempty(W)) {
                index_lexicon_entry *lex = IndexLexicon::lexicon_new_entry(W);
                lex->part_of_speech = NOUN_LEXE;
                lex->category = "noun";
                lex->entry_refers_to = STORE_POINTER_kind(K);

§7.4. These are adjectives set up by "Definition:".

Stock the lexicon with adjectives from names of adjectival phrases7.4 =

    index_lexicon_entry *lex;
    adjective *adj;
    LOOP_OVER(adj, adjective) {
        wording W = Adjectives::get_nominative_singular(adj);
        if (Wordings::nonempty(W)) {
            lex = IndexLexicon::lexicon_new_entry(W);
            lex->part_of_speech = ADJECTIVAL_PHRASE_LEXE;
            lex->category = "adjective";
            lex->entry_refers_to = STORE_POINTER_adjective(adj);

§7.5. The idea here is that if a new kind of value such as "colour" is created, then its values should be indexed as nouns — "red", "blue" and so on. (Sometimes these will also be listed separately with an adjectival sense.)

Stock the lexicon with nouns from named values7.5 =

    index_lexicon_entry *lex;
    instance *qn;
    LOOP_OVER(qn, instance)
        if (Kinds::Behaviour::is_an_enumeration(Instances::to_kind(qn))) {
            property *prn =
            if ((prn) && (ConditionsOfSubjects::of_what(prn))) continue;
            wording NW = Instances::get_name(qn, FALSE);
            lex = IndexLexicon::lexicon_new_entry(NW);
            lex->part_of_speech = ENUMERATED_CONSTANT_LEXE;
            lex->category = "noun";
            lex->entry_refers_to = STORE_POINTER_instance(qn);

§7.6. Stock the lexicon with meaningless verbs7.6 =

    verb_conjugation *vc;
    LOOP_OVER(vc, verb_conjugation)
        if ((vc->vc_conjugates == NULL) && (vc->auxiliary_only == FALSE) && (vc->instance_of_verb))
            IndexLexicon::new_main_verb(vc->infinitive, MVERB_LEXE);

§7.7. It seems unfitting for a dictionary to omit "a", "an", "the", "some", "which" or "who".

Stock the lexicon with miscellaneous bits and pieces7.7 =

    PreformUtilities::enter_lexicon(<indefinite-article>, MISCELLANEOUS_LEXE,
        "indefinite article", NULL);
    PreformUtilities::enter_lexicon(<definite-article>, MISCELLANEOUS_LEXE,
        "definite article", NULL);
    PreformUtilities::enter_lexicon(<rc-marker>, MISCELLANEOUS_LEXE,
        "used to place a further condition on a description: like 'which' in "
        "'A which is B', or 'A which carries B', for instance.");

§7.8. Processing the lexicon. Before we can sort the lexicon, we need to turn its disparate forms of name into a single, canonical, lower-case representation.

Create lower-case forms of all lexicon entries7.8 =

    index_lexicon_entry *lex;
    LOOP_OVER(lex, index_lexicon_entry) {
        IndexLexicon::lexicon_copy_to_stream(lex, lex->reduced_to_lower_case);
        LOOP_THROUGH_TEXT(pos, lex->reduced_to_lower_case)
            Str::put(pos, Characters::tolower(Str::get(pos)));

§7.9. The lexicon is sorted by insertion sort, which is not ideally fast, but which is convenient when dealing with linked lists: there are unlikely to be more than 1000 or so entries, so the speed penalty for insertion rather than (say) quicksort is not great.

Sort the lexicon into alphabetical order7.9 =

    index_lexicon_entry *lex;
    LOOP_OVER(lex, index_lexicon_entry) {
        index_lexicon_entry *lex2, *last_lex;
        if (sorted_lexicon == NULL) {
            sorted_lexicon = lex; lex->sorted_next = NULL; continue;
        for (last_lex = NULL, lex2 = sorted_lexicon; lex2;
            last_lex = lex2, lex2 = lex2->sorted_next)
            if (Str::cmp(lex->reduced_to_lower_case, lex2->reduced_to_lower_case) < 0) {
                if (last_lex == NULL) sorted_lexicon = lex;
                else last_lex->sorted_next = lex;
                lex->sorted_next = lex2; goto Inserted;
        last_lex->sorted_next = lex; lex->sorted_next = NULL;
        Inserted: ;

§7.10. Printing the lexicon out in HTML format. Explanatory head-note at the top of the lexicon7.10 =

    HTML_OPEN_WITH("span", "class=\"smaller\"");
    WRITE("For instance, the description 'an unlocked door' is made "
        "up from the adjective 'unlocked' and the noun 'door', both of which "
        "can be found below. Property adjectives, like 'open', can be used "
        "when creating things - 'In the Ballroom is an open container' is "
        "allowed because 'open' is a property - but those with complicated "
        "definitions, like 'empty', can only be tested during play, e.g. "
        "with rules like 'Instead of taking an empty container, ...'.");

§7.11. Now for the bulk of the work. Entries appear in CSS paragraphs with hanging indentation and no interparagraph spacing, so we need to insert regular paragraphs between the As and the Bs, then between the Bs and the Cs, and so on. Each entry consists of the wording, then maybe some icons, then an explanation of what it is: for instance,

player's holdall [icon]\quad {\it noun, a kind of} container

In a few cases, there is a further textual gloss to add.

Main body of the lexicon7.11 =

    index_lexicon_entry *lex;
    wchar_t current_initial_letter = '?';
    int verb_count = 0, entry_count = 0, c;
    for (lex = sorted_lexicon; lex; lex = lex->sorted_next)
        if (lex->part_of_speech == PROPER_NOUN_LEXE)
    if (common_nouns_only) {
        HTML::begin_html_table(OUT, NULL, TRUE, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0);
        HTML::first_html_column(OUT, 0);
    for (c = 0, lex = sorted_lexicon; lex; lex = lex->sorted_next) {
        if (common_nouns_only) { if (lex->part_of_speech != PROPER_NOUN_LEXE) continue; }
        else { if (lex->part_of_speech == PROPER_NOUN_LEXE) continue; }
        if ((common_nouns_only) && (c == entry_count/2)) HTML::next_html_column(OUT, 0);
        if (current_initial_letter != Str::get_first_char(lex->reduced_to_lower_case)) {
            if (c > 0) { HTML_OPEN("p"); HTML_CLOSE("p"); }
            current_initial_letter = Str::get_first_char(lex->reduced_to_lower_case);
        HTML_OPEN_WITH("p", "class=\"hang\"");

        Text of the actual lexicon entry7.11.1;
        Icon with link to documentation, source or verb table, if any7.11.2;

        switch(lex->part_of_speech) {
            case ADJECTIVAL_PHRASE_LEXE:
                Definition of adjectival phrase entry7.11.5; break;
                Definition of enumerated instance entry7.11.6; break;
            case PROPER_NOUN_LEXE:
                Definition of proper noun entry7.11.4; break;
            case NOUN_LEXE:
                Definition of noun entry7.11.3; break;
        if (lex->gloss_note) WRITE(" <i>%s</i>", lex->gloss_note);
    if (common_nouns_only) { HTML::end_html_row(OUT); HTML::end_html_table(OUT); }

§7.11.1. In traditional dictionary fashion, we present the text in what may not be the most normal ordering, in order to place the alphabetically important part first: thus "see, to be able to" rather than "to be able to see". (Compare "Gallifreyan High Council, continual incidences of madness and treachery amongst the" in "Doctor Who: The Completely Useless Encyclopaedia", eds. Howarth and Lyons (1996).)

Text of the actual lexicon entry7.11.1 =

    IndexLexicon::lexicon_copy_to_stream(lex, OUT);
    if (lex->part_of_speech == ABLE_VERB_LEXE) WRITE(", to be able to");
    if (lex->part_of_speech == PREP_LEXE) WRITE(", to be");

§7.11.2. Main lexicon entries to do with verbs link further down the index page to the corresponding entries in the verb table. We want to use numbered anchors for these links, but we want to avoid colliding with numbered anchors already used for other purposes higher up on the Phrasebook index page. So we use a set of anchors numbered 10000 and up, which is guaranteed not to coincide with any of those.

We omit source links to an adjectival phrase because these are polymorphic, that is, the phrase may have multiple definitions in different parts of the source text: so any single link would be potentially misleading.

Icon with link to documentation, source or verb table, if any7.11.2 =

    switch(lex->part_of_speech) {
        case NOUN_LEXE: {
            kind *K = RETRIEVE_POINTER_kind(lex->entry_refers_to);
            if ((K) && (Kinds::Behaviour::get_documentation_reference(K)))
                Index::DocReferences::link(OUT, Kinds::Behaviour::get_documentation_reference(K));
        case VERB_LEXE:
        case ABLE_VERB_LEXE:
        case PREP_LEXE:
            Index::below_link_numbered(OUT, 10000+verb_count++);
    if ((lex->part_of_speech != ADJECTIVAL_PHRASE_LEXE) && (Wordings::nonempty(lex->wording_of_entry)))
        Index::link(OUT, Wordings::first_wn(lex->wording_of_entry));

§7.11.3. Definition of noun entry7.11.3 =

    kind *K = RETRIEVE_POINTER_kind(lex->entry_refers_to);
    if (Kinds::Behaviour::is_subkind_of_object(K)) {
        K = Latticework::super(K);
        wording W = Kinds::Behaviour::get_name(K, FALSE);
        if (Wordings::nonempty(W)) {
            Begin definition text7.11.3.1;
            WRITE(", a kind of ");
            End definition text7.11.3.2;
            WRITE("%+W", W);
    } else {
        Begin definition text7.11.3.1;
        WRITE(", a kind");
        End definition text7.11.3.2;

§7.11.4. Simply the name of an instance.

Definition of proper noun entry7.11.4 =

    instance *I = RETRIEVE_POINTER_instance(lex->entry_refers_to);
    kind *K = Instances::to_kind(I);
    int define_noun = TRUE;
    #ifdef IF_MODULE
    if (Kinds::eq(K, K_thing)) define_noun = FALSE;
    if (define_noun) {
        wording W = Kinds::Behaviour::get_name(K, FALSE);
        if (Wordings::nonempty(W)) {
            Begin definition text7.11.3.1;
            WRITE("%+W", W);
            End definition text7.11.3.2;

§7.11.5. As mentioned above, an adjectival phrase can be multiply defined in different contexts. We want to quote all of those.

Definition of adjectival phrase entry7.11.5 =

    int ac = 0, nc;
    adjective_meaning *am;
    adjective *adj = RETRIEVE_POINTER_adjective(lex->entry_refers_to);
    Begin definition text7.11.3.1;
    WRITE(": ");
    LOOP_OVER_LINKED_LIST(am, adjective_meaning, adj->adjective_meanings.in_precedence_order)
    nc = ac;
    LOOP_OVER_LINKED_LIST(am, adjective_meaning, adj->adjective_meanings.in_precedence_order) {
        if (nc > 1) {
            WRITE("%d. ", nc-ac);
        IXAdjectives::print(OUT, am);
        if (ac >= 1) WRITE("; ");
    End definition text7.11.3.2;

§7.11.6. Lastly and most easily, the name of an enumerated value of some kind of value.

Definition of enumerated instance entry7.11.6 =

    instance *qn = RETRIEVE_POINTER_instance(lex->entry_refers_to);
    kind *K = Instances::to_kind(qn);
    Begin definition text7.11.3.1;
    WRITE(", value of ");
    End definition text7.11.3.2;
    WRITE("%+W", Kinds::Behaviour::get_name(K, FALSE));

§ Begin definition text7.11.3.1 =

    WRITE(" ... <i>");
    if ((common_nouns_only == FALSE) && (lex->category))
        WRITE("%s", lex->category);

§ End definition text7.11.3.2 =


§8. The table of verbs. This is used in two different ways: firstly, at the foot of the lexicon —

void IndexLexicon::index_verbs(OUTPUT_STREAM) {
    HTML_OPEN("p"); HTML_CLOSE("p");  for spacing
    HTML_OPEN("p"); WRITE("Verbs listed as \"for saying only\" are values of the kind \"verb\" "
        "and can be used in adaptive text, but they have no meaning to Inform, so "
        "they can't be used in sentences about what's in the story.");
    index_lexicon_entry *lex = sorted_lexicon;
    int verb_count = 0;
    for (lex = sorted_lexicon; lex; lex = lex->sorted_next)
        if ((lex->part_of_speech == VERB_LEXE) ||
            (lex->part_of_speech == MVERB_LEXE) ||
            (lex->part_of_speech == PREP_LEXE) ||
            (lex->part_of_speech == ABLE_VERB_LEXE)) {
            HTML_OPEN_WITH("p", "class=\"hang\"");
            Index::anchor_numbered(OUT, 10000+verb_count++);  anchors from 10000: see above
            IndexLexicon::lexicon_copy_to_stream(lex, entry_text);
            if (lex->part_of_speech == VERB_LEXE) WRITE("To <b>%S</b>", entry_text);
            else if (lex->part_of_speech == MVERB_LEXE) WRITE("To <b>%S</b>", entry_text);
            else if (lex->part_of_speech == AVERB_LEXE) WRITE("<b>%S</b>", entry_text);
            else if (lex->part_of_speech == PREP_LEXE) WRITE("To be <b>%S</b>", entry_text);
            else WRITE("To be able to <b>%S</b>", entry_text);
            if (Wordings::nonempty(lex->wording_of_entry))
                Index::link(OUT, Wordings::first_wn(lex->wording_of_entry));
            if (lex->part_of_speech == AVERB_LEXE) WRITE(" ... <i>auxiliary verb</i>");
            else if (lex->part_of_speech == MVERB_LEXE) WRITE(" ... for saying only");
            else IndexLexicon::tabulate_meanings(OUT, lex);
            IndexLexicon::tabulate_verbs(OUT, lex, IS_TENSE, "present");
            IndexLexicon::tabulate_verbs(OUT, lex, WAS_TENSE, "past");
            IndexLexicon::tabulate_verbs(OUT, lex, HASBEEN_TENSE, "present perfect");
            IndexLexicon::tabulate_verbs(OUT, lex, HADBEEN_TENSE, "past perfect");

§9. — and secondly, in the documentation for extensions, where we want to be able to print out a table of just those verbs created in that extension.

void IndexLexicon::list_verbs_in_file(OUTPUT_STREAM, source_file *sf, inform_extension *E) {
    int verb_count = 0;
    index_lexicon_entry *lex;
    LOOP_OVER(lex, index_lexicon_entry)
        if (((lex->part_of_speech == VERB_LEXE) || (lex->part_of_speech == ABLE_VERB_LEXE))
            && (lex->verb_defined_at)
            && (Lexer::file_of_origin(Wordings::first_wn(Node::get_text(lex->verb_defined_at))) == sf)) {
            IndexLexicon::lexicon_copy_to_stream(lex, entry_text);
            if (verb_count++ == 0) { HTML_OPEN("p"); WRITE("Verbs: "); } else WRITE(", ");
            if (lex->part_of_speech == VERB_LEXE) WRITE("to <b>%S</b>", entry_text);
            else WRITE("to be able to <b>%S</b>", entry_text);
            ExtensionDictionary::new_entry(I"verb", E, entry_text);
    if (verb_count > 0) HTML_CLOSE("p");

§10. Index tabulation. The following produces the table of verbs in the Phrasebook Index page.

void IndexLexicon::tabulate_verbs(OUTPUT_STREAM, index_lexicon_entry *lex, int tense, char *tensename) {
    verb_usage *vu; int f = TRUE;
    LOOP_OVER(vu, verb_usage)
        if ((vu->vu_lex_entry == lex) && (VerbUsages::is_used_negatively(vu) == FALSE)
             && (VerbUsages::get_tense_used(vu) == tense)) {
            vocabulary_entry *lastword = WordAssemblages::last_word(&(vu->vu_text));
            if (f) {
                HTML::open_indented_p(OUT, 2, "tight");
                WRITE("<i>%s:</i>&nbsp;", tensename);
            } else WRITE("; ");
            if (Wide::cmp(Vocabulary::get_exemplar(lastword, FALSE), L"by") == 0) WRITE("B ");
            else WRITE("A ");
            WordAssemblages::index(OUT, &(vu->vu_text));
            if (Wide::cmp(Vocabulary::get_exemplar(lastword, FALSE), L"by") == 0) WRITE("A");
            else WRITE("B");
            f = FALSE;
    if (f == FALSE) HTML_CLOSE("p");

void IndexLexicon::tabulate_meanings(OUTPUT_STREAM, index_lexicon_entry *lex) {
    verb_usage *vu;
    LOOP_OVER(vu, verb_usage)
        if (vu->vu_lex_entry == lex) {
            if (vu->where_vu_created)
                Index::link(OUT, Wordings::first_wn(Node::get_text(vu->where_vu_created)));
            binary_predicate *bp = VerbMeanings::get_regular_meaning_of_form(Verbs::base_form(VerbUsages::get_verb(vu)));
            if (bp) IndexLexicon::show_relation(OUT, bp);
    preposition *prep;
    LOOP_OVER(prep, preposition)
        if (prep->prep_lex_entry == lex) {
            if (prep->where_prep_created)
                Index::link(OUT, Wordings::first_wn(Node::get_text(prep->where_prep_created)));
            binary_predicate *bp = VerbMeanings::get_regular_meaning_of_form(Verbs::find_form(copular_verb, prep, NULL));
            if (bp) IndexLexicon::show_relation(OUT, bp);

void IndexLexicon::show_relation(OUTPUT_STREAM, binary_predicate *bp) {
    WRITE(" ... <i>");
    if (bp == NULL) WRITE("(a meaning internal to Inform)");
    else {
        if (bp->right_way_round == FALSE) {
            bp = bp->reversal;
            WRITE("reversed ");
        WordAssemblages::index(OUT, &(bp->relation_name));