Each different sort of impulse to do something is an "action name".

§1. An action is an impulse to do something within the model world, and there will be many different sorts of impulse which a person may have: "going" [i.e. somewhere], for example, or "wearing" [i.e. something].

Each of these different sorts of action is represented by an instance of action_name, and each in turn corresponds to an instance of the enumerated kind K_action_name at run-time.

typedef struct action_name {
    struct action_naming_data naming_data;

    struct action_semantics semantics;  see Action Semantics

    struct rulebook *check_rules;  rulebooks private to this action
    struct rulebook *carry_out_rules;
    struct rulebook *report_rules;
    struct stacked_variable_owner *action_variables;

    struct cg_line *command_parser_grammar_producing_this;  if any

    struct action_compilation_data compilation_data;
    struct action_indexing_data indexing_data;
} action_name;

§2. Note that we notify the K_action_name kind that a new enumerated value for it exists; we don't need to record the reply (i.e. the number used as this value at run-time) because it will be the same as the allocation ID for the action_name structure in all cases.

As a historical note, until 2021 this code was still capable of generating actions managed entirely by Inter code and without I7 rulebooks: something which had not actually been done since around 2008.

action_name *Actions::act_new(wording W) {
    action_name *an = CREATE(action_name);

    ActionNameNames::baptise(an, W);  which sets its naming_data

    an->semantics = ActionSemantics::default();

    an->command_parser_grammar_producing_this = NULL;

    an->compilation_data = RTActions::new_data(W);
    an->indexing_data = IXActions::new_data();

    an->check_rules =      Actions::new_rulebook(an, CHECK_RB_HL);
    an->carry_out_rules =  Actions::new_rulebook(an, CARRY_OUT_RB_HL);
    an->report_rules =     Actions::new_rulebook(an, REPORT_RB_HL);
    an->action_variables =

    LOGIF(ACTION_CREATIONS, "Created action: %W\n", W);
    return an;

§3. Rulebooks such as "check" would become far too large if they accumulated every rule for checking anything; and so they are "fragmented" into individual rulebooks per action, such as "check waiting" or "check dropping".

rulebook *Actions::new_rulebook(action_name *an, int RB) {
    wording W = ActionNameNames::rulebook_name(an, RB);
    int prefix_length = Wordings::length(W) -
        Wordings::length(ActionNameNames::tensed(an, IS_TENSE));
    rulebook *R = Rulebooks::new_automatic(W, K_action_name, NO_OUTCOME,
        TRUE, FALSE, FALSE, prefix_length, RTActions::rulebook_package(an, RB));
    return R;

§4. These functions goes from the global rulebook to the fragmented one for a given action:

rulebook *Actions::fragment_rulebook(action_name *an, rulebook *rb) {
    if (rb == Rulebooks::std(CHECK_RB))     return an->check_rules;
    if (rb == Rulebooks::std(CARRY_OUT_RB)) return an->carry_out_rules;
    if (rb == Rulebooks::std(REPORT_RB))    return an->report_rules;
    internal_error("asked for peculiar fragmented rulebook"); return NULL;

rulebook *Actions::divert_to_another_actions_rulebook(action_name *new_an,
    rulebook *old_rulebook) {
    if (new_an) {
        action_name *old_an;
        LOOP_OVER(old_an, action_name) {
            if (old_rulebook == old_an->check_rules)     return new_an->check_rules;
            if (old_rulebook == old_an->carry_out_rules) return new_an->carry_out_rules;
            if (old_rulebook == old_an->report_rules)    return new_an->report_rules;
    return old_rulebook;

§5. And this is where the actions plugin moves rules from their normal rulebooks:

int Actions::place_rule(rule *R, rulebook *original_owner, rulebook **new_owner) {
    phrase *ph = Rules::get_defn_as_phrase(R); if (ph == NULL) return FALSE;
    if (Rulebooks::requires_specific_action(original_owner)) {
        int waiver = FALSE;
        action_name *an = NULL;
        wording PW = Phrases::Usage::get_prewhile_text(&(ph->usage_data));
        if (Wordings::nonempty(PW)) {
                if (NamedActionPatterns::by_name(Wordings::from(PW, i)))
                    Issue PM_MultipleCCR5.1;
            int anyone = FALSE;
            action_name_list *list = ParseActionPatterns::list_of_actions_only(PW, &anyone);
            LOGIF(RULE_ATTACHMENTS, "Looking at '%W' (anyone flag %d):\n$L\n",
                PW, anyone, list);
            an = ActionNameLists::get_best_action(list);
            LOGIF(RULE_ATTACHMENTS, "Best action is $l\n", an);
            Rules::set_marked_for_anyone(R, anyone);
        } else {
            waiver = TRUE;
            if (original_owner == Rulebooks::std(CHECK_RB))     waiver = FALSE;
            if (original_owner == Rulebooks::std(CARRY_OUT_RB)) waiver = FALSE;
            if (original_owner == Rulebooks::std(REPORT_RB))    waiver = FALSE;
        if ((an == NULL) && (waiver == FALSE))
            an = ActionNameNames::longest_nounless(PW, IS_TENSE, NULL);
        if ((an == NULL) && (waiver == FALSE)) Issue PM_MultipleCCR5.1;
        if (original_owner == Rulebooks::std(CHECK_RB)) {
            *new_owner = Actions::fragment_rulebook(an, Rulebooks::std(CHECK_RB));
            return TRUE;
        } else if (original_owner == Rulebooks::std(CARRY_OUT_RB)) {
            *new_owner = Actions::fragment_rulebook(an, Rulebooks::std(CARRY_OUT_RB));
            return TRUE;
        } else if (original_owner == Rulebooks::std(REPORT_RB)) {
            *new_owner = Actions::fragment_rulebook(an, Rulebooks::std(REPORT_RB));
            return TRUE;
        } else {
            *new_owner = Actions::divert_to_another_actions_rulebook(an, original_owner);
            return TRUE;
    return FALSE;

§5.1. Issue PM_MultipleCCR5.1 =

    Problems::quote_source(1, current_sentence);
    Problems::quote_wording(2, PW);
    StandardProblems::handmade_problem(Task::syntax_tree(), _p_(PM_MultipleCCR));
        "You wrote %1, but the situation this refers to ('%2') is not a single "
        "action. Rules in the form of 'check', 'carry out' and 'report' are "
        "tied to specific actions, and must give a single explicit action name - "
        "even if they then go on to very complicated conditions about any nouns "
        "also involved. So 'Check taking something: ...' is fine, but not 'Check "
        "taking or dropping something: ...' or 'Check doing something: ...' - "
        "the former names two actions, the latter none.");
    return FALSE;

§6. And this is where the actions plugin reacts to any placement of a rule in a rulebook, automatic or not:

int Actions::rule_placement_notify(rule *R, rulebook *B, int side, rule *ref_rule) {
    if ((B == Rulebooks::std(BEFORE_RB)) ||
        (B == Rulebooks::std(AFTER_RB)) ||
        (B == Rulebooks::std(INSTEAD_RB))) {
        phrase *ph = Rules::get_defn_as_phrase(R);
        if (ph) {
            action_name *an = Phrases::Context::required_action(&(ph->runtime_context_data));
            if ((an) && (ActionSemantics::is_out_of_world(an)))
                StandardProblems::sentence_problem(Task::syntax_tree(), _p_(PM_OOWinIWRulebook),
                    "this rulebook has no effect on actions which happen out of world",
                    "so I'm not going to let you file this rule in it. ('Check', "
                    "'Carry out' and 'Report' work fine for out of world actions: "
                    "but 'Before', 'Instead' and 'After' have no effect on them.)");
    if (B == Rulebooks::std(SETTING_ACTION_VARIABLES_RB)) {
    } else {
        Rulebooks::Outcomes::modify_rule_to_suit_focus(&(B->my_focus), R);

    if (side == INSTEAD_SIDE) {
        LOGIF(RULE_ATTACHMENTS, "Copying actor test flags from rule being replaced\n");
        Rules::copy_actor_test_flags(R, ref_rule);
        if (Rulebooks::focus(B) == ACTION_FOCUS)
    if (Rulebooks::focus(B) == ACTION_FOCUS)
    if (B->action_stem_length > 0)
    return FALSE;

§7. The Parsing Plugin attaches command grammar to an action, but that's not our concern here:

void Actions::add_gl(action_name *an, cg_line *cgl) {
    if (an->command_parser_grammar_producing_this == NULL)
        an->command_parser_grammar_producing_this = cgl;
            an->command_parser_grammar_producing_this, cgl);

void Actions::remove_all_command_grammar(action_name *an) {
    an->command_parser_grammar_producing_this = NULL;
    command_grammar *cg;
    LOOP_OVER(cg, command_grammar) CommandGrammars::remove_action(cg, an);

§8. Most actions are given automatically generated Inter identifiers, but a few have to correspond to names referenced in WorldModelKit, so:

void Actions::translates(wording W, parse_node *p) {
    if (<action-name>(W)) {
        RTActions::translate(<<rp>>, Node::get_text(p));
    } else {
        LOG("Tried action name %W\n", W);
            "this does not appear to be the name of an action",
            "so cannot be translated into I6 at all.");