To deal with multiple object code formats.

§1. Object code. The end result of compilation is traditionally called "object code" and people tend to use words like "binary" or even "machine code" about it, though in fact the world is more diverse nowadays. Inform 7 has always generated "object code" which is itself a program for a virtual machine; for example, it makes Glulx bytecode rather than x86 or ARM instructions. Because of that, we use the customary term "virtual machine" for the format of the end product of the Inform build process. But it doesn't have to be virtual. If Inter-to-x86-via-C is properly implemented, we will probably want to add a VM to represent something like "32-bit binary via ANSI C".

Each different target VM is represented by one of these objects:

typedef struct target_vm {
    struct text_stream *family_name;  such as Glulx
    int with_debugging_enabled;
    struct inter_architecture *architecture;  such as 32d
    struct semantic_version_number version;  such as 0.8.7
    struct text_stream *VM_extension;  canonical filename extension
    struct text_stream *VM_unblorbed_extension;  such as z8
    struct text_stream *VM_blorbed_extension;  when blorbed up
    struct text_stream *VM_image;  filename of image for icon denoting VM
    int max_locals;  upper limit on local variables per stack frame
    struct text_stream *default_browser_interpreter;  e.g., "Parchment"
    struct text_stream *iFiction_format_name;  e.g., "zcode": see the Treaty of Babel
    int supports_floating_point;
} target_vm;


target_vm *TargetVMs::new(text_stream *code, text_stream *nick, semantic_version_number V,
    text_stream *image, text_stream *interpreter, text_stream *blorbed, text_stream *arch,
    int debug, int max_locals, text_stream *iFiction) {
    target_vm *VM = CREATE(target_vm);
    VM->family_name = Str::duplicate(code);
    VM->version = V;
    VM->VM_extension = Str::duplicate(nick);
    VM->VM_unblorbed_extension = Str::duplicate(nick);
    VM->VM_blorbed_extension = Str::duplicate(blorbed);
    VM->VM_image = Str::duplicate(image);
    VM->max_locals = max_locals;
    VM->default_browser_interpreter = Str::duplicate(interpreter);
    VM->architecture = Architectures::from_codename(arch);
    if (VM->architecture == NULL) internal_error("no such architecture");
    VM->with_debugging_enabled = debug;
    VM->supports_floating_point = TRUE;
    if (Architectures::is_16_bit(VM->architecture)) VM->supports_floating_point = FALSE;
    VM->iFiction_format_name = Str::duplicate(iFiction);
    return VM;

§3. Standard set. This is called when the arch module starts up; no other architectures are ever made.

void TargetVMs::create(void) {
     hat tip: Joel Berez and Marc Blank, 1979, and later hands
    TargetVMs::new(I"Z-Machine", I"z5", VersionNumbers::from_text(I"5"),
        I"vm_z5.png", I"Parchment", I"zblorb", I"16", FALSE, 15, I"zcode");
    TargetVMs::new(I"Z-Machine", I"z5", VersionNumbers::from_text(I"5"),
        I"vm_z5.png", I"Parchment", I"zblorb", I"16d", TRUE, 15, I"zcode");

    TargetVMs::new(I"Z-Machine", I"z8", VersionNumbers::from_text(I"8"),
        I"vm_z8.png", I"Parchment", I"zblorb", I"16", FALSE, 15, I"zcode");
    TargetVMs::new(I"Z-Machine", I"z8", VersionNumbers::from_text(I"8"),
        I"vm_z8.png", I"Parchment", I"zblorb", I"16d", TRUE, 15, I"zcode");

     hat tip: Andrew Plotkin, 2000
    TargetVMs::new(I"Glulx", I"ulx", VersionNumbers::from_text(I"3.1.2"),
        I"vm_glulx.png", I"Quixe", I"gblorb", I"32", FALSE, 256, I"glulx");
    TargetVMs::new(I"Glulx", I"ulx", VersionNumbers::from_text(I"3.1.2"),
        I"vm_glulx.png", I"Quixe", I"gblorb", I"32d", TRUE, 256, I"glulx");

§4. Describing and finding. This is the longhand form of the VM name:

void TargetVMs::write(OUTPUT_STREAM, target_vm *VM) {
    if (VM == NULL) WRITE("none");
    else {
        WRITE("%S", VM->family_name);
        semantic_version_number V = VM->version;
        if (VersionNumbers::is_null(V) == FALSE) WRITE(" version %v", &V);
        if (VM->with_debugging_enabled) WRITE(" with debugging");

§5. Here we deduce a VM from the given filename extension, which is the rather clumsy way that VMs are referred to on the inform7 command line. For example, ulx produces one of the Glulx VMs.

target_vm *TargetVMs::find(text_stream *ext, int debug) {
    target_vm *result = NULL;
    if (Str::len(ext) == 0) ext = I"ulx";
    Str::copy(file_extension, ext);
    if (Str::get_first_char(file_extension) == '.')
    LOOP_THROUGH_TEXT(pos, file_extension)
        Str::put(pos, Characters::tolower(Str::get(pos)));
    target_vm *VM;
    LOOP_OVER(VM, target_vm)
        if ((Str::eq_insensitive(VM->VM_unblorbed_extension, ext)) &&
            (VM->with_debugging_enabled == debug))
            result = VM;
    return result;

§6. A somewhat sharper method finds specific versions: for example, it can pick out version 5 rather than version 8 of the Z-machine. Note that the version numbers must match exactly, and not simply be compatible according to semver rules.

target_vm *TargetVMs::find_in_family(text_stream *family, semantic_version_number V,
    int debug) {
    target_vm *VM;
    LOOP_OVER(VM, target_vm)
        if ((Str::eq_insensitive(VM->family_name, family)) &&
            (VersionNumbers::eq(VM->version, V)) &&
            ((debug == NOT_APPLICABLE) || (debug == VM->with_debugging_enabled)))
            return VM;
    return NULL;

§7. Miscellaneous provisions.

int TargetVMs::is_16_bit(target_vm *VM) {
    if (VM == NULL) internal_error("no VM");
    return Architectures::is_16_bit(VM->architecture);
int TargetVMs::debug_enabled(target_vm *VM) {
    if (VM == NULL) internal_error("no VM");
    return Architectures::debug_enabled(VM->architecture);
int TargetVMs::supports_floating_point(target_vm *VM) {
    if (VM == NULL) internal_error("no VM");
    return VM->supports_floating_point;

§8. The limits on local variables per routine are different on each platform. On Z, the maximum is fixed at 15, but Glulx allows it to be set with an I6 memory setting.

int TargetVMs::allow_this_many_locals(target_vm *VM, int N) {
    if (VM == NULL) internal_error("no VM");
    if ((VM->max_locals >= 0) && (VM->max_locals < N)) return FALSE;
    return TRUE;
int TargetVMs::allow_MAX_LOCAL_VARIABLES(target_vm *VM) {
    if (VM == NULL) internal_error("no VM");
    if (VM->max_locals > 15) return TRUE;
    return FALSE;

§9. When releasing a blorbed story file, the file extension depends on the story file wrapped inside. (This is a dubious idea, in the opinion of the author of Inform — should not "blorb" be one unified wrapper? — but that ship seems to have sailed.)

text_stream *TargetVMs::get_unblorbed_extension(target_vm *VM) {
    if (VM == NULL) internal_error("no VM");
    return VM->VM_unblorbed_extension;

text_stream *TargetVMs::get_blorbed_extension(target_vm *VM) {
    if (VM == NULL) internal_error("no VM");
    return VM->VM_blorbed_extension;

§10. This is the format name as expressed in an iFiction bibliographic record, where it's not meaningful to talk about debugging features or the number of bits, and where it's currently not possible to express a VM version number.

text_stream *TargetVMs::get_iFiction_format(target_vm *VM) {
    if (VM == NULL) internal_error("no VM");
    return VM->iFiction_format_name;

inter_architecture *TargetVMs::get_architecture(target_vm *VM) {
    if (VM == NULL) internal_error("no VM");
    return VM->architecture;

§11. Different VMs have different in-browser interpreters, which means that Inblorb needs to be given different release instructions for them. If the user doesn't specify any particular interpreter, she gets:

text_stream *TargetVMs::get_default_interpreter(target_vm *VM) {
    if (VM == NULL) internal_error("no VM");
    return VM->default_browser_interpreter;