Constructing the dictionary, command verb and action tables when the target language is not Inform 6 (where such things are made automatically).

§1. Dictionary words. Compiling the table of dictionary words is not completely simple: they must be sorted into alphabetical order, but do not present themselves that way.

So we provide the following functions, which a generator is not obliged to make use of.

For each different dictionary word brought to our attention, we create one of these:

typedef struct vanilla_dword {
    struct text_stream *text;
    struct text_stream *identifier;
    int pluralise;
    int meta;
    int preplike;
    int nounlike;
    int verblike;
    int verb_number;
    int grammar_table_offset;
} vanilla_dword;

§2. The following sorting function places dwords in alphabetical order:

int VanillaIF::compare_dwords(const void *ent1, const void *ent2) {
    text_stream *tx1 = (*((const vanilla_dword **) ent1))->text;
    text_stream *tx2 = (*((const vanilla_dword **) ent2))->text;
    return Str::cmp_insensitive(tx1, tx2);

§3. We use a dictionary to ensure that each dword has exactly one such structure created:

vanilla_dword *VanillaIF::find_dword(code_generation *gen, text_stream *S,
    int pluralise) {
        PUT_TO(K, Characters::tolower(Str::get(pos)));
    while (Str::get_last_char(K) == '/') Str::delete_last_character(K);
    vanilla_dword *dw;
    if (Dictionaries::find(gen->dword_dictionary, K)) {
        dw = Dictionaries::read_value(gen->dword_dictionary, K);
        if (pluralise) dw->pluralise = TRUE;
    } else {
        dw = CREATE(vanilla_dword);
        dw->text = Str::duplicate(K);
        dw->identifier = Str::new();
        WRITE_TO(dw->identifier, "i7_dword_%d", gen->dword_count++);
        dw->pluralise = pluralise;
        dw->meta = FALSE;
        dw->preplike = FALSE;
        dw->nounlike = FALSE;
        dw->verblike = FALSE;
        dw->verb_number = 0;
        dw->grammar_table_offset = 0;
        ADD_TO_LINKED_LIST(dw, vanilla_dword, gen->words);
        Dictionaries::create(gen->dword_dictionary, K);
        Dictionaries::write_value(gen->dword_dictionary, K, dw);
    return dw;

§4. These linguistic categories are very crudely applied. The main thing to note is that the same word can be in any combination of the three, except that it cannot be in none of them.

If a generator wants to register a dword with us, it must call one of these:

vanilla_dword *VanillaIF::text_to_noun_dword(code_generation *gen, text_stream *S,
    int pluralise) {
    vanilla_dword *dw = VanillaIF::find_dword(gen, S, pluralise);
    dw->nounlike = TRUE;
    return dw;

vanilla_dword *VanillaIF::text_to_prep_dword(code_generation *gen, text_stream *S,
    int pluralise) {
    vanilla_dword *dw = VanillaIF::find_dword(gen, S, pluralise);
    dw->preplike = TRUE;
    return dw;

vanilla_dword *VanillaIF::text_to_verb_dword(code_generation *gen, text_stream *S,
    int verbnum) {
    vanilla_dword *dw = VanillaIF::find_dword(gen, S, FALSE);
    dw->verblike = TRUE;
    dw->verb_number = verbnum;
    return dw;

§5. And this function then compiles the #dictionary_table array, which is really a concatenation of many arrays: a single word holding the length and then one mini-array for each dword, presented in alphabetical order.

For the format of dictionary word arrays, see the Inform 6 Technical Manual. (This is the later Glulx format, not the earlier Z-machine format.)

void VanillaIF::compile_dictionary_table(code_generation *gen) {
    int dictlen = gen->dword_count;
    Compile the dictionary length5.1;
    if (dictlen > 0) {
        vanilla_dword **sorted = (vanilla_dword **)
            (Memory::calloc(dictlen, sizeof(vanilla_dword *), CODE_GENERATION_MREASON));
        vanilla_dword *dw; int i=0;
        LOOP_OVER_LINKED_LIST(dw, vanilla_dword, gen->words) sorted[i++] = dw;
        qsort(sorted, (size_t) LinkedLists::len(gen->words), sizeof(vanilla_dword *),
        for (int i=0; i<dictlen; i++) Compile an array for this dword5.2;
        Memory::I7_free(sorted, CODE_GENERATION_MREASON, dictlen);

§5.1. In effect, this is a 1-word word array, but we make it as a 4-byte byte array instead so that we are not concatenating arrays with different formats; this is just in case some generators are opting to align word arrays in memory.

Compile the dictionary length5.1 =

    Generators::begin_array(gen, I"#dictionary_table", NULL, NULL, BYTE_ARRAY_FORMAT, NULL);
    VanillaIF::byte_entry(gen, 0);
    VanillaIF::byte_entry(gen, ((dictlen & 0x00FF0000) >> 16));
    VanillaIF::byte_entry(gen, ((dictlen & 0x0000FF00) >> 8));
    VanillaIF::byte_entry(gen, (dictlen & 0x000000FF));
    Generators::end_array(gen, BYTE_ARRAY_FORMAT, NULL);

§5.2. Compile an array for this dword5.2 =

    dw = sorted[i];
    Generators::begin_array(gen, sorted[i]->identifier, NULL, NULL, BYTE_ARRAY_FORMAT, NULL);
    VanillaIF::byte_entry(gen, 0x60);
    for (int i=0; i<9; i++) {
        int c = 0;
        if (i < Str::len(dw->text)) c = (int) Str::get_at(dw->text, i);
        VanillaIF::byte_entry(gen, c);
    int f = 0;
    if (dw->verblike) f += 1;
    if (dw->meta) f += 2;
    if (dw->pluralise) f += 4;
    if (dw->preplike) f += 8;
    if (dw->nounlike) f += 128;
    VanillaIF::byte_entry(gen, f/256);
    VanillaIF::byte_entry(gen, f%256);
    VanillaIF::byte_entry(gen, (0xFFFF - dw->verb_number)/256);
    VanillaIF::byte_entry(gen, (0xFFFF - dw->verb_number)%256);
    VanillaIF::byte_entry(gen, 0);
    VanillaIF::byte_entry(gen, 0);
    Generators::end_array(gen, BYTE_ARRAY_FORMAT, NULL);


void VanillaIF::byte_entry(code_generation *gen, int N) {
    WRITE_TO(T, "%d", N);
    Generators::array_entry(gen, T, BYTE_ARRAY_FORMAT);

§7. Actions table. We also need to make a metadata table called the #actions_table which gives, for each (true) action, a function to carry it out. The name of this function is always given with a Sub suffix: this once stood for subroutine, and shows just how far back into the history of Inform 1 this all goes.

(It is the absence of such a function which makes a fake action fake.)

void VanillaIF::compile_actions_table(code_generation *gen) {
    Generators::begin_array(gen, I"#actions_table", NULL, NULL,
    text_stream *an;
    LOOP_OVER_LINKED_LIST(an, text_stream, gen->actions) {
        WRITE_TO(O, "%SSub", an);
        Generators::mangle(gen, M, O);
        Generators::array_entry(gen, M, TABLE_ARRAY_FORMAT);
    Generators::end_array(gen, TABLE_ARRAY_FORMAT, NULL);

§8. Command grammar. This is not the place to specify what an Inform 6 grammar table looks like: again, see the I6 Technical Manual.

This limit is much, much larger than we need:

void VanillaIF::verb_grammar(code_generator *gtr, code_generation *gen,
    inter_symbol *array_s, inter_tree_node *P) {
    inter_tree *I = gen->from;

    int line_count = 0;
    inter_symbol *line_actions[MAX_LINES_IN_VANILLA_GRAMMAR];
    int line_reverse[MAX_LINES_IN_VANILLA_GRAMMAR];
    Find the resulting actions and reversal states for each grammar line8.1;

    Add a record for this grammar to the table8.2;

§8.1. So the grammar is currently a list of values at the Inter node P. The first few terms in the list give the verb command words (TAKE, GET, say); then come a series of 1 or more "grammar lines", each of which begins with a VERB_DIRECTIVE_DIVIDER symbol. A line ends with VERB_DIRECTIVE_RESULT followed by a token indicating the action resulting from the line; the VERB_DIRECTIVE_REVERSE token means that the action should be taken with its nouns exchanged.

Find the resulting actions and reversal states for each grammar line8.1 =

    int lines = 0;
    for (int i=DATA_CONST_IFLD; i<P->W.extent; i=i+2) {
        inter_symbol *S = VanillaIF::get_symbol(gen, P, P->W.instruction[i], P->W.instruction[i+1]);
        if (S) {
            if (Str::eq(S->symbol_name, I"VERB_DIRECTIVE_DIVIDER")) {
                if (lines >= MAX_LINES_IN_VANILLA_GRAMMAR)
                    internal_error("too many lines in grammar");
                line_reverse[lines] = FALSE;
                line_actions[lines] = NULL;
            if (Str::eq(S->symbol_name, I"VERB_DIRECTIVE_RESULT")) {
                line_actions[lines-1] =
                    VanillaIF::get_symbol(gen, P, P->W.instruction[i+2], P->W.instruction[i+3]);
            if (Str::eq(S->symbol_name, I"VERB_DIRECTIVE_REVERSE"))
                line_reverse[lines-1] = TRUE;
    line_count = lines;

§8.2. Add a record for this grammar to the table8.2 =

    int verbnum = gen->verb_count++;
    int address = LinkedLists::len(gen->verb_grammar);
    VanillaIF::grammar_byte(gen, line_count);  no grammar lines

    int reading_command_verbs = TRUE, synonyms = 0, line_started = FALSE;
    int lines = 0;
    for (int i=DATA_CONST_IFLD; i<P->W.extent; i=i+2) {
        inter_ti val1 = P->W.instruction[i], val2 = P->W.instruction[i+1];
        if (reading_command_verbs) Read this as a command verb8.2.1
        else Read this as part of a grammar line8.2.2;
    Close any grammar line record we have already started writing8.2.3;

§8.2.1. Read this as a command verb8.2.1 =

    if (val1 == DWORD_IVAL) {
        text_stream *glob_text = InterWarehouse::get_text(InterTree::warehouse(I), val2);
        vanilla_dword *dw = VanillaIF::text_to_verb_dword(gen, glob_text, verbnum);
        if (Inter::Symbols::read_annotation(array_s, METAVERB_IANN) == 1) dw->meta = TRUE;
        if (synonyms == 1) ADD_TO_LINKED_LIST(dw, vanilla_dword, gen->verbs);
        dw->grammar_table_offset = address;
    } else {
        inter_symbol *S = VanillaIF::get_symbol(gen, P, val1, val2);
        if ((S) && (Str::eq(S->symbol_name, I"VERB_DIRECTIVE_DIVIDER"))) {
            reading_command_verbs = FALSE; i -= 2;

§8.2.2. Read this as part of a grammar line8.2.2 =

    int token_metadata = 0;
    Add the slash before and slash after bits to token_metadata8.2.2.1;

    inter_symbol *S = VanillaIF::get_symbol(gen, P, val1, val2);
    if (S) {
        Read this symbol name as part of a grammar line8.2.2.2;
    } else if ((val1 == DWORD_IVAL) || (val1 == PDWORD_IVAL)) {
        Read this dictionary word as part of a grammar line8.2.2.3;

§ Was the previous token a slash? How about the next? (This is for command grammar like 'fish' / 'fowl' / 'chalk', where 'fish' has a slash after but not before, 'fowl' has both, and 'chalk' before but not after.

Add the slash before and slash after bits to token_metadata8.2.2.1 =

    if (i > DATA_CONST_IFLD) {
        inter_symbol *S_before = VanillaIF::get_symbol(gen, P, P->W.instruction[i-2], P->W.instruction[i-1]);
        if ((S_before) && (Str::eq(S_before->symbol_name, I"VERB_DIRECTIVE_SLASH")))
            token_metadata += 0x10;
    if (i+2 < P->W.extent) {
        inter_symbol *S_after = VanillaIF::get_symbol(gen, P, P->W.instruction[i+2], P->W.instruction[i+3]);
        if ((S_after) && (Str::eq(S_after->symbol_name, I"VERB_DIRECTIVE_SLASH")))
            token_metadata += 0x20;

§ Read this symbol name as part of a grammar line8.2.2.2 =

    if (Str::eq(S->symbol_name, I"VERB_DIRECTIVE_SLASH")) continue;
    if (Str::eq(S->symbol_name, I"VERB_DIRECTIVE_REVERSE")) continue;
    if (Str::eq(S->symbol_name, I"VERB_DIRECTIVE_DIVIDER")) {
        Close any grammar line record we have already started writing8.2.3;
        Start writing a record for a new grammar line8.;
        line_started = TRUE;
    if (Str::eq(S->symbol_name, I"VERB_DIRECTIVE_RESULT")) {
        i += 2;  Skip the result action
    Handle the 10 built-in tokens8.;
    Handle a noun filter, a scope filter or similar8.;

§ This is the header block at the beginning of a new grammar line in the table, which occupies 3 bytes: a short word giving the resulting action, and a flag for reversal. (Happily, we worked these out in the first pass through earlier.)

Start writing a record for a new grammar line8. =

    Generators::mangle(gen, NT, line_actions[lines]->symbol_name);
    Generators::word_to_byte(gen, A, NT, 2);
    Generators::word_to_byte(gen, B, NT, 3);
    VanillaIF::grammar_byte_textual(gen, A);  action (big end)
    VanillaIF::grammar_byte_textual(gen, B);  action (lil end)
    if (line_reverse[lines])
        VanillaIF::grammar_byte(gen, 1);
        VanillaIF::grammar_byte(gen, 0);

§ That 3-byte header is then followed by a list of 5-byte token blocks. The opening byte gives some metadata bits, and then there's a word.

Handle the 10 built-in tokens8. =

    if (Str::eq(S->symbol_name, I"VERB_DIRECTIVE_NOUN")) {
        VanillaIF::grammar_byte(gen, 1 + token_metadata);
        VanillaIF::grammar_word(gen, 0);
    if (Str::eq(S->symbol_name, I"VERB_DIRECTIVE_HELD")) {
        VanillaIF::grammar_byte(gen, 1 + token_metadata);
        VanillaIF::grammar_word(gen, 1);
    if (Str::eq(S->symbol_name, I"VERB_DIRECTIVE_MULTI")) {
        VanillaIF::grammar_byte(gen, 1 + token_metadata);
        VanillaIF::grammar_word(gen, 2);
    if (Str::eq(S->symbol_name, I"VERB_DIRECTIVE_MULTIHELD")) {
        VanillaIF::grammar_byte(gen, 1 + token_metadata);
        VanillaIF::grammar_word(gen, 3);
    if (Str::eq(S->symbol_name, I"VERB_DIRECTIVE_MULTIEXCEPT")) {
        VanillaIF::grammar_byte(gen, 1 + token_metadata);
        VanillaIF::grammar_word(gen, 4);
    if (Str::eq(S->symbol_name, I"VERB_DIRECTIVE_MULTIINSIDE")) {
        VanillaIF::grammar_byte(gen, 1 + token_metadata);
        VanillaIF::grammar_word(gen, 5);
    if (Str::eq(S->symbol_name, I"VERB_DIRECTIVE_CREATURE")) {
        VanillaIF::grammar_byte(gen, 1 + token_metadata);
        VanillaIF::grammar_word(gen, 6);
    if (Str::eq(S->symbol_name, I"VERB_DIRECTIVE_SPECIAL")) {
        VanillaIF::grammar_byte(gen, 1 + token_metadata);
        VanillaIF::grammar_word(gen, 7);
    if (Str::eq(S->symbol_name, I"VERB_DIRECTIVE_NUMBER")) {
        VanillaIF::grammar_byte(gen, 1 + token_metadata);
        VanillaIF::grammar_word(gen, 8);
    if (Str::eq(S->symbol_name, I"VERB_DIRECTIVE_TOPIC")) {
        VanillaIF::grammar_byte(gen, 1 + token_metadata);
        VanillaIF::grammar_word(gen, 9);

§ Again, five bytes: one byte metadata, one word value.

Handle a noun filter, a scope filter or similar8. =

    int bc = 0x86;
    if (Inter::Symbols::read_annotation(S, SCOPE_FILTER_IANN) == 1) bc = 0x85;
    if (Inter::Symbols::read_annotation(S, NOUN_FILTER_IANN) == 1)  bc = 0x83;
    VanillaIF::grammar_byte(gen, bc + token_metadata);
    Generators::mangle(gen, MG, Inter::Symbols::name(S));
    VanillaIF::grammar_word_textual(gen, MG);

§ Read this dictionary word as part of a grammar line8.2.2.3 =

    text_stream *glob_text = InterWarehouse::get_text(InterTree::warehouse(I), val2);
    vanilla_dword *dw =
        VanillaIF::text_to_prep_dword(gen, glob_text,
            (val1 == PDWORD_IVAL)?TRUE:FALSE);
    VanillaIF::grammar_byte(gen, 0x42 + token_metadata);
    Generators::mangle(gen, MG, dw->identifier);
    VanillaIF::grammar_word_textual(gen, MG);

§8.2.3. Close any grammar line record we have already started writing8.2.3 =

    if (line_started) {
        Generators::mangle(gen, T, I"ENDIT_TOKEN");
        VanillaIF::grammar_byte_textual(gen, T);


inter_symbol *VanillaIF::get_symbol(code_generation *gen, inter_tree_node *P,
    inter_ti val1, inter_ti val2) {
    if (Inter::Symbols::is_stored_in_data(val1, val2)) {
        inter_symbol *S =
            InterSymbolsTable::symbol_from_data_pair(val1, val2,
        if (S == NULL) internal_error("bad symbol in grammar token data");
        return S;
    return NULL;

§10. Okay then. So the above functions called the following to insert either bytes or words into the growing grammar table. But Vanilla doesn't support arrays with a mixture of bytes and words — its entries should all be of the same format. So we will break the words down into a sequence of 4 bytes, and have only a BYTE_ARRAY_FORMAT array in the end.

The above supplied some entries numerically, and others textually, so we need four functions in all.

void VanillaIF::grammar_byte(code_generation *gen, int N) {
    WRITE_TO(NT, "%d", N);
    VanillaIF::grammar_byte_textual(gen, NT);

void VanillaIF::grammar_word(code_generation *gen, int N) {
    WRITE_TO(NT, "%d", N);
    VanillaIF::grammar_word_textual(gen, NT);

void VanillaIF::grammar_word_textual(code_generation *gen, text_stream *NT) {
    for (int b=0; b<4; b++) {
        Generators::word_to_byte(gen, BT, NT, b);
        VanillaIF::grammar_byte_textual(gen, BT);

void VanillaIF::grammar_byte_textual(code_generation *gen, text_stream *NT) {
    NT = Str::duplicate(NT);
    ADD_TO_LINKED_LIST(NT, text_stream, gen->verb_grammar);

§11. Finally, then, the following outputs the table itself. In fact there need to be two tables: first a table of addresses of each command verb's grammar table, called #grammar_table, and then each of those grammar tables in turn. I don't think there is any reason they necessarily have to be contiguous in the way they are here, but that's what Inform 6 always did, and we're imitating Inform 6.

void VanillaIF::compile_verb_table(code_generation *gen) {
    Generators::begin_array(gen, I"#grammar_table", NULL, NULL, TABLE_ARRAY_FORMAT, NULL);
    vanilla_dword *dw;
    LOOP_OVER_LINKED_LIST(dw, vanilla_dword, gen->verbs) {
        WRITE_TO(N, "(");
        Generators::mangle(gen, N, I"#grammar_table_cont");
        WRITE_TO(N, "+%d)", dw->grammar_table_offset);
        Generators::array_entry(gen, N, TABLE_ARRAY_FORMAT);
    Generators::end_array(gen, TABLE_ARRAY_FORMAT, NULL);

    Generators::begin_array(gen, I"#grammar_table_cont", NULL, NULL, BYTE_ARRAY_FORMAT, NULL);
    text_stream *entry;
    LOOP_OVER_LINKED_LIST(entry, text_stream, gen->verb_grammar)
        Generators::array_entry(gen, entry, BYTE_ARRAY_FORMAT);
    Generators::end_array(gen, BYTE_ARRAY_FORMAT, NULL);