To define the binary predicates corresponding to table columns, and which determine whether a given value is listed in that column.

§1. Family.

bp_family *listed_in_bp_family = NULL;

void Tables::Relations::start(void) {
    listed_in_bp_family = BinaryPredicateFamilies::new();
    METHOD_ADD(listed_in_bp_family, TYPECHECK_BPF_MTID, Tables::Relations::REL_typecheck);
    METHOD_ADD(listed_in_bp_family, ASSERT_BPF_MTID, Tables::Relations::REL_assert);
    METHOD_ADD(listed_in_bp_family, SCHEMA_BPF_MTID, Tables::Relations::REL_compile);
    METHOD_ADD(listed_in_bp_family, DESCRIBE_FOR_PROBLEMS_BPF_MTID, Tables::Relations::REL_describe_for_problems);

§2. Subsequent creations. When a column called, say, "pledged delegate count" appears in one or more tables in the source text, Inform creates a table_column structure to represent the common identity of all table columns with this name. (They are required all to share the same kind of value in their entries.) For each different table column, a BP is created to represent the meaning of "X is a pledged delegate count listed in T". Arguably there should just be one super-powerful predicate listed-in(X, C, T), but that would need to be a ternary predicate, not binary, and Inform doesn't at present support those. So we make a one-parameter family of listed-in-C(X, T) binary predicates instead.

binary_predicate *Tables::Relations::make_listed_in_predicate(table_column *tc) {
    binary_predicate *bp = BinaryPredicates::make_pair(listed_in_bp_family,
        I"listed_in", I"lists-in", NULL,
    return bp;

§3. Once again there is a timing constraint. Tables are created quite early on in Inform's run, but the entries in the columns aren't parsed until much later. Since the kind of value stored in a column is often determined only by looking at those values, it follows that we can't specify what goes into the left-hand term at the time when the column is created. So we fill this in later, instead:

void Tables::Relations::supply_kind_for_listed_in_tc(binary_predicate *bp, kind *K) {
    BPTerms::set_domain(&(bp->term_details[0]), K);
    BPTerms::set_domain(&(bp->reversal->term_details[1]), K);

§4. Typechecking.

int Tables::Relations::REL_typecheck(bp_family *self, binary_predicate *bp,
        kind **kinds_of_terms, kind **kinds_required, tc_problem_kit *tck) {
    return DECLINE_TO_MATCH;

§5. Assertion. These relations cannot be asserted.

int Tables::Relations::REL_assert(bp_family *self, binary_predicate *bp,
        inference_subject *infs0, parse_node *spec0,
        inference_subject *infs1, parse_node *spec1) {
    return FALSE;

§6. Compilation. Note the side-effect here: we ensure that the ct local variables will be present in the current stack frame, since we're going to need them to hold the table reference for any successful lookup.

int Tables::Relations::REL_compile(bp_family *self, int task, binary_predicate *bp, annotated_i6_schema *asch) {
    if (task == TEST_ATOM_TASK) LocalVariables::add_table_lookup();
    return FALSE;

§7. Problem message text.

int Tables::Relations::REL_describe_for_problems(bp_family *self, OUTPUT_STREAM, binary_predicate *bp) {
    WRITE("the listed in relation");
    return TRUE;