An action pattern is a description which may match many actions or none. The text "doing something" matches every action, while "throwing something at a door in a dark room" is seldom matched.

§1. Action patterns are essentially a conjunction of specifications — the action must be this, and the noun must be that, and... While they allow disjunction in the choice of action, all of that code is a matter for the action name list to handle. The AP structure is a list of conditions all of which must apply at once.

One surprising point is that the AP is used not only for action patterns, but also in a slightly generalised role, as the condition for a rule to be applied. Most rules are indeed predicated on actions — "instead of eating the cake" — but some are instead in "parametrised" rulebooks, which means they apply to a parameter object instead of an action — "reaching inside the cabinet".

typedef struct action_pattern {
    struct wording text_of_pattern;  text giving rise to this AP

    struct action_name_list *action_list;  if this is action-based
    struct kind *parameter_kind;  if this is parametric

    struct ap_clause *ap_clauses;

    struct time_period *duration;  to refer to repetitions in the past

    int valid;  recording success or failure in parsing to an AP
} action_pattern;


action_pattern ActionPatterns::new(void) {
    action_pattern ap;
    ap.ap_clauses = NULL;
    ap.text_of_pattern = EMPTY_WORDING;
    ap.action_list = NULL;
    ap.parameter_kind = NULL;
    ap.valid = FALSE;
    ap.duration = NULL;
    return ap;


void ActionPatterns::log(action_pattern *ap) {
    ActionPatterns::write(DL, ap);

void ActionPatterns::write(OUTPUT_STREAM, action_pattern *ap) {
    if (ap == NULL) WRITE("<null-ap>");
    else if (ap->valid != TRUE) WRITE("<invalid>");
    else {
        WRITE("<action: ");
        if (ap->action_list == NULL) WRITE("unspecified");
        else ActionNameLists::log_briefly(ap->action_list);
        APClauses::write(OUT, ap);
        if (ap->duration) { WRITE(" duration: "); Occurrence::log(OUT, ap->duration); }

action_pattern *ActionPatterns::ap_store(action_pattern ap) {
    action_pattern *sap = CREATE(action_pattern);
    *sap = ap;
    return sap;

int ActionPatterns::is_named(action_pattern *ap) {
    if (ap) {
        anl_item *item = ActionNameLists::first_item(ap->action_list);
        if ((item) && (item->nap_listed)) return TRUE;
    return FALSE;

int ActionPatterns::is_valid(action_pattern *ap) {
    if (ap == NULL) return FALSE;
    return ap->valid;

int ActionPatterns::within_action_context(action_pattern *ap, action_name *an) {
    if (ap == NULL) return TRUE;
    return ActionNameLists::covers_action(ap->action_list, an);

action_name_list *ActionPatterns::list(action_pattern *ap) {
    if (ap == NULL) return NULL;
    return ap->action_list;

action_name *ActionPatterns::required_action(action_pattern *ap) {
    if (ap) return ActionNameLists::single_positive_action(ap->action_list);
    return NULL;

int ActionPatterns::object_based(action_pattern *ap) {
    if ((ap) && (ActionNameLists::nonempty(ap->action_list))) return TRUE;
    return FALSE;

void ActionPatterns::suppress_action_testing(action_pattern *ap) {
    if ((ap->duration == NULL) && (ap->action_list))

parse_node *ActionPatterns::nullify_nonspecific_references(parse_node *spec) {
    if (spec == NULL) return spec;
    if (Node::is(spec, UNKNOWN_NT)) return NULL;
    return spec;


int ActionPatterns::refers_to_past(action_pattern *ap) {
    if (ap->duration) return TRUE;
    return FALSE;

void ActionPatterns::convert_to_present_tense(action_pattern *ap) {
    ap->duration = NULL;

int ActionPatterns::makes_callings(action_pattern *ap) {
    for (ap_clause *apoc = ap->ap_clauses; apoc; apoc = apoc->next)
        if (Descriptions::makes_callings(apoc->clause_spec))
            return TRUE;
    return FALSE;

action_pattern *ActionPatterns::action_from_TEST(parse_node *spec) {
    if (AConditions::is_action_TEST_VALUE(spec)) {
        action_pattern *ap = ARvalues::to_action_pattern(
        if (ap == NULL) {
            explicit_action *ea = Node::get_constant_explicit_action(AConditions::action_tested(spec));
            if (ea) ap = ea->as_described;
        return ap;
    return NULL;

int ActionPatterns::compare_specificity(action_pattern *ap1, action_pattern *ap2) {
    if ((ap1 == NULL) && (ap2)) return -1;
    if ((ap1) && (ap2 == NULL)) return 1;
    if ((ap1 == NULL) && (ap2 == NULL)) return 0;

        "Comparing specificity of action patterns:\n(1) $A(2) $A\n", ap1, ap2);

    if ((ap1->valid == FALSE) && (ap2->valid != FALSE)) return -1;
    if ((ap1->valid != FALSE) && (ap2->valid == FALSE)) return 1;

    int rv = APClauses::compare_specificity(ap1, ap2);
    if (rv != 0) return rv;

    c_s_stage_law = I"III.4.1 - Action/How/What Happens";

    rv = ActionNameLists::compare_specificity(ap1->action_list, ap2->action_list);
    if (rv != 0) return rv;

    c_s_stage_law = I"III.5.1 - Action/When/Duration";

    rv = Occurrence::compare_specificity(ap1->duration, ap2->duration);
    if (rv != 0) return rv;

    c_s_stage_law = I"III.5.2 - Action/When/Circumstances";

    rv = Conditions::compare_specificity_of_CONDITIONs(APClauses::get_val(ap1, WHEN_AP_CLAUSE), APClauses::get_val(ap2, WHEN_AP_CLAUSE));
    if (rv != 0) return rv;

    c_s_stage_law = I"III.6.1 - Action/Name/Is This Named";

    if ((ActionPatterns::is_named(ap1)) && (ActionPatterns::is_named(ap2) == FALSE))
        return 1;
    if ((ActionPatterns::is_named(ap1) == FALSE) && (ActionPatterns::is_named(ap2)))
        return -1;

    return 0;