To create, and later expand upon, short prototypes of I6 syntax for such run-time tasks as the setting, unsetting or testing of a relation.

§1. An I6 schema is an intermediate-level code for the final stages of compiling to Inform 6 syntax. Its "prototype" is a C string encoded as ISO Latin-1, in which the asterisk * acts as an escape character.

"Expanding" an I6 schema is essentially a form of macro expansion. A caller supplies us with a schema and a number of parameters, each of which is either a literal piece of text or a predicate calculus term. We then copy the schema's prototype into the output, except as specified:

Any other occurrence of an asterisk is illegal, and will throw an internal error.

§2. The I6 schema structure is very simple, then:

define TYPICAL_I6_SCHEMA_LENGTH 128  in fact 40 is plenty
typedef struct i6_schema {
    wchar_t prototype_storage[TYPICAL_I6_SCHEMA_LENGTH];
    struct text_stream prototype;
    struct inter_schema *compiled;
    int no_quoted_inames;
    struct inter_name *quoted_inames[2];
} i6_schema;

§3. Building schemas. The following makes up a new schema from a printf-style formatted string:

define MAX_I6_SCHEMA_ATTEMPT 1024  plenty of room for conjectural schema overruns
int unique_qi_counter = 0;

i6_schema *Calculus::Schemas::new(char *fmt, ...) {
    va_list ap;  the variable argument list signified by the dots
    i6_schema *sch = CREATE(i6_schema);
    sch->prototype = Streams::new_buffer(TYPICAL_I6_SCHEMA_LENGTH, sch->prototype_storage);
    sch->no_quoted_inames = 0;
    text_stream *OUT = &(sch->prototype);
    Process the varargs into schema prototype text3.3;
    va_end(ap);  macro to end variable argument processing
    sch->compiled = InterSchemas::from_i6s(&(sch->prototype), sch->no_quoted_inames, (void **) sch->quoted_inames);
    return sch;

§3.1. And this is a variation for modifying an existing schema:

void Calculus::Schemas::modify(i6_schema *sch, char *fmt, ...) {
    va_list ap;  the variable argument list signified by the dots
    sch->prototype = Streams::new_buffer(TYPICAL_I6_SCHEMA_LENGTH, sch->prototype_storage);
    sch->no_quoted_inames = 0;
    text_stream *OUT = &(sch->prototype);
    Process the varargs into schema prototype text3.3;
    va_end(ap);  macro to end variable argument processing
    sch->compiled = InterSchemas::from_i6s(&(sch->prototype), sch->no_quoted_inames, (void **) sch->quoted_inames);

§3.2. And another:

void Calculus::Schemas::append(i6_schema *sch, char *fmt, ...) {
    va_list ap;  the variable argument list signified by the dots
    text_stream *OUT = &(sch->prototype);
    Process the varargs into schema prototype text3.3;
    va_end(ap);  macro to end variable argument processing
    sch->compiled = InterSchemas::from_i6s(&(sch->prototype), sch->no_quoted_inames, (void **) sch->quoted_inames);

§3.3. Either way, the schema's prototype is written as follows:

Process the varargs into schema prototype text3.3 =

    char *p;
    va_start(ap, fmt);  macro to begin variable argument processing
    for (p = fmt; *p; p++) {
        switch (*p) {
            case '%': Recognise schema-format escape sequences3.3.1; break;
            default: PUT(*p); break;

§3.3.1. We recognise only a few escapes here: %%, a literal percentage sign; %d, an integer; %s, a C string; %S, a text stream; and %k, a kind ID.

Recognise schema-format escape sequences3.3.1 =

    switch (*p) {
        case 'd': WRITE("%d", va_arg(ap, int)); break;
        case 'k': Kinds::RunTime::compile_weak_id(OUT, va_arg(ap, kind *)); break;
        case 'L': WRITE("%~L", va_arg(ap, local_variable *)); break;
        case 'n': {
            inter_name *iname = (inter_name *) va_arg(ap, inter_name *);
            int N = sch->no_quoted_inames++;
            if (N >= 2) internal_error("too many inter_name quotes");
            sch->quoted_inames[N] = iname;
            WRITE("QUOTED_INAME_%d_%08x", N, unique_qi_counter++);
        case 'N': WRITE("%N", va_arg(ap, int)); break;
        case 's': WRITE("%s", va_arg(ap, char *)); break;
        case 'S': WRITE("%S", va_arg(ap, text_stream *)); break;
        case '%': PUT('%'); break;
            fprintf(stderr, "*** Bad schema format: <%s> ***\n", fmt);
            internal_error("Unknown % string escape in schema format");

§4. Emptiness. A schema is empty if its prototype is the null string.

int Calculus::Schemas::empty(i6_schema *sch) {
    if (sch == NULL) return TRUE;
    if (Str::len(&(sch->prototype)) == 0) return TRUE;
    return FALSE;

§5. Expansion. We provide two routines as a sort of API for expanding schemas. The user can either specify two parameters, both of them terms...

void Calculus::Schemas::emit_expand_from_terms(i6_schema *sch,
    pcalc_term *pt1, pcalc_term *pt2, int semicolon) {
    i6s_emission_state ems = Calculus::Schemas::state(pt1, pt2, NULL, NULL);

    Calculus::Schemas::sch_emit_inner(sch, &ems, semicolon);

void Calculus::Schemas::emit_expand_from_locals(i6_schema *sch,
    local_variable *v1, local_variable *v2, int semicolon) {
    pcalc_term pt1 = Calculus::Terms::new_constant(
        Lvalues::new_LOCAL_VARIABLE(EMPTY_WORDING, v1));
    pcalc_term pt2 = Calculus::Terms::new_constant(
        Lvalues::new_LOCAL_VARIABLE(EMPTY_WORDING, v2));
    Calculus::Schemas::emit_expand_from_terms(sch, &pt1, &pt2, semicolon);

void Calculus::Schemas::emit_val_expand_from_locals(i6_schema *sch,
    local_variable *v1, local_variable *v2) {
    pcalc_term pt1 = Calculus::Terms::new_constant(
        Lvalues::new_LOCAL_VARIABLE(EMPTY_WORDING, v1));
    pcalc_term pt2 = Calculus::Terms::new_constant(
        Lvalues::new_LOCAL_VARIABLE(EMPTY_WORDING, v2));
    Calculus::Schemas::emit_val_expand_from_terms(sch, &pt1, &pt2);

void Calculus::Schemas::emit_val_expand_from_terms(i6_schema *sch,
    pcalc_term *pt1, pcalc_term *pt2) {
    i6s_emission_state ems = Calculus::Schemas::state(pt1, pt2, NULL, NULL);

    Calculus::Schemas::sch_emit_inner(sch, &ems, FALSE);

typedef struct i6s_emission_state {
    struct text_stream *ops_textual[2];
    struct pcalc_term *ops_termwise[2];
} i6s_emission_state;

i6s_emission_state Calculus::Schemas::state(pcalc_term *pt1, pcalc_term *pt2, text_stream *str1, text_stream *str2) {
    i6s_emission_state ems;
    ems.ops_textual[0] = str1;
    ems.ops_textual[1] = str2;
    ems.ops_termwise[0] = pt1;
    ems.ops_termwise[1] = pt2;
    return ems;


void Calculus::Schemas::sch_emit_inner(i6_schema *sch, i6s_emission_state *ems, int code_mode) {

    if ((ems->ops_textual[0]) || (ems->ops_textual[1])) internal_error("Zap");


    if (sch->compiled->dereference_mode)

    value_holster VH = Holsters::new(INTER_VAL_VHMODE);
    int val_mode = FALSE;
    if (code_mode == FALSE) val_mode = TRUE;
    EmitInterSchemas::emit(Emit::tree(), &VH, sch->compiled, ems, code_mode, val_mode, NULL, NULL,
        &Calculus::Schemas::sch_inline, NULL);


void Calculus::Schemas::sch_inline(value_holster *VH,
    inter_schema_token *t, void *ems_s, int prim_cat) {

    i6s_emission_state *ems = (i6s_emission_state *) ems_s;


    int give_kind_id = FALSE, give_comparison_routine = FALSE,
        dereference_property = FALSE, adopt_local_stack_frame = FALSE,
        cast_to_kind_of_other_term = FALSE, by_reference = FALSE;

    if (t->inline_modifiers & PERMIT_LOCALS_IN_TEXT_CMODE_ISSBM)
    if (t->inline_modifiers & TREAT_AS_LVALUE_CMODE_ISSBM)
    if (t->inline_modifiers & JUST_ROUTINE_CMODE_ISSBM)
    if (t->inline_modifiers & GIVE_KIND_ID_ISSBM) give_kind_id = TRUE;
    if (t->inline_modifiers & GIVE_COMPARISON_ROUTINE_ISSBM) give_comparison_routine = TRUE;
    if (t->inline_modifiers & DEREFERENCE_PROPERTY_ISSBM) dereference_property = TRUE;
    if (t->inline_modifiers & ADOPT_LOCAL_STACK_FRAME_ISSBM) adopt_local_stack_frame = TRUE;
    if (t->inline_modifiers & CAST_TO_KIND_OF_OTHER_TERM_ISSBM) cast_to_kind_of_other_term = TRUE;
    if (t->inline_modifiers & BY_REFERENCE_ISSBM) by_reference = TRUE;

    if (t->inline_command == substitute_ISINC) Perform substitution6.1
    else if (t->inline_command == current_sentence_ISINC) Perform current sentence6.2
    else if (t->inline_command == combine_ISINC) Perform combine6.3
    else internal_error("unimplemented command in schema");


§6.1. Perform substitution6.1 =

    switch (t->constant_number) {
        case 0: {
            kind *K = NULL;
            if (cast_to_kind_of_other_term) K = ems->ops_termwise[1]->term_checked_as_kind;
            Calculus::Schemas::sch_emit_parameter(ems->ops_termwise[0], give_kind_id,
                give_comparison_routine, dereference_property, K, by_reference);
        case 1: {
            rule *R = adopted_rule_for_compilation;
            int M = adopted_marker_for_compilation;
            if ((adopt_local_stack_frame) &&
                (Rvalues::is_CONSTANT_of_kind(ems->ops_termwise[0]->constant, K_response))) {
                adopted_rule_for_compilation =
                adopted_marker_for_compilation =
            kind *K = NULL;
            if (cast_to_kind_of_other_term) K = ems->ops_termwise[0]->term_checked_as_kind;
                give_kind_id, give_comparison_routine, dereference_property, K, by_reference);
            adopted_rule_for_compilation = R;
            adopted_marker_for_compilation = M;
            internal_error("schemas are currently limited to *1 and *2");

§6.2. Perform current sentence6.2 =

    internal_error("Seems possible after all");

§6.3. Perform combine6.3 =

    int epar = TRUE;
    if ((ems->ops_termwise[0]) && (ems->ops_termwise[1])) {
        kind *reln_K = ems->ops_termwise[0]->term_checked_as_kind;
        kind *comb_K = ems->ops_termwise[1]->term_checked_as_kind;
        if ((Kinds::get_construct(reln_K) == CON_relation) &&
            (Kinds::get_construct(comb_K) == CON_combination)) {
            kind *req_A = NULL, *req_B = NULL, *found_A = NULL, *found_B = NULL;
            Kinds::binary_construction_material(reln_K, &req_A, &req_B);
            Kinds::binary_construction_material(comb_K, &found_A, &found_B);
            parse_node *spec_A = NULL, *spec_B = NULL;
            Rvalues::to_pair(ems->ops_termwise[1]->constant, &spec_A, &spec_B);
            if (!((Kinds::Behaviour::uses_pointer_values(req_A)) && (Kinds::Behaviour::definite(req_A))))
                req_A = NULL;
            if (!((Kinds::Behaviour::uses_pointer_values(req_B)) && (Kinds::Behaviour::definite(req_B))))
                req_B = NULL;
            Specifications::Compiler::emit_to_kind(spec_A, req_A);
            Specifications::Compiler::emit_to_kind(spec_B, req_B);
            epar = FALSE;
    if (epar) {
            give_kind_id, give_comparison_routine, dereference_property, NULL, FALSE);
        Produce::val(Emit::tree(), K_number, LITERAL_IVAL, 0);


void Calculus::Schemas::sch_emit_parameter(pcalc_term *pt,
    int give_kind_id, int give_comparison_routine,
    int dereference_property, kind *cast_to, int by_reference) {
    if (give_kind_id) {
        if (pt) Kinds::RunTime::emit_weak_id_as_val(pt->term_checked_as_kind);
    } else if (give_comparison_routine) {
        inter_name *cr = Hierarchy::find(SIGNEDCOMPARE_HL);
        if ((pt) && (pt->term_checked_as_kind)) {
            inter_name *specialised_cr =
            if (specialised_cr) cr = specialised_cr;
        Produce::val_iname(Emit::tree(), K_value, cr);
    } else {
        if (by_reference) {
            pcalc_term cpt = *pt;
        } else {
            int down = FALSE;
            Kinds::RunTime::emit_cast_call(pt->term_checked_as_kind, cast_to, &down);
            pcalc_term cpt = *pt;
            if ((dereference_property) &&
                (Node::is(cpt.constant, CONSTANT_NT))) {
                kind *K = Specifications::to_kind(cpt.constant);
                if (Kinds::get_construct(K) == CON_property)
                    cpt = Calculus::Terms::new_constant(
            if (down) Produce::up(Emit::tree());

§8. Last and very much least: in case we receive an untypechecked term, we fill in its kind.

void Calculus::Schemas::sch_type_parameter(pcalc_term *pt) {
    if ((pt) && (pt->constant) && (pt->term_checked_as_kind == NULL))
        pt->term_checked_as_kind = Specifications::to_kind(pt->constant);

§9. Logging schemas.

void Calculus::Schemas::log(i6_schema *sch) {
    Calculus::Schemas::write(DL, sch);

void Calculus::Schemas::write(OUTPUT_STREAM, i6_schema *sch) {
    if (sch == NULL) WRITE("<null schema>");
    else WRITE("<schema: %S>", &(sch->prototype));

void Calculus::Schemas::log_applied(i6_schema *sch, pcalc_term *pt1) {
    Calculus::Schemas::write_applied(DL, sch, pt1);

void Calculus::Schemas::write_applied(OUTPUT_STREAM, i6_schema *sch, pcalc_term *pt1) {
    if (sch == NULL) { WRITE("<null schema>"); return; }
    else {
        WRITE("<%S : ", &(sch->prototype));
        Calculus::Terms::write(OUT, pt1);