Each enclosure contains the literal lists needed by its functions.

§1. Runtime representation. Literal lists arise from source text such as:

    let Q be { 60, 168 };

The data to hold { 60, 168 } has to be stored somehow. As with all kinds for which values cannot be stored in a single word, we use a double pointer:

                        small block:              large block:
    Q ----------------> pointer ----------------> block value header
                        0                         strong kind ID for entries
                                                  number of entries
                                                  the entries

So in this particular example, the result would be:

                        small block:              large block:
    Q ----------------> pointer ----------------> block value header
                        0                         NUMBER_TY

So the small block always occupies 2 words, the second being initially 0 and used at runtime; the large block can be any size we need. The runtime code has elaborate ways to extend or contract dynamic lists, but these of course are constants, so we simply make the large blocks exactly the right size.

We make the large block first:

packaging_state ListLiterals::begin_large_block(inter_name *iname, kind *list_kind,
    int no_entries) {
    packaging_state save = EmitArrays::begin(iname, K_value);
    TheHeap::emit_block_value_header(list_kind, TRUE, no_entries + 2);
    EmitArrays::numeric_entry((inter_ti) no_entries);
    return save;

void ListLiterals::end_large_block(packaging_state save) {

§2. And then make the small block pointing to it:

inter_name *ListLiterals::small_block(inter_name *large_block) {
    inter_name *N = Enclosures::new_small_block_for_constant();
    packaging_state save = EmitArrays::begin(N, K_value);
    return N;

§3. Default values for list kinds. The default list is the empty list, but note from the above representation that the empty list of numbers (say) is different from the empty list of texts:

          small block:              large block:
    ----> pointer ----------------> block value header

          small block:              large block:
    ----> pointer ----------------> block value header

So each different kind K needs its own large block for making the default value of "list of K": see RTKindIDs::compile_structures. This block is easily made:

void ListLiterals::default_large_block(inter_name *iname, kind *list_kind) {
    packaging_state save = ListLiterals::begin_large_block(iname, list_kind, 0);

§4. Literals. To return to the example:

    let Q be { 60, 168 };

Each list literal like { 60, 168 } in imperative code results in a literal_list object, and here we return its value:

inter_name *ListLiterals::compile_literal_list(literal_list *ll) {
    Lists::kind_of_ll(ll, FALSE);
    return ListLiterals::small_block(ListLiterals::large_block_iname(ll));

inter_name *ListLiterals::large_block_iname(literal_list *ll) {
    if (ll->ll_iname == NULL) {
        ll->ll_iname = Enclosures::new_iname(LITERALS_HAP, LIST_LITERAL_HL);
        text_stream *desc = Str::new();
        WRITE_TO(desc, "list literal '%W'", ll->unbraced_text);
            STORE_POINTER_literal_list(ll), desc, ll->list_text);
    return ll->ll_iname;

§5. The large blocks are then compiled in due course by the following agent (see How To Compile (in core)):

void ListLiterals::compilation_agent(compilation_subtask *t) {
    literal_list *ll = RETRIEVE_POINTER_literal_list(t->data);
    if (ll->ll_iname) {
        Lists::kind_of_ll(ll, TRUE);
        if (problem_count == 0) Compile the large block for this literal5.1;

§5.1. Compile the large block for this literal5.1 =

    llist_entry *lle;
    int n = 0;
    for (lle = ll->first_llist_entry; lle; lle = lle->next_llist_entry) n++;
    packaging_state save =
        ListLiterals::begin_large_block(ll->ll_iname, Lists::kind_of_ll(ll, FALSE), n);
    for (lle = ll->first_llist_entry; lle; lle = lle->next_llist_entry)
            lle->llist_entry_value, ll->entry_kind);

§6. The instance list for a kind. For kinds of object and enumerations, Inform sometimes chooses to compile its own literal list, even though this is not specified anywhere in the source text. Not all kinds have these: obviously, there can be no instance list for K_real_number. The following returns -1 if K is similarly unsuitable, or a non-negative value for the number of instances it has:

int ListLiterals::extent_of_instance_list(kind *K) {
    int N = -1;
    if (Kinds::Behaviour::is_an_enumeration(K)) Count entries for an enumeration6.1;
    if (Kinds::Behaviour::is_subkind_of_object(K)) Count entries for a kind of object6.2;
    return N;

§6.1. Count entries for an enumeration6.1 =

    N = RTKindConstructors::get_highest_valid_value_as_integer(K);

§6.2. Count entries for a kind of object6.2 =

    N = 0;
    instance *I;

§7. And the following then constructs the literal list, on demand:

inter_name *ListLiterals::get_instance_list(kind *K) {
    int N = ListLiterals::extent_of_instance_list(K);
    if (N < 0) return NULL;
    inter_name *large_block_iname = RTKindConstructors::list_iname(Kinds::get_construct(K));
    if (large_block_iname == NULL) {
        large_block_iname =
            Hierarchy::make_iname_in(INSTANCE_LIST_HL, RTKindConstructors::kind_package(K));
        packaging_state save = ListLiterals::begin_large_block(
            large_block_iname, Kinds::unary_con(CON_list_of, K), N);
        if (Kinds::Behaviour::is_an_enumeration(K)) Compile entries for an enumeration7.1;
        if (Kinds::Behaviour::is_subkind_of_object(K)) Compile entries for a kind of object7.2;
        RTKindConstructors::set_list_iname(Kinds::get_construct(K), large_block_iname);
    return ListLiterals::small_block(large_block_iname);

§7.1. A little dubiously, for an enumeration ("Colour is a kind of value. The colours are red, green and blue."), the entries are just the numbers 1, 2, 3, ... That never seems a good use of memory, but it is still more efficient to store one copy of this than to have to construct it frequently at runtime.

Compile entries for an enumeration7.1 =

    for (int i = 1; i <= N; i++)
        EmitArrays::numeric_entry((inter_ti) i);

§7.2. Note that the instances are given in the order preferred by Instance Counting, not in creation order, as a simple LOOP_OVER_INSTANCES would have done.

Compile entries for a kind of object7.2 =

    instance *I = PL::Counting::next_instance_of(NULL, K);
    while (I) {
        I = PL::Counting::next_instance_of(I, K);