How the vanilla code generation strategy handles constants, including literal texts, lists, and arrays.

§1. During the main Vanilla traverse, this is called on each constant definition in the tree:

void VanillaConstants::constant(code_generation *gen, inter_tree_node *P) {
    inter_symbol *con_name =
        InterSymbolsTables::symbol_from_frame_data(P, DEFN_CONST_IFLD);
    if (con_name == NULL) internal_error("no constant");
    if (con_name->metadata_key == FALSE) {
        if (Inter::Symbols::read_annotation(con_name, ACTION_IANN) == 1)  {
            Declare this constant as an action name1.1;
        } else if (Inter::Symbols::read_annotation(con_name, FAKE_ACTION_IANN) == 1) {
            Declare this constant as a fake action name1.2;
        } else if (Inter::Symbols::read_annotation(con_name, VENEER_IANN) > 0) {
            Ignore this constant as part of the veneer1.3;
        } else if (Inter::Symbols::read_annotation(con_name, OBJECT_IANN) > 0) {
            Declare this constant as a pseudo-object1.4;
        } else if (Inter::Constant::is_routine(con_name)) {
            Declare this constant as a function1.5;
        } else if (Str::eq(con_name->symbol_name, I"UUID_ARRAY")) {
            Declare this constant as the special UUID string array1.6;
        } else switch (P->[FORMAT_CONST_IFLD]) {
            case CONSTANT_INDIRECT_TEXT: Declare this as a textual constant1.7; break;
            case CONSTANT_INDIRECT_LIST: Declare this as a list constant1.8; break;
            case CONSTANT_SUM_LIST:
            case CONSTANT_PRODUCT_LIST:
            case CONSTANT_QUOTIENT_LIST: Declare this as a computed constant1.9; break;
            case CONSTANT_DIRECT: Declare this as an explicit constant1.10; break;
            default: internal_error("ungenerated constant format");

§1.1. Declare this constant as an action name1.1 =

    text_stream *fa = Str::duplicate(con_name->symbol_name);
    Generators::new_action(gen, fa, TRUE);

§1.2. Declare this constant as a fake action name1.2 =

    text_stream *fa = Str::duplicate(con_name->symbol_name);
    Generators::new_action(gen, fa, FALSE);

§1.3. Ignore this constant as part of the veneer1.3 =


§1.4. Declare this constant as a pseudo-object1.4 =

    Generators::pseudo_object(gen, Inter::Symbols::name(con_name));

§1.5. Declare this constant as a function1.5 =

    inter_package *code_block = Inter::Constant::code_block(con_name);
    inter_tree_node *D = Inter::Packages::definition(code_block);
    Generators::declare_function(gen, con_name, D);

§1.6. Declare this constant as the special UUID string array1.6 =

    inter_ti ID = P->[DATA_CONST_IFLD];
    text_stream *S = Inode::ID_to_text(P, ID);
    segmentation_pos saved;
    WRITE_TO(content, "UUID:");
    for (int i=0, L=Str::len(S); i<L; i++)
        WRITE_TO(content, "%c", Characters::toupper(Str::get_at(S, i)));
    WRITE_TO(content, "//");
    WRITE_TO(length, "%d", (int) Str::len(content));

    Generators::begin_array(gen, I"UUID_ARRAY", NULL, NULL, BYTE_ARRAY_FORMAT, &saved);
    Generators::array_entry(gen, length, BYTE_ARRAY_FORMAT);
    LOOP_THROUGH_TEXT(pos, content) {
        WRITE_TO(ch, "'%c'", Str::get(pos));
        Generators::array_entry(gen, ch, BYTE_ARRAY_FORMAT);
    Generators::end_array(gen, BYTE_ARRAY_FORMAT, &saved);

§1.7. Declare this as a textual constant1.7 =

    inter_ti ID = P->[DATA_CONST_IFLD];
    text_stream *S = Inode::ID_to_text(P, ID);
    VanillaConstants::defer_declaring_literal_text(gen, S, con_name);

§1.8. Inter supports four sorts of arrays, with behaviour as laid out in this 2x2 grid:

             | entries count 0, 1, 2,...     | entry 0 is N, then entries count 1, 2, ..., N
byte entries | BYTE_ARRAY_FORMAT             | BUFFER_ARRAY_FORMAT
word entries | WORD_ARRAY_FORMAT             | TABLE_ARRAY_FORMAT

In most cases, the entries in the list are then given in value pairs from DATA_CONST_IFLD to the end of the frame. However:

Declare this as a list constant1.8 =

    int format = WORD_ARRAY_FORMAT;
    if (Inter::Symbols::read_annotation(con_name, BYTEARRAY_IANN) == 1) format = BYTE_ARRAY_FORMAT;
    if (Inter::Symbols::read_annotation(con_name, TABLEARRAY_IANN) == 1) format = TABLE_ARRAY_FORMAT;
    if (Inter::Symbols::read_annotation(con_name, BUFFERARRAY_IANN) == 1) format = BUFFER_ARRAY_FORMAT;

    int entry_count = 0;
    for (int i=DATA_CONST_IFLD; i<P->W.extent; i=i+2)
        if (P->[i] != DIVIDER_IVAL)
    int give_count = FALSE;
    if ((entry_count == 1) &&
        (Inter::Symbols::read_annotation(con_name, ASSIMILATED_IANN) >= 0)) {
        inter_ti val1 = P->[DATA_CONST_IFLD], val2 = P->[DATA_CONST_IFLD+1];
        entry_count = (int) Inter::Constant::evaluate(Inter::Packages::scope_of(P), val1, val2);
        give_count = TRUE;

    segmentation_pos saved;
    if (Generators::begin_array(gen, Inter::Symbols::name(con_name), con_name, P, format, &saved)) {
        if (give_count) {
            Generators::array_entries(gen, entry_count, format);
        } else {
            for (int i=DATA_CONST_IFLD; i<P->W.extent; i=i+2) {
                if (P->[i] != DIVIDER_IVAL) {
                    CodeGen::select_temporary(gen, entry);
                    CodeGen::pair(gen, P, P->[i], P->[i+1]);
                    Generators::array_entry(gen, entry, format);
        Generators::end_array(gen, format, &saved);

§1.9. Declare this as a computed constant1.9 =

    Generators::declare_constant(gen, con_name, COMPUTED_GDCFORM, NULL);

§1.10. Declare this as an explicit constant1.10 =

    Generators::declare_constant(gen, con_name, DATA_GDCFORM, NULL);

§2. When called by Generators::declare_constant, generators may if they choose make use of the following convenient function for generating the value to which a constant name is given.

Note that this assumes that the usual arithmetic operators and brackets can be used in the syntax for literal quantities: e.g., it may produce (A + (3 * B)) for constants A, B. If the generator is for a language which doesn't allow that, it will have to make other arrangements.

void VanillaConstants::definition_value(code_generation *gen, int form,
    inter_symbol *con_name, text_stream *val) {
    inter_tree_node *P = con_name->definition;
    text_stream *OUT = CodeGen::current(gen);
    switch (form) {
        case RAW_GDCFORM:
            if (Str::len(val) > 0) {
                WRITE("%S", val);
            } else {
                Generators::compile_literal_number(gen, 1, FALSE);
        case MANGLED_GDCFORM:
            if (Str::len(val) > 0) {
                Generators::mangle(gen, OUT, val);
            } else {
                Generators::compile_literal_number(gen, 1, FALSE);
        case DATA_GDCFORM: {
            inter_ti val1 = P->[DATA_CONST_IFLD];
            inter_ti val2 = P->[DATA_CONST_IFLD + 1];
            if ((val1 == LITERAL_IVAL) && (Inter::Symbols::read_annotation(con_name, HEX_IANN)))
                Generators::compile_literal_number(gen, val2, TRUE);
                CodeGen::pair(gen, P, val1, val2);
        case COMPUTED_GDCFORM: {
            for (int i=DATA_CONST_IFLD; i<P->W.extent; i=i+2) {
                if (i>DATA_CONST_IFLD) {
                    if (P->[FORMAT_CONST_IFLD] == CONSTANT_SUM_LIST) WRITE(" + ");
                    if (P->[FORMAT_CONST_IFLD] == CONSTANT_PRODUCT_LIST) WRITE(" * ");
                    if (P->[FORMAT_CONST_IFLD] == CONSTANT_DIFFERENCE_LIST) WRITE(" - ");
                    if (P->[FORMAT_CONST_IFLD] == CONSTANT_QUOTIENT_LIST) WRITE(" / ");
                int bracket = TRUE;
                if ((P->[i] == LITERAL_IVAL) ||
                    (Inter::Symbols::is_stored_in_data(P->[i], P->[i+1]))) bracket = FALSE;
                if (bracket) WRITE("(");
                CodeGen::pair(gen, P, P->[i], P->[i+1]);
                if (bracket) WRITE(")");
            Generators::compile_literal_text(gen, val, FALSE);

§3. During the above process, a constant set equal to a text literal is not immediately declared: instead, the following mechanism is used to stash it for later.

typedef struct text_literal_holder {
    struct text_stream *literal_content;
    struct inter_symbol *con_name;
} text_literal_holder;

void VanillaConstants::defer_declaring_literal_text(code_generation *gen, text_stream *S,
    inter_symbol *con_name) {
    text_literal_holder *tlh = CREATE(text_literal_holder);
    tlh->literal_content = S;
    tlh->con_name = con_name;
    ADD_TO_LINKED_LIST(tlh, text_literal_holder, gen->text_literals);

§4. And now it's later. We go through all of the stashed text literals, and sort them into alphabetical order; and then declare them. What this whole business achieves, then, is to declare text constants in alphabetical order rather than in tree order.

void VanillaConstants::declare_text_literals(code_generation *gen) {
    int no_tlh = LinkedLists::len(gen->text_literals);
    if (no_tlh > 0) {
        text_literal_holder **sorted = (text_literal_holder **)
            (Memory::calloc(no_tlh, sizeof(text_literal_holder *), CODE_GENERATION_MREASON));
        int i = 0;
        text_literal_holder *tlh;
        LOOP_OVER_LINKED_LIST(tlh, text_literal_holder, gen->text_literals)
            sorted[i++] = tlh;
        qsort(sorted, (size_t) no_tlh, sizeof(text_literal_holder *),
        for (int i=0; i<no_tlh; i++) {
            text_literal_holder *tlh = sorted[i];
            Generators::declare_constant(gen, tlh->con_name, LITERAL_TEXT_GDCFORM,

§5. Note that Str::cmp is a case-sensitive comparison, so Zebra will come before armadillo, for example, Z being before a in Unicode.

int VanillaConstants::compare_tlh(const void *elem1, const void *elem2) {
    const text_literal_holder **e1 = (const text_literal_holder **) elem1;
    const text_literal_holder **e2 = (const text_literal_holder **) elem2;
    if ((*e1 == NULL) || (*e2 == NULL))
        internal_error("Disaster while sorting text literals");
    text_stream *s1 = (*e1)->literal_content;
    text_stream *s2 = (*e2)->literal_content;
    return Str::cmp(s1, s2);