Cinders are constants in deferred propositions referring to values in the original stack frame.

§1. The issues giving rise to cinders are explained in Deciding to Defer. When a proposition contains a constant — in the predicate calculus sense; it may well be a variable or even a function call in Inform — and this cannot be accessed from the stack frame of the proposition's deferral function, the constant is a "cinder".1

Clearly genuine constants — literal numbers, names of rules, and so on — and global variables need not be cindered: those are the same in any stack frame and can be evaluated without side-effects. We cinder everything else, which seems only prudent. For example:

int Cinders::needs_to_be_cindered(parse_node *spec) {
    if (Node::is(spec, CONSTANT_NT)) return FALSE;
    if (Lvalues::is_global_variable(spec)) return FALSE;
    return TRUE;

§2. At any given moment, we can only be working on the compilation of a single deferred proposition function, so we store its identity in the following rather than waste space giving each pcalc_term a pointer to it:

pcalc_prop_deferral *current_pdef = NULL;  used only in this section

§3. Within any given proposition, the cinders are numbered 0, 1, 2, ...; these numbers are recorded in the cinder field of the relevant pcalc_term structure. A term with cinder set to \(-1\) is not a cinder.

Here we count the cinders in a proposition, but compile nothing and change nothing:

int Cinders::count(pcalc_prop *prop, pcalc_prop_deferral *pdef) {
    int N = 0;
        for (int i=0; i<atom->arity; i++)
            N = Cinders::count_in_term(&(atom->terms[i]), N);
    return N;

int Cinders::count_in_term(pcalc_term *pt, int N) {
    if (pt->function) return Cinders::count_in_term(&(pt->function->fn_of), N);
    if (pt->constant)
        if (Cinders::needs_to_be_cindered(pt->constant))
    return N;

§4. This more ambitious function sets the cinder field for each term, and also sets the kinds of the cinder values in the deferred function.

int Cinders::compile_cindered_values(pcalc_prop *prop, pcalc_prop_deferral *pdef) {
    pcalc_prop_deferral *save_current_pdef = current_pdef;
    current_pdef = pdef;
    int N = 0;
        for (int i=0; i<atom->arity; i++)
            N = Cinders::compile_cindered_value_in_term(&(atom->terms[i]), N);
    current_pdef = save_current_pdef;
    return N;

int Cinders::compile_cindered_value_in_term(pcalc_term *pt, int N) {
    if (pt->function)
        return Cinders::compile_cindered_value_in_term(&(pt->function->fn_of), N);
    if (pt->constant) {
        if (Cinders::needs_to_be_cindered(pt->constant)) {
            pt->cinder = N++;
            current_pdef->cinder_kinds[pt->cinder] = Specifications::to_kind(pt->constant);
        } else {
            pt->cinder = -1;
    return N;

§5. Symmetrically, when we come to compiled our deferred proposition function, we need to declare local variables to hold these cinders.

void Cinders::declare(pcalc_prop *prop, pcalc_prop_deferral *pdef) {
    pcalc_prop_deferral *save_current_pdef = current_pdef;
    current_pdef = pdef;
    int N = 0;
        for (int i=0; i<atom->arity; i++)
            N = Cinders::cind_declare_in_term(N, &(atom->terms[i]));
    current_pdef = save_current_pdef;

int Cinders::cind_declare_in_term(int N, pcalc_term *pt) {
    if (pt->function)
        return Cinders::cind_declare_in_term(N, &(pt->function->fn_of));
    if ((pt->constant) && (pt->cinder >= 0)) {
        WRITE_TO(cinder_name, "const_%d", N++);
    return N;

§6. Given, say, v == 2, we return the local variable const_2 holding cindered value 2. Speed is not critical here.

local_variable *Cinders::find_cinder_var(int v) {
    WRITE_TO(T, "const_%d", v);
    local_variable *found = LocalVariables::by_identifier(T);
    return found;

§7. The kind of terms. We are now finally able to say what the kind of value of a term to be compiled is. The only troublesome case is when the term is a cinder; its kind is then part of the information recorded at deferral time.

kind *Cinders::kind_of_term(pcalc_term pt) {
    if (pt.variable >= 0) {
        if (pt.term_checked_as_kind) return pt.term_checked_as_kind;
        return K_object;
    if (pt.constant) {
        if (pt.cinder >= 0) {
            if (current_pdef == NULL)
                internal_error("cindered term outside of deferral");
            return current_pdef->cinder_kinds[pt.cinder];
        if (Specifications::is_phrasal(pt.constant))
            Dash::check_value(pt.constant, NULL);
        return Specifications::to_kind(pt.constant);
    if (pt.function) return K_object;
    return NULL;  never reached, though compilers cannot prove that