To index instances.


    LOOP_OVER(R, faux_instance)
        if (R->is_a_room)
    LOOP_OVER(R, faux_instance)
        if (R->is_a_region)
    LOOP_OVER(R, faux_instance)
        if (R->is_a_direction)
    LOOP_OVER(R, faux_instance)
        if (R->is_a_backdrop)
    LOOP_OVER(R, faux_instance)
typedef struct faux_instance {
    int index_appearances;  how many times have I appeared thus far in the World index?
    struct text_stream *name;
    struct text_stream *printed_name;
    struct text_stream *abbrev;
    struct instance *original;
    int is_a_thing;
    int is_a_supporter;
    int is_a_person;
    int is_a_room;
    int is_a_door;
    int is_a_region;
    int is_a_direction;
    int is_a_backdrop;
    int is_everywhere;
    int is_worn;
    int is_a_part;
    int specify_kind;
    int direction_index;
    int direction_number;
    struct linked_list *backdrop_presences;  of faux_instance
    struct faux_instance *region_enclosing;
    struct faux_instance *next_room_in_submap;
    struct faux_instance *opposite_direction;
    struct faux_instance *object_tree_sibling;
    struct faux_instance *object_tree_child;
    struct faux_instance *progenitor;
    struct faux_instance *incorp_tree_sibling;
    struct faux_instance *incorp_tree_child;
    struct faux_instance *other_side;
    struct text_stream *kind_text;
    struct text_stream *kind_chain;
    struct text_stream *anchor_text;
    int created_at;
    int kind_set_at;
    int region_set_at;
    int progenitor_set_at;
    struct linked_list *usages;  of parse_node

    #ifdef CORE_MODULE
    inference_subject *knowledge;

    struct fi_map_data fimd;
} faux_instance;

typedef struct fi_map_data {
    struct connected_submap *submap;
    struct vector position;
    struct vector saved_gridpos;
    int cooled;
    int shifted;
    int zone;
    wchar_t *colour;  an HTML colour for the room square (rooms only)
    wchar_t *text_colour;  an HTML colour for text on that square
    int eps_x, eps_y;
    struct faux_instance *map_connection_a;
    struct faux_instance *map_connection_b;
    int exit_lengths[MAX_DIRECTIONS];
    struct faux_instance *spatial_relationship[MAX_DIRECTIONS];
    struct faux_instance *exits[MAX_DIRECTIONS];
    struct faux_instance *lock_exits[MAX_DIRECTIONS];
    int exits_set_at[MAX_DIRECTIONS];
    struct map_parameter_scope local_map_parameters;  temporary: used in EPS mapping
} fi_map_data;

fi_map_data IXInstances::new_fimd(faux_instance *FI) {
    fi_map_data fimd;
    fimd.submap = NULL;
    fimd.position = Zero_vector;
    fimd.saved_gridpos = Zero_vector;
    fimd.cooled = FALSE;
    fimd.shifted = FALSE; = 0;
    fimd.colour = NULL;
    fimd.eps_x = 0;
    fimd.eps_y = 0;
    fimd.map_connection_a = NULL;
    fimd.map_connection_b = NULL;
    for (int i=0; i<MAX_DIRECTIONS; i++) {
        fimd.exit_lengths[i] = 0;
        fimd.exits[i] = NULL;
        fimd.lock_exits[i] = NULL;
        fimd.spatial_relationship[i] = NULL;
        fimd.exits_set_at[i] = -1;
    return fimd;

§2. When names are abbreviated for use on the World Index map (for instance, "Marble Hallway" becomes "MH") each word is tested against the following nonterminal; those which match are omitted. So, for instance, "Queen Of The South" comes out as "QS".

<map-name-abbreviation-omission-words> ::=
    in |
    of |

§.1. Compose the abbreviated name.1 =

    wording W = Instances::get_name(I, FALSE);
    if (Wordings::nonempty(W)) {
        int c = 0;
            if ((i > Wordings::first_wn(W)) && (i < Wordings::last_wn(W)) &&
                (<map-name-abbreviation-omission-words>(Wordings::one_word(i)))) continue;
            wchar_t *p = Lexer::word_raw_text(i);
            if (c++ < ABBREV_ROOMS_TO) PUT_TO(FI->abbrev, Characters::toupper(p[0]));
            if ((i > Wordings::first_wn(W)) && (i < Wordings::last_wn(W)) &&
                (<map-name-abbreviation-omission-words>(Wordings::one_word(i)))) continue;
            wchar_t *p = Lexer::word_raw_text(i);
            for (int j=1; p[j]; j++)
                if (Characters::vowel(p[j]) == FALSE)
                    if (c++ < ABBREV_ROOMS_TO) PUT_TO(FI->abbrev, p[j]);
            if ((c++ < ABBREV_ROOMS_TO) && (p[1])) PUT_TO(FI->abbrev, p[1]);


faux_instance *start_faux_instance = NULL;
faux_instance *faux_yourself = NULL;
faux_instance *faux_benchmark = NULL;

void IXInstances::make_faux(void) {
    instance *I;
    LOOP_OVER_INSTANCES(I, K_object) {
        faux_instance *FI = CREATE(faux_instance);
        FI->index_appearances = 0;
        FI->name = Str::new();
        Instances::write_name(FI->name, I);
        FI->abbrev = Str::new();
        Compose the abbreviated name.1;

        FI->original = I;
        FI->is_a_thing = Instances::of_kind(I, K_thing);
        FI->is_a_supporter = Instances::of_kind(I, K_supporter);
        FI->is_a_person = Instances::of_kind(I, K_person);
        FI->is_a_room = Spatial::object_is_a_room(I);
        FI->is_a_door = Map::instance_is_a_door(I);
        FI->is_a_region = Regions::object_is_a_region(I);
        FI->is_a_direction = Map::object_is_a_direction(I);
        FI->is_a_backdrop = Backdrops::object_is_a_backdrop(I);
        FI->is_everywhere = FALSE;
        FI->is_worn = FALSE;
        inference *inf;
        POSITIVE_KNOWLEDGE_LOOP(inf, Instances::as_subject(I), property_inf)
            if (PropertyInferences::get_property(inf) == P_worn)
                FI->is_worn = TRUE;
        FI->is_a_part = SPATIAL_DATA(I)->part_flag;
        FI->backdrop_presences = NEW_LINKED_LIST(faux_instance);
        FI->region_enclosing = NULL;
        FI->next_room_in_submap = NULL;
        FI->opposite_direction = NULL;
        FI->object_tree_sibling = NULL;
        FI->object_tree_child = NULL;
        FI->progenitor = NULL;
        FI->incorp_tree_sibling = NULL;
        FI->incorp_tree_child = NULL;
        FI->direction_index = MAP_DATA(I)->direction_index;
        FI->direction_number = InstanceCounting::IK_count(I, K_direction);
        kind *k = Instances::to_kind(I);
        FI->specify_kind = TRUE;
        if (Kinds::eq(k, K_thing)) FI->specify_kind = FALSE;
        if (Kinds::eq(k, K_room)) FI->specify_kind = FALSE;
        FI->other_side = NULL;
        FI->kind_text = Str::new();
        wording W = Kinds::Behaviour::get_name_in_play(k, FALSE,
        WRITE_TO(FI->kind_text, "%+W", W);
        FI->kind_chain = Str::new();
        kind *IK = Instances::to_kind(I);
        int i = 0;
        while ((IK != K_object) && (IK)) {
            IK = Latticework::super(IK);
        for (int j=i-1; j>=0; j--) {
            int k; IK = Instances::to_kind(I);
            for (k=0; k<j; k++) IK = Latticework::super(IK);
            if (j != i-1) WRITE_TO(FI->kind_chain, " &gt; ");
            wording W = Kinds::Behaviour::get_name(IK, FALSE);
            WRITE_TO(FI->kind_chain, "%+W", W);
        noun *nt = Instances::get_noun(I);
        FI->anchor_text = Str::duplicate(NounIdentifiers::identifier(nt));
        parse_node *C = Instances::get_creating_sentence(I);
        if (C) FI->created_at = Wordings::first_wn(Node::get_text(C));
        else FI->created_at = -1;
        C = Instances::get_kind_set_sentence(I);
        if (C) FI->kind_set_at = Wordings::first_wn(Node::get_text(C));
        else FI->kind_set_at = -1;
        C = SPATIAL_DATA(I)->progenitor_set_at;
        if (C) FI->progenitor_set_at = Wordings::first_wn(Node::get_text(C));
        else FI->progenitor_set_at = -1;
        FI->region_set_at = -1;
        C = REGIONS_DATA(I)->in_region_set_at;
        if (C) FI->region_set_at = Wordings::first_wn(Node::get_text(C));
        FI->usages = I->compilation_data.usages;

        FI->fimd = IXInstances::new_fimd(FI);
        FI->fimd.colour = MAP_DATA(I)->world_index_colour;
        FI->fimd.text_colour = MAP_DATA(I)->world_index_text_colour;
        FI->fimd.eps_x = MAP_DATA(I)->eps_x;
        FI->fimd.eps_y = MAP_DATA(I)->eps_y;
        for (int i=0; i<MAX_DIRECTIONS; i++) {
            parse_node *at = MAP_DATA(I)->exits_set_at[i];
            if (at) FI->fimd.exits_set_at[i] = Wordings::first_wn(Node::get_text(at));

        if (I == I_yourself) faux_yourself = FI;
        if (I == Spatial::get_benchmark_room()) faux_benchmark = FI;
        if (I == Player::get_start_room()) start_faux_instance = FI;

        parse_node *V = PropertyInferences::value_and_where(
            Instances::as_subject(I), P_printed_name, NULL);
        if ((Rvalues::is_CONSTANT_of_kind(V, K_text)) &&
            (Wordings::nonempty(Node::get_text(V)))) {
            int wn = Wordings::first_wn(Node::get_text(V));
            WRITE_TO(pname, "%+W", Wordings::one_word(wn));
            if (Str::get_first_char(pname) == '\"') Str::delete_first_character(pname);
            if (Str::get_last_char(pname) == '\"') Str::delete_last_character(pname);
        FI->printed_name = Str::duplicate(pname);
        #ifdef CORE_MODULE
        FI->knowledge = Instances::as_subject(I);
    faux_instance *FB;
    LOOP_OVER(FB, faux_instance) {
        if (FB->is_a_backdrop) {
            instance *B = FB->original;
            inference *inf;
            POSITIVE_KNOWLEDGE_LOOP(inf, Instances::as_subject(B), found_in_inf) {
                instance *L = Backdrops::get_inferred_location(inf);
                faux_instance *FL = IXInstances::fi(L);
                ADD_TO_LINKED_LIST(FB, faux_instance, FL->backdrop_presences);
            POSITIVE_KNOWLEDGE_LOOP(inf, Instances::as_subject(B), found_everywhere_inf) {
                FB->is_everywhere = TRUE;
        for (int i=0; i<MAX_DIRECTIONS; i++) {
            FB->fimd.exits[i] = IXInstances::fi(MAP_EXIT(FB->original, i));
    LOOP_OVER(FB, faux_instance) {
        FB->region_enclosing = IXInstances::fi(Regions::enclosing(FB->original));
        FB->object_tree_sibling = IXInstances::fi(SPATIAL_DATA(FB->original)->object_tree_sibling);
        FB->object_tree_child = IXInstances::fi(SPATIAL_DATA(FB->original)->object_tree_child);
        FB->progenitor = IXInstances::fi(Spatial::progenitor(FB->original));
        FB->incorp_tree_sibling = IXInstances::fi(SPATIAL_DATA(FB->original)->incorp_tree_sibling);
        FB->incorp_tree_child = IXInstances::fi(SPATIAL_DATA(FB->original)->incorp_tree_child);
    faux_instance *FR;
    LOOP_OVER(FR, faux_instance)
        if (FR->is_a_direction) {
            FR->opposite_direction = IXInstances::fi(Map::get_value_of_opposite_property(FR->original));
    faux_instance *FD;
    LOOP_OVER(FD, faux_instance)
        if (FD->is_a_door) {
            parse_node *S = PropertyInferences::value_of(
                Instances::as_subject(I), P_other_side);
            FD->other_side = IXInstances::fi(Rvalues::to_object_instance(S));
            FD->fimd.map_connection_a = IXInstances::fi(MAP_DATA(FD->original)->map_connection_a);
            FD->fimd.map_connection_b = IXInstances::fi(MAP_DATA(FD->original)->map_connection_b);

void IXInstances::decode_hints(int pass) {
    mapping_hint *hint;
    LOOP_OVER(hint, mapping_hint) {
        if ((hint->dir) && (hint->as_dir)) {
            if (pass == 1)
                story_dir_to_page_dir[MAP_DATA(hint->dir)->direction_index] =
        } else if ((hint->from) && (hint->dir)) {
            if (pass == 1)
                    MAP_DATA(hint->dir)->direction_index, IXInstances::fi(hint->to));
        } else if (hint->name) {
            if (hint->scope_level != 1000000) {
                if (pass == 2) {
                    map_parameter_scope *scope = NULL;
                    EPS_map_level *eml;
                    LOOP_OVER(eml, EPS_map_level)
                        if ((eml->contains_rooms)
                            && (eml->map_level - PL::SpatialMap::benchmark_level() == hint->scope_level))
                            scope = &(eml->map_parameters);
                    if (scope) EPSMap::put_mp(hint->name, scope, IXInstances::fi(hint->scope_I), hint->put_string, hint->put_integer);
            } else {
                if (pass == 1)
                    EPSMap::put_mp(hint->name, NULL, IXInstances::fi(hint->scope_I), hint->put_string, hint->put_integer);
        } else if (hint->annotation) {
            rubric_holder *rh = CREATE(rubric_holder);
            rh->annotation = hint->annotation;
            rh->point_size = hint->point_size;
            rh->font = hint->font;
            rh->colour = hint->colour;
            rh->at_offset = hint->at_offset;
            rh->offset_from = IXInstances::fi(hint->offset_from);

faux_instance *IXInstances::fi(instance *I) {
    faux_instance *FI;
    LOOP_OVER(FI, faux_instance)
        if (FI->original == I)
            return FI;
    return NULL;

faux_instance *IXInstances::start_room(void) {
    return start_faux_instance;

faux_instance *IXInstances::yourself(void) {
    return faux_yourself;

§4. Naming.

text_stream *IXInstances::get_name(faux_instance *I) {
    if (I == NULL) return NULL;
    return I->name;

void IXInstances::write_name(OUTPUT_STREAM, faux_instance *I) {
    WRITE("%S", IXInstances::get_name(I));

void IXInstances::write_kind(OUTPUT_STREAM, faux_instance *I) {
    WRITE("%S", I->kind_text);

void IXInstances::write_kind_chain(OUTPUT_STREAM, faux_instance *I) {
    WRITE("%S", I->kind_chain);

inference_subject *IXInstances::as_subject(faux_instance *FI) {
    if (FI == NULL) return NULL;
    return FI->knowledge;

faux_instance *IXInstances::region_of(faux_instance *FI) {
    if (FI == NULL) return NULL;
    return FI->region_enclosing;

faux_instance *IXInstances::opposite_direction(faux_instance *FR) {
    if (FR == NULL) return NULL;
    return FR->opposite_direction;

faux_instance *IXInstances::other_side_of_door(faux_instance *FR) {
    if (FR == NULL) return NULL;
    return FR->other_side;

faux_instance *IXInstances::sibling(faux_instance *FR) {
    if (FR == NULL) return NULL;
    return FR->object_tree_sibling;

faux_instance *IXInstances::child(faux_instance *FR) {
    if (FR == NULL) return NULL;
    return FR->object_tree_child;

faux_instance *IXInstances::progenitor(faux_instance *FR) {
    if (FR == NULL) return NULL;
    return FR->progenitor;

faux_instance *IXInstances::incorp_child(faux_instance *FR) {
    if (FR == NULL) return NULL;
    return FR->incorp_tree_child;

faux_instance *IXInstances::incorp_sibling(faux_instance *FR) {
    if (FR == NULL) return NULL;
    return FR->incorp_tree_sibling;

int IXInstances::is_a_direction(faux_instance *FR) {
    if (FR == NULL) return FALSE;
    return FR->is_a_direction;

int IXInstances::is_a_room(faux_instance *FR) {
    if (FR == NULL) return FALSE;
    return FR->is_a_room;

int IXInstances::is_a_door(faux_instance *FR) {
    if (FR == NULL) return FALSE;
    return FR->is_a_door;

int IXInstances::is_a_region(faux_instance *FR) {
    if (FR == NULL) return FALSE;
    return FR->is_a_region;

int IXInstances::is_a_thing(faux_instance *FR) {
    if (FR == NULL) return FALSE;
    return FR->is_a_thing;

int IXInstances::is_a_supporter(faux_instance *FR) {
    if (FR == NULL) return FALSE;
    return FR->is_a_supporter;

int IXInstances::is_a_person(faux_instance *FR) {
    if (FR == NULL) return FALSE;
    return FR->is_a_person;

void IXInstances::get_door_data(faux_instance *door, faux_instance **c1, faux_instance **c2) {
    if (c1) *c1 = door->fimd.map_connection_a;
    if (c2) *c2 = door->fimd.map_connection_b;

map_parameter_scope *IXInstances::get_parameters(faux_instance *R) {
    if (R == NULL) return NULL;
    return &(R->fimd.local_map_parameters);

§5. Noun usage. This simply avoids repetitions in the World index:

void IXInstances::increment_indexing_count(faux_instance *I) {

int IXInstances::indexed_yet(faux_instance *I) {
    if (I->index_appearances > 0) return TRUE;
    return FALSE;