To keep details of the extensions currently loaded, their authors, titles, versions and rubrics, and to index and credit them suitably.

§1. Nothing can prevent a certain repetitiousness intruding here, but there is just enough local knowledge required to make it foolhardy to try to automate this from a dump of the excerpt meanings table (say). The ordering of paragraphs, as in Roget's Thesaurus, tries to proceed from solid things through to diffuse linguistic ones. But the reader of the resulting documentation page could be forgiven for thinking it a miscellany.

void IndexExtensions::document_in_detail(OUTPUT_STREAM, inform_extension *E) {

    Document and dictionary the kinds made in extension1.1;
    Document and dictionary the objects made in extension1.2;

    Document and dictionary the global variables made in extension1.3;
    Document and dictionary the enumerated constant values made in extension1.4;

    Document and dictionary the kinds of action made in extension1.5;
    Document and dictionary the actions made in extension1.6;

    Document and dictionary the verbs made in extension1.7;
    Document and dictionary the adjectival phrases made in extension1.8;
    Document and dictionary the property names made in extension1.9;

    Document and dictionary the use options made in extension1.10;

§1.1. Off we go, then. Kinds of object:

Document and dictionary the kinds made in extension1.1 =

    kind *K;
    int kc = 0;
        parse_node *S = Kinds::Behaviour::get_creating_sentence(K);
        if (S) {
            if (Lexer::file_of_origin(Wordings::first_wn(Node::get_text(S))) == E->read_into_file) {
                wording W = Kinds::Behaviour::get_name(K, FALSE);
                kc = IndexExtensions::document_headword(OUT, kc, E, "Kinds", I"kind", W);
                kind *S = Latticework::super(K);
                if (S) {
                    W = Kinds::Behaviour::get_name(S, FALSE);
                    if (Wordings::nonempty(W)) WRITE(" (a kind of %+W)", W);
    if (kc != 0) HTML_CLOSE("p");

§1.2. Actual objects:

Document and dictionary the objects made in extension1.2 =

    instance *I;
    int kc = 0;
    LOOP_OVER_INSTANCES(I, K_object) {
        wording OW = Instances::get_name(I, FALSE);
        if ((Instances::get_creating_sentence(I)) && (Wordings::nonempty(OW))) {
            if (Lexer::file_of_origin(
                    == E->read_into_file) {
                kind *k = Instances::to_kind(I);
                wording W = Kinds::Behaviour::get_name(k, FALSE);
                WRITE_TO(name_of_its_kind, "%+W", W);
                kc = IndexExtensions::document_headword(OUT, kc, E,
                    "Physical creations", name_of_its_kind, OW);
                WRITE(" (a %S)", name_of_its_kind);
    if (kc != 0) HTML_CLOSE("p");

§1.3. Global variables:

Document and dictionary the global variables made in extension1.3 =

    nonlocal_variable *q;
    int kc = 0;
    LOOP_OVER(q, nonlocal_variable)
        if ((Wordings::first_wn(q->name) >= 0) &&
            (NonlocalVariables::is_global(q)) &&
            (Lexer::file_of_origin(Wordings::first_wn(q->name)) == E->read_into_file) &&
            (Headings::indexed(Headings::of_wording(q->name)))) {
            if (<value-understood-variable-name>(q->name) == FALSE)
                kc = IndexExtensions::document_headword(OUT,
                    kc, E, "Values that vary", I"value", q->name);
    if (kc != 0) HTML_CLOSE("p");

§1.4. Constants:

Document and dictionary the enumerated constant values made in extension1.4 =

    instance *q;
    int kc = 0;
    LOOP_OVER(q, instance) {
        if (Kinds::Behaviour::is_an_enumeration(Instances::to_kind(q))) {
            wording NW = Instances::get_name(q, FALSE);
            if ((Wordings::nonempty(NW)) && (Lexer::file_of_origin(Wordings::first_wn(NW)) == E->read_into_file))
                kc = IndexExtensions::document_headword(OUT, kc, E, "Values", I"value", NW);
    if (kc != 0) HTML_CLOSE("p");

§1.5. Kinds of action:

Document and dictionary the kinds of action made in extension1.5 =

    #ifdef IF_MODULE
    named_action_pattern *nap;
    int kc = 0;
    LOOP_OVER(nap, named_action_pattern)
        if (Lexer::file_of_origin(Wordings::first_wn(nap->text_of_declaration)) == E->read_into_file)
            kc = IndexExtensions::document_headword(OUT, kc, E, "Kinds of action", I"kind of action",
    if (kc != 0) HTML_CLOSE("p");

§1.6. Actions:

Document and dictionary the actions made in extension1.6 =

    #ifdef IF_MODULE
    action_name *an;
    int kc = 0;
    LOOP_OVER(an, action_name)
        if (Lexer::file_of_origin(Wordings::first_wn(ActionNameNames::tensed(an, IS_TENSE))) == E->read_into_file)
            kc = IndexExtensions::document_headword(OUT, kc, E, "Actions", I"action",
                ActionNameNames::tensed(an, IS_TENSE));
    if (kc != 0) HTML_CLOSE("p");

§1.7. Verbs:

Document and dictionary the verbs made in extension1.7 =

    int verb_count = 0;
    verb_conjugation *vc;
    LOOP_OVER(vc, verb_conjugation)
        if (Lexer::file_of_origin(Wordings::first_wn(
            Node::get_text(vc->compilation_data.where_vc_created))) == E->read_into_file) {
            WRITE_TO(entry_text, "%A", &(vc->infinitive));
            if (verb_count++ == 0) { HTML_OPEN("p"); WRITE("Verbs: "); } else WRITE(", ");
            WRITE("to <b>%S</b>", entry_text);
            ExtensionDictionary::new_entry(I"verb", E, entry_text);
    if (verb_count > 0) HTML_CLOSE("p");

§1.8. Adjectival phrases:

Document and dictionary the adjectival phrases made in extension1.8 =

    adjective *adj;
    int kc = 0;
    LOOP_OVER(adj, adjective) {
        wording W = Adjectives::get_nominative_singular(adj);
        if ((Wordings::nonempty(W)) &&
            (Lexer::file_of_origin(Wordings::first_wn(W)) == E->read_into_file))
            kc = IndexExtensions::document_headword(OUT, kc, E, "Adjectives", I"adjective", W);
    if (kc != 0) HTML_CLOSE("p");

§1.9. Other adjectives:

Document and dictionary the property names made in extension1.9 =

    property *prn;
    int kc = 0;
    LOOP_OVER(prn, property)
        if ((Wordings::nonempty(prn->name)) &&
            (IXProperties::is_shown_in_index(prn)) &&
            (Lexer::file_of_origin(Wordings::first_wn(prn->name)) == E->read_into_file))
            kc = IndexExtensions::document_headword(OUT, kc, E, "Properties", I"property",
    if (kc != 0) HTML_CLOSE("p");

§1.10. Use options:

Document and dictionary the use options made in extension1.10 =

    use_option *uo;
    int kc = 0;
    LOOP_OVER(uo, use_option)
        if ((Wordings::first_wn(uo->name) >= 0) &&
            (Lexer::file_of_origin(Wordings::first_wn(uo->name)) == E->read_into_file))
            kc = IndexExtensions::document_headword(OUT, kc, E, "Use options", I"use option",
    if (kc != 0) HTML_CLOSE("p");

§2. Finally, the utility routine which keeps count (hence kc) and displays suitable lists, while entering each entry in turn into the extension dictionary.

int IndexExtensions::document_headword(OUTPUT_STREAM, int kc, inform_extension *E, char *par_heading,
    text_stream *category, wording W) {
    if (kc++ == 0) { HTML_OPEN("p"); WRITE("%s: ", par_heading); }
    else WRITE(", ");
    WRITE("<b>%+W</b>", W);
    ExtensionDictionary::new_entry_from_wording(category, E, W);
    return kc;