To break down an excerpt into NP and VP-like clauses, perhaps with a primary verb (to make a sentence), perhaps only a relative clause (to make a more complex NP).

§1. SVO phrases. English is an SVO language, where the main parts of the sentence occur in the order subject, verb, object. The following grammar parses that crucial division, and note that it can be used either to form a complete sentence, where there is an active verb —

now the silver bars are in the Hall of Mists;

or alternatively to make a more elaborate noun phrase, using a relative clause, where there is no active verb:

a woman who carries the silver bars;

We sometimes also have to deal with English's use of "there" as a meaningless placeholder to stand for a missing noun phrase:

there is an open door

<s-sentence> ::=
    <np-existential> <s-existential-verb-tail> | ==> Make SV provided object is descriptive1.2;
    <s-noun-phrase> <s-general-verb-tail>        ==> Make SV1.1;

<s-existential-verb-tail> ::=
    <copular-verb> <s-noun-phrase-nounless>      ==> { -, SPVerb::marker(RP[1], NULL, RP[2]) }

§1.1. Make SV1.1 =

    SPVerb::correct_for_adjectives(RP[1], RP[2]);
    ==> { -, SPVerb::to_specification(TRUE, W, RP[1], RP[2]) }

§1.2. An ugly trick, invisible from the grammar itself, is that we forbid the object to be a value. This removes cases like "if there is 21", but in fact we do it to avoid problem messages whenever a table column exists with the name "there". (Because of the unfortunately worded phrase "there is T" for a table reference; the phrase should never have been called something so ambiguous — a bad decision in about 2003.)

Make SV provided object is descriptive1.2 =

    parse_node *op = RP[2];
    parse_node *test = op->down;
    if (Node::is(test, AMBIGUITY_NT)) test = test->down;
    if (Specifications::is_description_like(test) == FALSE) { ==> { fail } }
    ==> { -, SPVerb::to_specification(TRUE, W, NULL, op) }

§2. More generally, the tail syntax splits according to the verb in question. The copular verb "to be" has special syntactic rules for its object phrase (for Inform, at least: linguists would probably analyse this slightly differently). We've just seen one special point: "to be" can take the placeholder "there", which no other verb can.1 The verb "to be" is "copular" because it acts to combine its subject and object: "X is 5", "Y is blue", and so on, refer to just one thing but make a statement about its nature or identity. Other verbs — "to carry", say — normally refer to two different things, at least in their most general forms: "X carries the briefcase".

The universal verb "to relate" needs a special syntax in order to handle its extra object: see below.

<s-general-verb-tail> ::=
    <universal-verb> <s-universal-term> |  ==> { -, SPVerb::marker(RP[1], NULL, RP[2]) }
    <nonimperative-verb> <permitted-preposition> <s-noun-phrase> |  ==> { -, SPVerb::marker(RP[1], RP[2], RP[3]) }
    <nonimperative-verb> <s-noun-phrase>   ==> { -, SPVerb::marker(RP[1], NULL, RP[2]) }

§3. The verb marker is a temporary node used just to store the verb or preposition usage; it's attached to the tree only briefly before sentence conversion removes it again.

parse_node *SPVerb::marker(verb_usage *vu, preposition *prep, parse_node *np) {
    parse_node *VP_part = Node::new(UNKNOWN_NT);
    Node::set_verb(VP_part, vu);
    Node::set_preposition(VP_part, prep);
    VP_part->down = np;
    return VP_part;

§4. The following catches the "Y to Z" right-hand term of the universal relation,

X relates Y to Z

where Y and Z must somehow be folded into a single noun phrase. Conceptually it would be neatest to represent this as a combination kind, but that might lead us to require the presence of the heap, since combinations are stored on the heap; and that would effectively make "relates" of limited use on Z-machine works.

<s-universal-term> ::=
    <s-noun-phrase> to <s-noun-phrase>  ==> { -, SPType::val(Rvalues::from_pair(RP[1], RP[2]), W) }

§5. The following parses a noun phrase with a relative clause, which is syntactically very similar to the case of a sentence. Sometimes the verb is explicit, as here:

a woman who does not carry an animal

in which case "who", acting as a marker of the relative clause, is the only way this differs from a sentence; but sometimes it is implicit:

a woman not in the Hall of Mists

In this case the verb is implicitly the copular verb "to be" and our grammar has to differ from the sentence grammar above.

Some prepositions imply the player as object: "carried", in the sense of "to be carried", for instance — "The briefcase is carried". We fill the relevant noun subtree with a representation of the player-object for those.

<s-np-with-relative-clause> ::=
    <s-noun-phrase-nounless> <s-implied-relative-verb-tail> |  ==> Make SN5.1
    <s-noun-phrase> <s-relative-verb-tail>                     ==> Make SN5.1

<s-implied-relative-verb-tail> ::=
    <copular-preposition> <s-noun-phrase-nounless> |  ==> { -, SPVerb::marker(regular_to_be, RP[1], RP[2]) }
    not <copular-preposition> <s-noun-phrase-nounless> ==> { -, SPVerb::marker(negated_to_be, RP[1], RP[2]) }

<s-relative-verb-tail> ::=
    <rc-marker> <universal-verb> <s-universal-term> | ==> { -, SPVerb::marker(RP[2], NULL, RP[3]) }
    <rc-marker> <nonimperative-verb> <permitted-preposition> <s-noun-phrase> |  ==> { -, SPVerb::marker(RP[2], RP[3], RP[4]) }
    <rc-marker> <nonimperative-verb> <s-noun-phrase>  ==> { -, SPVerb::marker(RP[2], NULL, RP[3]) }

§5.1. Make SN5.1 =

    LOGIF(MATCHING, "So uncorrectedly RP[1] = $T\n", RP[1]);
    LOGIF(MATCHING, "and uncorrectedly RP[2] = $T\n", RP[2]);
    SPVerb::correct_for_adjectives(RP[1], RP[2]);
    ==> { -, SPVerb::to_specification(FALSE, W, RP[1], RP[2]) };

§6. Tidying up a sentence subtree. This checks, in a paranoid sort of way, that a subtree is properly formed, and also makes one useful correction when it sees a wrong guess as to whether an adjective is meant as a noun.

void SPVerb::correct_for_adjectives(parse_node *A, parse_node *B) {
    parse_node *subject_phrase_subtree, *object_phrase_subtree, *verb_phrase_subtree;

    if (A == NULL) internal_error("SV childless");

    subject_phrase_subtree = A;
    verb_phrase_subtree = B;

    if (verb_phrase_subtree->down == NULL)
        internal_error("SV childless");

    object_phrase_subtree = verb_phrase_subtree->down;
    Modify the object from a noun to an adjective if the subject is also a noun6.1;

§6.1. The following is used to correct the SV-subtree for something like "painting is orange" so that "orange" will be used not as a noun but as an adjective.

Modify the object from a noun to an adjective if the subject is also a noun6.1 =

    if ((Rvalues::to_instance(object_phrase_subtree)) &&
        (subject_phrase_subtree) &&
        (Specifications::is_description_like(subject_phrase_subtree))) {
        parse_node *adjq = object_phrase_subtree;
        instance *I = Rvalues::to_instance(adjq);
        if (Instances::as_adjective(I)) {
            unary_predicate *ale = AdjectivalPredicates::new_up(Instances::as_adjective(I), TRUE);
            parse_node *spec = Descriptions::from_proposition(NULL, Node::get_text(adjq));
            Descriptions::add_to_adjective_list(ale, spec);
            verb_phrase_subtree->down = spec;

§7. Values as noun phrases. It is very nearly true that the subject and object noun phrases are parsed by <s-value>, which was given in Type Expressions and Values. But there is a technicality: for reasons to do with ambiguities, <s-value> needs to be able to try descriptions which involve only physical objects at one stage, and then later to try other descriptions.

int force_all_SP_noun_phrases_to_be_physical = FALSE;

§8. Note that <s-purely-physical-description> calls <s-description> which in turn may, if there's a relative clause, call <s-np-with-relative-clause> and thus <s-noun-phrase>. Rather than passing endless copies of a flag down the call stack, we simply give <s-noun-phrase> a global mode of operation.

<s-purely-physical-description> internal {
    int s = force_all_SP_noun_phrases_to_be_physical;
    force_all_SP_noun_phrases_to_be_physical = TRUE;
    parse_node *p = NULL;
    if (<s-description>(W)) p = <<rp>>;
    force_all_SP_noun_phrases_to_be_physical = s;
    if (p) { ==> { -, p }; return TRUE; }
    ==> { fail nonterminal };

<if-forced-physical> internal 0 {
    if (force_all_SP_noun_phrases_to_be_physical) return TRUE;
    ==> { fail nonterminal };

§9. The upshot of this is that <s-noun-phrase> is only ever called in "purely physical mode" when it will later be called outside that mode in any event, and that therefore the set of excerpts matched by <s-noun-phrase> genuinely is the same as that matched by <s-value>.

<s-noun-phrase> ::=
    <if-forced-physical> <s-variable-as-value> |  ==> { pass 2 }
    <if-forced-physical> <s-description> |        ==> { pass 2 }
    ^<if-forced-physical> <s-value-uncached> |    ==> { pass 2 }

<s-noun-phrase-nounless> ::=
    <if-forced-physical> <s-variable-as-value> |  ==> { pass 2 }
    <if-forced-physical> <s-desc-nounless> |      ==> { pass 2 }
    ^<if-forced-physical> <s-value-uncached> |    ==> { pass 2 }

§10. Finally, the following is needed for conditions ("if fixed in place scenery, ...") where the object referred to is understood from context.

The reason a literal number is explicitly not allowed to be a condition is that if something is created called (say) "Room 62" then "62" might be read by <s-description> as an abbreviated reference to that room. (This doesn't happen with non-descriptive NPs because then literal values are tried earlier, pre-empting descriptions.)

<s-descriptive-np> ::=
    ( <s-descriptive-np> ) |    ==> { pass 1 }
    <cardinal-number> |         ==> { fail }
    <s-description> |           ==> Construct a descriptive SN subtree10.1
    <s-adjective-list-as-desc>  ==> Construct a descriptive SN subtree10.1

§10.1. Construct a descriptive SN subtree10.1 =

    parse_node *sn = RP[1];
    if (Annotations::read_int(sn, converted_SN_ANNOT)) {
        ==> { -, sn };
    } else {
        ==> { -, SPVerb::to_specification(FALSE, W, RP[1], NULL) };
    parse_node *pn = *XP;
    Node::set_text(pn, W);

§11. Junction. At this point we need to join two subtrees, called A and B. A is the subject of the sentence phrase, B contains the verb marker and also the object.

parse_node *PM_DescLocalPast_location = NULL;

parse_node *SPVerb::to_specification(int SV_not_SN, wording W,
    parse_node *A, parse_node *B) {
    parse_node *R = SPVerb::to_specification_inner(SV_not_SN, W, A, B);
    return R;
parse_node *SPVerb::to_specification_inner(int SV_not_SN, wording W,
    parse_node *A, parse_node *B) {
    parse_node *spec;
    parse_node *subject_noun_phrase = NULL, *verb_phrase = NULL;
    verb_usage *vu = NULL;
    int verb_phrase_negated = FALSE;

    if (Node::is(A, AMBIGUITY_NT)) {
        parse_node *amb = NULL;
        for (parse_node *poss = A->down; poss; poss = poss->next_alternative) {
            parse_node *one = Node::duplicate(poss);
            one->next_alternative = NULL;
            parse_node *new_poss = SPVerb::to_specification(SV_not_SN, W, one, B);
            if (!(Node::is(new_poss, UNKNOWN_NT)))
                amb = SyntaxTree::add_reading(amb, new_poss, W);
        if (amb == NULL) amb = Specifications::new_UNKNOWN(W);
        return amb;
    if ((B) && (B->down) && (Node::is(B->down, AMBIGUITY_NT))) {
        parse_node *amb = NULL;
        for (parse_node *poss = B->down->down; poss; poss = poss->next_alternative) {
            parse_node *hmm = Node::duplicate(B);
            hmm->down = Node::duplicate(poss);
            hmm->down->next_alternative = NULL;
            parse_node *new_poss = SPVerb::to_specification(SV_not_SN, W, A, hmm);
            if (!(Node::is(new_poss, UNKNOWN_NT)))
                amb = SyntaxTree::add_reading(amb, new_poss, W);
        if (amb == NULL) amb = Specifications::new_UNKNOWN(W);
        return amb;
    Reconstruct a bare description as a sentence with an implied absent subject11.1;
    Check that the top structure of the tree is in order, and obtain the verb11.2;

    pcalc_term *subj = CREATE(pcalc_term);
    *subj = Terms::new_constant(NULL);

    if (SV_not_SN) Convert an SV subtree11.3
    else Convert an SN subtree11.4;

    return spec;

§11.1. For instance, "if an open door" can contain a valid condition generating an SV-subtree: the implied subject is whatever is being discussed (the I6 self object, in practice) and the implied verb is "is", in the present tense.

Reconstruct a bare description as a sentence with an implied absent subject11.1 =

    if ((A) && (B == NULL)) {
        B = SPVerb::marker(regular_to_be, NULL, A);
        A = Node::new(UNKNOWN_NT);
        SV_not_SN = TRUE;
        SPVerb::correct_for_adjectives(A, B);

§11.2. Having performed that manoeuvre, we can be certain that the top of the tree has the standard form, but we check it anyway.

Check that the top structure of the tree is in order, and obtain the verb11.2 =

    subject_noun_phrase = A;
    verb_phrase = B;

    if (verb_phrase->down == NULL)
        StandardProblems::s_subtree_error(Task::syntax_tree(), "VP childless");

    if (Node::get_type(verb_phrase) != UNKNOWN_NT)
        StandardProblems::s_subtree_error(Task::syntax_tree(), "VP not a VP");

    vu = Node::get_verb(verb_phrase);
    if (vu == NULL) StandardProblems::s_subtree_error(Task::syntax_tree(), "verb null");
    verb_phrase_negated = (VerbUsages::is_used_negatively(vu))?TRUE:FALSE;

§11.3. There's a delicate little manoeuvre here. We have to be careful because the tense and negation operators do not commute with each other: consider the difference between "it was true that X is not Y" and "it is not true that X was Y". It's therefore essential to apply these operators in the correct order. What complicates this is that we have two ways to represent the negation of an SV: "X is not Y" can be written as the negation operator applied to "X is Y", which we'll call explicit negation, or as a direct test of the proposition "not(X is Y)", which is implicit. Explicit negation is essential if we need a non-present tense, because the tense operator has to come between the negation operator and the test. So it might seem that we should always use explicit negation. It makes no difference to testing propositions, but it does make a difference to the "now" phrase, because the asserting machinery can't take as wide a range of conditions as the testing one: so, in general, a condition destined to be used in a "now" must have implicit negation. Unfortunately, we can't know its destiny yet. What saves the day is that "now" can only accept present tense conditions anyway. We therefore adopt explicit negation only when using a tense other than the present, and all is well.

Convert an SV subtree11.3 =

    int pass = verb_phrase_negated, explicit_negation = FALSE;

    if ((VerbUsages::is_used_negatively(vu)) && (VerbUsages::get_tense_used(vu) != IS_TENSE)) {
        explicit_negation = TRUE; pass = FALSE;
    spec = Conditions::new_TEST_PROPOSITION(
        SentencePropositions::S_subtree(TRUE, W, A, B, subj, pass));
    Node::set_subject_term(spec, subj);
    if (Wordings::nonempty(W)) Node::set_text(spec, W);
    if (VerbUsages::get_tense_used(vu) != IS_TENSE) {
        if (Binding::detect_locals(Specifications::to_proposition(spec), NULL) > 0)
            Issue a problem for referring to temporary values at a time when they did not exist11.3.1;
        spec = Conditions::attach_tense(spec, VerbUsages::get_tense_used(vu));
    if (explicit_negation)
        spec = Conditions::negate(spec);

§11.3.1. Issue a problem for referring to temporary values at a time when they did not exist11.3.1 =

    if (PM_DescLocalPast_location != current_sentence)
        StandardProblems::sentence_problem(Task::syntax_tree(), _p_(PM_DescLocalPast),
            "conditions written in the past tense cannot refer to "
            "temporary values",
            "because they have no past. For instance, the name given in a "
            "'repeat...' can't be talked about as having existed before, and "
            "similarly the pronoun 'it' changes its meaning often, so we can't "
            "safely talk about 'it' in the past.");
    PM_DescLocalPast_location = current_sentence;

§11.4. This is easier, because tenses don't arise.

Convert an SN subtree11.4 =

    spec = Descriptions::from_proposition(
        SentencePropositions::S_subtree(FALSE, W, A, B, subj, verb_phrase_negated), W);
    Node::set_subject_term(spec, subj);
    Annotations::write_int(spec, converted_SN_ANNOT, TRUE);
    if (A) Veto certain cases where text was misunderstood as a description11.4.1;
    if (VerbUsages::get_tense_used(vu) != IS_TENSE) SPVerb::throw_past_problem(TRUE);

§11.4.1. This is a little inelegant, but it catches awkward phrases such as "going south in the Home" which might be read otherwise as "going south" (an action pattern) plus "in the Home" (a description).

Veto certain cases where text was misunderstood as a description11.4.1 =

    if (!((Node::is(A, CONSTANT_NT)) ||
        (Specifications::is_description(A)) ||
        (Lvalues::get_storage_form(A) == LOCAL_VARIABLE_NT) ||
        (Lvalues::get_storage_form(A) == NONLOCAL_VARIABLE_NT)))
        return Specifications::new_UNKNOWN(W);


void SPVerb::throw_past_problem(int desc) {
    if (PM_PastSubordinate_issued_at != current_sentence) {
        PM_PastSubordinate_issued_at = current_sentence;
                "subordinate clauses have to be in the present tense",
                "so 'the Black Door was open' is fine, but not 'something which "
                "was open'. Only the main verb can be in the past tense.");