To substitute constants into propositions in place of variables, and to apply quantifiers to bind any unbound variables.

§1. Status of variables. In any proposition \(\phi\), we say that a variable \(v\) is "bound" if it appears as the variable governed by a quantifier: it is "free" if it does appear somewhere in \(\phi\) — either directly as a term or indirectly through a function application — and is not bound. For instance, in $$ \forall x : K(x) \land B(x, f_C(y)) $$ the variable \(x\) is bound and the variable \(y\) is free.

In any given proposition, each of the 26 variables always satisfies exactly one of the following:

The following shows some examples of operations on variables:

'new unary even': ok
'variables in << >>': valid:
'variables in << even (x) >>': valid: x free
'set P to << Forall x IN< kind = number (x) IN>: (x == y) ^ Exists z: (y == z) >>': p set to << ForAll x IN< kind=number(x) IN> : (x == y) ^ Exists z : (y == z) >>
'variables in P': valid: x bound y free z bound
'variable unused in << >>': x
'variable unused in P': a
'renumbering of << even (x) >>': << even(x) >>
'renumbering of << even (z) >>': << even(x) >>
'renumbering of << Exists z: even (z) ^ (z == y) >>': << Exists x : even(x) ^ (x == y) >>

It might seem logical to have a function which takes a proposition \(\phi\) and a variable \(v\) and returns its status — unused, free or bound. But this would be inefficient, since we want to work with all 26 at once, so instead we take a pointer to an array of int which needs to have (at least, but probably exactly) 26 entries, and on exit each entry is set to one of the following.

In the course of doing that, it's easy to test whether variables are used properly — a bound variable should occur for the first time in its quantification, and should not reoccur once the subexpression holding the quantifier has finished. We return TRUE if all is well, or FALSE if not, writing the reason why not to err.

define UNUSED_VST 1
define FREE_VST 2
define BOUND_VST 3
int Binding::determine_status(pcalc_prop *prop, int *var_states,
    text_stream *err) {
    int j, unavailable[26], blevel = 0, valid = TRUE;
    for (j=0; j<26; j++) { var_states[j] = UNUSED_VST; unavailable[j] = 0; }
        if (Atoms::is_opener(p->element)) blevel++;
        if (Atoms::is_closer(p->element)) {
            for (j=0; j<26; j++) if (unavailable[j] > blevel) unavailable[j] = -1;
        for (j=0; j<p->arity; j++) {
            int v = Terms::variable_underlying(&(p->terms[j]));
            if (v >= 26) {
                WRITE_TO(err, "corrupted variable term");
                valid = FALSE;
            } else if (v >= 0) {
                if (unavailable[v] == -1) {
                    valid = FALSE;
                    WRITE_TO(err, "%c unavailable", pcalc_vars[v]);
                if (p->element == QUANTIFIER_ATOM) {
                    if (var_states[v] != UNUSED_VST) {
                        valid = FALSE;
                        WRITE_TO(err, "%c used outside its binding", pcalc_vars[v]);
                    var_states[v] = BOUND_VST; unavailable[v] = blevel;
                } else {
                    if (var_states[v] == UNUSED_VST) var_states[v] = FREE_VST;
    return valid;

§2. With just a little wrapping, this gives us the test of well-formedness.

int Binding::is_well_formed(pcalc_prop *prop, text_stream *err) {
    int var_states[26];
    if (Propositions::is_syntactically_valid(prop, err) == FALSE) return FALSE;
    return Binding::determine_status(prop, var_states, err);

§3. Occasionally we really do care only about one of the 26 variables:

int Binding::status(pcalc_prop *prop, int v) {
    int var_states[26];
    if (v == -1) return UNUSED_VST;
    Binding::determine_status(prop, var_states, NULL);
    return var_states[v];

§4. To distinguish sentences from descriptions, the following can be informative:

int Binding::number_free(pcalc_prop *prop) {
    int var_states[26], j, c;
    Binding::determine_status(prop, var_states, NULL);
    for (j=0, c=0; j<26; j++) if (var_states[j] == FREE_VST) c++;
    LOGIF(PREDICATE_CALCULUS_WORKINGS, "There %s %d free variable%s in $D\n",
        (c==1)?"is":"are", c, (c==1)?"":"s", prop);
    return c;

§5. While this gives us a new variable which can safely be added to an existing proposition:

int Binding::find_unused(pcalc_prop *prop) {
    int var_states[26], j;
    Binding::determine_status(prop, var_states, NULL);
    for (j=0; j<26; j++) if (var_states[j] == UNUSED_VST) return j;
    return 25;  the best we can do: it avoids crashes, at least...

§6. Another "vector operation" on variables: to renumber them throughout a proposition according to a map array. If renumber_map[j] is \(-1\), make no change; otherwise each instance of variable \(j\) should be changed to this new number.

In general, it is dangerous to renumber any variable to another which is already used in the same proposition: that way we could accidentally change "\(v\) is greater than \(w\)" into "\(w\) is greater than \(w\)", thus changing the meaning.

Note that because QUANTIFIER_ATOMs store the variable being quantified as a term, the following changes quantification variables as well as predicate terms, which is as it should be.

pcalc_prop *Binding::vars_map(pcalc_prop *prop, int *renumber_map, pcalc_term *preserving) {
        for (int j=0; j<p->arity; j++) {
            pcalc_term *pt = &(p->terms[j]);
            Binding::term_map(pt, renumber_map);
    if (preserving) Binding::term_map(preserving, renumber_map);
    return prop;

void Binding::term_map(pcalc_term *pt, int *renumber_map) {
    while (pt->function) pt=&(pt->function->fn_of);
    if (pt->variable >= 0) {
        int nv = renumber_map[pt->variable];
        if (nv >= 0) {
            if (nv >= 26) internal_error("malformed renumbering map");
            pt->variable = nv;

§7. The following takes any proposition and edits it so that the variables used are the lowest-numbered ones; moreover, variables are introduced in numerical order — that is, the first mentioned will be \(x\), then the next introduced will be \(y\), and so on.

pcalc_prop *Binding::renumber(pcalc_prop *prop, pcalc_term *preserving) {
    int renumber_map[26];
    for (int j=0; j<26; j++) renumber_map[j] = -1;
    int k = 0;
        for (int j=0; j<p->arity; j++) {
            int v = Terms::variable_underlying(&(p->terms[j]));
            if ((v >= 0) && (renumber_map[v] == -1)) renumber_map[v] = k++;
    return Binding::vars_map(prop, renumber_map, preserving);

§8. This more complicated routine renumbers bound variables in one proposition in order to guarantee that none of them coincides with a variable used in a second proposition. This is needed in order to take the conjunction of two propositions, because "for all \(x\), \(x\) is a door" and "there exists \(x\) such that \(x\) is a container" mean different things by \(x\); they can only be combined in a single proposition if one of the \(x\) variables is changed to, say, \(y\).

The surprising thing here is the asymmetry. Why do we only renumber to avoid clashes with bound variables in prop — why not free ones as well? The answer is that we use a form of conjunction in Inform which assumes that a free variable in \(\phi\) has the same meaning as it does in \(\psi\); thus in conjoining "open" with "lockable" we assume that the same thing is meant to be both open and lockable. If we renumbered to avoid clashes in free variables, we would produce a proposition meaning that one unknown thing is open, and another one lockable: that would have two free variables and be much harder to interpret.

If we pass a query parameter which is a valid variable number, the routine returns its new identity when renumbered.

int Binding::renumber_bound(pcalc_prop *prop, pcalc_prop *not_to_overlap, int query) {
    int prop_vstates[26], nto_vstates[26], renumber_map[26];
    int j, next_unused;
    Binding::determine_status(prop, prop_vstates, NULL);
    Binding::determine_status(not_to_overlap, nto_vstates, NULL);

    for (j=0, next_unused=0; j<26; j++)
        if ((prop_vstates[j] == BOUND_VST) && (nto_vstates[j] != UNUSED_VST)) {
            Advance to the next variable not used in either proposition8.1;
            renumber_map[j] = next_unused++;
        } else renumber_map[j] = -1;

    Binding::vars_map(prop, renumber_map, NULL);
    if (query == -1) return -1;
    if (renumber_map[query] == -1) return query;
    return renumber_map[query];

§8.1. Again, we fall back on variable 25 if we run out. (This can only happen if the conjunction of the two propositions had 26 variables.)

Advance to the next variable not used in either proposition8.1 =

    int k;
    for (k=next_unused; (k<26) &&
        (!((prop_vstates[k] == UNUSED_VST) && (nto_vstates[k] == UNUSED_VST))); k++) ;
    if (k == 26) next_unused = 25; else next_unused = k;

§9. Getting rid of free variables. Propositions with free variables are vague, and Inforn tries to minimise its use of them. Whole verb phrases such as "the tree is in the Courtyard" can in general become propositions with no free variables, while descriptions such as "open containers which are in lighted rooms" will become propositions in which only variable 0, x, is free.

Here we see two ways to remove a free variable from a proposition:

'new unary even': ok
'set P to << Forall x IN< kind = number (x) IN>: (x == y) ^ Exists z: (y == z) >>': p set to << ForAll x IN< kind=number(x) IN> : (x == y) ^ Exists z : (y == z) >>
'variables in P': valid: x bound y free z bound
'binding of P': << Exists y : ForAll x IN< kind=number(x) IN> : (x == y) ^ Exists z : (y == z) >>
'variables in binding of P': valid: x bound y bound z bound
'substitution of y = 777 in P': << ForAll x IN< kind=number(x) IN> : (x == '777') ^ Exists z : ('777' == z) >>

§10. The first way is "binding". Suppose x is free and we do not know its value. We can at least put Exists x : at the front of the proposition, thus saying only "well, it's something". This does the equivalent of turning "open containers which are in lighted rooms" into "an open container is in a lighted room", by applying the existential quantifier to anything free.

pcalc_prop *Binding::bind_existential(pcalc_prop *prop,
    pcalc_term *preserving) {
    int var_states[26], j;

    Binding::renumber(prop, preserving);
    Binding::determine_status(prop, var_states, NULL);

    for (j=25; j>=0; j--)
        if (var_states[j] == FREE_VST)
            prop = Propositions::insert_atom(prop, NULL,
                Atoms::QUANTIFIER_new(exists_quantifier, j, 0));

    return prop;

§11. The second way is "substitution", for use when we do know the value of the free variable we want to remove. We replace every mention of it with sone other term: but as we shall see, this is trickier than it seems.

We begin with two utility routines to substitute into the variable "underneath" a given term.

int Binding::substitute_v_in_term(pcalc_term *pt, int v, pcalc_term *t) {
    if (pt->variable == v) { *pt = *t; return TRUE; }
    if (pt->function) return Binding::substitute_v_in_term(&(pt->function->fn_of), v, t);
    return FALSE;

void Binding::substitute_nothing_in_term(pcalc_term *pt, pcalc_term *t) {
    if ((pt->constant) && (DETECT_NOTHING_CALCULUS_CALLBACK(pt->constant))) { *pt = *t; return; }
    if (pt->function) Binding::substitute_nothing_in_term(&(pt->function->fn_of), t);

void Binding::substitute_term_in_term(pcalc_term *pt, pcalc_term *t) {
    if (pt->constant) { *pt = *t; return; }
    if (pt->function) Binding::substitute_term_in_term(&(pt->function->fn_of), t);

§12. Now the main procedure. This is one of those deceptive problems where the actual algorithm is obvious, but the circumstances when it can validly be applied are less so.

The difficulty depends on the term \(T\) being substituted in for the variable \(v\). In general every term is a chain of functions with, right at the end, either a constant or a variable. If a constant is underneath, there is no problem at all. But if there is a variable underneath \(T\) — a VUT, as we say below — then it's possible that the substitution introduces circularities which would make it invalid. If that happens, we run into this:

define DISALLOW(msg) {
    if (verify_only) { *allowed = FALSE; return prop; }

§13. So the routine is intended to be called twice: once to ask if the situation looks viable, and once to perform the substitution itself.

pcalc_prop *Binding::substitute_term(pcalc_prop *prop, int v, pcalc_term t,
    int verify_only, int *allowed, int *changed) {

    if (verify_only) *allowed = TRUE;
    if ((v<0) || (v>=26)) DISALLOW("variable substitution out of range");
    if (Binding::is_well_formed(prop, NULL) == FALSE)
        DISALLOW("substituting into malformed prop");
    Make sure the substitution would not fail because of a circularity13.1;
    if (verify_only) return prop;

        "Substituting %c = $0 in: $D\n", pcalc_vars[v], &t, prop);

        int i;
        for (i=0; i<p->arity; i++)
            if (Binding::substitute_v_in_term(&(p->terms[i]), v, &t))
                *changed = TRUE;

    if (Binding::is_well_formed(prop, NULL) == FALSE)
        internal_error("substitution made malformed prop");
    return prop;

§13.1. The problem we might find, then, is that setting \(v=T\) will be circular because \(T\) itself depends on \(v\). There are two ways this can happen: first, \(T\) might be directly a function of \(v\) itself, i.e., the VUT might be \(v\); second, \(T\) might be a function of some variable \(w\) which, by being quantified after \(v\), is allowed to depend on it, in some way that we can't determine.

The general rule, then, is that \(T\) can contain only constants or variables which are free within and after the scope of \(v\). (If \(w\) is bound outside the scope of \(v\) but after it, this means \(w\) didn't exist at the time that \(v\) did, and the attempted substitution would produce a proposition which isn't well-formed — \(w\) would occur before its quantifier.) We can check this condition pretty easily, it turns out:

Make sure the substitution would not fail because of a circularity13.1 =

    if ((verify_only == FALSE) && (Binding::status(prop, v) == BOUND_VST))
        DISALLOW("substituting bound variable");
    int vut = Terms::variable_underlying(&t);
    if (vut >= 0) {
        int v_has_been_seen = FALSE;
        if (v == vut) DISALLOW("resubstituting same variable");
        TRAVERSE_PROPOSITION(p, prop) {
            if (v_has_been_seen == FALSE) {
                int i;
                for (i=0; i<p->arity; i++)
                    if (Terms::variable_underlying(&(p->terms[i])) == v)
                        v_has_been_seen = TRUE;
            if ((p->element == QUANTIFIER_ATOM) && (p->terms[0].variable == vut) &&
                    DISALLOW("substituted value may be circular");

§14. A footnote on variable 0. Because of the special status of \(x\) (variable 0) — the one allowed to be free in SN-propositions — we sometimes need to know about it. The range of a bound variable can be found by looking at its quantifier, but a free variable can remain ambiguous. The presence of a "kind" atom will explicitly solve the problem for us; if we don't find one, though, we will simply have to assume that the set of objects is the domain of \(x\). (We return NULL here, but that's the assumption which the caller will have to make.)

kind *Binding::kind_of_variable_0(pcalc_prop *prop) {
        if ((KindPredicates::is_kind_atom(p)) && (p->terms[0].variable == 0))
            return KindPredicates::get_kind(p);
    return NULL;

§15. And a quick way to substitute it:

pcalc_prop *Binding::substitute_var_0_in(pcalc_prop *prop, parse_node *spec) {
    int bogus;
    return Binding::substitute_term(prop, 0, Terms::new_constant(spec), FALSE, NULL, &bogus);

§16. If we are willing to work a little harder:

kind *Binding::infer_kind_of_variable_0(pcalc_prop *prop) {
        if ((p->element == PREDICATE_ATOM) && (p->arity == 1) && (p->terms[0].variable == 0)) {
            unary_predicate *up = RETRIEVE_POINTER_unary_predicate(p->predicate);
            kind *K = UnaryPredicateFamilies::infer_kind(up);
            if (K) return K;
    return NULL;

§17. Detect locals. Properly speaking, this has nothing to do with variables, but it solves a similar problem.

Here we search a proposition to look for any term involving a local variable. This is used to verify past tense propositions, which cannot rely on local values because their contents may have been wiped and reused many times since the time with which the proposition is concerned.

int Binding::detect_locals(pcalc_prop *prop, parse_node **example) {
    int i, locals_count = 0;

        for (i=0; i<pl->arity; i++)
            locals_count =
                Binding::detect_local_in_term(&(pl->terms[i]), locals_count, example);

    return locals_count;

int Binding::detect_local_in_term(pcalc_term *pt, int locals_count, parse_node **example) {
    if (pt->function)
        locals_count += Binding::detect_local_in_term(&(pt->function->fn_of), locals_count, example);
    if (pt->constant)
        locals_count += Binding::detect_local_in_spec(pt->constant, locals_count, example);
    return locals_count;

int Binding::detect_local_in_spec(parse_node *spec, int locals_count, parse_node **example) {
    if (spec == NULL) return locals_count;
    if (Lvalues::get_storage_form(spec) == LOCAL_VARIABLE_NT) {
        if ((example) && (*example == NULL)) *example = spec;
        return ++locals_count;
    if (Lvalues::get_storage_form(spec) == NONLOCAL_VARIABLE_NT) {
        nonlocal_variable *nlv = Node::get_constant_nonlocal_variable(spec);
        if (NonlocalVariables::is_global(nlv) == FALSE) {
            if ((example) && (*example == NULL)) *example = spec;
            return ++locals_count;
    if (Specifications::is_phrasal(spec)) {
        parse_node *inv;
        LOOP_THROUGH_INVOCATION_LIST(inv, spec->down->down) {
            int tc = Invocations::get_no_tokens(inv);
            for (int i=0; i<tc; i++) {
                parse_node *param = Invocations::get_token_as_parsed(inv, i);
                locals_count +=
                    Binding::detect_local_in_spec(param, locals_count, example);
    for (parse_node *p = spec->down; p; p = p->next)
        locals_count +=
            Binding::detect_local_in_spec(p, locals_count, example);
    return locals_count;