To parse command-line arguments, then start the Blurb interpreter, then report back to the user.

§1. Some globals. The following variables record HTML and Javascript-related points where Inblorb needs to behave differently on the different platforms. The default values here aren't actually correct for any platform as they stand: in the main routine below, we set them as needed.

wchar_t *FONT_TAG = L"size=2";  contents of a <font> tag
wchar_t *JAVASCRIPT_PRELUDE = L"javascript:window.Project.";  calling prefix
int escape_openUrl = FALSE, escape_fileUrl = FALSE;
int reverse_slash_openUrl = FALSE, reverse_slash_fileUrl = FALSE;

§2. Some global variables:

int error_count = 0;  number of error messages produced so far

int verbose_mode = FALSE;  print diagnostics to stdout while running?
int current_year_AD = 0;  e.g., 2008

int blorb_file_size = 0;  size in bytes of the blorb file written
int no_pictures_included = 0;  number of picture resources included in the blorb
int no_sounds_included = 0;  number of sound resources included in the blorb
int HTML_pages_created = 0;  number of pages created in the website, if any
int source_HTML_pages_created = 0;  number of those holding source
int sound_resource_num = 3;  current sound resource number we're working on
int picture_resource_num = 1;  current picture resource number we're working on

int use_css_code_styles = FALSE;  use <span class="X"> markings when setting code
pathname *project_folder = NULL;  pathname of I7 project folder, if any
pathname *release_folder = NULL;  pathname of folder for website to write, if any
filename *status_template = NULL;  filename of report HTML page template, if any
filename *status_file = NULL;  filename of report HTML page to write, if any
int cover_exists = FALSE;  an image is specified as cover art
int default_cover_used = FALSE;  but it's only the default supplied by Inform
int cover_is_in_JPEG_format = TRUE;  as opposed to PNG format

§3. Main. Like most programs, this one parses command-line arguments, sets things up, reads the input and then writes the output.

That's a little over-simplified, though, because it also produces auxiliary outputs along the way, in the course of parsing the blurb file. The blorb file is only the main output — there might also be a web page and a solution file, for instance.

filename *blurb_filename = NULL;
filename *blorb_filename = NULL;

int main(int argc, char *argv[]) {
    Foundation::start(argc, argv);
    blurb_filename = Filenames::in(NULL, I"Release.blurb");
    blorb_filename = Filenames::in(NULL, I"story.zblorb");

    Make the default settings3.1;
    Parse command-line arguments3.3;

    if (blurb_filename) {

    if (error_count > 0) return 1;
    return 0;

§3.1. Make the default settings3.1 =

    release_folder = NULL;
    project_folder = NULL;
    status_file = NULL;
    status_template = NULL;

§3.2. We use Foundation's standard command-line routines.


§3.3. Parse command-line arguments3.3 =

    Read the command-line switches3.3.1;
    Set platform-dependent HTML and Javascript variables3.3.3;

    if (verbose_mode)
        PRINT("! Blurb in: <%f>\n! Blorb out: <%f>\n",
            blurb_filename, blorb_filename);

§3.3.1. Read the command-line switches3.3.1 =

    CommandLine::declare_heading(L"inblorb: a releaser and packager for IF story files\n\n"
        L"usage: inblorb [-options] [blurbfile [blorbfile]]\n");

    CommandLine::declare_boolean_switch(VERBOSE_CLSW, L"verbose", 1,
        L"print running notes on what's happening", FALSE);
    CommandLine::declare_switch(PROJECT_CLSW, L"project", 2,
        L"work within Inform project X");

    int bare_words = 0;
    CommandLine::read(argc, argv, &bare_words, &Main::switch, &Main::bareword);

    if (project_folder) {
        if (bare_words > 0) Errors::fatal("if -project is used, no other filenames should be given");
        blurb_filename = Filenames::in(project_folder, I"Release.blurb");
        pathname *Build = Pathnames::down(project_folder, I"Build");
        blorb_filename = Filenames::in(Build, I"output.zblorb");
    } else {
        if (bare_words == 0) blurb_filename = NULL;


void Main::switch(int id, int val, text_stream *arg, void *state) {
    switch (id) {
        case VERBOSE_CLSW: verbose_mode = val; break;
        case PROJECT_CLSW: project_folder = Pathnames::from_text(arg); break;
        default: internal_error("unimplemented switch");

void Main::bareword(int id, text_stream *opt, void *state) {
    int *bare_words = (int *) state;
    switch (*bare_words) {
        case 1: blurb_filename = Filenames::from_text(opt); break;
        case 2: blorb_filename = Filenames::from_text(opt); break;
        default: Errors::fatal("bad command line usage (see -help)");

§3.3.3. Now let's set the platform-dependent variables.

Inblorb generates quite a variety of HTML, for instance to create websites, but the tricky points below affect only one special page not browsed by the general public: the results page usually called StatusCblorb.html (though this depends on how the status command is used in the blurb). The results page is intended only for viewing within the Inform user interface, and it expects to have two Javascript functions available, openUrl and fileUrl. Because the object structure has needed to be different for the Windows and OS X user interface implementations of Javascript, we abstract the prefix for these function calls into the JAVASCRIPT_PRELUDE. Thus

    <a href="***openUrl">...</a>

causes a link, when clicked, to call the openUrl function, where *** is the prelude; similarly for fileUrl. The first opens a URL in the local operating system's default web browser, the second opens a file (identified by a file:... URL) in the local operating system. These two URLs may need treatment to handle special characters:

Set platform-dependent HTML and Javascript variables3.3.3 =

        FONT_TAG = L"face=\"lucida grande,geneva,arial,tahoma,verdana,helvetica,helv\" size=2";
        escape_openUrl = TRUE;  we want openUrl to escape, and fileUrl not to
        JAVASCRIPT_PRELUDE = L"javascript:external.Project.";
        reverse_slash_openUrl = TRUE; reverse_slash_fileUrl = TRUE;

§4. The placeholder variable [YEAR] is initialised to the year in which Inblorb runs, according to the host operating system, at least. (It can of course then be overridden by commands in the blurb file, and Inform always does this in the blurb files it writes. But it leaves [DATESTAMP] and [TIMESTAMP] alone.)

void Main::initialise_time_variables(void) {
    char *weekdays[] = { "Sunday", "Monday", "Tuesday", "Wednesday",
        "Thursday", "Friday", "Saturday" };
    char *months[] = { "January", "February", "March", "April", "May", "June",
        "July", "August", "September", "October", "November", "December" };
    Placeholders::set_to_number(I"YEAR", the_present->tm_year+1900);
    WRITE_TO(datestamp, "%s %d %s %d", weekdays[the_present->tm_wday],
        the_present->tm_mday, months[the_present->tm_mon], the_present->tm_year+1900);
    WRITE_TO(infocom, "%02d%02d%02d",
        the_present->tm_year-100, the_present->tm_mon + 1, the_present->tm_mday);
    WRITE_TO(timestamp, "%02d:%02d.%02d", the_present->tm_hour,
        the_present->tm_min, the_present->tm_sec);
    Placeholders::set_to(I"DATESTAMP", datestamp, 0);
    Placeholders::set_to(I"INFOCOMDATESTAMP", infocom, 0);
    Placeholders::set_to(I"TIMESTAMP", timestamp, 0);

§5. Opening and closing banners. Note that Inblorb customarily prints informational messages with an initial !, so that the piped output from Inblorb could be used as an Include file in I6 code, where ! is the comment character; that isn't in fact how I7 uses Inblorb, but it's traditional for blorbing programs to do this.

void Main::print_banner(void) {
    text_stream *ver = Str::new();
    WRITE_TO(ver, "inblorb ");
    if (fix_time_mode) WRITE_TO(ver, "99.99");
    else WRITE_TO(ver, "[[Version Number]]");
    PRINT("! %S [executing on %S at %S]\n",
        ver, Placeholders::read(I"DATESTAMP"), Placeholders::read(I"TIMESTAMP"));
    PRINT("! The blorb spell (safely protect a small object ");
    PRINT("as though in a strong box).\n");

§6. The concluding banner is much smaller — empty if all went well, a single comment line if not. But we also generate the status report page (if that has been requested) — a single HTML file generated from a template by expanding placeholders in the template. All of the meat of the report is in those placeholders, of course; the template contains only some fancy formatting.

void Main::print_report(void) {
    if (error_count > 0) PRINT("! Completed: %d error(s)\n", error_count);
    Set a whole pile of placeholders which will be needed to generate the status page6.1;
    if (status_template) Websites::web_copy(status_template, status_file);

§6.1. If it isn't apparent what these placeholders do, take a look at the template file called CblorbModel.html in the Inform application — that's where they're used.

Set a whole pile of placeholders which will be needed to generate the status page6.1 =

    if (error_count > 0) {
        Placeholders::set_to(I"CBLORBSTATUS", I"Failed", 0);
        Placeholders::set_to(I"CBLORBSTATUSIMAGE", I"inform:/outcome_images/cblorb_failed.png", 0);
            Str::literal(L"Inform translated your source text as usual, to manufacture a 'story "
                L"file': all of that worked fine. But the Release then went wrong, for "
                L"the following reason:<p><ul>[CBLORBERRORS]</ul>"), 0
    } else {
        Placeholders::set_to(I"CBLORBERRORS", I"No problems occurred", 0);
        Placeholders::set_to(I"CBLORBSTATUS", I"Succeeded", 0);
        Placeholders::set_to(I"CBLORBSTATUSIMAGE", I"file:[SMALLCOVER]", 0);
            Str::literal(L"All went well. I've put the released material into the 'Release' subfolder "
                L"of the Materials folder for the project: you can take a look with "
                L"the menu option <b>Release &gt; Open Materials Folder</b> or by clicking "
                L"the blue folders above.<p>"
                L"Releases can range in size from a single blorb file to a medium-sized website. "
                L"Here's what we currently have:<p>"), 0
    if (blorb_file_size > 0) {
        Placeholders::set_to_number(I"BLORBFILESIZE", blorb_file_size/1024);
        Placeholders::set_to_number(I"BLORBFILEPICTURES", no_pictures_included);
        Placeholders::set_to_number(I"BLORBFILESOUNDS", no_sounds_included);
        PRINT("! Completed: wrote blorb file with ");
        PRINT("%d picture(s), %d sound(s)\n", no_pictures_included, no_sounds_included);
    } else {
        Placeholders::set_to_number(I"BLORBFILESIZE", 0);
        Placeholders::set_to_number(I"BLORBFILEPICTURES", 0);
        Placeholders::set_to_number(I"BLORBFILESOUNDS", 0);
        PRINT("! Completed: no blorb output requested\n");