To parse the word stream against a general grammar defined by Preform.

§1. Top level. The purpose of this section is to write Preform::parse_nt_against_word_range, the function which is called whenever Preform grammar is matched against a wording: the inweb preprocessor converts code like:

    if (<aquarium-name>(W)) ...


    if (Preform::parse_nt_against_word_range(aquarium_name_NTM, W, NULL, NULL)) ...

Those last two parameters, result and result_p, are set only when we are recursively calling the function from inside itself. Recall that a match against a NT either succeeds or fails, and that produces the return value of this function, TRUE or FALSE; but if it succeeds it also produces both an integer and a pointer result, though in any given situation either or both may be irrelevant. When result and result_p are set, those results are copied into the variables these pointers point to. In all cases, they are also written to the global variables most_recent_result and most_recent_result_p.

int ptraci = FALSE;  in this mode, we trace parsing to the debugging log
int preform_lookahead_mode = FALSE;  in this mode, we are looking ahead
int fail_nonterminal_quantum = 0;  jump forward by this many words in lookahead
void *preform_backtrack = NULL;  position to backtrack from in voracious internal

int Preform::parse_nt_against_word_range(nonterminal *nt, wording W, int *result,
    void **result_p) {
    time_t start_of_nt = time(0);
    if (nt == NULL) internal_error("can't parse a null nonterminal");
    int success_rval = TRUE;  what to return in the event of a successful match
    fail_nonterminal_quantum = 0;
    int teppic = ptraci;  Teppic saves Ptraci

    Trace watched nonterminals, but not in lookahead mode1.1;
    int input_length = Wordings::length(W);
    if ((nt->opt.nt_extremes.max_words == 0) ||
        (LengthExtremes::in_bounds(input_length, nt->opt.nt_extremes)))
        Try to match the input text to the nonterminal1.3;

    The nonterminal has failed to parse1.2;

§1.1. Trace watched nonterminals, but not in lookahead mode1.1 =

    ptraci = nt->ins.watched;
    if (ptraci) {
        if (preform_lookahead_mode) ptraci = FALSE;
        else LOG("%V: <%W>\n", nt->nonterminal_id, W);

§1.2. The function ends here...

The nonterminal has failed to parse1.2 =

    if (ptraci) LOG("Failed %V (time %d)\n", nt->nonterminal_id, time(0)-start_of_nt);
    ptraci = teppic;
    return FALSE;

§.1. ...unless a match was made, in which case it ends here. At this point Q and QP will hold the results of the match.

The nonterminal has successfully parsed.1 =

    Instrumentation::note_nonterminal_match(nt, W);
    if (result) *result = Q; if (result_p) *result_p = QP;
    most_recent_result = Q; most_recent_result_p = QP;
    ptraci = teppic;
    return success_rval;

§1.3. Here we see that a successful voracious NT returns the word number it got to, rather than TRUE. Otherwise this is straightforward: we delegate to an internal NT, or try all possible productions for a regular one.


Try to match the input text to the nonterminal1.3 =

    int unoptimised = FALSE;
    if ((Wordings::empty(W)) || (input_length >= RANGE_OPTIMISATION_LENGTH))
        unoptimised = TRUE;
    if (nt->voracious) unoptimised = TRUE;
    if (nt->internal_definition) Try to match to an internal NT1.3.1
    else Try to match to a regular NT1.3.2;

§1.3.1. Try to match to an internal NT1.3.1 =

    if ((unoptimised) || (NTI::nt_bitmap_violates(W, &(nt->opt.nt_ntic)) == FALSE)) {
        int r, Q; void *QP = NULL;
        if (Wordings::first_wn(W) >= 0) r = (*(nt->internal_definition))(W, &Q, &QP);
        else { r = FALSE; Q = 0; }
        if (r) {
            if (nt->voracious) success_rval = r;
            if (ptraci) LOG("Succeeded %d\n", time(0)-start_of_nt);
            The nonterminal has successfully parsed.1;
    } else Log an NTIC violation1.3.1.1;

§1.3.2. Try to match to a regular NT1.3.2 =

    if ((unoptimised) || (NTI::nt_bitmap_violates(W, &(nt->opt.nt_ntic)) == FALSE)) {
        void *acc_result = NULL;
        for (production_list *pl = nt->first_pl; pl; pl = pl->next_pl) {
            NATURAL_LANGUAGE_WORDS_TYPE *nl = pl->definition_language;
            if ((primary_Preform_language == NULL) || (primary_Preform_language == nl)) {
                int ditto_result = FALSE;
                for (production *pr = pl->first_pr; pr; pr = pr->next_pr)
                    Try to match to a production1.3.2.1;
        if ((nt->multiplicitous) && (acc_result)) {
            int Q = TRUE; void *QP = acc_result;
            The nonterminal has successfully parsed.1;
    } else Log an NTIC violation1.3.1.1;

§ Log an NTIC violation1.3.1.1 =

    if (ptraci) {
        LOG("%V: <%W> violates ", nt->nonterminal_id, W);

§ Middle level. So from here on down we look only at the regular case, where we're parsing the text against a production. Recall that a production's NTIC has the "ditto flag" if it is the same constraint as the previous productions's NTIC; in which case we have no need to recompute violates.

Try to match to a production1.3.2.1 =

    int violates = FALSE;
    if (unoptimised == FALSE) {
        if (pr->opt.pr_ntic.ditto_flag) violates = ditto_result;
        else violates = NTI::nt_bitmap_violates(W, &(pr->opt.pr_ntic));
        ditto_result = violates;
    if (violates == FALSE) {
        if (LengthExtremes::in_bounds(input_length, pr->opt.pr_extremes)) {
            Log that the production is entering full parsing1.;
            Enter full parsing of production1.;
        } else Log a production length violation1.;
    } else Log a production NTIC violation1.;

§ Log that the production is entering full parsing1. =

    if (ptraci) {
        Log the production match number1.;
        Instrumentation::log_production(pr, FALSE); LOG("\n");

§ Log a production length violation1. =

    if (ptraci) {
        LOG("production in %V: ", nt->nonterminal_id);
        Instrumentation::log_production(pr, FALSE);
        LOG(": <%W> violates length ", W);

§ Log a production NTIC violation1. =

    if (ptraci) {
        LOG("production in %V: ", nt->nonterminal_id);
        Instrumentation::log_production(pr, FALSE);
        LOG(": <%W> violates ", W);



Enter full parsing of production1. =

    int intermediates[MAX_RESULTS_PER_PRODUCTION];
    void *intermediate_ps[MAX_RESULTS_PER_PRODUCTION];
    int parsed_open_pos = -1, parsed_close_pos = -1;
    int slow_scan_needed = FALSE;
    #ifdef CORE_MODULE
    parse_node *added_to_result = NULL;

    Actually parse the given production, going to Fail if we can't1.;

    int Q; void *QP = NULL;
    Compose and store the result1.;
    Instrumentation::note_production_match(pr, W);
    Log the success of the production1.;
    The nonterminal has successfully parsed.1;

    Log the failure of the production1.;

§ Once we have successfully matched the line, we need to compose the intermediate results into a final result. If inweb has compiled a compositor function for the nonterminal, we call it.

If there's no compositor then the integer result is the production's number, and the pointer result is null.

This is the range of fail nonterminal values — FAIL_NONTERMINAL to one less than FAIL_NONTERMINAL_TO:

define FAIL_NONTERMINAL -100000

Compose and store the result1. =

    if (nt->compositor_fn) {
        intermediates[0] = pr->match_number;
        int f = (*(nt->compositor_fn))(&Q, &QP,
            intermediates, intermediate_ps, nt->range_result, W);
        if (f == FALSE) goto Fail;
        if ((f >= FAIL_NONTERMINAL) && (f < FAIL_NONTERMINAL_TO)) {
            fail_nonterminal_quantum = f - FAIL_NONTERMINAL;
            The nonterminal has failed to parse1.2;
        if (nt->multiplicitous) Handle multiplicitous nonterminals directly1.;
    } else {
        Q = pr->match_number; QP = NULL;

§ Multiplicitous NTs exist only in core, and differ from other regular NTs because they accumulate their results from successful productions but do not stop parsing on a successful match.

Handle multiplicitous nonterminals directly1. =

    #ifdef CORE_MODULE
    added_to_result = QP;
    acc_result = (void *) SyntaxTree::add_reading((parse_node *) acc_result, QP, W);
    goto Fail;

§ Log the success of the production1. =

    if (ptraci) {
        Log the production match number1.;
        LOG("succeeded (%s): ", (slow_scan_needed)?"slowly":"quickly");
        LOG("result: %d\n", Q); LOG_OUTDENT;

§ Log the failure of the production1. =

    if (ptraci) {
        Log the production match number1.;
        #ifdef CORE_MODULE
        if (added_to_result) LOG("added to result (%s): $P\n",
            (slow_scan_needed)?"slowly":"quickly", added_to_result);
            LOG("failed (%s)\n", (slow_scan_needed)?"slowly":"quickly");

§ Log the production match number1. =

    if (pr->match_number >= 26) {
        LOG("production /%c%c/: ", 'a'+pr->match_number-26, 'a'+pr->match_number-26);
    } else {
        LOG("production /%c/: ", 'a'+pr->match_number);

§ Bottom level. Okay: so now we have exhausted all the optimisations avoiding the need to parse our text against the production, so we are forced to do some work. The strategy is:

For example, if the production is

    adjust the <achingly-slow> to the <exhaustive> at once

then the fast scan verifies the presence of "adjust the" and "at once"; the slow scan next looks for all occurrences of "to the", the single strut for this production; and only then does it test the two slow nonterminals on the intervening words, if there are any.

Actually parse the given production, going to Fail if we can't1. =

    Try a fast scan through the production1.;
    if (slow_scan_needed) Try a slow scan through the production1.;

    if ((parsed_open_pos >= 0) && (parsed_close_pos >= 0))
        if (Wordings::paired_brackets(
            Wordings::new(parsed_open_pos, parsed_close_pos)) == FALSE)
                goto Fail;

§ In the fast scan, we check that all fixed words with known positions are in those positions.

Try a fast scan through the production1. =

    int wn = -1, tc = 0;
    for (ptoken *pt = pr->first_pt; pt; pt = pt->next_pt, tc++) {
        if (pt->opt.ptoken_is_fast) {
            int p = pt->opt.ptoken_position;
            if (p > 0) wn = Wordings::first_wn(W)+p-1;
            else if (p < 0) wn = Wordings::last_wn(W)+p+1;
            if (Preform::parse_fixed_word_ptoken(wn, pt) == FALSE) {
                slow_scan_needed = FALSE;
                goto Fail;  the word should have been here, and it wasn't
            if (pt->ve_pt == OPENBRACKET_V) parsed_open_pos = wn;
            if (pt->ve_pt == CLOSEBRACKET_V) parsed_close_pos = wn;
            checked[tc] = wn;
        } else {
            slow_scan_needed = TRUE;
            checked[tc] = -1;
    if ((slow_scan_needed == FALSE) && (wn != Wordings::last_wn(W)))
        goto Fail;  text goes on further

§ The slow scan is more challenging. We want to loop through all possible strut positions, where by "possible" we mean that $$ s_i+\ell_i \leq s_{i+1}, \quad i = 0, 1, ..., s $$ and that for each \(i\) the \(i\)-th strut matches the text beginning at \(s_i\).

Try a slow scan through the production1. =

    int spos[MAX_STRUTS_PER_PRODUCTION];  word numbers for where we try the struts
    int NS = pr->opt.no_struts;
    Start from the lexicographically earliest strut position1.;
    ptoken *backtrack_token = NULL;
    int backtrack_index = -1, backtrack_to = -1, backtrack_tc = -1;
    while (TRUE) {
        Try a slow scan with the current strut positions1.;
        FailThisStrutPosition: ;
        if (backtrack_token) continue;
        Move on to the next strut position1.;

§ We start by finding the lexicographically earliest, i.e., we find the earliest possible position for \(s_0\), then the earliest position from \(s_0+\ell_0\) for \(s_1\), and so on. (Our wildcards are not greedy: we match with shortest possible text rather than longest.)

In all of the code below, the general case with NS greater than 1 is actually valid code for all cases, but experiment shows about a 5\% speed gain from handling the popular case of one strut separately.

Start from the lexicographically earliest strut position1. =

    if (NS == 1) {
        spos[0] = Preform::next_strut_posn_after(W,
            pr->opt.struts[0], pr->opt.strut_lengths[0], Wordings::first_wn(W));
        if (spos[0] == -1) goto Fail;
    } else if (NS > 1) {
        int s, from = Wordings::first_wn(W);
        for (s=0; s<NS; s++) {
            spos[s] = Preform::next_strut_posn_after(W,
                pr->opt.struts[s], pr->opt.strut_lengths[s], from);
            if (spos[s] == -1) goto Fail;
            from = spos[s] + pr->opt.strut_lengths[s] + 1;

§ In the general case, we move the final strut forward if we can; if we can't, we move the penultimate one, then move the final one to the first subsequent position valid for it; and so on. Ultimately this results in the first strut being unable to move forwards, at which point, we've lost.

Move on to the next strut position1. =

    if (NS == 0) goto Fail;
    else if (NS == 1) {
        spos[0] = Preform::next_strut_posn_after(W,
            pr->opt.struts[0], pr->opt.strut_lengths[0], spos[0]+1);
        if (spos[0] == -1) goto Fail;
    } else if (NS > 1) {
        int s;
        for (s=NS-1; s>=0; s--) {
            int n = Preform::next_strut_posn_after(W,
                pr->opt.struts[s], pr->opt.strut_lengths[s], spos[s]+1);
            if (n != -1) { spos[s] = n; break; }
        if (s == -1) goto Fail;
        int from = spos[s] + 1; s++;
        for (; s<NS; s++) {
            spos[s] = Preform::next_strut_posn_after(W,
                pr->opt.struts[s], pr->opt.strut_lengths[s], from);
            if (spos[s] == -1) goto Fail;
            from = spos[s] + pr->opt.strut_lengths[s] + 1;

§ We can now forget about struts, thankfully, and check the remaining unchecked ptokens.

Try a slow scan with the current strut positions1. =

    int wn = Wordings::first_wn(W), tc;
    ptoken *pt, *nextpt;
    if (backtrack_token) {
        pt = backtrack_token; nextpt = backtrack_token->next_pt;
        tc = backtrack_tc; wn = backtrack_to;
        goto Reenter;
    for (pt = pr->first_pt, nextpt = (pt)?(pt->next_pt):NULL, tc = 0;
        pt = nextpt, nextpt = (pt)?(pt->next_pt):NULL, tc++) {
        Reenter: ;
        int known_pos = checked[tc];
        if (known_pos >= 0) {
            if (wn > known_pos)
                goto Fail;  a theoretical possibility if strut lookahead overreaches
            wn = known_pos+1;
        } else {
            if (pt->range_starts >= 0)
                nt->range_result[pt->range_starts] = Wordings::one_word(wn);
            Match a ptoken1.;
            if (pt->range_ends >= 0)
                nt->range_result[pt->range_ends] =
                    Wordings::up_to(nt->range_result[pt->range_ends], wn-1);
    if (wn != Wordings::last_wn(W)+1) goto FailThisStrutPosition;

§ Match a ptoken1. =

    switch (pt->ptoken_category) {
        case FIXED_WORD_PTC: Match a fixed word ptoken1.; break;
        case SINGLE_WILDCARD_PTC: Match a single wildcard ptoken1.; break;
        case MULTIPLE_WILDCARD_PTC: Match a multiple wildcard ptoken1.; break;
        case POSSIBLY_EMPTY_WILDCARD_PTC: Match a possibly empty wildcard ptoken1.; break;
        case NONTERMINAL_PTC: Match a nonterminal ptoken1.; break;

§ Match a fixed word ptoken1. =

    int q = Preform::parse_fixed_word_ptoken(wn, pt);
    if (q == FALSE) goto FailThisStrutPosition;
    if (pt->ve_pt == OPENBRACKET_V) parsed_open_pos = wn;
    if (pt->ve_pt == CLOSEBRACKET_V) parsed_close_pos = wn;

§ Match a single wildcard ptoken1. =


§ Match a multiple wildcard ptoken1. =

    if (wn > Wordings::last_wn(W)) goto FailThisStrutPosition;
    int wt;
    Calculate how much to stretch this elastic ptoken1.;
    if (wn > wt) goto FailThisStrutPosition;  zero length
    if (pt->balanced_wildcard) {
        int i, bl = 0;
        for (i=wn; i<=wt; i++) {
            if ((Lexer::word(i) == OPENBRACKET_V) || (Lexer::word(i) == OPENBRACE_V)) bl++;
            if ((Lexer::word(i) == CLOSEBRACKET_V) || (Lexer::word(i) == CLOSEBRACE_V)) {
                if (bl < 0) goto FailThisStrutPosition;
        if (bl != 0) goto FailThisStrutPosition;
    wn = wt+1;

§ Match a possibly empty wildcard ptoken1. =

    int wt;
    Calculate how much to stretch this elastic ptoken1.;
    wn = wt+1;

§ A voracious nonterminal is offered the entire rest of the word range, and returns how much it ate. Otherwise, we offer the maximum amount of space available: if, for word-count reasons, that's never going to match, then we rely on the recursive call to Preform::parse_nt_against_word_range returning a quick no.

Match a nonterminal ptoken1. =

    if ((wn > Wordings::last_wn(W)) && (pt->nt_pt->opt.nt_extremes.min_words > 0))
        goto FailThisStrutPosition;
    int wt;
    if (pt->nt_pt->voracious) wt = Wordings::last_wn(W);
    else if ((pt->nt_pt->opt.nt_extremes.min_words > 0) &&
        (pt->nt_pt->opt.nt_extremes.min_words == pt->nt_pt->opt.nt_extremes.max_words))
        wt = wn + pt->nt_pt->opt.nt_extremes.min_words - 1;
    else Calculate how much to stretch this elastic ptoken1.;

    if (pt == backtrack_token) {
        if (ptraci)
            LOG("Reached backtrack position %V: <%W>\n",
                pt->nt_pt->nonterminal_id, Wordings::new(wn, wt));
        preform_backtrack = intermediate_ps[pt->result_index];
    if (ptraci) LOG_INDENT;
    int q = Preform::parse_nt_against_word_range(pt->nt_pt, Wordings::new(wn, wt),
        &(intermediates[pt->result_index]), &(intermediate_ps[pt->result_index]));
    if (ptraci) LOG_OUTDENT;
    if (pt == backtrack_token) { preform_backtrack = NULL; backtrack_token = NULL; }
    if (pt->nt_pt->voracious) {
        if (q > 0) { wt = q; q = TRUE; }
        else if (q < 0) { wt = -q; q = TRUE;
            backtrack_index = pt->result_index; backtrack_to = wn;
            backtrack_token = pt; backtrack_tc = tc;
            if (ptraci)
                LOG("Set backtrack position %V: <%W>\n",
                    pt->nt_pt->nonterminal_id, Wordings::new(wn, wt));
        } else { wt = wn; }
    if (pt->negated_ptoken) q = q?FALSE:TRUE;
    if (q == FALSE) goto FailThisStrutPosition;
    if (pt->nt_pt->opt.nt_extremes.max_words > 0) wn = wt+1;

§ How much text from the input should this ptoken match? We feed it as much as possible, and to calculate that, we must either be at the end of the run, or else know exactly where the next ptoken starts: because its position is known, or because it's a strut.

This is why two elastic nonterminals in a row won't parse correctly:

    frog <amphibian> <pond-preference> toad

Preform is unable to work out where the central boundary will occur. In theory it should try every possibility. But that's inefficient: in practice the solution is to write the grammar to minimise these cases, and then to set up <amphibian> as a voracious token, so that it decides the boundary position for itself. (If <amphibian> is not voracious, the following calculation probably gives the wrong answer.)

Calculate how much to stretch this elastic ptoken1. =

    ptoken *lookahead = nextpt;
    if (lookahead == NULL) wt = Wordings::last_wn(W);
    else {
        int p = lookahead->opt.ptoken_position;
        if (p > 0) wt = Wordings::first_wn(W)+p-2;
        else if (p < 0) wt = Wordings::last_wn(W)+p;
        else if (lookahead->opt.strut_number >= 0) wt = spos[lookahead->opt.strut_number]-1;
        else if ((lookahead->nt_pt)
            && (pt->negated_ptoken == FALSE)
            && (Optimiser::ptoken_width(pt) == PTOKEN_ELASTIC)) {
            wt = -1;
            nonterminal *target = lookahead->nt_pt;
            int save_preform_lookahead_mode = preform_lookahead_mode;
            preform_lookahead_mode = TRUE;
            for (int j = wn+1; j <= Wordings::last_wn(W); j++) {
                if (Preform::parse_nt_against_word_range(target,
                    Wordings::new(j, Wordings::last_wn(W)), NULL, NULL)) {
                    if ((pt->nt_pt == NULL) ||
                            Wordings::new(wn, j-1), NULL, NULL))) {
                        wt = j-1; break;
                } else {
                    if (fail_nonterminal_quantum > 0) j += fail_nonterminal_quantum - 1;
            preform_lookahead_mode = save_preform_lookahead_mode;
            if (wt < 0) goto FailThisStrutPosition;
        } else wt = wn;

§2. Here we find the next possible match position for the strut beginning start and of width len in words, which begins at word from or after. Note that the strut might run up right to the end of the input text: for example, in

    neckties ... tied ***

the word "tied" is a strut, because the *** makes its position uncertain, but since *** might match the empty text, "tied" might legally be the last word in the input text.

int Preform::next_strut_posn_after(wording W, ptoken *start, int len, int from) {
    int last_legal_position = Wordings::last_wn(W) - len + 1;
    while (from <= last_legal_position) {
        ptoken *pt;
        int pos = from;
        for (pt = start; pt; pt = pt->next_pt) {
            if (pt->ptoken_category == FIXED_WORD_PTC) {
                if (Preform::parse_fixed_word_ptoken(pos, pt)) pos++;
                else break;
            } else {
                int q = Preform::parse_nt_against_word_range(pt->nt_pt,
                    Wordings::new(pos, pos+pt->nt_pt->opt.nt_extremes.max_words-1),
                    NULL, NULL);
                if (pt->negated_ptoken) q = q?FALSE:TRUE;
                if (q) pos += pt->nt_pt->opt.nt_extremes.max_words;
                else break;
            if (pos-from >= len) return from;
    return -1;

§3. Finally, a single fixed word, with its annotations and alternatives.

int Preform::parse_fixed_word_ptoken(int wn, ptoken *pt) {
    vocabulary_entry *ve = Lexer::word(wn);
    int m = pt->disallow_unexpected_upper;
    ptoken *alt;
    for (alt = pt; alt; alt = alt->alternative_ptoken)
        if ((ve == alt->ve_pt) &&
            ((m == FALSE) || (Word::unexpectedly_upper_case(wn) == FALSE)))
            return (pt->negated_ptoken)?FALSE:TRUE;
    return (pt->negated_ptoken)?TRUE:FALSE;